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Parcel Search: 14039052F
Parcel Search
Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)
Date - 01/27/2025 7:22 p.m.
Total Number Of OZC Plans - (1)
Rezoning Cases
Date - 01/27/2025 7:22 p.m.
Total Number Of Rezone Cases - (1)
Case No. | Description | New Zone | Status | Status Date | Address |
C9-06-05 | Los Reales PAD - Los Reales Rd | PAD | Effectuated | 02/21/2006 | E LOS REALES |
Parcel Number - 14039052F
Date - 01/27/2025 7:22 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (12)
Permit | Permit Status | Entered Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
TF-FCP-0224-00116 | Complete | 02/12/2024 | 09/20/2024 | Fire Construction Permit | Install new 6" DIP Fire Line from City installed Stub to the Fire riser Location. Including the fire line and riser. | |
DP22-0089 | Complete | 04/08/2022 | 09/03/2027 | Development Package | *Restricted Access // Site/Grading - Los Reales Landfill. Canopy. | |
DP19-0172 | Complete | 07/19/2019 | 10/16/2022 | Development Package | SITE - City of Tucson, solar, Los Reales Road. | |
T22FC00567 | Complete | 08/15/2022 | 12/28/2024 | Fire Construction Permit | Automatic Fire Extingshing Sys - Installation of Wet pipe sprinkler system. | |
D07-0037 | Approved | 08/22/2007 | N/A | Development Package | LOS REALES ROAD | |
TC-COM-1024-02056 | Inspections | 10/24/2024 | 07/05/2025 | BLDG 6 | Commercial Building | CIP Project - LRSC pre-fab metal bldg |
TD-DEV-1024-00292 | Inspections | 10/24/2024 | 01/14/2028 | Development Package | Restricted Record - CIP - LRSC pre-fab metal bldg - related CIP-0424-00013 | |
TC-UTL-1024-00096 | Void | 10/29/2024 | 04/27/2025 | Utilities Permit | *VOID - Unable to process, the submittal is incomplete. No files/supporting permit documents were attached, in addition, the submittal has a workflow error and unable to start a Bluebeam session for review. Please start a new application, for questions email Building_Official@tucsonaz.gov* -CIP - LRSC pre-fab metal bldg | |
TR-ROW-1123-01358 | Void | 11/15/2023 | N/A | Right-of-Way (ROW) | Drilling 11 soil borings to collect soil and provide recomendations for the new Los Reales Path Walk. The improvents will include a new pedestrian pathwalk, parking lot and intersection street lights at Los Reales Rd and Craycoft Rd. | |
T21CM09793 | Complete | 12/21/2021 | 03/05/2025 | Commercial Building | New Canopy at Household Hazardous Waste | |
T18CM10042 | Expired | 12/28/2018 | N/A | BLDG 4 | Commercial Building | NEW HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE |
Parcel Number - 14039052F
Date - 01/27/2025 7:22 p.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 11
Plan Number | Plan Status | Application Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
CIP-0424-00013 | In review | 04/17/2024 | N/A | Capital Improvement Project | LRSC pre-fab metal bldg | |
CIP-0424-00015 | In review | 04/18/2024 | N/A | Capital Improvement Project | LRSC Phase 1 Linear trail and intersection improvement | |
TP-MOD-0924-000009 | In review | 09/05/2024 | 03/04/2025 | Modifications to Zoning Approvals | This request is for a pre-PAD review for major amendment to the Los Reales PAD (PAD-14). | |
TP-PRE-0124-00020 | Complete | 01/23/2024 | N/A | Pre-Application | Pre-application conference for proposed Linear Trail improvements at Los Reales Landfill. | |
TP-PRE-0224-00038 | Complete | 02/12/2024 | N/A | Pre-Application | Proposed development for ByFusion facility within Los Reales landfill. Commercial Industrial building, and associated site improvements including grading and paving, underground utilities, and landscaping. | |
TP-PRE-0523-00206 | In review | 05/11/2023 | N/A | Pre-Application | This pre-application request is to initiate an amendment to the Los Reales PAD (PAD 14) to incorporate additional parcels into the PAD and better align the goals and development regulations of the PAD with the vision of the Los Reales Sustainability Campus. | |
TP-PRE-0523-00206 | In review | 05/11/2023 | N/A | BLDG 1 | Pre-Application | This pre-application request is to initiate an amendment to the Los Reales PAD (PAD 14) to incorporate additional parcels into the PAD and better align the goals and development regulations of the PAD with the vision of the Los Reales Sustainability Campus. |
TP-PRE-0523-00206 | In review | 05/11/2023 | N/A | BLDG 2 | Pre-Application | This pre-application request is to initiate an amendment to the Los Reales PAD (PAD 14) to incorporate additional parcels into the PAD and better align the goals and development regulations of the PAD with the vision of the Los Reales Sustainability Campus. |
TP-PRE-0523-00206 | In review | 05/11/2023 | N/A | BLDG 3 | Pre-Application | This pre-application request is to initiate an amendment to the Los Reales PAD (PAD 14) to incorporate additional parcels into the PAD and better align the goals and development regulations of the PAD with the vision of the Los Reales Sustainability Campus. |
TP-PRE-0523-00206 | In review | 05/11/2023 | N/A | BLDG 4 | Pre-Application | This pre-application request is to initiate an amendment to the Los Reales PAD (PAD 14) to incorporate additional parcels into the PAD and better align the goals and development regulations of the PAD with the vision of the Los Reales Sustainability Campus. |
TP-PRE-0523-00206 | In review | 05/11/2023 | N/A | BLDG 5 | Pre-Application | This pre-application request is to initiate an amendment to the Los Reales PAD (PAD 14) to incorporate additional parcels into the PAD and better align the goals and development regulations of the PAD with the vision of the Los Reales Sustainability Campus. |