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Permit: T22CM03954

Parcel: 14044004C

Inspection Status: Partial Pass

Inspection History: COT - HCEL - Electrical Underground 

Permit Number - T22CM03954

Inspection Description - COT - HCEL - Electrical Underground 

Inspection Status - Partial Pass

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
01/03/2025 COT - HCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass 10/25/24: partial for UFER encased in concrete ok to proceed.
10/30/24: reinforcement per plan at GL E.5-D/1, B-D/2, D/7, electrical underground for (3) 1" schedule 40 pvc at Gridline A-E/ 5.5 for gates.
11/7/24: partial for UFER encased in concrete on west side of building ok to proceed.
1/3/24: partial underground U/G conduit for SES feed at south east corner of building slab.
01/15/2025 COT - HCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass 10/25/24: partial for UFER encased in concrete ok to proceed.
10/30/24: reinforcement per plan at GL E.5-D/1, B-D/2, D/7, electrical underground for (3) 1" schedule 40 pvc at Gridline A-E/ 5.5 for gates.
11/7/24: partial for UFER encased in concrete on west side of building ok to proceed.
1/3/24: partial underground U/G conduit for SES feed at south east corner of building slab.
1/15/25: U/G Panel Feeder conduits for Building 2 along loading dock area
10/25/2024 COT - HCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass 10/25/24: partial for UFER encased in concrete ok to proceed.
10/30/2024 COT - HCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass 10/25/24: partial for UFER encased in concrete ok to proceed.
10/30/24: reinforcement per plan at GL E.5-D/1, B-D/2, D/7, electrical underground for (3) 1" schedule 40 pvc at Gridline A-E/ 5.5 for gates.
11/07/2024 COT - HCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass 10/25/24: partial for UFER encased in concrete ok to proceed.
10/30/24: reinforcement per plan at GL E.5-D/1, B-D/2, D/7, electrical underground for (3) 1" schedule 40 pvc at Gridline A-E/ 5.5 for gates.
11/7/24: partial for UFER encased in concrete on west side of building ok to proceed.