Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Parcel Search

Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningMH-1
Tucson WardWard 5
Major Streets & Routes

Arterial or Collector

Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Date - 03/11/2025 7:26 p.m.
Total Number Of OZC Plans - (1)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
C9-60-39 West To Silverbell Road And South To San Xavier Indian Reservation 2014 03/18/1960 2045

Special Development Requests & Requirements

Date - 03/11/2025 7:26 p.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (1)
Activity Number Status Apply Date Expired Date Type Description


Parcel Number - 140240250
Date - 03/11/2025 7:26 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (583)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
T20MH00012 Issued 03/05/2020 12/07/2020 40 Residential Building - One or Two Family MOBILE HOME REPL
T20MH00016 Issued 03/16/2020 09/14/2020 11 Residential Building - One or Two Family REPM OF M/H
T20MH00018 Issued 03/16/2020 09/13/2020 40 Residential Building - One or Two Family REPLL OF M/H
TR-ROW-0323-00502 Complete 03/16/2023 05/10/2023 Right-of-Way (ROW) Perform 7-inch diameter soil borings to depths of approximately 3 feet below existing site grade along Bilby Road between 12th Avenue and Country Club Road to obtain soil samples for a pavement section design
TR-ROW-0323-00502 Complete 03/16/2023 05/10/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Perform 7-inch diameter soil borings to depths of approximately 3 feet below existing site grade along Bilby Road between 12th Avenue and Country Club Road to obtain soil samples for a pavement section design
TR-ROW-0323-00502 Complete 03/16/2023 05/10/2023 UNIT 12 Right-of-Way (ROW) Perform 7-inch diameter soil borings to depths of approximately 3 feet below existing site grade along Bilby Road between 12th Avenue and Country Club Road to obtain soil samples for a pavement section design
TR-ROW-0323-00502 Complete 03/16/2023 05/10/2023 UNIT 36 Right-of-Way (ROW) Perform 7-inch diameter soil borings to depths of approximately 3 feet below existing site grade along Bilby Road between 12th Avenue and Country Club Road to obtain soil samples for a pavement section design
T21CM02667 Expired 03/24/2021 09/21/2021 26 Residential Building - One or Two Family 8x8 shed
TC-COM-0423-01159 Withdrawn 04/27/2023 10/24/2023 Commercial Building Riser on power pole replacement
TC-COM-0423-01160 Issued 04/27/2023 04/14/2024 Commercial Building Electrical upgrade on north system of the park
T20CM02842 Approved 05/05/2020 N/A 06 Residential Building - One or Two Family GAS PRESSURE TEST
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 0 UNIT 1 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 0 UNIT 2 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 0 UNIT 3 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 0 UNIT 4 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 1 UNIT 1308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 10 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 10 UNIT 10101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 10 UNIT 10102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 10 UNIT 10103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 10 UNIT 10104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 100 UNIT 150 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 100 UNIT 170 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 11 UNIT 11308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 12 UNIT 12308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 13 UNIT 13308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 14 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 14 UNIT 14101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 14 UNIT 14102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 14 UNIT 14103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 14 UNIT 14104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 15 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 15 UNIT 15101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 15 UNIT 15102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 15 UNIT 15103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 15 UNIT 15104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 16 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 16 UNIT 16101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 16 UNIT 16102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 16 UNIT 16103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 16 UNIT 16104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 17 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 17 UNIT 17101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 17 UNIT 17102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 17 UNIT 17103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 17 UNIT 17104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 18 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 18 UNIT 18101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 18 UNIT 18102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 18 UNIT 18103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 18 UNIT 18104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 19 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 19 UNIT 19101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 19 UNIT 19102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 19 UNIT 19103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 19 UNIT 19104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 2 UNIT 2308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 20 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 20 UNIT 20101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 20 UNIT 20102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 20 UNIT 20103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 20 UNIT 20104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 200 UNIT 240 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 21 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 21 UNIT 21101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 21 UNIT 21102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 21 UNIT 21103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 21 UNIT 21104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 22 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 22 UNIT 22101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 22 UNIT 22102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 22 UNIT 22103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 22 UNIT 22104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 23 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 23 UNIT 23101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 23 UNIT 23102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 23 UNIT 23103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 23 UNIT 23104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 24 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 24 UNIT 24101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 24 UNIT 24102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 24 UNIT 24103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 24 UNIT 