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Permit: T11BU01391

Parcel: 140280030



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: GRADING - TIER REV

Permit Number - T11BU01391

Inspection Description - GRADING - TIER REV

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
03/08/2012 GRADING - TIER REV Approved
10/21/2011 GRADING - TIER REV Continued Grading plan and "Plot" plan is related to Development Plan package D11-0020. DP has rezoning with it and a required wait period. However per the PDSD Director the applicant wants to start grading the site now and PDSD has agreed to let the plan come back in under the R2 use to allow the grading to commence. However the entire site must provide conformance with the DP package. No buildings or foundations should be constructed at this time.