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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Not Ready
Inspection History: COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning
Permit Number - TC-COM-0523-01382
Inspection Description - COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning
Inspection Status - Not Ready
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
01/03/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Not Ready | 1/3/24: not needed at this time | |
01/04/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | E1-E8 E to D on 1 and E to D on 8 | |
01/05/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | /5/24: A.6 and 5 not ready all other interior spread footings okay to pour concrete Gridline A, 5.5 and 5 spread footings okay to pour |
01/12/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 1/12/24: E line 2.5 to 5.4 | |
01/16/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 1/16/24 Line A1 THROUGH gridline 4 okay to pour for anchor bolts and grade beam Footings on line A/4.5, 6. A.6 LOCATION 5 Gridline 8 footing location D, C.5, AND C.3 OKAY TO POUR 12 OF REBAR PIERS 36INCH DIAMETER 3 48 INCH DIAMETER PIERS OKAY TO PLACE |
01/17/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 1/17/24: gridline 1 A-D okay to place concrete for anchor bolts and rebar cage | |
01/30/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Not Ready | ||
01/31/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 1/31/24: Gridline 1 D.6 AND D GRIDLINE A from 4.5 to 6 Gridline D.6 TO C AND GRIDLINE 8 okay to place concrete |
02/01/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 2/1/24: gridline 4.5 between a.6 and c.5 slab trench okay to place concrete | |
02/06/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Re-inspection required | 2/6/24: top of footing for piers need to be cleared of all dirt exposing concrete before pour. Reinspection required. | |
02/09/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Not Ready | 2/9/24: not ready | |
02/13/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Not Ready | 2/13/24: not ready. | |
02/14/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 2/14/24: duct and treatment area. T trench | |
02/21/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 2/21/24: treatment cell room DUCT TRENCH okay to pour up to 2'4 mark. Loading docks at gridline E 1.5 TO 2.5 AND 5 TO 6.5 | |
03/04/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 3/4/24: dock e line 1.5 to 2.5 okay to place concrete for dock pit floor | |
03/05/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 3/5/24: t trench okay to pour concrete rebar to schedule | |
03/07/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Re-inspection required | 12/18/23: line E- 3.7 through 8 okay to place concrete 12/20/23: D.6 TO E line south footing. E-3 to E-1. E-1 D.6 E-1 to A/1 north side of building footers A-1 to A-4 west side of building E1-E8 E to D on 1 and E to D on 8 1/3/24: not needed at this time 1/5/24: A.6 and 5 not ready all other interior spread footings okay to pour concrete Gridline A, 5.5 and 5 spread footings okay to pour 1/12/24: E line 2.5 to 5.4 1/16/24 Line A1 THROUGH gridline 4 okay to pour for anchor bolts and grade beam Footings on line A/4.5, 6. A.6 LOCATION 5 Gridline 8 footing location D, C.5, AND C.3 OKAY TO POUR 12 OF REBAR PIERS 36INCH DIAMETER 3 48 INCH DIAMETER PIERS OKAY TO PLACE 1/17/24: gridline 1 A-D okay to place concrete for anchor bolts and rebar cage 1/19/24: gridline A /4.5 TO 6 ANCHOR BOLTS 6.5 GRIDLINE E COLUM GRIDLINE E 1 AND 1.5 ANCHOR BOLT GRIDLINE 1 TO D.6 8 FT PASS COLUM GRIDLUNE E 2.5 COLUM GRIDLINE 8 FROM C.3 TO D ANCHORBOLTS OKAY TO PLACE CONCRETE 1/31/24: Gridline 1 D.6 AND D GRIDLINE A from 4.5 to 6 Gridline D.6 TO C AND GRIDLINE 8 okay to place concrete. 2/1/24: gridline 4.5 between a.6 and c.5 slab trench okay to place concrete 2/6/24: top of footing for piers need to be cleared of all dirt exposing concrete before pour. Reinspection required. 2/9/24: not ready 2/13/24: not ready. 2/14/24: duct and treatment area. T trench 2/21/24: treatment cell room DUCT TRENCH okay to pour up to 2'4 mark. Loading docks at gridline E 1.5 TO 2.5 AND 5 TO 6.5 3/4/24: dock e line 1.5 to 2.5 okay to place concrete for dock pit floor 3/5/24: t trench okay to pour concrete rebar to schedule 3/7/24: not ready |
