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Permit: TC-COM-0723-01638
Permit Details
Apply Date:
Jim Fay
Single story, SkyWest maintenance hangar building, apron and sitework
Permit Reviews
Permit Number - TC-COM-0723-01638
Permit Status: On hold
Permit Description: Single story, SkyWest maintenance hangar building, apron and sitework
Start Date | Submittal | Complete Date | Status |
11/13/2023 | COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.4 | 11/14/2023 | REQUIRES RESUBMIT |
10/04/2023 | COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.3 | 11/08/2023 | REQUIRES RESUBMIT |
11/20/2023 | RESTAMP - COMMERCIAL v.1 | 11/20/2023 | APPROVED |
08/31/2023 | COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.2 | 10/02/2023 | REQUIRES RESUBMIT |
12/09/2024 | COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1 | 01/06/2025 | REQUIRES RESUBMIT |
11/17/2023 | COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.5 | 11/20/2023 | APPROVED |
07/06/2023 | COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1 | 08/03/2023 | REQUIRES RESUBMIT |
Outstanding Activity Conditions
Permit Number - TC-COM-0723-01638
Permit Status: On hold
Permit Description: Single story, SkyWest maintenance hangar building, apron and sitework
Total Outstanding Activity Conditions - 11
Date | Name |
11/20/2023 | Masonry Inspection Report submittal review is required. |
11/20/2023 | Post-Installed Anchor Inspection Report is required. |
Permit Number - TC-COM-0723-01638
Permit Status: On hold
Permit Description: Single story, SkyWest maintenance hangar building, apron and sitework
Date | Description | Comments |
07/28/2023 | Contractor with active Arizona Contractor's License for specified scope of work required prior to issuance of permit. Contractor must have a TDC Online account and be added to the permit as a contact. | |
01/10/2025 | Pima County Department of Environmental Quality - SEWER: DISCHARGE AUTHORIZATION Approval | |
07/28/2023 | Separate submittal to PC RWRD is required for new connections to sewer, new water meters and upsized water meters. Contact sewer@pima.gov for review and assessment. |
Outstanding Inspections
Permit Status: On Hold
Permit Number: TC-COM-0723-01638
Permite Description: Single story, SkyWest maintenance hangar building, apron and sitework
Total Outstanding Inspections - 22
Last Inspection Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
12/13/2024 | COT - HCBU - Building Above Ceiling | N/A | Partial Pass | 10/16/24: Mechanical above ceiling partial pass for hard duct from GL N-B/1-5, 5.5/7. Ok to insulate Vestibule S100. Electrical above door 100B and 100A above ceiling approved okay to proceed progress areas. 11/8/2024 11/22/24: M.E.P above ceiling passed at hard lid areas room 109,110 and 112. 12/13/24: electrical and plumbing above ceiling passed in all rooms in office area. |
08/08/2024 | COT - HCPL - Sewer | N/A | Partial Pass | 4/22/24: 60' of 6' PVC piping from Manhole #1 to cleanout#1 ok to backfill. 4/24/24: From Clean out #1 to Clean out #2 ok to backfill. 4/26/24: From clean out #3 to Clean out #4 ok to backfill. 4/30/24: Ok to backfill from cleanout #1 to cleanout #6 5/6/24 partial approval for 7 through 10 5/8/24: sewer under pressure at 5psi for 15min. Passed. 7/24/24: bedding for sand oil interceptor. Pending test. 8/8/24: plumbing underground per plans from GL S-E/7-3 ok to backfill |
07/19/2024 | COT - HCPL - Rough Soil | N/A | Partial Pass | 4/22/24: 60' of 6' PVC piping from Manhole #1 to cleanout#1 ok to backfill. 4/24/24: From Clean out #1 to Clean out #2 ok to backfill. 4/26/24: From clean out #3 to Clean out #4 ok to backfill. 4/30/24: Ok to backfill from cleanout #1 to cleanout #6 5/2/24: ok to backfill from cleanout #6 to cleanout#8 7/10/24: trench drains underground plumbing per plans from GL N-Q,X-Ab/3 ok to backfill progress area, Sewer 20' stub out at GL Ab.5/3 capped at future run, ok to backfill progress area, floor trench at GL Da/6.8-8 ok to backfill progress area. 7/19/24: 3/4" Copper Air line in 3" Sleeve under 150psi GL V/7-10 ok to backfill progress areas. Plumbing underground from future connection at oil/water separator from GL A-F/8.5-10. |
