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Permit: T17CM08953
Permit Details
Apply Date:
Permit Reviews
Permit Number - T17CM08953
Permit Status: Issued
Permit Description: NEW OFFICE: OK TO OCCUPANY
Start Date | Submittal | Complete Date | Status |
02/04/2019 | REVISION - - 2ND | 02/21/2019 | COMPLETED |
05/22/2018 | REVISION - - 1ST | 05/22/2018 | COMPLETED |
05/22/2018 | REVISION - - 1ST | 05/30/2018 | COMPLETED |
11/27/2018 | REVISION - - 2ND | 02/04/2019 | COMPLETED |
12/05/2017 | PLANS OK TO SUBMIT - COMM | 12/06/2017 | COMPLETED |
12/22/2017 | COMMERCIAL - NEW | 01/17/2018 | COMPLETED |
Outstanding Activity Conditions
Permit Number - T17CM08953
Permit Status: Issued
Permit Description: NEW OFFICE: OK TO OCCUPANY
Total Outstanding Activity Conditions - 2
Date | Name |
Permit Number - T17CM08953
Permit Status: Issued
Permit Description: NEW OFFICE: OK TO OCCUPANY
Date | Description | Comments |
Outstanding Inspections
Permit Status: Issued
Permit Number: T17CM08953
Permite Description: NEW OFFICE: OK TO OCCUPANY
Total Outstanding Inspections - 7
Last Inspection Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCEL - Service Upgrade | N/A | Canceled | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Not Applicable; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCPL - Gas Pressure Test | N/A | Canceled | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Not Applicable; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCPL - Sewer | N/A | Canceled | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Not Applicable; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } |
11/04/2022 | TRSP - ROW - Final/Close-Out | N/A | Canceled | Inspection Canceled |
11/04/2022 | COT - HCBU - CofO | N/A | Canceled | Inspection Canceled |
11/07/2022 | ENGR Engineering Final | N/A | Canceled | Inspection Canceled |
11/07/2022 | COT - HCBU - Building Final | N/A | Canceled | Inspection Canceled |
Completed Inspections
Permit Status: Issued
Permit Number: T17CM08953
Permit Description: NEW OFFICE: OK TO OCCUPANY
Total Completed Inspections - 44
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
08/29/2018 | COT - HCBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing | Passed | {Activity date: 08/29/2018; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by VFLORES1 - sheathing partial GL-A exterior wall from 1 to 10 with soffits okay to cover} ; {Activity date: 08/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - GL A FROM 10-14 EXTERIOR WALLS ONLY WITH EXTERIOR SOFFITS} ; {Activity date: 02/28/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - NO WORK} |
10/23/2018 | COT - HCPL - Yard Water Line | Passed | {Activity date: 10/23/2018; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 10/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Partial ok to wrap restraining bolts and bury. To be tested at a later date} ; {Activity date: 08/09/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 1" LINE FROM GARAGE NORTH WALL TO HOSE BIBB ONLY} ; {Activity date: 06/26/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 4" COPPER 80 PSI TEST INTO BUILDING ONLY} | |
11/14/2018 | BULD - Electrical Clearance | Passed | {Activity date: 11/14/2018; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - ECO} ; {Activity date: 11/07/2018; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - ECO} ; {Activity date: 09/24/2018; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by AMONTIJ2 - TMPP PANEL #01} |
01/18/2019 | COT - HCBU - Masonry Pregrout | Passed | {Activity date: 01/18/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 01/16/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - GL 3 from C-F 2nd lift see Friday 232 GL 3.25 from E.75-F.25 2nd lift} ; {Activity date: 01/15/2019; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - no work} ; {Activity date: 01/14/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - GL3 from C-F see RFI 232 first lift-only GL 3.25 from E.75 - F.25 see engineer letter second lift only} ; {Activity date: 12/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - employee entrance first lift GL 3 MW1 and MW3 walls top out water meter station} ; {Activity date: 11/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - GL 10 Top out south of elevator} ; {Activity date: 11/13/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Top out GL 10 south of elevator} ; {Activity date: 11/09/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Top out bike yard} ; {Activity date: 11/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 2 nd lift bike yard 1st lift GL 10 south of elevator Top out GL 3 lobby east wall from C-D} ; {Activity date: 10/31/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1st lift bike yard only} ; {Activity date: 10/26/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 10/24/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 2 GL A-C from 5-6 Level 2 open offices 2022 & 2032} ; {Activity date: 10/22/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 10/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: ESTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Third left 12'8", fitness center only} ; {Activity date: 10/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 2nd lift fitness center 12" infill mech yard north wall only} ; {Activity date: 10/16/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 10/10/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by VFLORES1 - 1st lift mw1 wall mech uard interior 1st lift mw1 and columns fitness center} ; {Activity date: 09/28/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - } ; {Activity date: 09/27/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - } ; {Activity date: 09/26/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - all core infillls pending special inspection on epoxy} ; {Activity date: 08/24/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BJONES; Comment: Entered by BJONES1 - NORTH EAST INSIDE CORNER USING BLACK BLOCK 15'-19' WITH BOND BEAM CONSISTING OF 2 #5s AND #5s 16" OC #5" VERTICAL} ; {Activity date: 08/22/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* TOP OUT SHIPPING AND RECEIVING EXCEPT DOORWAY SE CORNER AND LINTEL DOORWAY NE CORNER} ; {Activity date: 08/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* TOP OUT SHIPPING AND RECEIVING ONLY} ; {Activity date: 08/16/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :*} ; {Activity date: 08/15/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by BSTEVENS - STAIRS NORTH END OF GARAGE OK TO BOND BEAM} ; {Activity date: 08/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - 3rd lift at parking lot stairs ok} ; {Activity date: 08/13/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - STAIRS AT NORTH END OF GARAGE SEE 3/A1.3X PENDING SPECIAL INSP. REPORTS} ; {Activity date: 08/10/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* TOP OUT SHIPPING AND RECEIVING SOUTH WALL EXCEPT SW CORNER TOP OUT EAST WALL 50 % AND 2ND LIFT ALL OTHER 50%} ; {Activity date: 08/09/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - } ; {Activity date: 08/08/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 3RD LIFT SHIPPING AND RECEIVING EXCEPT SW CORNER AND NE CORNERS} ; {Activity date: 08/07/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - TOP OUT MECH PAD 12" WALLS EXCEPT OPENING AT NORTH WALL MISSING WIRE SOUTH WALL LAST COURSE 3RD LIFT SHIPPING AND RECEIVING WEST WALL ONLY} ; {Activity date: 08/06/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :*} ; {Activity date: 08/02/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - re-bar verts to extend above bond beam bars} ; {Activity date: 07/31/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* LOADING AND RECEIVENG EAST WALL 1ST LIFT GL 9.5 FROM D.5-E AND GL9 FROM C.7-D.5 PENDING RFI FOR LINTEL } ; {Activity date: 07/27/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 4TH LIFT MECH PAD 2ND LIFT LOADING AND RECEIVING WALLS EXCEPT FROM GL 9.5 FROM D-E} ; {Activity date: 07/25/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - } ; {Activity date: 07/24/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 4TH LIFT MECH PAD EAST, NORTH AND SOUTH WALLS ONLY 1ST LIFT GL F FROM 7-9.5 1ST LIFT 9.5 FROM D-F 1ST LIFT GL 7.25 FROM D.5 TO F ONLY} ; {Activity date: 07/23/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - cancelled} ; {Activity date: 07/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 3RD LIFT MECH PAD ONLY WINDOW WALL GL A FROM 13-14 TOP OUT} ; {Activity date: 07/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - MECH PAD WEST WALL 3RD LIFT EXCEPT LAST 20'} ; {Activity date: 07/16/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - NORTH, SOUTH, EAST MECH WELL 3RD LIFT ONLY WEST MECH WELL WALL MINUS 80' 3RD IFT ONLY} ; {Activity date: 07/12/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - 2nd lift at mech well ok} ; {Activity date: 07/11/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - bond beams over east openings ok pending struct. engineers written approval of bar placement} ; {Activity date: 07/09/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - 5 drain column top outs ok east wall 3rd lift ok} ; {Activity date: 07/03/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 2ND LIKFT GL COLUMNS C-4, C-5,C-11 & C-11.5 TOP OUT WEST BRIDGE GL 1 FROM E-F AT GARAGE} ; {Activity date: 07/03/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :*} ; {Activity date: 06/29/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* GL A-12.6 --13.7 1ST LIFT COLUMN A-12 1ST LIFT INFILL WALL A-3 TOP OUT COLUMN C-11 1ST LIFT COLUMN C-4 & C-5 1ST LIFT GL 13.7 FROM A-C 1ST LIFT 2ND LIFT SOUTH BRIDGE RETAI |