24104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 25 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 25 UNIT 25101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 25 UNIT 25102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 25 UNIT 25103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 25 UNIT 25104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 26 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 26 UNIT 26101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 26 UNIT 26102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 26 UNIT 26103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 26 UNIT 26104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 27 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 27 UNIT 27101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 27 UNIT 27102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 27 UNIT 27103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 27 UNIT 27104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 28 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 28 UNIT 28101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 28 UNIT 28102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 28 UNIT 28103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 28 UNIT 28104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 29 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 29 UNIT 29101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 29 UNIT 29102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 29 UNIT 29103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 29 UNIT 29104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 3 UNIT 3308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 30 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 30 UNIT 30101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 30 UNIT 30102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 30 UNIT 30103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 30 UNIT 30104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 31 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 31 UNIT 31101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 31 UNIT 31102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 31 UNIT 31103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 31 UNIT 31104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 32 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 32 UNIT 32101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 32 UNIT 32102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 32 UNIT 32103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 32 UNIT 32104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 33 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 33 UNIT 33101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 33 UNIT 33102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 33 UNIT 33103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 33 UNIT 33104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 34 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 34 UNIT 34101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 34 UNIT 34102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 34 UNIT 34103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 34 UNIT 34104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 35 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 35 UNIT 35101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 35 UNIT 35102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 35 UNIT 35103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 35 UNIT 35104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 36 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 36 UNIT 36101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 36 UNIT 36102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 36 UNIT 36103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 36 UNIT 36104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 37 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 37 UNIT 37101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 37 UNIT 37102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 37 UNIT 37103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 37 UNIT 37104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 38 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 38 UNIT 38101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 38 UNIT 38102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 38 UNIT 38103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 38 UNIT 38104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 39 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 4 UNIT 4308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 5 UNIT 5308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 6 UNIT 6308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 7 UNIT 7308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 8 UNIT 8308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 10308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9101 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9102 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9103 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9104 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9105 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9106 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9107 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9108 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9201 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9202 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9203 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9204 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9205 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9206 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9207 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9208 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9301 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9302 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9303 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9304 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9305 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9306 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9307 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG 9 UNIT 9308 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG A Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG B Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG C Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 BLDG C UNIT 300 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 1 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 10 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 100 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 11 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 110 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 12 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 13 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 14 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 15 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 150 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 15A Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 16 