11/20/2024 | COT - HCPL - Plumbing Progress | N/A | Partial Pass | Partial approval for chases and plumbing drains in East hanger footer OK to place concrete 4/5/24 Partial approval for chases and plumbing drains in West hanger footer OK to place concrete 11/20/24: Pressure test for the 4" Domestic water line from meter, including the RPBP, to the 5' Building stub passed at 85psi. Ok to backfill |
10/29/2024 | COT - HCPL - Plumbing Intermediate | N/A | Partial Pass | 10/16/24: plumbing vents in wall in room s-108 passed ok to proceed, ice water dispenser in room s-105 not under test. 10/21/24: DWV under test in rooms 139,140,133,132,117,110,112,104. 10/23/24: DWV under test at rooms s-138, s-139, s-140, domestic water lines under test at rooms s-139, s-140,s-110,s-112, s-105. 10/25/24: plumbing intermediate at rooms s-110 and s-112. 10/29/24: plumbing in wall at room s-131 passed ok to proceed |
12/13/2024 | COT - HCPL - Plumbing Above Ceiling | N/A | Partial Pass | 11/22/24: M.E.P above ceiling passed at hard lid areas room 109,110 and 112. 12/13/24: plumbing above ceiling in office area passed. |
10/31/2024 | COT - HCME - Mechanical Intermediate | N/A | Partial Pass | Parts area. Spiral ducts. Rtu3 west end. Rtu2 east end. Okay to wrap. Proceed progress areas. 10/31/2024 |
10/16/2024 | COT - HCEL - Electrical Underground | N/A | Partial Pass | 7/19/24: (1)2" and (1)2 1/2" conduit from GL V-Q/7 7/24/24: electrical underground for 5 light poles north entrance of building and 3 on south east corner of project.ok to backfill progress areas. 7/30/24: electrical underground for 3 light poles on southwest corner of job site. 8/2/24: electrical underground for all 7 light poles on south end of building complete ok to backfill progress areas. Shading required. 8/6/24: electrical underground for panel H7 and compressor 1&2 from GL Q-S/10, (4)2" Low voltage conduit from GL Q/10-16 ok to backfill. 8/8/24: electrical underground (2)2" for communication GL N-B/16, exhaust fan 6 and 7, security and tarmac light electrical underground per plans at Z/3. 8/14/24:GL/ 15.5 (2)2" conduit for panels ok to backfill , GL 17.5 1" hanger light ok to backfill, 1" and 2" conduit for gate operator and communication at GL A/13.5-8.5 8/19/24: electric underground GL Q-Z/11 (2) 2" for panel H7 and (2) 2" for compressor 1 and 2. 8/30/24: 70' run of (10)4" conduit for secondaries ok to backfill. (North of project) 9/25/24: electrical underground passed at 7 light pole bases at south end of project site 10/16/24: Partial Electrical U/G at Airside Taxi Way Lights ok to proceed with slurry. . |
11/12/2024 | COT - HCEL - Electrical Intermediate | N/A | Partial Pass | Room #´s. s-106c, s-106d, s106e, s-108, s-107, s-106, s-105. Okay to proceed progress areas. 10/14/2024 10/16/24: electrical in wall in rooms s-105,s-107,s-108,s-109,s-110,s-111,s-112,s-113,s-114,s-115,s-116. 10/21/24: electrical intermediate in wall at rooms 123,125,126,127,119,120,121,122 10/23/24: Electrical intermediate in wall at rooms s-117, s-129, s-130, s-132, s-133 from GL M-T/1-7. |
12/13/2024 | COT - HCEL - Electrical Above Ceiling | N/A | Partial Pass | 10/16/24: Mechanical above ceiling partial pass for hard duct from GL N-B/1-5, 5.5/7. Ok to insulate Vestibule S100. Electrical above door 100B and 100A above ceiling approved okay to proceed progress areas. 11/8/2024 11/22/24: M.E.P above ceiling passed at hard lid areas room 109,110 and 112. 12/13/24: electrical and plumbing above ceiling passed in all rooms in office area. |