03/12/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 3/11/24: Dock pits north east of facility reinforcement per plan. Ok to proceed. | |
03/12/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 3/12/24: slab on grade pour 1 north end of warehouse section and docks to east. | |
03/18/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 3/11/24: Dock pits north east of facility reinforcement per plan. Ok to proceed. 3/18/24: slab on grade pour 2 ok to pour. |
03/19/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 3/19/24: treatment cell verticals first floor ok to pour slab. | |
03/21/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 3/21/24: gridline E from 5 to 6.5 okay to pour concrete for dock floors (4) | |
03/22/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Canceled | 3/22/24: canceled per contractor | |
03/25/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Canceled | 3/25/24: canceled per contractor | |
03/27/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 3/27/24: slab on grade pour 3 ok to place concrete | |
04/03/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 4/3/24: West side treatment cell level 1 rebar is in place, cleaned, and properly tied off. Okay to install opposite side of forms and button up wall for concrete pour. | |
04/09/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 4/9/24: b line from grindline 6 to 8 and gridline 6.5 between A.2 to b.7 treatment cell walls | |
04/24/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 4/24/24: partial for the riser area floor north east corner of building | |
04/24/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 4/24/24: partial for the riser area floor north east corner of building | |
05/03/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 5/3/24: level one east wall treatment cell okay to place concrete. | |
05/16/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 5/15/24: level one treatment center partition wall | |
06/07/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Not Ready | 6/7/24: not ready | |
06/13/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 6/13/24: mezzanine lower rebar mat to schedule | |
07/25/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 7/25/24: treatment cell mezzanine rebar to schedule okay to pour concrete | |
08/13/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 8/13/24: rototron room and treatment cell walls above mezzanine gridline 8 from c.5 to B Gridline c.5 from 7 to 8 |
08/26/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 8/26/24: south and west mezzanine treatment cell exterior walls okay to pour concrete | |
09/06/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 9/5/24: mezzanine rotor room west and north walls okay to place concrete. | |
09/18/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 9/18/2024 rebar per plan for the Treatment Cell hallway ceiling both east and west ends. Okay for concrete placement. | |
09/19/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 9/19/2024 octagonal mat foundation and anchor bolts detail. For water tank and water suppression system. Okay for concrete placement. | |
09/23/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | Upper rhodotron room. West end and east end walls. Okay for concrete placement. 9/23/2024 | |
10/02/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 10/2/24: 2nd deck of rhodotron room rebar is in place. Okay for concrete pour. | |
10/04/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 3/11/24: Dock pits north east of facility reinforcement per plan. Ok to proceed. 3/18/24: slab on grade pour 2 ok to pour. 3/22/24: canceled per contractor 3/25/24: canceled per contractor 3/27/24: slab on grade pour 3 ok to place concrete 4/3/24: West side treatment cell level 1 rebar is in place, cleaned, and properly tied off. Okay to install opposite side of forms and button up wall for concrete pour. 4/9/24: b line from grindline 6 to 8 and gridline 6.5 between A.2 to b.7 treatment cell walls. 4/24/24: partial for the riser area floor north east corner of building 5/3/24: level one east wall treatment cell okay to place concrete. 5/15/24: level one treatment center partition wall 6/7/24: not ready 6/13/24: mezzanine lower rebar mat to schedule 7/25/24: treatment cell mezzanine rebar to schedule okay to pour concrete 9/5/24: mezzanine rotor room west and north walls okay to place concrete. 9/18/2024 rebar per plan for the Treatment Cell hallway ceiling both east and west ends. Okay for concrete placement. Upper rhodotron room. West end and east end walls. Okay for concrete placement. 9/23/2024 10/2/24: 2nd deck of rhodotron room rebar is in place. Okay for concrete pour. 10/4/24: roof final rebar inspection on the treatment cell roof. Ok for concrete placement |