02/15/2019 | COT - HCBU - Framing | Passed | {Activity date: 02/15/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/08/2019; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Recall these inspections} ; {Activity date: 02/05/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Fitness center only} ; {Activity date: 01/16/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Hard lids 1116, 1113, 1112, 1105, 1106 and 1103 Clouds GL A-C from 6-8 Rooms1062, 1074- 1079} ; {Activity date: 12/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level one Gridline 3 to 5 from A-C three out of four clouds only} ; {Activity date: 12/07/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Soffitt level 1 lobby only} ; {Activity date: 12/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 Gridline 1 -3 from A-C provide proper bracing lobby soffit} ; {Activity date: 11/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - stairwell 3 all levels exterior walls only} ; {Activity date: 11/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Shipping and receiving area only} ; {Activity date: 10/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 2 except west rooms walls} ; {Activity date: 10/04/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Stairwell 1 furrouts at stairs and landings except bolts at level 1 landing over exit door} ; {Activity date: 09/28/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Lobby levels 1 & 2 Furrout ext. Wall GL 1 from A-B Level 3 GL 4- 11from A-C} ; {Activity date: 09/26/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Levels 1,2&3 core restroom walls only} ; {Activity date: 09/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - TES CALL CTR ROOM 3097 Elevator pit per detail 117 see rfi 281 10" oc each way top and bottom Rooms 3091, 3093, 3094, 3095, 3096 & 3097 GL A-C from 11-14 LEVEL 3 } ; {Activity date: 09/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Exterior west patio wall GL 4 from A-C} ; {Activity date: 09/13/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - F-1 & F-2 footers Garage GL MG -FG from 1G- 6G 28 Footings total See highlighted S1.1.0 plan Completion of east exterior wall only SES uaerd 1st lift only 2 x 2" & 1 x 1" from loading and receiving to trench C and to mech yard Trench C to mech uard 5 x 3 1/2 " * 2 x 1" } ; {Activity date: 09/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - EXTERIOR WALLS GL1&2 WRST END ONLY} ; {Activity date: 08/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - GL A FROM 10-14 EXTERIOR WALLS ONLY WITH EXTERIOR SOFFITS} ; {Activity date: 08/07/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - SOUTH WALL 2ND LIFT TO TOP OUT EXCEPT GL 4-5 WEST OF CORE} ; {Activity date: 07/06/2018; Status: Denied; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - PER VSC DETAIL 16/D2 NO MORE THAN 1" MAX GAP BETWEEN STUD AND BUILDING GL A FROM 4-11 ONLY} |
02/27/2019 | COT - HCBU - Building Above Ceiling | Passed | {Activity date: 02/27/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/21/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Above ceiling in rooms 1081, 1028, 1078, 1087, 1088 ok to cover} ; {Activity date: 02/15/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Main lobby room 1100 and room 1083} ; {Activity date: 02/12/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Above ceiling from column lines 8 to 12.5 excluding rooms 1078 and 1079. Also from gridlines 8 to 10 and B to C above ceiling OK to cover.} ; {Activity date: 02/08/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Hard lids in rooms 1113, 1112, 1107 OK to cover. Grid ceiling from Gridline 3 to 8 and A to C OK to cover} ; {Activity date: 02/05/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Rooms 1011 and 1012 hard lids} ; {Activity date: 01/24/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 east exterior patio area 1083 only} ; {Activity date: 12/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 2 Gridline A -C from 8 to 5 provide fire system for 2 hour rating in room 2030 file room} ; {Activity date: 12/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - GL A-C from 8 - 14 Pending clarification on 3.3 C type of screws on trim mold} ; {Activity date: 12/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 2 Gridline A-C from 8 to 14 Hallways 213, 211 and 205 provide clarification on 3.3 C type of screws on trim mold Open J box rooms 2099 and 2085 provide clearance access panel room 2085} ; {Activity date: 12/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 3 only} ; {Activity date: 12/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 3 GL 4-6from A-C} ; {Activity date: 12/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 3 GL A-C from GL 6-14 except storage room 3087} ; {Activity date: 10/12/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - rooms 314 - 319} |
02/27/2019 | COT - HCPL - Plumbing Above Ceiling | Passed | {Activity date: 02/27/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/21/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Above ceiling in rooms 1081, 1028, 1078, 1087, 1088 ok to cover} ; {Activity date: 02/15/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Main lobby room 1100 and room 1083} ; {Activity date: 02/12/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Above ceiling from column lines 8 to 12.5 excluding rooms 1078 and 1079. Also from gridlines 8 to 10 and B to C above ceiling OK to cover.} ; {Activity date: 02/08/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Hard lids in rooms 1113, 1112, 1107 OK to cover. Grid ceiling from Gridline 3 to 8 and A to C OK to cover} ; {Activity date: 02/05/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Rooms 1011 and 1012 hard lids} ; {Activity date: 12/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 2 Gridline A -C from 8 to 5 provide fire system for 2 hour rating in room 2030 file room} ; {Activity date: 12/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level one wudu rooms 1026 & 1027} ; {Activity date: 12/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 3 only} ; {Activity date: 12/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 3 GL 4-6from A-C} ; {Activity date: 12/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 3 GL A-C from GL 6-14 except storage room 3087} ; {Activity date: 11/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Lobby restrooms 2 Galley okay to insulate} ; {Activity date: 10/01/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Entire 2nd floor potable water and dwv} ; {Activity date: 09/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Level 2 & 3 core bathrooms waste and vent only} ; {Activity date: 09/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Tes call center room 3597 Tes Tech Lab room 3096 Tes remote Moon Room 3095 Tes War Room 3094 open offices rooms 3091 and 3093 Mech yard only No test Shaft 1 condensate line only Mechanical shaft number 1 and 3 complete shaft number 2 except exhaust all hard duct GL 10 to 14 from A to C okay to insulate } ; {Activity date: 07/27/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - } |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCBU - Sustainability | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } | |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCME - Mechanical Underground | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 120' - 6" CWS/R PIPING 100LB TEST AT FUTURE FITNESS CENTER WITH 1" COPPER OK TO INSULATE AND WRAP FITTINGS} ; {Activity date: 01/24/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - MECH UNDERGROUND SECTION CHILL WATER PIPE UNDER FOOTER AT GRID LINE C JAN CLOSET TEST OK} | |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCEL - Electrical Intermediate | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/06/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: TVALENCIA; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1- MC cables and metal boxes are okay in rooms 1085 thru 1090 only.} ; {Activity date: 01/25/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: DQUINN; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Room 1083 E. exterior wall OK to rock and tape. 1026 and 1027 OK to lid.