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Permit: T22CM03955

Parcel: 14044004C

Inspection Status: Not Ready

Inspection History: COT - HCPL - Rough Soil 

Permit Number - T22CM03955

Inspection Description - COT - HCPL - Rough Soil 

Inspection Status - Not Ready

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
11/07/2024 COT - HCPL - Rough Soil  Not Ready
11/15/2024 COT - HCPL - Rough Soil  Partial Pass 11/15/24: plumbing underground per plans at GL 1-10 ok to proceed with backfill
11/15/2024 COT - HCPL - Rough Soil  Re-inspection required 11/15/24: Called Don and Aidan multiple times and left voicemails. No answer.
11/19/2024 COT - HCPL - Rough Soil  Partial Pass 11/15/24: plumbing underground per plans at GL 1-10 ok to proceed with backfill
11/19/24: 150' run of plumbing underground per plans ok to proceed.
11/21/2024 COT - HCPL - Rough Soil  Partial Pass 11/15/24: plumbing underground per plans at GL 1-10 ok to proceed with backfill
11/19/24: 150' run of plumbing underground per plans ok to proceed.
11/21/24: plumbing underground per plans at GL1-5 ok to proceed with backfill.
11/26/2024 COT - HCPL - Rough Soil  Partial Pass 11/15/24: plumbing underground per plans at GL 1-10 ok to proceed with backfill
11/19/24: 150' run of plumbing underground per plans ok to proceed.
11/21/24: plumbing underground per plans at GL1-5 ok to proceed with backfill.
11/26/24: plumbing underground along GL 1.5 from GL A.5 to GL E.