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Permit Number: T21CM09453
Parcel: 11620637A


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL - TI ALL

Permit Number - T21CM09453
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
03/01/2022 SAFEBUILT 2ND PARTY REVIEW REVIEW Reqs Change Activity Number: T21CM09453

Provide written responses to all review comments.
Provide a complete plan set.
Provide additional documents as requested by review staff.


Conditionally Approved
NOTE: Every effort has been made to identify code violations. Any oversight by the reviewer shall not be considered as authority to violate, set aside, cancel or alter applicable codes or ordinances. The plan review and permit issuance shall not be considered a warranty or guarantee. The designer is responsible for following all applicable federal, state, and municipal codes and ordinances.

1. guards shall be provided where appliances are within 10' of roof edge (IMC2018,304.11) on sheet M1.6 Response: Mechanical equipment has been verified and relocated where required to comply with Code Reference Section.
2. guards shall be provided where appliances are within 10' of roof edge (IMC2018,304.11) on sheet M1.6 Response: Mechanical equipment has been verified and relocated where required to comply with Code Reference Section. Not Complied your calculations are right, but you need to provide mechanical make up air and CO and NO2 detectors and you don't show that on sheet m2.1
3. Show where outside fresh air duct is connecting to FCU's in garage (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M2.2 Response: The fan coil units in the parking garage are serving non occupied spaces. Outside air not required. Complied
4. Show how you are bringing fresh outside air Sheet M2.3(IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M2.3 Response: Outside air is provided from a rooftop filtered supply fan. See Sheet M2.4 for continuation of outside air duct (ducted in shaft to roof). Complied
5. Note where these ducts are going it appears to be a shaft (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M2.4 Response: See Sheet M2.4 for duct routing clarification notes Complied
6. Show how you are bringing in ventilation air (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M2.4 Response: See sheet M2.4 for outside /ventilation air duct routing. Complied
7. Provide ventilation air to corridor on all floors (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M2.6 Response: The “corridors” are open air breezeways. See architectural drawings. Complied
8. Provide ventilation air to corridor on all floors (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M2.6 Response: The “corridors” are open air breezeways. See architectural drawings. Complied
9. Provide ventilation to corridors on all floors (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M2.9 Response: The “corridors” are open air breezeways. See architectural drawings. Complied
10. Duct's that penetrate more than 2 stories shall be in a shaft (IMC2015,607.6.1) on sheet M2.13 Response: References to “chase” will be replaced with “shaft”. Fire smoke dampers will be added where required by 2018 IMC Section 607.5.5 and 2018 IBC Section 713.11. Not Complied must show the fire and smoke damper on the revised plans.
11. shaft penetrations shall be protected fire and smoke dampers (IMC2018,607.5.5) on sheet M2.13 Response: Fire smoke dampers will be added at shaft duct penetrations where required by 2018 IMC Section 607.5.5 and 2018 IBC Section 713.11. Not Complied must show the fire and smoke dampers on the revised plans.
12.12. Show where your bringing in fresh ventilation air (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M2.14 Response: See M2.14 and M4.5 for outside air duct routing and size. Not Complied you need to provide fire and smoke damper at the shaft penetration and all ducts shall show sizes and cfm's on register 's.
13. Describe what this is it appears to be and elevator hoistway (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M3.1 Response: The elevators specified are Machine-Room Less type. Air conditioning for the hoistway is provided by sidewall supply and return registers are mounted on the interior side of the hoistway with fire smoke dampers at the shaft wall penetration. Complied
14. Mechanical systems shall not be located in an elevator shaft (IMC2018,303.8) on sheet M3.1 Response: The mechanical equipment is not located in the elevator shaft. The air conditioning unit is located adjacent to the elevator shaft. Supply and return air are ducted to and from using sidewall registers with fire smoke dampers and shaft penetration. Not Complied the code is concerned about possible exposure of refrigerant leaking into shaft where passengers can be exposed and there is no exceptions in that code section.
15. Provide fire and smoke dampers at all duct penetrations of shaft (IMC2018,607.5.5) on sheet M3.2 Response: Fire smoke dampers have been provided at all shaft wall penetrations. Not Complied
16. Mechanical systems shall not be installed in an elevator shaft (IMC2018,303.8) on sheet M3.4 Response: The mechanical equipment is not located in the elevator shaft. The air conditioning unit is located adjacent to the elevator shaft. Supply and return air are ducted to and from using sidewall registers with fire smoke dampers and shaft penetration. Not Complied
17. Appliances installed in fire rated assembly shall be protected in an approved manner (IMC2018,303.2) on sheet M4.1 Response: Mechanical equipment is located above the fire rated ceiling. Refer to architects reflected ceiling plans (series A2 in the architectural set) for fire rating type and location. Not Complied on sheet M4.1 note says the FCU is above ceiling please provide detail of the FCU's in apartments.
18. Provide radiation dampers at diffusers penetrating fire rated ceiling assembly (IMC2018,607.6.2) on sheet M4.1 Response: Air devices are located above the fire rated ceiling. Refer to architects reflected ceiling plans (series A2 in the architectural set) for fire rating type and location. Not Complied on sheet M4.1 note says the registers is above ceiling the ceiling is fire rated please provide detail of the registers in apartments