} ; {Activity date: 01/23/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 area 1083 west walls only} ; {Activity date: 01/22/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Stairwell 2 only} ; {Activity date: 01/18/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - area 1073 south wall only} ; {Activity date: 01/15/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level one room 1079 and hallway 1080} ; {Activity date: 01/09/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 1 rooms 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077 & 1078} ; {Activity date: 01/02/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 rooms 1082 & 1084 North wall room 1081 completing room 1081} ; {Activity date: 12/26/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 GL B-C from 8-10 only} ; {Activity date: 12/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Maker space level one and two Except fire conduit north wall} ; {Activity date: 12/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Mechanical yard transformers and panels OK to energize for test to remain locked out and tagged out Level 1 core janitor closet and prayer room rooms 1025, 1026, 1027 and 1028} ; {Activity date: 12/12/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Met with supers in office for egress path for temp c of o} ; {Activity date: 12/11/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 GL A-C from 3-6 only} ; {Activity date: 12/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Transformer and panels to L18 and 2L1B and electrical room 1010 OK to energize for test to remain locked out and tagged out} ; {Activity date: 12/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 GL 1-3 from A-B.7 only Elevator lobby wall level 1} ; {Activity date: 12/04/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Electric room 1029 2 Transformers and all panels. Panels 1L21DF & 28HA OK TO ENERGIZE FOR TEST to remain locked out and tagged out} ; {Activity date: 12/03/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - See rfi 346 room 1013} ; {Activity date: 11/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - stairwell 3 all levels exterior walls only} ; {Activity date: 11/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 slab garage GL-1-6 from A-E only} ; {Activity date: 11/13/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Switchhear SA & SB Panels CH1, CH2, air handler disconnects 1,2 &3 OK TO ENERGIZE FOR TEST To remain locked out tagged out} ; {Activity date: 11/07/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by VFLORES1 - Level 1 bathroom okay to insulate} ; {Activity date: 11/06/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - SES 1 switchgear OK TO ENERGIZE FOR TEST ECO to remain locked out tagged out} ; {Activity date: 11/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Shipping and receiving area only} ; {Activity date: 10/30/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Low voltage wiring West signs only} ; {Activity date: 10/29/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 2 GL A-C from 2-3 completes level 2} ; {Activity date: 10/24/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 2 GL A-C from 5-6 Level 2 open offices 2022 & 2032} ; {Activity date: 10/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 2 core except electric rooms GL A-C from 6-10} ; {Activity date: 10/12/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - GL 13-14 from A-C GL 10 -11 from A-B elevator lobbies 2000 & 3000} ; {Activity date: 10/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Level 2 rr rooms 206&209} ; {Activity date: 10/03/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Level 3 GL A-C from 4-6 only} ; {Activity date: 10/02/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Level 3 restrooms 3008 & 3010 Level 1 rooms south of stairwell 1 rooms 1000s4V Demarc room 1017.1 level 1} ; {Activity date: 09/27/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Level 3 areas 4, 5 & 6 Rooms 3012 mkt stor, 3020 stor, 3019 hr stor, 3018 jan, 3017 hw, 3021 mothers, 3058 open office, 3065 open office, 3957 hw, 3064 hw, 3040 phone, 3041 focis, 3042 phone, 3044 huddle, 3045 phone, 3046 phone, 3047 focus, 3054 lg team, 3055 lg tram, 3056 huddle, 3051 focus, 3053 focus, 3063 phone, 3062 focus, 3061 phone, 3060 focus, 3014 phone, 3015 focus, 3016 phone, 3049 lg team & 3050 lg team.} ; {Activity date: 09/24/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MRAMBER; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - zone 3 between C.L. 8-11 ok} ; {Activity date: 09/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - TES CALL CTR ROOM 3097 Elevator pit per detail 117 see rfi 281 10" oc each way top and bottom Rooms 3091, 3093, 3094, 3095, 3096 & 3097 GL A-C from 11-14 LEVEL 3 } ; {Activity date: 09/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Tes call center room 3597 Tes Tech Lab room 3096 Tes remote Moon Room 3095 Tes War Room 3094 open offices rooms 3091 and 3093 Mech yard only No test Shaft 1 condensate line only Mechanical shaft number 1 and 3 complete shaft number 2 except exhaust all hard duct GL 10 to 14 from A to C okay to insulate } ; {Activity date: 08/03/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - } ; {Activity date: 06/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - ROOMS 2008, 2016, 3007 & 3022 GROUNDING} ; {Activity date: 05/23/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by BSTEVENS - LEVEL 2 NORTH SLAB OK TO POUR} ; {Activity date: 05/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - ALL EXTERIOR CAD WELDS TO METAL COLUMNS AT BUILDING ONLY} |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCEL - Temporary Service | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } | |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCPL - Plumbing Progress | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/21/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Above ceiling in rooms 1081, 1028, 1078, 1087, 1088 ok to cover} | |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCPL - Rough Soil | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 09/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 11/08/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 09/20/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - } ; {Activity date: 09/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Tes call center room 3597 Tes Tech Lab room 3096 Tes remote Moon Room 3095 Tes War Room 3094 open offices rooms 3091 and 3093 Mech yard only No test Shaft 1 condensate line only Mechanical shaft number 1 and 3 complete shaft number 2 except exhaust all hard duct GL 10 to 14 from A to C okay to insulate } ; {Activity date: 08/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* 4" TO OUT SIDE OF BUILDING MECH PAD SE CORNER TO SLAB HEIGHT ONLY} ; {Activity date: 08/09/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 1" LINE FROM GARAGE NORTH WALL TO HOSE BIBB ONLY} ; {Activity date: 08/06/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - FITNESS CENTER ONLY} ; {Activity date: 08/06/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :*} ; {Activity date: 07/11/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - wall derainage parking garage ok} ; {Activity date: 06/26/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - } ; {Activity date: 06/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - ADDED BATHROOMS SOUTH OF CORE} ; {Activity date: 06/15/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 2 ELEVATOR DRAINS PENDING REVISION TO OMIT 1 DRAIN OF 3} ; {Activity date: 06/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - MAIN AT GRID LINE 8.5 FROM C-D ENTIRE CORE SECTION EXCEPT ELEVATOR PUMP DRAINS} ; {Activity date: 05/31/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - MOP SINK AND JANITOR CLOSET GL C-13 ONLY TO EXTERIOR OF BUILDING SOUTH} ; {Activity date: 05/25/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RBALDWIN; Comment: Entered by RBALDWI2 - GRIDS 8-13 B TO NORTH OF C OK TO COVER} ; {Activity date: 05/07/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 6" MAIN FROM GL 1.75 FROM A-B 4" MAIN GL B FROM 2.75 TO 8.75 OK TO BACK FILL} |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCBU - Stem Wall/Retaining Wall | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 12/28/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - crash wall north section on Gridline A from 1 to 6} ; {Activity date: 12/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 08/07/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - LOBBY SOUTH WALL ONLY} ; {Activity date: 07/25/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - GL 14 ONLY} ; {Activity date: 07/11/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - 5 store front openings ok} ; {Activity date: 06/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - WINDOW