10/08/2024 | COT - HCBU - Preslab | N/A | Partial Pass | 4/18/24 Zee line 7 to 20 pedestal bases OK to place concrete, grid line DA to CA5 and 3 to 12 for stemwall OK to place concrete, partial approval for manhole base poor OK to continue in progress area. 4/24/24: Z line (8,9,10,11,12) Pedestal bases ok to place concrete (1/S82), B line (8,9,10,11,12) pedestal bases ok to place concrete, Dock stem wall and Dock retaining wall per plan ok to place concrete, 5/2/24: loading docks wall footing on north side per detail S84/44 per plan ok to proceed. Shop south wall detail S82/13 and S82/7 for 3 column pedestal footings per plan. 5/6/24 Grid 3 from m to n partial for stem wall, ok to place concrete 5/21/24: Partial Rebar at Loading dock pit and Hangar SE/ SW Door Pockets GL A/18-20 and GL Z/18-20. Pedestal reinforcements per plan ok to proceed. 5/23/24: foundation exterior wall reinforcement per plan at GL Da/12.1 - Ca/12.1, pedestals reinforcement per plan at GL Da/12.1, Ca.5/12.1, Ca.12.1 5/29/24: footing inspection at dumpster is under DP permit. 7/10/24:footing at GL A-Z/19 per detail S82/16 per plans ok to proceed, stem wall reinforcement per plan at GL Z-DA/12 per detail S82/13 and S82/7. 7/24/24: loading dock stairs reinforcement per plan ok to proceed. 8/2/24: CIP Column and matte slab reinforcement per plans ok to pour concrete. 8/9/24: first pour north ok to proceed. 4 columns at entry reinforcement per plan ok to proceed. 8/13/24: Anchor bolts at 4 entry columns per plan ok to proceed. 8/19/24: 3 entry columns formed and ready to pour ok to proceed. Partial pass Total of 5 Light Pole Bases at North Parking area per plan, okay for concrete placement. 9/16/2024 9/25/24: remaining 7 light pole bases at south of project site per plan. Ok for concrete placement. Pre slab at pour 3 GL B-Z/ 12.5 -15 10/8/24: Pre-slab reinforcement inspection at GL Z-Da/3-7.5 per plans on to proceed in progress areas. |
11/12/2024 | COT - HCBU - Interior Shear Bracing | N/A | Partial Pass | 11/12/24: drywall fastened per schedule at room s-135, (s-138,s-139,s-140,s-141 south wall). |
11/22/2024 | COT - HCBU - Framing | N/A | Partial Pass | 10/21/24: framing at office are per plan ok to proceed 10/23/24: framing at room 133 passed, s-139,s-140,s-141,s-135 10/28/24: framing at GL 6.8-12.1/ Z, drywall at south wall demising from B-V/7. Framing inspection 11-10 on Z line. Shops side. 11/8/2024 11/22/24: framing for hard lid areas in rooms 109, 110, 112 ok to proceed |
10/15/2024 | COT - HCBU - Firewall/Fire Barrier/Firestop | N/A | Partial Pass | S102 corridor east end only. North wall fire rated from floor to ceiling. 2 layers. approved. Okay to proceed progress areas. 10/15/2024 |
10/21/2024 | COT - HCBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing | N/A | Partial Pass | 10/21/24: framing at office are per plans ok to proceed. |
07/10/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | N/A | Partial Pass | 3/6/24 Partial by third party 3/21/24 stem wall line B/3-6.8, LINE 3/B-M,N.5-X.7 AND COLUMN FOOTERS LINE 7/D-X 14 PIERS 3/28/24 partial approval for East hanger footer see third-party inspection OK to place concrete. Partial approval for tool room footer grid line 3-Z to Northwest corner, OK to place concrete 4/5/24 partial approval for East hanger footer see third-party inspection OK to place concrete. 4/18/24 Zee line 7 to 20 pedestal bases OK to place concrete, grid line DA to CA5 and 3 to 12 for stemwall OK to place concrete, partial approval for manhole base poor OK to continue in progress area. 4/24/24: Z line (8,9,10,11,12) Pedestal bases ok to place concrete (1/S82), B line (8,9,10,11,12) pedestal bases ok to place concrete, Dock stem wall and Dock retaining wall per plan ok to place concrete, 5/2/24: loading docks wall footing on north side per detail S84/44 per plan ok to proceed. Shop south wall detail S82/13 and S82/7 for 3 column pedestal footings per plan. 5/6/24 Grid 3 from m to n partial for stem wall, ok to place concrete 5/21/24: Partial Rebar at Loading dock pit and Hangar SE/ SW Door Pockets GL A/18-20 and GL Z/18-20. Pedestal reinforcements per plan ok to proceed. 5/23/24: foundation exterior wall reinforcement per plan at GL Da/12.1 - Ca/12.1, pedestals reinforcement per plan at GL Da/12.1, Ca.5/12.1, Ca.12.1 5/29/24: footing inspection at dumpster is under DP permit. 7/10/24:footing at GL A-Z/19 per detail S82/16 per plans ok to proceed, stem wall reinforcement per plan at GL Z-DA/12 per detail S82/13 and S82/7. |
