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Parcel Number - 13601008S
Date - 03/05/2025 1:36 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (57)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TC-MDP-0123-00316 Issued 01/04/2024 08/25/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0124-00063 Issued 01/25/2024 08/19/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073 Pantano Vista Lots 1-32
TC-MDP-0124-00064 Issued 01/25/2024 06/16/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073 Pantano Vista Lots 1-32
TC-MDP-0124-00065 Issued 01/25/2024 06/16/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073 Pantano Vista Lots 1-32
TC-RES-0224-00685 Inspections complete 02/06/2024 12/03/2024 Residential Building - One or Two Family Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00686 Inspections complete 02/06/2024 10/08/2024 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 9 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00687 Inspections complete 02/06/2024 10/08/2024 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 10 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00689 Inspections complete 02/06/2024 10/08/2024 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 11 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00691 Inspections complete 02/06/2024 10/08/2024 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 12 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00693 Inspections complete 02/06/2024 10/08/2024 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 13 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00694 Inspections complete 02/06/2024 02/16/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 21 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00695 Inspections complete 02/06/2024 05/06/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 22 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00706 Inspections complete 02/06/2024 02/16/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 20 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00708 Inspections complete 02/06/2024 12/03/2024 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 24 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00709 Inspections complete 02/06/2024 12/03/2024 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 25 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00710 Inspections complete 02/06/2024 12/03/2024 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 26 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00911 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 03/19/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 2 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00913 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 03/19/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 3 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00914 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 05/07/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 4 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00915 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 05/07/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 5 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00917 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 05/07/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 6 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00919 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 05/07/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 7 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00920 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 05/07/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 8 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00922 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 06/25/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot - 14 - Install a 4.05kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00923 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 06/25/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot - 15 - Install a 4.05kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00924 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 06/25/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 16 - Install a 4.05kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00925 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 06/25/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 17 - Install a 4.05kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00926 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 06/25/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 18 - Install a 4.05kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00927 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 06/25/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 19 - Install a 4.05kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00928 Inspections complete 02/15/2024 07/28/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 27 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00965 Inspections complete 02/16/2024 07/28/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 28 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00966 Inspections complete 02/16/2024 07/28/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 29 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00968 Inspections complete 02/16/2024 07/28/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 30 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
TC-RES-0224-00969 Inspections complete 02/16/2024 07/28/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 31 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system
TC-RES-0224-00991 Inspections complete 02/19/2024 07/28/2025 Residential Building - One or Two Family Lot 32 - Install a 4.05 kW DC rooftop solar electric system.
DP20-0063 Expired 03/18/2020 12/06/2027 Development Package TENTATIVE PLAT - Pantano Vista, lots 1 thru 32. Common areas 'A' (private streets and parking), 'B'
DS20-10 Approved 06/12/2020 N/A Zoning Compliance PANTANO VISTA , TSMR - TSMR - Pantano Vista - 10-01.9.0 (wedge curb).
TC-MDP-0123-00298 Issued 09/11/2023 04/08/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00306 Issued 09/11/2023 08/25/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00307 Issued 09/11/2023 04/21/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00308 Void 09/11/2023 N/A Model Building Permit Duplicate to TC-MDP-0123-00314 SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00313 Issued 09/11/2023 03/31/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00314 Issued 09/11/2023 04/01/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00315 Issued 09/11/2023 03/08/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00317 Issued 09/11/2023 03/31/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00299 Issued 09/15/2023 04/28/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00300 Issued 09/21/2023 08/06/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00311 Complete 09/21/2023 01/21/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00296 Issued 10/30/2023 06/16/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00309 Inspections complete 10/30/2023 08/20/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00310 Inspections complete 10/30/2023 08/18/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00320 Inspections complete 10/30/2023 08/20/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00297 Complete 12/05/2022 04/19/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00303 Void 12/05/2022 N/A Model Building Permit Void – Duplicate address to existing permit application # TC-MDP-0123-00304, which is in an active review. Please see TC-MDP-0123-00304. Contact Ramiro Olivarez with any questions: Ramiro.olivarez@tucsonaz.gov SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00312 Complete 12/05/2022 04/07/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-0123-00319 Complete 12/05/2022 05/06/2025 Model Building Permit SFR PANT2022 T22-M0073
TC-MDP-1222-00022 Void 12/05/2022 N/A Model Building Permit Construct 32 new single family homes

Code Enforcement

Parcel Number - 13601008S
Date - 03/05/2025 1:36 a.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 1
Case Number Case Status Entered Date Closed Date Unit Type Description
CE-VIO1122-00657 Closed - resolved 11/25/2022 12/20/2022 Code Enforcement Case CWOP - Possible work without permits and construction noise extremely early prior to 6 am, Sunday and included on Thanksgiving.


Parcel Number - 13601008S
Date - 03/05/2025 1:36 a.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 1
Plan Number Plan Status Application Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
S22-015 Approved 03/21/2022 N/A Land Division Pantano Vista, Final Plat