WALL PER DETAIL 103 GL A FROM 1-11} | |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCME - Hydronic Piping | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 09/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Chill water 6 inch line 80 lb PSI test okay to insulate refrigerant lines 750 lb PSI test 3rd floor 2nd floor and shaft only} ; {Activity date: 09/14/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Tes call center room 3597 Tes Tech Lab room 3096 Tes remote Moon Room 3095 Tes War Room 3094 open offices rooms 3091 and 3093 Mech yard only No test Shaft 1 condensate line only Mechanical shaft number 1 and 3 complete shaft number 2 except exhaust all hard duct GL 10 to 14 from A to C okay to insulate } ; {Activity date: 02/22/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - 100 psi test ok at S.E. corner, provide hydrostatic test when system complete} |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCME - Mechanical Intermediate | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 01/25/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: DQUINN; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Columns 4-10, A-C, OK to cover ductwork. OK to grid zones 3 and 4. icido room ok. } ; {Activity date: 01/23/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 GL A-C from 5-10 OK to insulate} ; {Activity date: 12/04/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Hard duct lobby, level 1 GL 1-3 from A-C, Level 1 core bathrooms, Level 2 GL A-C from 2-5 sealed and ok to insulate.} ; {Activity date: 09/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Tes call center room 3597 Tes Tech Lab room 3096 Tes remote Moon Room 3095 Tes War Room 3094 open offices rooms 3091 and 3093 Mech yard only No test Shaft 1 condensate line only Mechanical shaft number 1 and 3 complete shaft number 2 except exhaust all hard duct GL 10 to 14 from A to C okay to insulate } |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCBU - Roof Nailing | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } | |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCBU - Firewall/Fire Barrier/Firestop | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 01/17/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level two only fire seal caulk all penetrations 2-hour firewall storage room Seal penetration at fire shaft at duck work in core} ; {Activity date: 10/04/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Level 2 GL C from 10-14 Level 2 GL 14 from A-C} ; {Activity date: 10/02/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Level 3 GL C from 10 -14} ; {Activity date: 09/26/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Level 3 east side edge of slab firestop only} |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCEL - Electrical Progress | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 11/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - All Transformers and panels in rooms 3007 and 3022 okay to energize for test to remain locked out and tagged out} | |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCPL - Plumbing Roof Drains | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/08/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Roof drains in fitness room 1085 OK} ; {Activity date: 12/26/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 3 patio drain only} ; {Activity date: 12/21/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - no test} ; {Activity date: 10/01/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Loading and receiving only south wall} ; {Activity date: 09/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - GL-C shafts 1 & 2 only 1st floor} ; {Activity date: 09/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - From rooftop to second floor drains in core and column 11/c only} ; {Activity date: 09/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - WEST END DRAINS GL 1&3 ONLY} ; {Activity date: 08/31/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - provide proper lap at wire inspection to stairwell 2 only provide special inspection report} ; {Activity date: 08/02/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - north side of bldg., A-B ok} ; {Activity date: 07/27/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - } |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCBU - Preslab | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 11/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 slab garage GL-1-6 from A-E only} ; {Activity date: 11/08/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 4" tie in to building domestic water} ; {Activity date: 10/11/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH; Comment: Entered by VFLORES1 - Potable yard water line 100 lb test 1" copper into building at garage column f/6 only} ; {Activity date: 08/06/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :*} ; {Activity date: 07/12/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - between C.L. Band C at 12.5 ok} ; {Activity date: 06/20/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - } ; {Activity date: 06/15/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 2 ELEVATOR DRAINS PENDING REVISION TO OMIT 1 DRAIN OF 3} ; {Activity date: 06/14/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - } ; {Activity date: 05/23/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by BSTEVENS - } ; {Activity date: 05/10/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RBALDWIN; Comment: Entered by RBALDWI2 - GRID LINES 1-3 A-C OK TO COVER} | |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCPL - Plumbing Intermediate | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/22/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: DQUINN; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Lobby restrooms plumbing complete. Micro market 1084 sinks ok. Fitness center restrooms in wall plumbing ok to cover. Janitor closets 1025, 1090 1104 - water heaters ok.} ; {Activity date: 02/21/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Above ceiling in rooms 1081, 1028, 1078, 1087, 1088 ok to cover} ; {Activity date: 12/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 100 pound test hydronic chillers only OK to insulate central plant} ; {Activity date: 12/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level one wudu rooms 1026 & 1027} ; {Activity date: 12/07/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Entire copper system potable water test OK to insulate Level 1 dwv except fitness center} ; {Activity date: 11/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Lobby restrooms 2 Galley okay to insulate} ; {Activity date: 11/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Rooms 1002 & 1097} ; {Activity date: 11/07/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by VFLORES1 - Level 1 bathroom okay to insulate} ; {Activity date: 10/23/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 200 lb test 4 " yard water line} ; {Activity date: 10/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: ESTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Inspected waterline, not under test} ; {Activity date: 10/18/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 10/01/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Entire 2nd floor potable water and dwv} ; {Activity date: 09/26/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - 3/4" copper condensate line to exterior of shaft 3 2 x 2" sumpnpump risers shaft 3} ; {Activity date: 09/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Potable copper water 2nd & 3rd floor core bathrooms to hub lounges and mothers room sink ok to insulate. DWV 3rd floor same areas} ; {Activity date: 09/14/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Tes call center room 3597 Tes Tech Lab room 3096 Tes remote Moon Room 3095 Tes War Room 3094 open offices rooms 3091 and 3093 Mech yard only No test Shaft 1 condensate line only Mechanical shaft number 1 and 3 complete shaft number 2 except exhaust all hard duct GL 10 to 14 from A to C okay to insulate } |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCBU - Interior Shear Bracing | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/06/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: TVALENCIA; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1- Okay to sheet rock one side of walls and ceilings in rooms 1012 & 1012 only.} ; {Activity date: 02/05/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Stairwell number two only} ; {Activity date: 01/31/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - GL 9-11 from A-C level 1} ; {Activity date: 01/23/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Clouds GL A-C from 3 - 12} ; {Activity date: 12/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level one Gridline 1-3 from A-C} ; {Activity date: 12/03/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Stairwell 3 and shipping and receiving only} ; {Activity date: 10/30/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 2 GL 8 -14 only} ; {Activity date: 10/12/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level three except core} ; {Activity date: 10/02/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Rooms 3069, 1118, 1068 & 1010} ; {Activity date: 09/28/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - 1 side only GL 13 - 14 from A-C} ; {Activity date: 09/13/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - F-1 & F-2 footers Garage GL MG -FG from 1G- 6G 28 Footings total See highlighted S1.1.0 plan Completion of east exterior wall only SES uaerd 1st lift only 2 x 2" & 1 x 1" from loading and receiving to trench C and to mech yard Trench C to mech uard 5 x 3 1/2 " * 2 x 1"} ; {Activity date: 09/12/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Exterior west walls only ok to cover} ; {Activity date: 08/07/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - EXTERIOR EAST WALL 2ND LIFT TO TOP OUT ONLY} |