10/22/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 10/22/2024 partial pass. Total of 4 light pole bases approved. East end of building. Rebar and depth per plan. Okay for concrete placement. | |
11/05/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 12/18/23: line E- 3.7 through 8 okay to place concrete 12/20/23: D.6 TO E line south footing. E-3 to E-1. E-1 D.6 E-1 to A/1 north side of building footers A-1 to A-4 west side of building E1-E8 E to D on 1 and E to D on 8 1/3/24: not needed at this time 1/5/24: A.6 and 5 not ready all other interior spread footings okay to pour concrete Gridline A, 5.5 and 5 spread footings okay to pour 1/12/24: E line 2.5 to 5.4 1/16/24 Line A1 THROUGH gridline 4 okay to pour for anchor bolts and grade beam Footings on line A/4.5, 6. A.6 LOCATION 5 Gridline 8 footing location D, C.5, AND C.3 OKAY TO POUR 12 OF REBAR PIERS 36INCH DIAMETER 3 48 INCH DIAMETER PIERS OKAY TO PLACE 1/17/24: gridline 1 A-D okay to place concrete for anchor bolts and rebar cage 1/19/24: gridline A /4.5 TO 6 ANCHOR BOLTS 6.5 GRIDLINE E COLUM GRIDLINE E 1 AND 1.5 ANCHOR BOLT GRIDLINE 1 TO D.6 8 FT PASS COLUM GRIDLUNE E 2.5 COLUM GRIDLINE 8 FROM C.3 TO D ANCHORBOLTS OKAY TO PLACE CONCRETE 1/31/24: Gridline 1 D.6 AND D GRIDLINE A from 4.5 to 6 Gridline D.6 TO C AND GRIDLINE 8 okay to place concrete. |
11/05/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 2/1/24: gridline 4.5 between a.6 and c.5 slab trench okay to place concrete 2/6/24: top of footing for piers need to be cleared of all dirt exposing concrete before pour. Reinspection required. 2/9/24: not ready 2/13/24: not ready. 2/14/24: duct and treatment area. T trench 2/21/24: treatment cell room DUCT TRENCH okay to pour up to 2'4 mark. Loading docks at gridline E 1.5 TO 2.5 AND 5 TO 6.5 3/4/24: dock e line 1.5 to 2.5 okay to place concrete for dock pit floor 3/5/24: t trench okay to pour concrete rebar to schedule 3/7/24: not ready 3/12/24: slab on grade pour 1 north end of warehouse section and docks to east. 3/19/24: treatment cell verticals first floor ok to pour slab. 3/21/24: gridline E from 5 to 6.5 okay to pour concrete for dock floors (4) 4/24/24: partial for the riser area floor north east corner of building 8/13/24: rototron room and treatment cell walls above mezzanine gridline 8 from c.5 to B Gridline c.5 from 7 to 8 8/26/24: south and west mezzanine treatment cell exterior walls okay to pour concrete 9/19/2024 octagonal mat foundation and anchor bolts detail. For water tank and water suppression system. Okay for concrete placement. 11/5/24: electrical underground for East side guard shack ok to backfill. 3 light pole bases around north and east side of property. |
11/13/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Passed | 11-13-24, rebar verified as per approved plans for 2 footers together with rebar for slab both located in north area of warehouse. Also, inspected rebar for fire pump house, sign near entrance, and 8 light posts. All approved-okay to pour concrete. | |
11/20/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 11/20/24: Total of 8 light pole bases are properly bored, rebar reinforcement cages are in place, #4 bare wire is coiled in bottom of footing and connected to the rebar cage and extending 16" above base top, sonotube forms are set and properly supported, and electrical conduit is ran to each pole bases. Okay to pour concrete | |
11/20/2024 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Passed | 11/20/24: Total of 8 light pole bases are properly bored, rebar reinforcement cages are in place, #4 bare wire is coiled in bottom of footing and connected to the rebar cage and extending 16" above base top, sonotube forms are set and properly supported, and electrical conduit is ran to each pole bases. Okay to pour concrete | |
12/18/2023 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass | 12/18/23: line E- 3.7 through 8 okay to place concrete | |
12/20/2023 | COT - HCBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning | Partial Pass |