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Inspection Status: Passed

Inspection History: COT - HCBU - Framing

Permit Number - TC-COM-0723-01638

Inspection Description - COT - HCBU - Framing

Inspection Status - Passed

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
01/07/2025 COT - HCBU - Framing Passed
10/21/2024 COT - HCBU - Framing Partial Pass 10/21/24: framing at office are per plan ok to proceed
10/23/2024 COT - HCBU - Framing Partial Pass 10/21/24: framing at office are per plan ok to proceed
10/23/24: framing at room 133 passed, s-139,s-140,s-141,s-135
10/28/2024 COT - HCBU - Framing Partial Pass 10/21/24: framing at office are per plan ok to proceed
10/23/24: framing at room 133 passed, s-139,s-140,s-141,s-135
10/28/24: framing at GL 6.8-12.1/ Z, drywall at south wall demising from B-V/7.
11/08/2024 COT - HCBU - Framing Partial Pass Framing inspection 11-10 on Z line. Shops side. 11/8/2024
11/22/2024 COT - HCBU - Framing Partial Pass 10/21/24: framing at office are per plan ok to proceed
10/23/24: framing at room 133 passed, s-139,s-140,s-141,s-135
10/28/24: framing at GL 6.8-12.1/ Z, drywall at south wall demising from B-V/7.

Framing inspection 11-10 on Z line. Shops side. 11/8/2024
11/22/24: framing for hard lid areas in rooms 109, 110, 112 ok to proceed