02/28/2019 | COT - HCBU - Building Progress | Passed | {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/21/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Above ceiling in rooms 1081, 1028, 1078, 1087, 1088 ok to cover} ; {Activity date: 02/12/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Above ceiling from column lines 8 to 12.5 excluding rooms 1078 and 1079. Also from gridlines 8 to 10 and B to C above ceiling OK to cover.} ; {Activity date: 02/08/2019; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Recall these inspections} ; {Activity date: 02/06/2019; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: TVALENCIA; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1- Work is incomplete} | |
03/01/2019 | COT - HCEL - Electrical Above Ceiling | Passed | {Activity date: 03/01/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Except fitness center} ; {Activity date: 02/27/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Inspection to roof area only except patio at west balcony area Clear up all open inspections prior to next final inspection} ; {Activity date: 02/21/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Above ceiling in rooms 1081, 1028, 1078, 1087, 1088 ok to cover} ; {Activity date: 02/15/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Main lobby room 1100 and room 1083} ; {Activity date: 02/12/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Above ceiling from column lines 8 to 12.5 excluding rooms 1078 and 1079. Also from gridlines 8 to 10 and B to C above ceiling OK to cover.} ; {Activity date: 02/08/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Hard lids in rooms 1113, 1112, 1107 OK to cover. Grid ceiling from Gridline 3 to 8 and A to C OK to cover} ; {Activity date: 02/06/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: TVALENCIA; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1- Electric above ceiling is okay between grid lines 3 thru 6 AC only.} ; {Activity date: 02/05/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Rooms 1011 and 1012 hard lids} ; {Activity date: 01/31/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 areas 1113 & 1107} ; {Activity date: 01/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: TVALENCIA; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1- Underground lightning #1/0 copper stranded ground conductor provided from grid line#1 to grid line #12 only, okay to cover. 2- Underground electric conduits from North side of bldg. grid line #7 to site lighting is okay to cover. 3- MC cable and metal boxes and light fixtures are okay to cover at East patio ceiling only.} ; {Activity date: 01/24/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 east exterior patio area 1083 only} ; {Activity date: 01/23/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Hall 1103 and room 1105} ; {Activity date: 01/22/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Room 1106 only} ; {Activity date: 01/16/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - rooms 1113, 1116, lobby 1100 soffit and east hallway} ; {Activity date: 01/15/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - hard lids room 1116 only} ; {Activity date: 12/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 2 Gridline A -C from 8 to 5 provide fire system for 2 hour rating in room 2030 file room} ; {Activity date: 12/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level two rooms 2099 and 2085} ; {Activity date: 12/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 2 Gridline A-C from 8 to 14 Hallways 213, 211 and 205 provide clarification on 3.3 C type of screws on trim mold Open J box rooms 2099 and 2085 provide clearance access panel room 2085} ; {Activity date: 12/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 3 only} ; {Activity date: 12/13/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 3 GL 4-6 from A-C Core area level 3} ; {Activity date: 12/10/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 core restrooms hard lids} ; {Activity date: 12/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 3 GL A-C from GL 6-14 except storage room 3087} ; {Activity date: 11/16/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - High ceiling exterior Lobby} ; {Activity date: 11/06/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Hard lids level 2 bathrooms, drinking fountain and hub lounge cabinet wall lighting at soffitt} ; {Activity date: 10/29/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Hard lids bathrooms level 3 rooms 3008 & 3010} ; {Activity date: 10/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Light fixtures break room soffitt, bathroom hallway at drinking fountain and bathrooms 3008 & 3010} ; {Activity date: 10/12/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - rooms 314 - 319} |
03/05/2019 | COT - HCPL - Backwater Valve | Passed | {Activity date: 03/05/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: TVALENCIA; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Denied; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Leaking} | |
03/06/2019 | COT - HCEL - Grounding/Bonding | Passed | {Activity date: 03/06/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 03/05/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: TVALENCIA; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Except NE corner} ; {Activity date: 01/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: TVALENCIA; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1- Underground lightning #1/0 copper stranded ground conductor provided from grid line#1 to grid line #12 only, okay to cover. 2- Underground electric conduits from North side of bldg. grid line #7 to site lighting is okay to cover. 3- MC cable and metal boxes and light fixtures are okay to cover at East patio ceiling only.} ; {Activity date: 11/08/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1 ott bare from bike yard to fitness centrr ground loop} ; {Activity date: 09/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - F-1 & F-3 garage footers colum. A/5 with ground A/3 & A2 see highlighted s1.1.0 plan} ; {Activity date: 08/29/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by VFLORES1 - SES yard only} ; {Activity date: 07/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - CADWELD @ T COLUMN 6C ONLY} ; {Activity date: 06/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - ROOMS 2008, 2016, 3007 & 3022 GROUNDING} ; {Activity date: 05/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - ALL EXTERIOR CAD WELDS TO METAL COLUMNS AT BUILDING ONLY} ; {Activity date: 05/15/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - MECH YARD ONLY} ; {Activity date: 05/10/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RBALDWIN; Comment: Entered by RBALDWI2 - #4 STRANDED IN UPPER FOOTINGS PER DETAIL 1E6.1} ; {Activity date: 05/08/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - } |
03/15/2019 | COT - HCEL - Electrical Underground | Passed | {Activity date: 03/15/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - To include monument sign footings} ; {Activity date: 03/06/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - NE corner at walkway Ballard lighting only} ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Except NW corner by road Except NE corner by stair 3 walkway} ; {Activity date: 02/15/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Ballard light in zone 3 west} ; {Activity date: 02/14/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Completion of light pole bases} ; {Activity date: 02/12/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Zone two NE. walkway underground electrical OK to cover} ; {Activity date: 02/08/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Entry turn styles and parking lot zone six underground OK to cover.} ; {Activity date: 02/05/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 11 Pole bases zone number six only} ; {Activity date: 01/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: TVALENCIA; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1- Underground lightning #1/0 copper stranded ground conductor provided from grid line#1 to grid line #12 only, okay to cover. 2- Underground electric conduits from North side of bldg. grid line #7 to site lighting is okay to cover. 3- MC cable and metal boxes and light fixtures are okay to cover at East patio ceiling only.} ; {Activity date: 01/25/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: DQUINN; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Site lighting conduit west of bridge and west of garage OK to cover. Conduit west of visitor parking OK to cover.} ; {Activity date: 01/18/2019; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - no work} ; {Activity date: 01/17/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Zone six garage gate only} ; {Activity date: 01/16/2019; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - no work} ; {Activity date: 01/15/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Zone six except a gate and pole bases} ; {Activity date: 01/14/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 14 x 1" zone 2 at lobby only} ; {Activity date: 01/11/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Zone 2 Ballard lighting GL 1-3} ; {Activity date: 12/26/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Completion of zone 2 ballard lighting south area only} ; {Activity date: 12/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Valor lighting zone to Gridline five and Gridline three only} ; {Activity date: 12/11/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Ballard lighting by bike rack zone 2} ; {Activity date: 12/07/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Underground at elevator entry turnstile only Ballard lighting zone one to lobby area} ; {Activity date: 12/03/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 garage grid line 1-6 from E- H only} ; {Activity date: 11/28/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1 × 1" at North canopy parking only 1 × 1 1/2 inch to cameras to East canopies} ; {Activity date: 11/26/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - TCO pre con meeting in office} ; {Activity date: 11/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - From garage to 30 foot North Buy pull box only Grounding Loop West End only} ; {Activity date: 11/16/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Work not complete West End} ; {Activity date: 11/13/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Grounding loop north GL 4-10 with 2 ground rods} ; {Activity date: 11/08/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1 x 3/4 " from ballards to accross road} ; {Activity date: 11/06/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1 x 3/4" at bollard lighting, security camera and to pole base in zone 1 only} ; {Activity date: 10/25/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Top out Fitness Center In fill at mechanical yard retaining wall patio area East} ; {Activity date: 10/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: ESTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Two four-inch PVC, data lines northeast corner} ; {Activity date: 10/12/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 2 x 4" low voltage at Avenida Convento property line} ; {Activity date: 10/09/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 10/08/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by VFLORES1 - 5 x 1" GL 5 from J-M Garage} ; {Activity date: 10/04/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - 3 x 1" GL 5 from A-I 3 X 1" from column D/6 GL 5 to GL I 1 X 1 1/2" from column D/6 GL 5 to GL H 2 X 1" from panel to GL 6 to C-D 2 X 1" from panel to GL 6 to B} ; {Activity date: 09/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - 5 x 3 1/2" to 10' short of switchgear 2 x 2 1/2" chiller lines 2 x 3/4" & 2 x 1" same locations mechanical yard} ; {Activity date: 09/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - 17 x 4" secondaries and risers at transformer} ; {Activity date: 09/13/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - F-1 & F-2 footers Garage GL MG -FG from 1G- 6G 28 Footings total See highlighted S1.1.0 plan Completion of east exterior wall only SES uaerd 1st lift only 2 x 2" & 1 x 1" from loading and receiving to trench C and to mech yard Trench C to mech uard 5 x 3 1/2 " * 2 x 1" } ; {Activity date: 09/10/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - 14 x4 in & 3 x 3 in from SES yard to Transformer 4 x 4in, 3 x 3", 2 x 1 1/2 inch, 5 x1 in from S&R to West 120-foot only} ; {Activity date: 08/20/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: ESTEVEN1; Comment: Entered by ESTEVEN1 - THREE 3" PVC FOR SOLAR PV, 20' OUT FRO BUILDING.} ; {Activity date: 08/03/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 3 X 3" GL 3-4 FROM A-C LEVEL 3} ; {Activity date: 08/01/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - AFTER HOURS INSPECTION $165.00 RECEIVED CHECK # 2709 MAKERS SPACE GL 10-13 1ST LEVEL} ; {Activity date: 08/01/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* SECONDARY 1 X 3" FROM TRANSFORMER TO TEMP POWER PANEL ONLY} ; {Activity date: 07/30/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* 1ST LEVEL GL 1-3 FROM A-C.5 ONLY} ; {Activity date: 07/25/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - ROOMS 1029 & 1010} ; {Activity date: 07/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - GL A-C FROM 8-14 ONLY} ; {Activity date: 07/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; |
04/08/2019 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Passed | {Activity date: 04/08/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHOI; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/14/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Completion of light pole bases} ; {Activity date: 02/05/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 11 Pole bases zone number six only} ; {Activity date: 01/15/2019; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - work incomplete} ; {Activity date: 01/11/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Stairs to Parking lot bottom mat only See RFI 232 drill and Epoxy Gridline 3 pending special inspection} ; {Activity date: 12/27/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - GL 3 wf2 footing per detail 110} ; {Activity date: 12/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Stairs north garage per detail 417/s6.2} ; {Activity date: 11/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - See rfi 153 per detail 24 Water meter enclosure only} ; {Activity date: 11/09/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Mw2 wall per detail 110 GL 10 from C-E.5 pending special insp report See highlighted plan} ; {Activity date: 10/26/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - F3 footers bike yard GL 7 frin D.6-E.6 } ; {Activity date: 10/08/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by VFLORES1 - 10' wall footing at long trrm bike parking per detail24 and interior f-3 footers See highlighted s2.1.a plan Patio wall GL 24 from a-c per detail 25 See highlighted plan s2.1.b } ; {Activity date: 10/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Verification of grade garage columns} ; {Activity date: 10/04/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Verification of grade garage columns} ; {Activity date: 09/28/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - patio curb level 3 see rfi 280} ; {Activity date: 09/24/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: MRAMBER; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - } ; {Activity date: 09/20/2018; Status: Denied; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Footer column A/4 provide proper clearance steel from soil} ; {Activity date: 09/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - F-1 & F-3 garage footers colum. A/5 with ground A/3 & A2 see highlighted s1.1.0 plan} ; {Activity date: 09/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Garage F-1, F-2 & F-3 footers B/1, C/1, D/1,E/1, C/3, D/3, E/3, C/4, D/4, E/4, B/6, C/6, D/6& E/6 see highlighted plan s1.1.0} ; {Activity date: 09/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - TES CALL CTR ROOM 3097 Elevator pit per detail 117 see rfi 281 10" oc each way top and bottom Rooms 3091, 3093, 3094, 3095, 3096 & 3097 GL A-C from 11-14 LEVEL 3 } ; {Activity date: 09/13/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - F-1 & F-2 footers Garage GL MG -FG from 1G- 6G 28 Footings total See highlighted S1.1.0 plan Completion of east exterior wall only SES uaerd 1st lift only 2 x 2" & 1 x 1" from loading and receiving to trench C and to mech yard Trench C to mech uard 5 x 3 1/2 " * 2 x 1"} ; {Activity date: 09/12/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Exterior