Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Rezone Plan Details

Parcels & Addresses

Parcel Description New Zone Status Status Date Address
14022003J Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 6200 S CAMPBELL AV
14022003K Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 6280 S CAMPBELL AV
14022003L Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 6240 S CAMPBELL AV
140220140 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 6241 S DEL MORAL BL
140220150 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 6211 S DEL MORAL BL
140220170 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 6165 S DEL MORAL BL
14022018A Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 6125 S DEL MORAL BL
140220190 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 6115 S DEL MORAL BL
140220360 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1615 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220380 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1635 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220390 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1645 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220410 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1665 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220420 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1675 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220440 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1695 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220450 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1705 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220480 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1755 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220500 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1775 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220510 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1785 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220520 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1795 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220590 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1865 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220600 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1875 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220610 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1885 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220620 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 1895 E CALLE GRANDIOSA
140220920 Pima Savings - Bilby Road R-3 Effectuated 6300 S CAMPBELL AV


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