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Permit: T19CM02310

Parcel: 11720029A



Inspection Status: Approved


Permit Number - T19CM02310

Inspection Description - EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
06/24/2020 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Approved Approved
06/24/2020 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Approved Approved
03/02/2020 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Trash enclosure footings as per Civil plan C6.1; structural plan 2.0 details #230; 234; RFI #143. Ok to place concrete in progress area.
02/20/2020 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval South side screen wall footings at GL: 2.5-5/112. OK to place concrete in progress areas.
02/07/2020 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Level #5; Elevator shear wald; need embed at Southwest all junction. Ok to place concrete in progress area.
11/14/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Level #2; Elevator shear walls; concrete columns at GL: A/6; B/11; D/5; D/6; D/9; D/13; G/5; G/6. Ok to place concrete in Progress areas.
10/21/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Pit area (Hydronic piping). Ok to place concrete in progress area.
GL: L-M/12-14.
10/17/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Footing at GL: K/14. Ok to place concrete in progress area.
10/10/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Inspection should have been 01020: stem walls at GL: A.4/2-2.5; 13.9/L-M both walls at 0-4’. Vault walls at K.5-M/7-8. Ok to place concrete in progress areas.
10/04/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval F-1 footing at GL: 12/H-L; 14/J-L; F-2 footing at 14/G-F; Ramp wall footings at 13/A-G. East vault mat. Ok to place concrete in progress areas.
09/19/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Not ready for Inspection Contractor cancelled.
09/18/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Concrete columns at GL: 112/7.25; 112/5; 112/4.25; 112/3.75; 112/2.5. Ok to place concrete in progress areas.
09/17/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Columns at GL: 112/12; 112/11.25; 112/7.25; 112/5.75; 111/11.25; 111/7.25..
09/16/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Concrete columns at GL: G/1; G/5. Stairwell #2; Shear Walls #7 &8. Ok to place concrete in progress areas. Columns and shear walls to pour today: A/4; G/1; C/1; Shear walls #3, 4, 5, 6. Columns, pier caps, continuous footings poured 13 September: Columns: A/9; A/3; C/2; E/4; G/4: Pier caps: G/1; 112/12; 112/11.25; 112/7.5; 112/5.75; A/14. Pier cap footings: 112/7.5; 112/5; 112/4.25; 112/3.25. Continuous footings: G-EE2/5-7.25; EE2/6-7.25.
09/13/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Columns: A/3, E/3; G/3; D/5; C1; A1. Footings at GL: G-J.25/5-7.5; 7.5-6/J.5-K.5. Exterior wall of elevator, Ok to place concrete.
09/12/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Shear walls 1 and 2 @ G m/12-14. Columns G M/10,E/3, C/2,A/2,G/2,E/4. Pier cap footings G 112/2.5, 112/3, 112/3.5, 112/4.5, 112/5,112/7.25. Caps at columns 112/5.75, 112/7.5, 112/11, 112/12. Ok to place concrete
09/11/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Columns D9, D14, A9. Column A13 not ready.
09/10/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Six columns at GL: D/13; D/6; G/12; B/11; D/5; H/14. K to place concrete.
09/09/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Shear wall #7 (RFI. #152). 2 each #6 rebar added to west end of shear wall. Footing at GL: 7.5/A-.5A. C1 column at D/12.
09/06/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Setting wall forms for shear walls at Northwest grade beams. Will be ready for inspection 9 September.
09/05/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Elevator shear walls at GL: 10-11.5/E-G.5. Ok to place concrete in progress areas.
09/04/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Footings at GL: M/10-12; 2/B-G; A/1.11-2.5. Ok to place concrete in progress areas.
09/03/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Northwest stairwell/grade beam at GL: L-M/12-14; Southeast stairwell/grade beam at GL: A.25-B/2-2.25. Ok to place concrete in progress areas.
08/30/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Footings at GL: M/10-14; 14/L-M; 14/L; 14.2/L-K.5; 14/K.5; K.5/14-14; 13/K.5-A
08/29/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Over head crane pad; rebar and pedestals in place. Ok to place concrete.
08/28/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Caisson footings and cages to be placed; #30, #34; #61.
08/27/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Elevator pit/ stairwell mat footing at GL: 10/G-E; E/8-11; H.7-E/10; H.2-F.5/11.2. Caisson cages ; 4 each CC4; 6 each CC5 at GL: J/9; G/12; K/9; M/10; D/14; H/14; A/14; J/12; K/12; K/14. Ok to place concrete in progress areas.
08/26/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Super structure elevator pit; GL: G-E/10; E/8-11; H.7-E/10; H.2-F.5/11.2. Pit to be reinspected 27 Aug for final inspection before placing concrete.
08/23/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Caisson footings and cages. Cages: CC5 (2); #50 at B-C/2-3; #51 at B-A/2-3. Caisson footings poured: #31 at G/6; #32 at D/6; #42 at C/2; #48 at A.5/2.
08/22/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Caisson footings to be poured: #54; 55; 58; 59 at crane pad area. Hotel caisson footings to be poured at GL: #22 at J/9; #39 at. A/2; #45 at A/4; #56 at A/5. Ok to place concrete in progress areas.
08/21/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Caisson footings and cages. Cages: #49 at E/3; #50 at B/2.5; #51 at A.2/2.25; #52 at G/2; #53 at G/1; #56 at A/5; #57 at D/5; #60 at C/1; #61 at A/1. Caisson footings to pour: #18, 19; 46; 49; 50; 51; 53; 54; 58; 59 . Ok to place concrete in progress areas.
08/20/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Crane foundation caisson cages: 54 at K/2.75; #55 at J/2.75; #58 at. J/2.25; #59 at K/2.25. Caisson footings to be poured: #11 at F.5; #25 at G/11.4; #26 at E/11; #4 at G/4; #47 at G/3. Ok to place concrete in progress areas
08/19/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Caisson footings and cages. Cages: #18 at G/10; #19 at E/10; #22 at J/8; #42 at C/2; #44 at E/ 4; #45 at A/4; #46 at A/3; #47 at G/3; #48 at B/2. Caissons poured: #27; #33; #36; #38.
08/16/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Caisson footings and cages: Cages: #33 at D/9; #34 at A
EE2/Ee109; #35 at 7.5/111; #36 at A/6; #37 at 5.75/112; #38 at G/5; #39 at A/2. Caissons to be poured #11; 12; 21; 28. Ok to place concrete in progress areas.
08/15/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Caisson footings and caisson cages: #30 at EE2-E108; #29 at 7.5-112; #28 at 11.25-112; #27 at B/11; #26 at E/10.75; #32 at D/6; #31 at D/6. Ok to place cages and concrete in progress areas.
08/14/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval 13 each caisson cages at: #3 at K/14; #11 at F/11; #12 at K/12; 1#3 at J/12; #17 at GF/11-12; #18 at GF/10; 19 at GF/10; #20 at M/10; #21 at K/9; #22 at J/8; #23 at A/9; #24 at GF/11-12; #16 at A/13. Ok to place concrete in Progress areas.
08/13/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval Cages 1 through 6 set in holes, column rebar into cages also inspected and OK on those numbered
08/12/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval caissons 1, 2, 4 drilled to depth. Cages not installed yet however benchmarks and spacing bars have been installed on those numbered.
08/09/2019 EXCAVATION/LAYOUT REBAR & ZON Partial Approval cassions 1-16. Several cages need rings secured better, make sure they are secure enough so they won’t shift while hooked up to the crane. #16 and #9 rotation of some of the rings are incorrect.