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Parcel Number - 141010130
Date - 03/03/2025 10:51 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (39)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
DP22-0032 Fees paid 02/21/2022 06/26/2027 Development Package *Revision #1 (landscape) started 8/16/2024* Tentative Plat - La Escalera Residential - Phase 1, Lots 1 thru 219.
TC-MDP-0124-00153 Withdrawn 02/23/2024 N/A Model Building Permit Big Bend Model Plan La Escalera
TC-MDP-0224-00198 Withdrawn 02/23/2024 N/A Model Building Permit Black Mountain model SFR Escalara
TC-MDP-0224-00245 Withdrawn 02/23/2024 N/A Model Building Permit Arches Model Plan
TD-DEV-0224-00061 Issued 02/27/2024 09/05/2027 Development Package La Escalera Phase 4 Tentative Plat ONLY (no Grading Plan included - Not a Construction Document) plus a separate Landscape Plan.
TC-MDP-0224-00244 Withdrawn 02/28/2024 N/A Model Building Permit Arches Model Plan
TC-MDP-0224-00253 Withdrawn 02/28/2024 N/A Model Building Permit American Samoa Model Plan La Escalera
TR-UTL-0324-00529 Complete 03/19/2024 06/16/2024 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility New Business project off Valencia Rd and Frost Dr for new development. The trench has been provided by the developer for most of the project- Southwest gas is just extending the gas line for 524' in dirt, east of the proposed driveway to accommodate future development.
TR-UTL-0424-00759 Void 04/10/2024 N/A Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility **DUPLICATE of TR-UTL-0324-00529. Please attach approval documentation per Bob Roggenthen to the original permit so the process can continue** New Business project off Valencia Rd and Frost Dr for new development. The trench has been provided by the developer for most of the project- Southwest gas is just extending the gas line for 524' in dirt, east of the proposed driveway to accommodate future development. (Given green light to approval and asked to to re-submit request by Bob Roggenthen at TDC)
TR-ANN-0724-00414 Complete 07/15/2024 07/18/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual REQUEST FOR ROW PERMIT FOR LA ESCALERA LOT #216
TR-ANN-0724-00415 Complete 07/15/2024 07/18/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual REQUEST FOR ROW PERMIT FOR LA ESCALERA LOT #217
TR-ANN-0724-00416 Complete 07/15/2024 07/18/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual REQUEST ROW PERMIT FOR 7463 S. KELLER LANE LOT#218
TR-ANN-0724-00417 Complete 07/15/2024 07/18/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual REQUEST ROW PERMIT FOR 7469 S KELLER LANE LOT #219
TR-ROW-0723-00982 Complete 07/24/2023 09/29/2023 Right-of-Way (ROW) Main sewer connection for La Escalera 22-071 offsite manhole tie in
TZ-CMP-0723-00148 Complete 07/28/2023 N/A Zoning Compliance We would like to request the City of Tucson to issue a Zoning Certification Letter that indicates the current zoning classification of the property, the current authorized use(s) of the property, and other information.
TD-DEV-0823-00357 Issued 08/15/2023 04/09/2027 Development Package La Escalera Phase 2 TENTATIVE PLAT only (no grading); NPP/LANDSCAPE PLAN
TR-ANN-0824-00500 Complete 08/29/2024 08/30/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual **Request for ROW PERMIT FOR 7445 S KELLER LN**Hello this is very urgent, I need a ROW permit for this so we can pour sidewalks and driveways.
TR-ANN-0824-00501 Complete 08/29/2024 08/30/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual Very urgent, can you please issue me a row permit so we can pour our sidewalk and driveway here. Lot 214 La Escalera Phase 1 NOTE: Refer to Permit #TR-ANN-0824-00500 for one time ROW barricade fee.
TR-ANN-0824-00502 Complete 08/29/2024 08/30/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual Very urgent, can you please issue me a ROW permit - driveway pad/ sidewalk installation for lot# 213
TR-ANN-0824-00503 Complete 08/29/2024 08/30/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual Very urgent, can you please issue me a ROW permit so we can pour our driveways and sidewalks? Lot 212 La Escalera Phase 1 NOTE: Refer to Permit #TR-ANN-0824-00500 for one time ROW barricade fee.
