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Permit Details

Development Package
Apply Date:

Permit Reviews

Permit Number - DP12-0213
Permit Status: Expired
Start Date Submittal Complete Date Status  
11/15/2012 DEV PKG - OK TO SUBMIT 11/15/2012 COMPLETED Review Details
11/15/2012 GRADING 12/18/2012 COMPLETED Review Details
12/18/2012 RESUB - SITE and/or GRADING 12/27/2012 COMPLETED Review Details
12/27/2012 RESUB - SITE and/or GRADING 01/15/2013 ACTIVE Review Details

Outstanding Activity Conditions

Permit Number - DP12-0213
Permit Status: Expired
Total Outstanding Activity Conditions - 3
Date Name
11/21/2012 he following 26 conditions apply to DP12-0213:1)Call for Pre-construction meeting. For a PDSD Engineering Inspection, call IVR (740-6970), or schedule with a Customer Service Representative at Planning & Development Services Department (PDSD), or contact PDSD Engineering at 837-4888, or schedule inspections online at: http://cms3.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd/inspections2)Some grading activities will require separate special inspections by EOR or consultants. During these inspections it is recommended that PDSD Engineering Inspectors are present. Discuss during Pre-con or contact PDSD Engineering Inspector to confirm which inspections may be needed. 3)Earthwork, rough grading, and grading construction is approved for Phase 2 grading for the property as shown on the approved plans DP12-0213, within approved grading limits, as shown on plan sealed 10/15/12 by Jeff Behrana, P.E.. See also drainage statement & geotechnical report for this project.4)Project shall conform to recommendations and requirements found in geotechnical engineering report for this project and any subsequent addenda.5)If finished grading is not completed under this permit, a separate grading permit may be required for each pad within this commercial site. 6)Tackifiers may be used where the temporary condition applies; any pads that will be applying for permits for building and finished grading, will require permanent erosion control in form of vegetation or decorative rock as accepted by the City of Tucson.
11/21/2012 7)Contractor is responsible to protect in place any AT&T Transcontinental fiber optic line. South boundary area may contain an underground fiber optic cable and / or Kinder Morgan Gas Line; all work within these easements must be coordinated with the proper utilities prior to any site construction.8)A copy of stamped approved grading plan(s), grading permit(s), NOI, AzPDES general permit, geotechnical report/addenda, and other reports shall be kept at site at all times, until final grading approval.9)Grading / Disturbance Limits shall be maintained and no disturbance outside of grading limits will be allowed. Stop Work Order may be issued if disturbance occurs outside of approved grading limits as shown on approved grading plans. There shall be no disturbance, construction vehicle traffic or parking, or stockpiling outside of approved Grading Limits as shown on Grading Plan. There shall be no disturbance of Mission View Wash Regional Detention system or Greyhound Wash, unless for limited stormwater purposes and as discussed with PDSD Inspector, and as shown on approved plans. Any disturbance of county basin area or Mission View or Greyhound Wash without authorization may result in Stop Work Order and/or other penalties.10)Interim erosion and sediment controls shall be maintained per approved grading plans at downstream areas of disturbance limits. Interim control measures shall be placed within approved grading limits. Prior to Final Approval all temporary controls shall be removed and permanent controls shall be placed.11)Grades adjacent to silt fence filter fabric shall be flush with existing grades to allow for flow of stormwater runoff through filter fabric, and not create dam condition that could concentrate flow at another location.12)Stabilized entrances shall be maintained at all active access entrances. Use of water trucks or other dust controls shall be utilized, and construction entrances shall be maintained to minimize sedimentation, dust issues, and tracking.13)Storage or placement of construction material, vehicle staging / stockpile area, and/or designated concrete washout locations shall not be located within or near regional basin, washes, floodplain, or water harvesting areas. 14)Any existing trees or transplanted trees from onsite within the SVT's shall be checked and trimmed to assure that they are clear of leaves and branches to a height of at least six feet above grade. The location of trees within existing and future sight visibility triangles may be restricted or modified as determined by the City of Tucson Inspectors in order to preserve visibility.15)To keep construction debris from entering wash, heavy duty construction fencing at approved disturbance limits along regional basin / floodplain / wash area may need to be provided as needed and as determined with consultation between contractor, engineer, and inspector. 16)During construction activities, traffic control plans may be required if there is a safety hazard potential from construction activities conflicting with public traffic. It may be necessary to submit a copy of a traffic control plan to PDSD. Onsite traffic control plans shall minimize traffic hazard conditions between public access to buildings, and construction vehicles & activities.
11/21/2012 17)Any revisions to Grading Plan must be reviewed by PDSD Engineering Engineer and may include discussion, details, or a revised grading plan. Call PDSD Engineering at 791-5550 to discuss any revisions.18)If grading construction is expected to last longer than expiration date of grading permit, contact PDSD to renew/extend Grading Permit. If Final Grading Inspection has not been completed before Grading Permit expires, and permit has not been renewed, additional fees and reviews may be required. Requests for grading permit extensions may be submitted to Planning & Development Services Department (attn: Claudia Buford), prior to grading permit expiration date, for consideration of grading plan extension approval.19)City of Tucson grading standards to DS Sec.11-01 apply. 20)For inspection purposes, post City of Tucson's "AZPDES - Posting Requirements" green sheet, or the NOI at construction entrance of site, at beginning of construction activities, and maintain this posted document throughout project construction.21)Operator shall report to ADEQ any noncompliance (including spills) which may endanger human health or the environment. Operator shall orally notify office listed below within 24 hours:(a)Arizona Department of Environmental Quality1110 W. Washington, 5th floor (5515B-1)Phoenix, AZ 85007Office: 602-771-4466; Fax 602-771-450522)Receiving waters are Mission View Wash Regional Detention Basin. Also the following water systems are connected: Greyhound Wash, Tucson Diversion Channel, and downstream: Santa Cruz River.23)Permitee shall notify PDSD when grading operation is ready for final grading inspection. Final grading approval shall not be given until all work, including installation of all drainage improvements and their permanent protective devices, and all erosion control measures have been completed in accordance with approved grading plan and grading permit, and all conditions of permit are completed. 24)Remaining signatures from Operators must be on site copy of SWPPP (exhibit or report) at or before commencement of construction. All Operators shall be identified and have separate certification statements. Assure these certifications are available on-site.25)After interim controls are removed, permanent erosion control are required on all disturbed areas, in form of vegetative cover, gravel, a sized decorative rock, and/or other controls.26)As-builts are required to be submitted for Phase 3. The as-built / "Final Revised Grading Plan" may be submitted under activity number DP12-0213 to PDSD permit clerks. They will be reviewed and then if acceptable, a copy will be provided to PDSD Engineering Inspector for final grading inspections. For Grading Permit Project Closure documentation, submit: one copy of original grading plans, 2 copies of as-builts, letters of completion (one for drainage improvements, and another letter for substantial completion of overall Phase 3 project). As-builts shall include: pad elevations for, inverts drainage pipes/systems, and general grades as determined by RLS to show substantial completion for Phase 3.