west walls only ok to cover} ; {Activity date: 08/29/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by VFLORES1 - SES yard only} ; {Activity date: 07/02/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - STAIRWELL 2 ONLY} ; {Activity date: 07/02/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :*} ; {Activity date: 05/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - GL 3 FROM B TO C PER DETAIL 110 PENDING SI REPORT FOR EPOXY} ; {Activity date: 05/16/2018; Status: Denied; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - FOOTING TO BE CONTINOUS GL C EPOXY TO COLUMN FOOTINGS} ; {Activity date: 05/15/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - MECH YARD FOOTER PER DETAIL A/S2.1.C SEE HIGHLIGHTED AREA WITH STEP DOWN FOOTING} ; {Activity date: 05/11/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: rbaldwin; Comment: Entered by RBALDWI2 - MECHANICAL YARD FOOTINGS PER DETAIL 1S2.1C OK TO POUR} ; {Activity date: 05/10/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RBALDWIN; Comment: Entered by RBALDWI2 - SOUTH END OF FOOTINGS TO FIRST STEPOK PER DETAIL A 52C} ; {Activity date: 05/09/2018; Status: Cancelled; Inspector: RBALDWIN; Comment: Entered by RBALDWI2 - } ; {Activity date: 05/08/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - NO VERTS IN PLACE MECH YARD} ; {Activity date: 05/08/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - } ; {Activity date: 04/24/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - NE STAIRWELL GARAGE PRE DETAIL 414 NORTH RETAINING WALL FOOTER GL A FROM 5.5 TO 7 PER DETAIL 25 WEST BRIDGE RETAINING WALL FOOTER GL 1 FROM E-F PER DETAIL 25 ONLY} ; {Activity date: 04/23/2018; Status: Denied; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - PROVIDE PROPER CLEARANCE 3" REBAR FROM SOIL THROUGHOUT REMOVE ALL DEBRIS PRIOR} ; {Activity date: 02/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - GRADE BEAMS 1 & 3 WITH DEATIL 112 FOOTERS GRID LINE 1 FROM A-F GRADE BEAMS 1 & 3 GRID LINE D FROM 1-3 GRADE BEAM 2 GRID LINE 7.2 FROM D-E EXCEPT EPOXY #5 VERTS 20' AREA GRADE BEAM 2 GRID LINE F FROM 7.2 TO 9.5 GRADE BEAM 2 GRID LINE 9.5 FROM D-F EXCEPT EPOXY #5 VERTS 20' AREA SEE HIGHLIGHTED AREA} |
04/08/2019 | COT - HCEL - Electrical Final | Passed | {Activity date: 04/08/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/27/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Inspection to roof area only except patio at west balcony area Clear up all open inspections prior to next final inspection} ; {Activity date: 01/17/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level two only fire seal caulk all penetrations 2-hour firewall storage room Seal penetration at fire shaft at duck work in core} ; {Activity date: 01/10/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - ECO LEVEL 3 GL C from 4-5 LEVEL 2 GL C from 3-5} ; {Activity date: 12/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 3 ada water closet men’s restroom may not exceed 18 inches from wall level 3 women’s restroom ada counter may not exceed 34 inches Pending fire & engineering, pending air balance report and chlorination report to Bob Sherry OK to apply for temporary CEO level 3 only} |
04/08/2019 | COT - HCME - Mechanical Above Ceiling | Passed | {Activity date: 04/08/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHOI; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Except fitness center} ; {Activity date: 02/21/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Above ceiling in rooms 1081, 1028, 1078, 1087, 1088 ok to cover} ; {Activity date: 02/15/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Main lobby room 1100 and room 1083} ; {Activity date: 02/12/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Above ceiling from column lines 8 to 12.5 excluding rooms 1078 and 1079. Also from gridlines 8 to 10 and B to C above ceiling OK to cover.} ; {Activity date: 02/08/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Hard lids in rooms 1113, 1112, 1107 OK to cover. Grid ceiling from Gridline 3 to 8 and A to C OK to cover} ; {Activity date: 02/05/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Rooms 1011 and 1012 hard lids} ; {Activity date: 12/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 2 Gridline A -C from 8 to 5 provide fire system for 2 hour rating in room 2030 file room} ; {Activity date: 12/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 2 Gridline A-C from 8 to 14 Hallways 213, 211 and 205 provide clarification on 3.3 C type of screws on trim mold Open J box rooms 2099 and 2085 provide clearance access panel room 2085} ; {Activity date: 12/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 3 only} ; {Activity date: 12/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 3 GL 4-6from A-C} ; {Activity date: 12/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 3 GL A-C from GL 6-14 except storage room 3087} ; {Activity date: 10/16/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 2 all hard duct ok to onsukate GL- 5-14 Level 3 GL 3.5 -10 All hard duct ok to insulate 1 All 3 air handler duct on roof ok to cover} ; {Activity date: 10/12/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - rooms 314 - 319} ; {Activity date: 09/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Tes call center room 3597 Tes Tech Lab room 3096 Tes remote Moon Room 3095 Tes War Room 3094 open offices rooms 3091 and 3093 Mech yard only No test Shaft 1 condensate line only Mechanical shaft number 1 and 3 complete shaft number 2 except exhaust all hard duct GL 10 to 14 from A to C okay to insulate } |
04/15/2019 | COT - HCME - Mechanical Final | Passed | {Activity date: 04/15/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RSHERRY; Comment: Entered by RSHERRY1 - REVIEW OF FINAL AIR BALANCE REPORT COMPLETED} ; {Activity date: 04/08/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHOI; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - ADA water closet not to exceed 18 inches from wall Fitness center Install ADA mirrors fitness center restrooms Pending air balance report and chlorination report to Bob Sherry} ; {Activity date: 03/04/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RSHERRY; Comment: Entered by RSHERRY1 - REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY AIR BALANCE FOR ENTIRE BUILDING COMPLETED} ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Except fitness center and balance report to Bob Sherry} ; {Activity date: 02/27/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Inspection to roof area only except patio at west balcony area Clear up all open inspections prior to next final inspection} ; {Activity date: 01/17/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level two only fire seal caulk all penetrations 2-hour firewall storage room Seal penetration at fire shaft at duck work in core} ; {Activity date: 01/17/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RSHERRY; Comment: Entered by RSHERRY1 - REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY AIR BALANCE REPORT (2ND FLOOR) COMPLETED} ; {Activity date: 12/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 3 ada water closet men’s restroom may not exceed 18 inches from wall level 3 women’s restroom ada counter may not exceed 34 inches Pending fire & engineering, pending air balance report and chlorination report to Bob Sherry OK to apply for temporary CEO level 3 only} ; {Activity date: 12/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RSHERRY; Comment: Entered by RSHERRY1 - REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY AIR BALANCE REPORT (3RD FLOOR) COMPLETED} |
04/16/2019 | PDSD Building Division Pre-Construction Meeting | Passed | {Activity date: 04/16/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Pending fire and engineering finals Pending chlorination report from Bob Sherry} ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Denied; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Never scheduled} |
04/16/2019 | COT - HCPL - Sewer | Passed | {Activity date: 04/16/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Pending fire and engineering finals Pending chlorination report from Bob Sherry} ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Denied; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Pending authorization to discharge from Pima county Submit all paperwork from Pima county on site sewer to COT} |