12/04/2024 | COT - HCBU - Building Progress | N/A | Partial Pass | 3/14/24: Footings from GL Z3-Z7 ok to pour. Footings from GL Z7-B7 ok to pour. 10/25/24: fasteners per schedule at 5/8" type-x on south demising wall per detail C ok to proceed. 11/6/24: drywall nailing per schedule at office breakroom #s-105, wear and south walls at skywest hanger. Hanger side Z line from 7-12. Fire rated wall and parts area T- L.5 east side. Okay to proceed progress areas. 11/8/2024 11/13/24: Partial drywall screwing at Parts Fire Wall at back side of Fire Riser room 12/4/24: partial drywall screw inspection at GL Z/2-12 west wall., electrical underground for gates on east wall passed ok to backfill. |
01/23/2025 | COT - HCBU - TCO | N/A | Partial Pass | 1/23/25: Hanger ok for LEVEL 4 TCO |
01/08/2025 | COT - FCON - Fire - Final | N/A | Partial Pass | level 3 tco is ok per tucson fire. A fire watch is in place until the fire alarms and sprinkler system is in place. No air craft allowed in hanger no fuel in hanger. Ok to stock with parts and for people to occupy. |
02/06/2025 | COT - FCON - Alarm - Final | N/A | Partial Pass | tested all tampers and water flow. Tested notification in the areas that are occupied. Ok to stop fire watch. |
02/06/2025 | COT - FCON - Sprinkler - Final | N/A | Partial Pass | Fire pump has been tested and passed. all areas that are occupied have full coverage. Just waiting for 8 heads to be finished in the shop area. Ok to stop fire watch. |
01/17/2025 | COT - HCME - Mechanical Above Ceiling | N/A | Partial Pass | 10/16/24: Mechanical above ceiling partial pass for hard duct from GL N-B/1-5, 5.5/7. Ok to insulate 10/16/24: Mechanical above ceiling partial pass for hard duct from GL N-B/1-5, 5.5/7. Ok to insulate Vestibule S100. Electrical above door 100B and 100A above ceiling approved okay to proceed progress areas. 11/8/2024 11/22/24: M.E.P above ceiling passed at hard lid areas room 109,110 and 112. 12/13/24: electrical and plumbing above ceiling passed in all rooms in office area. 12/20/24: mechanical above ceiling at office area passed ok to proceed with ceiling tiles. 1/14/25: Plumbing pressure test at Shop toilet rooms 1/17/25: mechanical above ceiling in rooms 148,150,151,144 ok to insulate hard duct. |
Completed Inspections
Permit Status: On Hold
Permit Number: TC-COM-0723-01638
Permit Description: Single story, SkyWest maintenance hangar building, apron and sitework
Total Completed Inspections - 23
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
11/20/2024 | COT - HCPL - Gas Pressure Test | Passed | 11/20/24: Gas pressure test at Office, Parts/ Shop, and Hangar passed. | |
12/13/2024 | COT - BULD - SWG Clearance | Passed | 12/13/24: SWG clearance passed ok for meter tag. | |
01/06/2025 | COT - HCPL - Sewer | Passed | ||
01/06/2025 | COT - HCPL - Rough Soil | Passed | ||
01/06/2025 | COT - HCPL - Plumbing Progress | Passed | ||
01/06/2025 | COT - HCPL - Plumbing Intermediate | Passed | ||
01/06/2025 | COT - HCPL - Plumbing Above Ceiling | Passed | ||
01/06/2025 | COT - HCME - Mechanical Intermediate | Passed | ||
01/07/2025 | COT - HCEL - Electrical Underground | Passed | ||
01/07/2025 | COT - HCEL - Electrical Intermediate | Passed | ||
01/06/2025 | COT - HCEL - Electrical Above Ceiling | Passed | ||
01/06/2025 | COT - HCBU - Roof Nailing | Passed | ||
01/07/2025 | COT - HCBU - Preslab | Passed | ||
01/06/2025 | COT - HCBU - Interior Shear Bracing | Passed | ||
01/07/2025 | COT - HCBU - Framing | Passed | ||
01/07/2025 | COT - HCBU - Firewall/Fire Barrier/Firestop | Passed | ||
01/06/2025 | COT - HCBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing | Passed | ||
01/07/2025 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Passed | ||
01/06/2025 | COT - HCBU - Building Progress | Passed | ||
01/08/2025 | BULD - Electrical Clearance | Passed | 1/8/25: TEP ECO CLEARANCE FOR 3615 E AERONAUTICAL WY. | |
01/08/2025 | COT - HCEL - Grounding/Bonding | Passed | ||
01/08/2025 | ENGR Engineering Final | Passed | Building engineering final on exterior is completed. | |
01/08/2025 | TRSP - ROW - Final/Close-Out | Passed | site plans fully tied in to aeronautical way, all traffic control removed from right of way, job closed |