19. duct over 2 stories shall be in a shaft (IMC2018,607.6.1) on sheet M4.1 Response: References to “chase” will be replaced with “shaft”. Fire smoke dampers will be added where required by 2018 IMC Section 607.5.5 and 2018 IBC Section 713.11. Not Complied must show in revised plans.
20. Provide radiation dampers (IMC2018,607.6.2) on sheet M4.1 Response: Air devices are located above the fire rated ceiling. Refer to architects reflected ceiling plans (series A2 in the architectural set) for fire rating type and location. Not Complied provide detail plan.
21. Appliances installed in fire rated assembly shall be protected in an approved manner (IMC2018,303.2) on sheet M4.1 Response: Mechanical equipment is located above the fire rated ceiling. Refer to architects reflected ceiling plans (series A2 in the architectural set) for fire rating type and location. Not Complied on sheet M4.1 note says the FCU is above ceiling please provide detail of the FCU's in apartments.
22. Provide radiation dampers at all ceiling penetrations (IMC2018,607.6.2)on sheet M4.1 Response: Air devices are located below the fire rated ceiling. Refer to architects reflected ceiling plans (series A2 in the architectural set) for fire rating type and location. Not Complied on sheet M4.1 note says the registers is above ceiling the ceiling is fire rated please provide detail of the registers in apartments
23. Provide a shaft for ducts that penetrate more than 2 stories (IMC2018,607.6.1) on sheet M4.1 Response: References to “chase” will be replaced with “shaft”. Fire smoke dampers will be added where required by 2018 IMC Section 607.5.5 and 2018 IBC Section 713.11. Complied
24. Mechanical systems shall not be installed in an elevator shaft (IMC2018,303.8) on sheet M3.3 Response: The mechanical equipment is not located in the elevator shaft. The air conditioning unit is located adjacent to the elevator shaft. Supply and return air are ducted to and from using sidewall registers with fire smoke dampers and shaft penetration. Not Complied
25. Provide fire and smoke dampers at penetrations of duct shaft (IBC2018,717.5.3) on sheet M3.3 Response: Fire smoke dampers have been provided at all shaft penetrations. Complied
26. Ducts penetrating more than 2 stories shall be in a shaft (IMC2018,607.6.1) on sheet M3.3 Response: References to “chase” will be replaced with “shaft”. Fire smoke dampers will be added where required by 2018 IMC Section 607.5.5 and 2018 IBC Section 713.11. Complied
27. Show to what appliance are these diffusers connected to (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M3.3 Response: The comment is a little vague. The comment may be referencing the sidewall supply registers that are serving the 3rd floor Community Room. Those air devices have been “removed” from the view. Complied
28. Mechanical systems shall not be installed in an elevator shaft (IMC2018,303.8) on sheet M3.3 Response: The mechanical equipment is not located in the elevator shaft. The air conditioning unit is located adjacent to the elevator shaft. Supply and return air are ducted to and from using sidewall registers with fire smoke dampers and shaft penetration. Not Complied
29. Show where you are bringing in ventilation air (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M4.5 Response: See M2.14 and M4.5 for outside air duct routing and size. Not Complied you need to provide fire and smoke damper at the shaft penetration and all ducts shall show sizes and cfm's on register 's.
30. Identify this unit (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M4.6 Response: See Sheet M4.6 for unit identification. Complied
31. Show where you are bringing ventilation air to unit (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M4.7 Response: See M2.4 and M4.7 for outside air duct routing and size. Complied
32. Provide fire and smoke dampers at duct penetration of shaft (IMC2018,607.5.5) on sheet M4.7 Response: Fire smoke dampers have been provided at all shaft penetrations. Complied
33. Provide duct sizes and cfm's through diffusers (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M4.7 Response: See Sheet M4.7 for full mechanical design (air device sizes, cfm’s, duct sizes, etc.) Complied
34. Provide ceiling radiation dampers (IMC2018,607.6.2) on sheet M4.7 Response: Air devices are located below the fire rating. Refer to architects reflected ceiling plans (series A2 in the architectural set) for fire rating type and location. Not Complied specify what sheet in architectural to look for.
35. note where this unit is installed(IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M4.7 Response: See Sheet M4.7 for full mechanical design (air device sizes, cfm’s, duct sizes, etc.). Complied
36. Show where you are bringing in ventilation air (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M4.8 Response: See Sheet M4.8 for outside / ventilation air source. Complied
37. Provide list of chemicals and mechanical plan in the pool equipment room (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M4.8. Complied
38. Exhaust shall terminate outdoors (IMC2018,501.3) on sheet M4.8 Response: The exhaust from the Tenant Delivery restroom and the Pool Equipment Room are terminating to the exterior. See updated Sheet M4.8. Complied
39. Show where your bringing in ventilation air (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M4.8 Response: See Sheet M4.8 for outside / ventilation air source. Complied
40. Identify unit and show where you are bringing in ventilation air (IMC2018,106.3.1) on sheet M4.8 Response: See Sheet M4.8 for full mechanical design (air device sizes, cfm’s, duct sizes, etc.). Complied
41. Identify if this is a shaft and if it is provide fire and smoke damper a penetration of shaft (IMC2018,106.3.1 & 607.5.5 on sheet M4.9 Response: Fire smoke dampers have been provided at all shaft penetrations. Complied
42. Identify if this is a shaft and if it is provide fire and smoke damper a penetration of shaft (IMC2018,106.3.1 & 607.5.5 on sheet M4.9 Response: Fire smoke dampers have been provided at all shaft penetrations. Complied

