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Permit: T19CM02310

Parcel: 11720029A



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND

Permit Number - T19CM02310

Inspection Description - ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/16/2020 ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND Approved per 1090
10/01/2019 ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND Partial Approval Electric conduits at Southwest IDF Room: 3 each at 4"; 7 each at 3"; 12 each at 2 1/2"; 1 at 2". Ok to cover progress areas
09/24/2019 ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND Partial Approval 12 each 2 1/2" conduits at GL: 12.5/A-H. Ok to cover progress areas.
09/17/2019 ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND Partial Approval Electric conduits (12) at 2 1/2” at south elevator wall to Southwest stem wall: approximately 65 feet. Ok to cover progress areas.