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 16A Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 16B Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 17 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 18 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 180 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 19 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 2 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 20 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 21 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 22 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 23 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 24 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 25 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 26 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 27 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 28 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 29 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 3 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 31 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 32 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 33 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 34 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 35 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 36 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 38 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 39 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 4 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 40 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 41 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 42 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 43 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 44 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 45 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 46 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 47 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 48 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 49 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 5 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 51 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 52 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 53 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 54 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 56 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 6 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 7 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 8 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT 9 Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT A Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT B Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT C Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT D Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT E Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT F Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT G Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT H Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT I Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT J Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT K Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT L Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT M Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT N Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT O Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT P Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT Q Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT R Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT S Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT T Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT U Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT V Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT W Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT X Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TR-ROW-0623-00898 Complete 06/22/2023 08/27/2023 UNIT Y Right-of-Way (ROW) Air-vacuum excavation of 30 utility potholes for the design phase of Tucson DOT Prop 411 Neighborhood St. Improvements Bilby Rd Modernization Project
TC-COM-0723-01740 Void 07/18/2023 01/14/2024 Commercial Building Void - Duplicate/Same scope of work as existing application permit number TC-COM-0423-01160. Please submit revision under existing permit or withdraw existing permit before moving forward with a new application.replace wires inside the gutter box. no boxes being repalced
TC-COM-0723-01809 Fees paid 07/25/2023 01/21/2024 Commercial Building Like for like wire replacement. wire replacement inside the gutter. This permit is not related to TC-COM-0423-01160. We have two different tep meters that are getting worked on at the same time
T19MH00107 Issued 08/22/2019 02/18/2020 Residential Building - One or Two Family MH REPLACEMENT
TC-COM-1123-02655 Issued 11/14/2023 01/14/2025 Commercial Building south service upgrades including 3 new 200 amp boxes and new gutter with new wire: REV 1: Like-for-like replacement of equipment and conductors. No service upgrade.
T01MH00162 Expired 03/16/2001 09/25/2001 #34 MH MOBILE HOME:SET UP
T01PL01817 Final 09/18/2001 04/14/2002 PLUMB NEW GAS SERVICE
T02PL02040 Final 11/07/2002 05/07/2003 #36 PLUMB NEW:GAS LINE
T10CM03310 Final 11/29/2010 05/28/2011 #24 COMBO COMPLIANCE:RELOCATE:SHED
T11CM00731 Withdrwn 03/08/2011 N/A #42 COMBO ADDT: BEDRM AND BATHRM
T11CM01177 Withdrwn 04/21/2011 N/A #42 COMBO ADDITION:BEDROOM/BATHROOM
T11MH00025 Final 04/11/2011 10/08/2011 #26 MH MOBILE HOME:COMPLIANCE SET UP
T13MH00054 Final 10/17/2013 04/15/2014 #43 MH MOBILE HOME SET UP
T14MH00030 Final 06/09/2014 12/06/2014 #42 MH ZON & ENG COMPLIANCE; MH SET UP
T15MH00084 Expired 12/14/2015 06/11/2016 #36 MH MH SET UP
T19CM06059 Withdrwn 08/22/2019 N/A COMBO MH PLACEMENT
T20CM06637 Final 09/24/2020 04/06/2021 COMBO REPLACE TWO 200 AMPS LIKE FOR LIKE SUB PANELS
T20RW06203 Final 11/17/2020 01/18/2021 ROW From TEP Pole N of 1200 E Bilby Rd, head W and begin 164' aerial overlash .625 coax replacing damaged cable. Tie in.
T97MH00433 Expired 12/04/1997 06/13/1998 #18 MH MOBILE HOME:SETUP
T97MH00434 Expired 12/08/1997 06/21/1998 #34 MH MOBILE HOME:SETUP
T98MH00151 Expired 03/18/1998 09/22/1998 #34 MH MOBILE HOME:SETUP

Code Enforcement

Parcel Number - 140240250
Date - 03/11/2025 7:26 p.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 8
Case Number Case Status Entered Date Closed Date Unit Type Description
CE-VIO1222-01056 Closed - resolved 12/22/2022 12/22/2022 UNIT 44 Code Enforcement Case EMERGENCY CALL OUT FROM TFD, MOBILE HOME FIRE
T07DV02031 Complian 03/05/2007 N/A DNR_VIOL ALARM -13422, TRAILER FIRE #403
T16DV07375 Complian 10/22/2016 N/A #40 DNR_VIOL FIRE TO MOBILE HOME
T17DV05640 Complian 10/29/2017 N/A #48 DNR_VIOL Truck hit trailer
T19DV04820 Noverify 06/17/2019 N/A DNR_VIOL Sewer is backing up and smell is getting worse, already reached the parking lot
T20DV02479 Complian 04/14/2020 N/A DNR_VIOL no hot water LOT#6
T20DV05296 Complian 08/05/2020 N/A #06 DNR_VIOL trailer park breakers next to the office keep popping and leaving park without electricity . Building a shed w/out permits. Previous fire in the past. Behind trailer #20. l Electrical panels need to be replaced