EP6.1 – PANEL SCHEDULES: Panel BHB1 does not state where it is fed from.
Either 200A CB is oversized or #11 feeder is undersized to J-Box that feeds GEF-N4 and GEF-N5.
Feeder is oversized from Junction Box to feed GEF-N5 as 3/0 conductor won’t fit in 100 amp Disconnect lugs. Did not see any notes to use lug adapters as per 1st response.
Why not just use feeder #11 from J-Box to both GEF-N4 and N5 as Tap rule allows this when providing overcurrent protection on tap feeders?

Second review:
1). SAME-Civil Page C9 are not clear on storm drain connection locations & sizes. -IPC A106.3.1 (updated civil not sent0
2). OK
3). OK
4).SAME- these multi-level area drains are connected to the storm system where would the water overflow if there was a back up? IPC 1108
5). OK
6). SAME-Per the total DFU load of 3784 as shown on plan page P8.1, this DFU load is beyond the capability of the 8' sewer shown on Civil page C9. -IPC Table 710.1 (the five 8" individual Bldg. sewer lines connect to an 8" sewer main)
7). SAME-Most sanitary waste line indicators & sizes are not clearly marked on plan pages P1.0 thru P3.20. -IPC A106.3.1 (see Plan Pages P3.3 & P3.4)
8). SAME-waste system illustrations not complete on plan pages P3.1 thru P3.20 Also note #1 on some pages states additional waste routing in progress. Update plan pages. -IPC A106.3.1 (missing upstack keynotes & BLDG/sewer drain continuation information on plan page P3.1 near 2B1 & on P3.2 for example)
9). SAME-Notate at each of the 6 BLDG drain exits on P1.0 & P1.1 the total DFU load for each individually. Per plan pg. P8.1 the total BLDG DFU load is 3784. -IPC Table 710.1
10). SAME-Plan pg. P1.0 needs to illustrate the continuation of the main sump pit forced storm line to it's termination location, as shown on plan pg. P7.1 detail. -IPC A106.3.1
11 thru 15 OK
16).SAME- Plan pages P6.1 thru P6.5 need to include waste riser diagrams for public area fixtures. -IPC A106.3.1
17). SAME-Label fixtures on waste risers on plan pages P6.1 thru P6.5 -IPC A106.3.1
18). SAME-Waste isometric #3 on P6.1 isn't clear.-IPC A106.3.1
19). OK
20). SAME-Plan pages P6.1 thru P6.5 missing units E, 1C1, 2F, & 2B1 -IPC A106.3.1 ( Riser F on plan page P6.4 doesn't match F on P5.5, Riser 1C on P6.1 incomplete)
21). OK
22). SAME-Water main & Branch sizes not shown on plan pages P4.2 thru P4.20. -IPC A106.3.1 (Still missing sizing on P4.4 in commercial restroom, & missing hot sizing for private dining/jan sink along with Hot source?)
23). OK, Commercial Lav Mixing valves shown on P8.2
24). OK
25). Same-Hot Water piping source not illustrated to 143A Jan sink & private dining sink. on plan pg P4.4 -IPC A106.3.1
26). SAME-Water piping not illustrated to drinking fountains between restrooms #127 & #128. -IPC A106.3.1 (See P4.2)
27). OK
28). SAME-add outlet sizes to manabloc system details #3 & #4 on plan page P7.1
29). SAME-Sump details on plan pg.P7.1 need to include an oil alarm. -IPC 1003.4
30). SAME- Sump details on plan pg. P7.1 need to include a shut off valve on discharge side of check valve. IPC 1113.1.4, 712.2
