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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.2
Permit Number - TC-COM-1222-00337
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
08/27/2023 | Design Review | APPROVED | DATE: August 26, 2023 FROM: Rick Gonzalez, Architect (#26992) COT On-Call Design Professional RE: IID Design Package Minor Modification 3 Compatibility Review w/ TC-COM-1222-00337 CONS-3_Plan Set_v2; MGD-20-02, The Hub 5 I have reviewed the Main Gate District CDs for Compatibility with Design Minor Modification 3 for The Hub 5 submitted July 2023 for the purpose of determining its conformance with the Design Requirements of the MGD Ordinance 11394. I have checked the submittal against the relevant submittal requirements of Section C-19. Building Materials and Colors . C-19.d. Building materials should be chosen for their tactile effects and used in a contrasting manner: e.g., rough surfaces against smooth, vertical patterns against horizontal, etc. -- Complies. . C-19.e. Building materials should be local chosen for integral colors and their visual and physical permanence in the Sonoran Desert. -- Complies. . C-19.f. Building materials should be selected with the idea of localizing the architectural effect and ambiance in a method coherent with the neighborhood. -- Complies. . C-19.g. •Architectural metals, such as metal panel systems, metal sheets with expressed seams, metal-framing systems, or cut, stamped or cast, ornamental metal panels. -- Complies. . C-19.h. Building materials used at the lower floors adjacent to the street frontage should respond to the character of the pedestrian environment through such qualities as scale, texture, color and detail. -- Complies. . C-19.i. Combinations of materials should reinforce architectural scaling requirements. -- Complies. . C-19.j. The use of color should be compatible with the historic traditions of the University of Arizona, City of Tucson, and adjacent historic neighborhoods. Accent colors should be used consistently throughout the building: in signage, architectural features, lighting, window frames, doors and accent walls. -- Complies. C-19.l. Architectural elements such as balconies, outdoor stairs, ornaments and surface details, such as screening, cladding and fenestration, shall be used to enhance the architectural style of the building. For group dwellings, balconies shall not be allowed. -- Complies. . C-19.m. Architectural elements should take into consideration appropriateness of use, scale, proportion, color and texture. -- Complies. . C-19.n. Architectural details shall be carefully integrated in the concept design of the building. -- Complies. . C-19.o. There shall be a clear visual distinction between the ground floor and upper floors. -- Complies. General Comments: I Recommend approval of the reviewed building plans as compliant with the Revision 3 Design Package and that the plans match the Revision 3 Design Package. The plans as presented are in conformance with the MGD Ordinance 11394. Sincerely, Rick Gonzalez, Architect (RGA) |
09/20/2023 | Site Zoning | APPROVED | |||
09/20/2023 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
09/07/2023 | External Reviewers - Stantec | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | INCOMPLETE REVIEW PACKAGE PER STANTEC Please upload the construction plans, and as applicable any structural calculations, geotechnical reports, energy calculations, mechanical calculations, lighting fixture cut sheets and special inspection certificates for project. |
08/31/2023 | Fire New Construction | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Provide a response letter that specifically addresses each comment, how it was resolved and which sheet to find the correction. john.vincent@tucsonaz.gov 5203495581 |
08/25/2023 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |