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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Passed
Inspection History: COT - HCBU - Masonry Pregrout
Permit Number - T17CM08953
Inspection Description - COT - HCBU - Masonry Pregrout
Inspection Status - Passed
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
01/18/2019 | COT - HCBU - Masonry Pregrout | Passed | {Activity date: 01/18/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 01/16/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - GL 3 from C-F 2nd lift see Friday 232 GL 3.25 from E.75-F.25 2nd lift} ; {Activity date: 01/15/2019; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - no work} ; {Activity date: 01/14/2019; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - GL3 from C-F see RFI 232 first lift-only GL 3.25 from E.75 - F.25 see engineer letter second lift only} ; {Activity date: 12/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - employee entrance first lift GL 3 MW1 and MW3 walls top out water meter station} ; {Activity date: 11/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - GL 10 Top out south of elevator} ; {Activity date: 11/13/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Top out GL 10 south of elevator} ; {Activity date: 11/09/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Top out bike yard} ; {Activity date: 11/05/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 2 nd lift bike yard 1st lift GL 10 south of elevator Top out GL 3 lobby east wall from C-D} ; {Activity date: 10/31/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 1st lift bike yard only} ; {Activity date: 10/26/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 10/24/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Level 2 GL A-C from 5-6 Level 2 open offices 2022 & 2032} ; {Activity date: 10/22/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 10/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: ESTEVENS; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Third left 12'8", fitness center only} ; {Activity date: 10/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - 2nd lift fitness center 12" infill mech yard north wall only} ; {Activity date: 10/16/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } ; {Activity date: 10/10/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by VFLORES1 - 1st lift mw1 wall mech uard interior 1st lift mw1 and columns fitness center} ; {Activity date: 09/28/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - } ; {Activity date: 09/27/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - } ; {Activity date: 09/26/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by CMURPHY1 - all core infillls pending special inspection on epoxy} ; {Activity date: 08/24/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BJONES; Comment: Entered by BJONES1 - NORTH EAST INSIDE CORNER USING BLACK BLOCK 15'-19' WITH BOND BEAM CONSISTING OF 2 #5s AND #5s 16" OC #5" VERTICAL} ; {Activity date: 08/22/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* TOP OUT SHIPPING AND RECEIVING EXCEPT DOORWAY SE CORNER AND LINTEL DOORWAY NE CORNER} ; {Activity date: 08/21/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* TOP OUT SHIPPING AND RECEIVING ONLY} ; {Activity date: 08/16/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :*} ; {Activity date: 08/15/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: BSTEVENS; Comment: Entered by BSTEVENS - STAIRS NORTH END OF GARAGE OK TO BOND BEAM} ; {Activity date: 08/14/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - 3rd lift at parking lot stairs ok} ; {Activity date: 08/13/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - STAIRS AT NORTH END OF GARAGE SEE 3/A1.3X PENDING SPECIAL INSP. REPORTS} ; {Activity date: 08/10/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* TOP OUT SHIPPING AND RECEIVING SOUTH WALL EXCEPT SW CORNER TOP OUT EAST WALL 50 % AND 2ND LIFT ALL OTHER 50%} ; {Activity date: 08/09/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - } ; {Activity date: 08/08/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 3RD LIFT SHIPPING AND RECEIVING EXCEPT SW CORNER AND NE CORNERS} ; {Activity date: 08/07/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - TOP OUT MECH PAD 12" WALLS EXCEPT OPENING AT NORTH WALL MISSING WIRE SOUTH WALL LAST COURSE 3RD LIFT SHIPPING AND RECEIVING WEST WALL ONLY} ; {Activity date: 08/06/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :*} ; {Activity date: 08/02/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - re-bar verts to extend above bond beam bars} ; {Activity date: 07/31/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* LOADING AND RECEIVENG EAST WALL 1ST LIFT GL 9.5 FROM D.5-E AND GL9 FROM C.7-D.5 PENDING RFI FOR LINTEL } ; {Activity date: 07/27/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 4TH LIFT MECH PAD 2ND LIFT LOADING AND RECEIVING WALLS EXCEPT FROM GL 9.5 FROM D-E} ; {Activity date: 07/25/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - } ; {Activity date: 07/24/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 4TH LIFT MECH PAD EAST, NORTH AND SOUTH WALLS ONLY 1ST LIFT GL F FROM 7-9.5 1ST LIFT 9.5 FROM D-F 1ST LIFT GL 7.25 FROM D.5 TO F ONLY} ; {Activity date: 07/23/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - cancelled} ; {Activity date: 07/19/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 3RD LIFT MECH PAD ONLY WINDOW WALL GL A FROM 13-14 TOP OUT} ; {Activity date: 07/17/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - MECH PAD WEST WALL 3RD LIFT EXCEPT LAST 20'} ; {Activity date: 07/16/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - NORTH, SOUTH, EAST MECH WELL 3RD LIFT ONLY WEST MECH WELL WALL MINUS 80' 3RD IFT ONLY} ; {Activity date: 07/12/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - 2nd lift at mech well ok} ; {Activity date: 07/11/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - bond beams over east openings ok pending struct. engineers written approval of bar placement} ; {Activity date: 07/09/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: mramber1; Comment: Entered by MRAMBER1 - 5 drain column top outs ok east wall 3rd lift ok} ; {Activity date: 07/03/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACHO; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - 2ND LIKFT GL COLUMNS C-4, C-5,C-11 & C-11.5 TOP OUT WEST BRIDGE GL 1 FROM E-F AT GARAGE} ; {Activity date: 07/03/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :*} ; {Activity date: 06/29/2018; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RCAMACH1; Comment: Entered by RCAMACH1 - IVRS - Inspection :* GL A-12.6 --13.7 1ST LIFT COLUMN A-12 1ST LIFT INFILL WALL A-3 TOP OUT COLUMN C-11 1ST LIFT COLUMN C-4 & C-5 1ST LIFT GL 13.7 FROM A-C 1ST LIFT 2ND LIFT SOUTH BRIDGE RETAI |