31). SAME- Add water heater detail illustrations to plan pg. P7.1 for each type of water heater installation. -IPC A106.3.1
32). OK
33). SAME-Waste riser 2d #2 on plan P6.3 doesn't correlate with 2D waste enlarged plans on plan pg. P5.4 -IPC A106.3.1 (2D on P5.4 doesn't show dual lavs & doesn't show separate stack for kitchen, 2d on P6.3 does.)
34). OK
35). SAME- Plan Pg. P6.6 Gas Isometric needs to include which gas sizing table(s) was used. -IFGC 402.4 A106.3.1
36). SAME-Add types of sanitary, storm, water & gas piping materials to be used to plan pg. P8.2
37). Apartment piping Manabloc units shown on P7.1 are not clear where they are located on plan pages P5.1 thru P5.6 or P4.1 thru P4.20. A106.3.1

FROM: PDSD Zoning Review

165 S Linda Ave – C-2/C-3
Mixed Use Development (2nd Review)


DUE DATE: March 8, 2022

This site is located in the C-2/C-3 zone (UDC 4.7.21 & UDC 4.7.22 ). Mixed Use is an allowed use in the zone (UDC Table 4.8-4).

1. Zoning as reviewed the building plans for compliance with DP21-0157 and although it appears that the building plans match the DP Zoning cannot approve the building plans until the DP is approved.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Elisa Hamblin at Elisa.Hamblin@tucsonaz.gov.
03/10/2022 JPEELDA1 FIRE REVIEW Reqs Change G0.0 Deferred submittals: It states that the fire sprinkler shall be installed per NFPA 14. Please note the following as a deferred submittal: Fire sprinkler underground, fire pump, fire sprinkler, standpipes and fire alarm system. Fire sprinkler shall be installed per NFPA 13, Standpipes shall be installed per NFPA 14, Fire Pump shall be installed per NFPA 20, Fire alarm shall be installed per NFPA 72 and amendments, Fire sprinkler underground shall be installed per NFPA 13.
Provide mechanical plan for generator room including fire rating of room IMC2018,106.3.1
Provide detail on the generator (electric/fueled)
Provide note that the Elevator shall meet the requirements of IBC 2018, 3001.2 as well as all other aspects of Chapter 30. Provide a detail showing what elevators comply with IBC 2018, 3002.4 on the drawings.
Provide note: Owner to provide KNOX boxes at stairwell exterior access points and front access. Owner to provide KNOX Elevator box at the first floor elevators. Owner to provide KNOX FDC caps. Owner to provide KNOX Key switch if required.
Indicate the egress path once exiting stair #3. What path is being chosen for exit discharge? It's assumed this is shown on Sheet G1.1.
Indicate the egress path once exiting stair #4. What path is being chosen for exit discharge? It's assumed this is shown on Sheet G1.1. This portion of the plan is difficult to read on Sheet A2.1.
Provide an egress plan for the parking garage.
Elevator #6 does not meet the requirements of IBC 2018, Section 3007

Jennifer Peel-Davis
03/18/2022 SBLOOD1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Reqs Change The DP needs to be approved before the building plans can be approved.

Stephen Blood
(520) 837-4958