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Permit: T17CM08953

Parcel: 11620134B



Inspection Status: Passed

Inspection History: COT - HCME - Mechanical Intermediate

Permit Number - T17CM08953

Inspection Description - COT - HCME - Mechanical Intermediate

Inspection Status - Passed

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
02/28/2019 COT - HCME - Mechanical Intermediate RCAMACHO Approved Entered by CBELL1 -
01/25/2019 COT - HCME - Mechanical Intermediate DQUINN Partial Approval Entered by CBELL1 - Columns 4-10, A-C, OK to cover ductwork. OK to grid zones 3 and 4. icido room ok.
01/23/2019 COT - HCME - Mechanical Intermediate RCAMACHO Partial Approval Entered by CBELL1 - Level 1 GL A-C from 5-10 OK to insulate
12/04/2018 COT - HCME - Mechanical Intermediate RCAMACHO Partial Approval Entered by CBELL1 - Hard duct lobby, level 1 GL 1-3 from A-C, Level 1 core bathrooms, Level 2 GL A-C from 2-5 sealed and ok to insulate.
09/14/2018 COT - HCME - Mechanical Intermediate RCAMACHO Partial Approval Entered by CMURPHY1 - Tes call center room 3597 Tes Tech Lab room 3096 Tes remote Moon Room 3095 Tes War Room 3094 open offices rooms 3091 and 3093 Mech yard only No test Shaft 1 condensate line only Mechanical shaft number 1 and 3 complete shaft number 2 except exhaust all hard duct GL 10 to 14 from A to C okay to insulate