TR-ANN-0824-00504 Complete 08/29/2024 08/30/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual ROW permit- DRIVEWAY PAD/ SIDEWALK INSTALLATION FOR LOT #53
TR-ANN-0824-00505 Complete 08/29/2024 08/30/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual very urgent, can you please issue me a ROW permit so we can pour our driveways and sidewalks? Lot 54 La Escalera Phase 1 NOTE: Refer to Permit #TR-ANN-0824-00500 for one time ROW barricade fee.
TR-ANN-0824-00506 Complete 08/29/2024 08/30/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual very urgent, can you please issue me a ROW permit so we can pour our driveways and sidewalks? Lot 55 La Escalera Phase 1 NOTE: Refer to Permit #TR-ANN-0824-00500 for one time ROW barricade fee.
TR-ANN-0824-00507 Complete 08/29/2024 08/30/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual **REQUEST ROW PERMIT FOR 7430 S KELLER LN** very urgent, can you please issue me a ROW permit so we can pour our driveways and sidewalks?
TR-ANN-0824-00508 Complete 08/29/2024 08/30/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual **REQUEST FOR ROW PERMIT FOR 7426 S KELLER LN**very urgent, can you please issue me a ROW permit so we can pour our driveways and sidewalks?
TR-ROW-0823-01102 Withdrawn 08/30/2023 N/A Right-of-Way (ROW) *** Withdrawn - Incorrect permit type filed *** La Escalera 22-071 water
TR-UTL-0923-02418 Issued 09/05/2023 11/14/2023 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility La Escalera 22-071 Water
TR-ANN-0924-00527 Complete 09/17/2024 09/26/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual ROW permit for driveways/sidewalks for lot #103
TR-ANN-0924-00528 Complete 09/17/2024 09/26/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual ROW permit for sidewalks/driveway pad installation for lot #104
TR-ANN-0924-00529 Complete 09/17/2024 09/26/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Annual row permit for sidewalks/driveway installation- lot #105
TC-MDP-1023-01711 Complete 10/24/2023 03/25/2025 Model Building Permit American Samoa Model Plan La Escalera
TD-DEV-1124-00312 Issued 11/20/2024 02/25/2028 Development Package PRIVATE GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN for LA ESCALERA PHASE 4, LOTS 1-215 related to TD-DEV-0224-00061
TC-MDP-1223-01882 Withdrawn 12/06/2023 N/A Model Building Permit Big Bend Model Plan La Escalera
TC-MDP-0323-00697 Withdrawn 12/14/2023 07/28/2024 Model Building Permit Black Mountain model SFR Escalara
TC-MDP-1023-01703 Complete 12/14/2023 05/05/2025 Model Building Permit Eisenhower Model Plan La Escalera
TC-MDP-1023-01705 Complete 12/14/2023 04/29/2025 Model Building Permit Great Sand Dunes SFR Model Escalara
TC-MDP-1023-01700 Complete 12/15/2023 03/31/2025 Model Building Permit Eisenhower Model Plan La Escalera
TC-MDP-1223-01881 Withdrawn 12/15/2023 N/A Model Building Permit Big Bend Model Plan La Escalera
TD-DEV-1222-00086 Issued 12/22/2022 11/28/2026 Development Package Escalera Rough Grading Permit


Parcel Number - 141010130
Date - 03/03/2025 10:51 a.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 8
Plan Number Plan Status Application Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TD-DIV-0324-00018 Needs resubmittal 03/04/2024 N/A Land Division SUBMITTAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR LA ESCALERA PHASE 2, LOTS 1 - 163 (see Tentative Plat #TD-DEV-0823-00357)
TD-DIV-1122-00014 Withdrawn 11/23/2022 N/A Land Division *WITHDRAW* PER CUSTOMER REQUEST LETTER, SEE FILE SUBMITTED- Escalera - Final Plat
TD-DIV-1122-00015 Fees paid 11/23/2022 N/A Land Division Escalera - Final Plat SEQ#20233050451
C9-19-13 Effected 08/06/2019 N/A REZONING PROCEDURES
T21PRE0224 Closed 10/15/2021 N/A NEIGHBORHOOD NOTIFICATION Site: Escalera.