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Permit Details

Development Package
Apply Date:
Tri Miller
SITE/GRADING/SWPPP - Aspire Tucson 2, 8-story student housing with parking garage, the east 168.01 f

Permit Reviews

Permit Number - DP19-0059
Permit Status: Complete
Permit Description: SITE/GRADING/SWPPP - Aspire Tucson 2, 8-story student housing with parking garage, the east 168.01 f
Start Date Submittal Complete Date Status  
02/05/2019 DEV PKG - OK TO SUBMIT 03/12/2019 COMPLETED Review Details
03/12/2019 DEV PKG 11/12/2019 COMPLETED Review Details
05/13/2019 DEV PKG - RESUBMITTAL 06/18/2019 COMPLETED Review Details
07/11/2019 DEV PKG - RESUBMITTAL 07/24/2019 COMPLETED Review Details
10/17/2019 DEV PKG - OK TO SUBMIT 11/20/2019 COMPLETED Review Details
11/20/2019 DEV PKG - REVISION 12/11/2019 COMPLETED Review Details
12/08/2020 DEV PKG - OK TO SUBMIT 12/14/2020 COMPLETED Review Details
12/14/2020 REVISION - - 2ND 01/19/2021 COMPLETED Review Details

Completed Inspections

Permit Status: Complete
Permit Number: DP19-0059
Permit Description: SITE/GRADING/SWPPP - Aspire Tucson 2, 8-story student housing with parking garage, the east 168.01 f
Total Completed Inspections - 10
Date Description Inspector Results Comments
02/04/2021 SITE - Stormwater Setup and Controls Passed {Activity date: 02/04/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: BBENEDON; Comment: Entered by VLEON1 - APPROVED}
03/31/2021 PDSD Engineering Division Pre-Construction SITE Passed {Activity date: 03/31/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - APPROVED} ; {Activity date: 03/31/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by VLEON1 - } ; {Activity date: 03/25/2021; Status: Denied; Inspector: BBENEDON; Comment: Entered by VLEON1 - Denied. No contact information provided. Project as well past reconstruction phase.}
09/29/2021 COT - ENGR - Signage Final Passed {Activity date: 09/29/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - APPROVED}
10/19/2021 ENGR Engineering Final Passed {Activity date: 10/19/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: BBENEDON; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - Approved} ; {Activity date: 09/29/2021; Status: Continued; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - CN} ; {Activity date: 07/23/2021; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - NOT READY AT THIS TIM} ; {Activity date: 03/31/2021; Status: Continued; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - CONTINUED, WORK MAINLY VERTICAL AT THIS TIME} ; {Activity date: 03/31/2021; Status: Continued; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by VLEON1 - CONTINUED, WORK MAINLY VERTICAL AT THIS TIME} ; {Activity date: 12/10/2019; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: BBENEDON; Comment: Entered by DMERANZ1 - This was an unscheduled inspection from John Vanwinkle‘s list.}
10/19/2021 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up Passed {Activity date: 10/19/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: BBENEDON; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - Approved} ; {Activity date: 09/29/2021; Status: Continued; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - CN} ; {Activity date: 07/23/2021; Status: Continued; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - CONTINUED AT THIS TIME, MINOR RUNOFF FROM THE PROJECT NOTED DURING THIS INSPECTION} ; {Activity date: 06/16/2021; Status: Continued; Inspector: BBENEDON; Comment: Entered by VLEON1 - Continued. All construction materials and debris are contained within temporary fencing and lane closure barricades} ; {Activity date: 05/27/2021; Status: Continued; Inspector: BBENEDON; Comment: Entered by VLEON1 - CONTINUE NO ISSUES} ; {Activity date: 04/20/2021; Status: Continued; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by VLEON1 - } ; {Activity date: 02/04/2021; Status: Continued; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by VLEON1 - CONTINUED NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME, CONTRACTOR APPEARS TO BE CONTROLLING OFF SITE DISCHARGE}
10/19/2021 ENGR Grading Final Passed {Activity date: 10/19/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: BBENEDON; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - Approved}
10/19/2021 SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection Passed {Activity date: 10/19/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: BBENEDON; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - Approved} ; {Activity date: 09/29/2021; Status: Continued; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - CN THE DOWN DRAIN THAT GO INTO THE SIDEWALK SCUPPER NEED BE ADDRESS BY DAVID ROBERTS.}
10/20/2021 COT - FCON - Fire - Final Passed {Activity date: 10/20/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: CBASALDUA; Comment: Entered by CBASALD1 - }
04/06/2022 PDSD Site/Engineering Division - Landscaping Passed {Activity date: 04/06/2022; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DROBERT5 - } ; {Activity date: 10/19/2021; Status: Continued; Inspector: BBENEDON; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - Continued. A pile of large boulders has been dumped, but not placed, at the south east corner of site

} ; {Activity date: 09/29/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - APPROVED}
04/06/2022 PDSD Site/Engineering Division - NPPO Passed {Activity date: 04/06/2022; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DROBERT5 - } ; {Activity date: 02/04/2021; Status: Not Applicable; Inspector: BBENEDON; Comment: Entered by VLEON1 - NOT APPLICABLE}


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