04/16/2019 | COT - HCPL - Plumbing Final | Passed | {Activity date: 04/16/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by AVAUGHN1 - Pending fire and engineering finals } ; {Activity date: 04/16/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - Pending fire and engineering finals Pending chlorination report from Bob Sherry} ; {Activity date: 04/08/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - ADA water closet not to exceed 18 inches from wall Fitness center Install ADA mirrors fitness center restrooms Pending air balance report and chlorination report to Bob Sherry} ; {Activity date: 03/01/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RSHERRY; Comment: Entered by RSHERRY1 - REVIEW OF WATER DISINFECTION REPORT FOR THE 1ST FLOOR COMPLETED} ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Except fitness center and sterilization report to Bob Sherry} ; {Activity date: 02/27/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Inspection to roof area only except patio at west balcony area Clear up all open inspections prior to next final inspection} ; {Activity date: 01/17/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level two only fire seal caulk all penetrations 2-hour firewall storage room Seal penetration at fire shaft at duck work in core} ; {Activity date: 12/18/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - level 3 ada water closet men’s restroom may not exceed 18 inches from wall level 3 women’s restroom ada counter may not exceed 34 inches Pending fire & engineering, pending air balance report and chlorination report to Bob Sherry OK to apply for temporary CEO level 3 only} ; {Activity date: 12/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RSHERRY; Comment: Entered by RSHERRY1 - REVIEW OF WATER DISINFECTION REPORTS FOR 2ND &3RD FLOOR COMPLETED} |
04/17/2019 | COT - FCON - Alarm - Final | Passed | {Activity date: 04/17/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: jvincent; Comment: Entered by JVINCEN1 - } ; {Activity date: 03/01/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: jvincent; Comment: Entered by MROSS2 - TCO APPROVED FOR FULL OCCUPANCY. ALARM FINAL PENDING JPD LIST.} ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: JPEELDAVIS; Comment: Entered by JPEELDA1 - Verified that the tone was added to the voice Verified that they added the 3rd floor notification device as requested. The need to add outside weatherproof notification to the East side patio Need to shut down the projector in the "movie" room on fire alarm Add extra notification to the main training room 1st floor Add extra notification to the NW area outside of ttraining area Need to install the remote annunciator and the remote voice control Add visual only to the FACP room} ; {Activity date: 01/17/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: CBASALDUA; Comment: Entered by CBASALD1 - 1. Will still need to test Duct Detectors on rood and 1st Floor. 2. Did walk of horn/strobes on 2nd Floor. 3. Ok for TCO on 2nd Floor.} ; {Activity date: 01/17/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: CBASALDUA; Comment: Entered by AVAUGHN1 - TCO FOR 2ND FLOOR} ; {Activity date: 12/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: JPEELDAVIS; Comment: Entered by JPEELDA1 - Verified that the fire alarm system is working on the third floor. Flow at 59 seconds. Need to add tone to the alarm and one notification device on the third floor. Tested water flow and tamper 3rd floor. Still need to test the dd on the roof and other floors but ok for TCO on the third floor.} |
04/17/2019 | COT - FCON - Sprinkler - Final | Passed | {Activity date: 04/17/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: jvincent; Comment: Entered by JVINCEN1 - } ; {Activity date: 03/01/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: jvincent; Comment: Entered by MROSS2 - TCO APPROVED FOR FULL OCCUPANCY. SPRINK FINAL PENDING JPD LIST.} ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: JPEELDAVIS; Comment: Entered by JPEELDA1 - 1st floor had a few heads that were capped and or painted. Need to remove the capps and or paint and or replace as necessary} ; {Activity date: 01/17/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: CBASALDUA; Comment: Entered by AVAUGHN1 - TCO FOR 2ND FLOOR} ; {Activity date: 12/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: JPEELDAVIS; Comment: Entered by JPEELDA1 - Verified the coverage on the 3rd floor and flow at 59 seconds for 3rd floor TCO} | |
09/17/2019 | COT - FCON - Fire - Final | Passed | {Activity date: 09/17/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: JPEELDAVIS; Comment: Entered by JPEELDA1 - Tested the emergency responder radio coverage. New south exposure address approved. Ok for COFO.} ; {Activity date: 04/17/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: jvincent; Comment: Entered by JVINCEN1 - 1. Needs BDA installed/approved/finaled. 2. Lower FDC's. Max 48".} ; {Activity date: 04/16/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: JVINCENT; Comment: Entered by AVAUGHN1 - TCO TO INCLUDE 3RD FLOOR PATIO AND FITNESS CENTER} ; {Activity date: 03/12/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: JPEELDAVIS; Comment: Entered by JPEELDA1 - Emergency Responder Radio Coverage test failed 2nd and 3rd floor. Need to install BDA prior to COFO.} ; {Activity date: 03/04/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: JPEELDAVIS; Comment: Entered by JPEELDA1 - Tested the emergency and exit lighting. Front entry and west side of the first floor do not have emergency lights installed. Asked that they provide photometrics showing that they meet the 1 candella and or 11 lux in that area and or add emergency and exit lights. Will need to test this again for COFO.} ; {Activity date: 03/01/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: jvincent; Comment: Entered by MROSS2 - TCO APPROVED FOR FULL OCCUPANCY. FULL FINAL/CofO PENDING LIST OF ITEMS FROM JPD. TCO DOES NOT INCLUDE FITNESS CENTER. ADDRESS NUMBERS/STREET NAME REQUIREMENT TO BE ADDRESSED BY FIRE CODE OFFICIAL.} ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: JPEELDAVIS; Comment: Entered by JPEELDA1 - Per conversation with the owner of CAT the movie projector does not produce sound and they use a sunglass type technology only so the shut down with the FACP will not be required.} ; {Activity date: 02/28/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: JPEELDAVIS; Comment: Entered by JPEELDA1 - 1) Need to test for emergency responder radio signal and provide documentation to TFD prior to COFO 2) Need KNOX caps on the FDC 3) Need to place the brass caps on the standpipes 4) Address on the Avenida De Convento Side needs to be 875 W Cushing not just 875 5) Install a KNOX box at doors and the chiller yard 6) Sign for the chiller yard 7) Stair 1 needs to have a lock and or handle so that we can gain access 8) Front entry by Stair 1 need to confirm that they have 11 lux or 1 candle foot and or provide bug lights for emergency egress 9) Move the exit sign at the elevator lobby 1st floor so that it does not lead you into a wall 10) Fire alarm needs to shut down the movie room projector 11) Install door and hardware at the shared lab 12) If there are ADA showers you will need to add notification devices in those stalls. 13) Add chevron to the south wall eit sign by lobby area 14) Need to check with the locks on the front door 15) Need to have the fire sprinkler final on the 3rd floor complete} ; {Activity date: 01/25/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: gsereno1; Comment: Entered by GSERENO1 - Discussion on Exit sign placement first floor. Re-inspection fee added} ; {Activity date: 01/17/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: CBASALDUA; Comment: Entered by CBASALD1 - 1. Fire extinguisher placement approved for 2nd Floor. 2. Fire Sprinklers approved on 2nd Floor. 3. EM lights and exit lighting approved on 2nd Floor. 4. Ok for TCO to furnish 2nd Floor.} ; {Activity date: 01/17/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: CBASALDUA; Comment: Entered by AVAUGHN1 - TCO FOR 2ND FLOOR} ; {Activity date: 12/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: JPEELDAVIS; Comment: Entered by JPEELDA1 - Checked the emergency and exit lights 3rd floor - approved Checked the fire extinguisher placement 3rd floor - approved Tested the fire alarm and the fire sprinkler for the 3rd floor. OK for TCO to furnish the 3rd floor} |
01/09/2020 | PDSD Site/Engineering Division - Landscaping | Passed | {Activity date: 01/09/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DMERANZ1 - } | |
01/09/2020 | PDSD Site/Engineering Division - NPPO | Passed | {Activity date: 01/09/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DMERANZ1 - } | |
01/09/2020 | COT - HCEL - Construction Power | Passed | {Activity date: 01/09/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: JBURGE; Comment: Entered by DMERANZ1 - } | |
01/09/2020 | PDSD Building Division - Sign Final | Passed | {Activity date: 01/09/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DMERANZ1 - } | |
01/09/2020 | COT - HCEL - Outdoor Lighting | Passed | {Activity date: 01/09/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: JBURGE; Comment: Entered by DMERANZ1 - } | |
03/11/2020 | SITE - Zoning Final | Passed | {Activity date: 03/11/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: AHINES; Comment: Entered by AHINES2 - } |