Outstanding Inspections

Permit Status: Expired
Permit Number: DP12-0213
Total Outstanding Inspections - 3
Last Inspection Date Description Inspector Results Comments
05/03/2013 PDSD Engineering Division Pre-Construction SITE N/A Complete (Recurring) {Activity date: 05/03/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - PRE -CON MEETING FOR LAST TWO PADS SOUTH OF PAD 2-A.} ; {Activity date: 02/22/2013; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - GOT WITH BYRON WITH DOUBLE AA BUILDERS.ACTIVITY CARD NOT ON SITE . WENT OVER AP PLAN. AND WALKED SITE.}
11/01/2013 PDSD Site/Engineering Division - Landscaping N/A Complete (Recurring) {Activity date: 11/01/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - GOT WITH GC ABOUT COMPLETING ALL DETAIL. FOR LANDSCPING.} ; {Activity date: 09/06/2013; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - THIS INSPECION FOR A-2 ONLY}
12/19/2013 ENGR Engineering Final N/A Complete (Recurring) {Activity date: 12/19/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - SIZE OF ADD ON TO TRASH ENCLOSURE IS PER ENGINEERS RED LINES.} ; {Activity date: 11/26/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 11/25/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO ACTIVITY ON SITE AT THIS TIME.}

Completed Inspections

Permit Status: Expired
Permit Number: DP12-0213
Total Completed Inspections - 7
Date Description Inspector Results Comments
09/06/2013 SITE - Stormwater Setup and Controls Passed {Activity date: 09/06/2013; Status: Approved; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - } ; {Activity date: 05/21/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - PAD-B3 PER HIGH LIGHT ON PAGE G-4. MANHOLES HAVE BEEN FORM.} ; {Activity date: 05/07/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - INSTALLING SWPPP CONTROLS .} ; {Activity date: 02/28/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - WORKING ON INSTALLING SWPPP CONTROLS.} ; {Activity date: 02/27/2013; Status: Denied; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - PROVIDE AP INSTALL OF CONTROLS.}
11/13/2013 SITE - SWPPP Correction Notice Passed {Activity date: 11/13/2013; Status: Approved; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by ARUIZ1 - }
11/13/2013 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up Passed {Activity date: 11/13/2013; Status: Approved; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by ARUIZ1 - } ; {Activity date: 07/25/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - GOT WITH GC ABOUT SWPPP CONTROLS.} ; {Activity date: 07/18/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO TRACK OUT RO GRADING ACTIVITY AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 07/09/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - GOT WITH GC TO ADD SWPPP CONTOLS AT TEMP STOCK PILE.} ; {Activity date: 05/08/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - STILL WORKING ON SWPPP CONTROLS.} ; {Activity date: 05/06/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - LAYING OUT FOR SWPPP CONTROLS AROUND PADS ON SIUTH SIDE OF STREET FROM A-2 PADS.} ; {Activity date: 05/02/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - CONTROLS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED AT BASINS. PAD2A AND H.} ; {Activity date: 04/25/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 04/03/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - GOT WITH GRADING CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL SWPPP INFO AT PAD H AND WASH OUT AT A-2 AND H PADS.} ; {Activity date: 03/29/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - } ; {Activity date: 03/25/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - INSPECTION PER HIGH LIGHT ON G-3.} ; {Activity date: 03/20/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - CONTROLS LOOK OK NO TRACK OUT.} ; {Activity date: 03/15/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - WALKED SITE WITH GRADING CONTRACTOR. NEEDS TO MOVE CONTROLS ON WEST SIDE OF SITE.}
11/13/2013 ENGR Grading Final Passed {Activity date: 11/13/2013; Status: Approved; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by ARUIZ1 - } ; {Activity date: 10/31/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - GC NOT ON SITE . TO GO OVER WORKFOR FINAL.} ; {Activity date: 10/28/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO ACTIVITY ON SITE.} ; {Activity date: 10/10/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - GOT WITH GC ABOUT CERT LETTER FOR ALL GRADING AND DRAINAGE.} ; {Activity date: 10/09/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: eleibol1; Comment: Entered by ELEIBOL1 - Report from Ken Perry at ES, who stated that his field trip found that trash enclosures were accepted for solid waste pick-up for Shops A2, B3, B4, & H. Ken reiterated that future projects will need 10 by10-ft clear inside bollards, a couple of feet of offset from front corner of trash enclosure where parking is to the side/front to avoid potential clipping of cars, no woven wire mesh should be accepted (gates need to be opaque, 40-ft approach should be straight & clear of curbs or other obstructions, enclosure area & approach area shall not be in a stormwater flow line and have minimum 2% grade for postive gradient for flows to flow away from enclosure.} ; {Activity date: 09/09/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - WALKED SITE WITH DAVE GOT WITH CONTRACTOR ABOUT INSTALLING BIKE PARKING . AND PROVIDE LETTER TASH ENCLOSURE.} ; {Activity date: 09/05/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CHANGE TO TRASH ENCLOSURE.} ; {Activity date: 08/28/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - GRADING CONTRACTOR STABILIZATED DISTURBED AREA.} ; {Activity date: 08/27/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - FINAL GRADING FOR STABILZATION ON AREA OFF SITE.} ; {Activity date: 08/06/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO ACTIVTY OUT BUILDINGS.} ; {Activity date: 08/01/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 07/16/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - GOT WITH GC ABOUT PALS IN PARKING AREA AT PAD H.} ; {Activity date: 07/02/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - FINAL GRADING WORK AROUND BUILDING. ON PAD A-2.} ; {Activity date: 07/01/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - STRADED PAVING WORK ON PAD A-3.} ; {Activity date: 06/10/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - ALL CATCH BASINS COMPLET.} ; {Activity date: 06/07/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - PAD H TRASH ENCLOURES 10 BY 10 .} ; {Activity date: 06/06/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - WORKING ON CURBS . AND BACK FILLING.} ; {Activity date: 05/29/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - PAD B-3 WORKING ON STORM PIPING AND BASINS .} ; {Activity date: 05/28/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - FORMING CATCH BASIN ON WEST SIDE OF SITE. AT PAD B-3.} ; {Activity date: 05/23/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - BOTTOM OF CATCH BASIN ONLY.} ; {Activity date: 05/22/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - INSPECTION PER HIGH LIGHTS ON PAGE G-4.} ; {Activity date: 05/20/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - PAD B-3 PER HIGH LIGHT ON PAGE G4FOR STROM DRAIN PIPING.} ; {Activity date: 05/15/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - CURB WORK ON PAD H. NO TRACK OUT AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 04/30/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - ADD CONTROLS AT CATCH BASINS . FOR A-2 PAD AND H PAD.} ; {Activity date: 04/23/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - PADS H& A-2 WORKING ON WATER MAINS ONLY AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 04/08/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO ACTIVITY ON PAD A-2 OR PAD H.} ; {Activity date: 04/05/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - GOT WITH GC ABOUT SWPPP INFO FOR PAD H .AND PROVIDE SWPPP CONTROLS AT NEW BASINS FOR PADS H & A-2.} ; {Activity date: 04/01/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - WORKING ON CATCH BASIN ON NORTH EAST SIDE OF PAD H. WORKING ON STROMDRAIN MANHOLE AT PAD A-2.} ; {Activity date: 03/29/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - INSPECTOIN FOR PAD A-2 PAGE G-3 PER HIGH LIGHT. BASIN INPECTION FOR PAD H PER HIGH LIGHT ON PAGE G-5.} ; {Activity date: 03/28/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - THIS INSPECTION IS FOR SITE H INSPECTION PER HIGH LIGHT ON PAGE C-5.} ; {Activity date: 03/13/2013; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - WORKING ON SITE SEWER. NO TRACK OUT OR GRADING ACTIVITY.}
11/13/2013 SITE - SWPPP Violation Notice Passed {Activity date: 11/13/2013; Status: Approved; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by ARUIZ1 - }
11/13/2013 SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection Passed {Activity date: 11/13/2013; Status: Approved; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by ARUIZ1 - }
11/13/2013 COT - ENGR - Site - Assurance Release Passed {Activity date: 11/13/2013; Status: Approved; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by ARUIZ1 - }


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