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Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningR-3
Water Course


Tucson WardWard 2
Major Streets & Routes

Gateway Route


Intersection Buffer

Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Address: 8450 E OLD SPANISH TR
Date - 12/27/2024 7:21 a.m.
Total Number Of Annexations & Original City Zoning (1)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
C9-65-14 Pantano Area 2724 2768


Address: 8450 E OLD SPANISH TR
Date - 12/27/2024 7:21 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (27)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TC-COM-1224-02381 Submitted - Online 12/20/2024 N/A UNIT 237 Commercial Building Condo 237: Minor interior repair and remodel of an existing condo located in a complex of several individual 2-story condo buildings. Joseph Maher Jr architect
TC-COM-1224-02371 In Review 12/19/2024 N/A UNIT 136 Commercial Building Condo 136: Existing condo unit with a minor interior repair &remodeling located in a complex of 2-story condo buildings.
TC-COM-1122-00163 Issued 11/23/2022 11/26/2023 UNIT 111 Commercial Building Replace interior sub panel
TC-COM-1123-02664 Issued 11/14/2023 03/09/2025 UNIT 139 Commercial Building Minor repair & remodel of an existing condo residential unit.
TC-COM-1123-02665 Inspections Complete 11/14/2023 04/14/2025 UNIT 152 Commercial Building Minor repair & remodel of an existing condo residential unit.
TC-COM-1123-02667 Complete 11/14/2023 04/21/2025 UNIT 201 Commercial Building Minor repair & remodel of an existing condo residential unit.
T20CM07467 Expired 10/28/2020 05/31/2021 234 Residential Building - One or Two Family Reconnect electricity for condo
TC-COM-1023-02471 Inspections Complete 10/18/2023 04/14/2025 UNIT 101 Commercial Building Minor repair & remodel of an existing condo residential unit.
T21CM08057 Expired 10/12/2021 04/10/2022 Commercial Building Install New Gas Piping to accommodate the New Southwest Gas Meter Location. Pressure test New Gas Pi
TC-COM-0924-01844 Inspections 09/23/2024 06/03/2025 UNIT 153 Commercial Building Condo 153: This project consists of minor interior repair and remodel of an existing condo unit within a 2-story building within a complex of existing 2-story buildings.
TC-COM-0924-01741 Issued 09/09/2024 03/08/2025 UNIT 234 Commercial Building A minor interior structural repair & remodeling to an existing condo within a 2-story individual building located in a complex of 2-story condo buildings, Unit 234
TC-COM-0824-01663 Fees Paid 08/26/2024 N/A UNIT 214 Commercial Building Existing condo unit with minor interior structural repairs remodeling located in a 2-building in a condo complex of 2-story buildings, condo 214.
TC-COM-0824-01650 Inspections 08/23/2024 06/09/2025 UNIT 131 Commercial Building Existing 2-story complex of existing condos with minor, interior repair & remodeling improvements to be completed, unit 131.
TC-COM-0724-01453 Complete 07/29/2024 05/06/2025 UNIT 134 Commercial Building A minor interior repair & remodel of an existing condo located in a complex of 2-story condo buildings.
TC-COM-0724-01369 Fees Paid 07/16/2024 N/A UNIT 230 Commercial Building An interior minor repair and remodel of an existing condo located in a complex of 2-story condo buildings.
TC-COM-0724-01362 Issued 07/15/2024 05/24/2025 UNIT 130 Commercial Building A minor interior repair & remodel of an existing condo unit in a complex of 2-story condos buildings.
TC-COM-0724-01284 Issued 07/01/2024 02/15/2025 UNIT 113 Commercial Building An existing condo residence that requires very minor interior structural repairs. This condo is located on the main level within a complex of 2-story buildings. Each level is a separate condo & address.
TC-COM-0524-00909 Needs Resubmittal 05/11/2024 N/A UNIT 225 Commercial Building Minor interior remodel & repair of an existing condo in an existing 2-story building in a condo complete.
TC-COM-0424-00753 Complete 04/29/2024 01/13/2025 UNIT 156 Commercial Building Minor remodel & repair of existing condo main level unit in an existing 2-story building in a condo complex of several buildings.
TC-COM-0424-00629 Issued 04/08/2024 11/20/2024 UNIT 109 Commercial Building A minor remodeling & repair of an existing condo unit located in a 2-story building in a condo complex at the main level. Prior projects have been submitted with permit review completed & approved.
TC-COM-0424-00569 Issued 04/01/2024 11/20/2024 UNIT 209 Commercial Building A minor remodeling & repair to existing condo residential unit at the upper level of a 2-story condo building in a condo complex of several 2-story buildings.
D03-0011 Approved 03/20/2003 N/A Development Package SHERWIN WILLIAMS
TC-COM-0224-00281 Complete 02/10/2024 02/16/2025 UNIT 106 Commercial Building A minor interior remodeling & repair of an existing condo in an existing condo complex of 2-story buildings.
TC-COM-0224-00282 Issued 02/10/2024 03/16/2025 UNIT 252 Commercial Building A minor interior remodeling & repair of an existing condo in an existing condo complex with 2-story buildings.
TC-COM-0224-00277 Issued 02/09/2024 04/28/2025 UNIT 117 Commercial Building Minor interior remodel, repair to an existing condo unit in condo complex of 2-story buildings.
TC-COM-0224-00279 Complete 02/09/2024 02/17/2025 UNIT 206 Commercial Building Minor interior remodel & repair of a condo within a condo complex of 2-story condo buildings.
TC-RES-0124-00130 Void 01/08/2024 N/A UNIT 141 Residential Building - One or Two Family *VOID: YL-Unable to process, wrong permit type. Submit a new application under Commercial Trade Permit. This permit will be voided as it is not the correct permit type* -HVAC Swap

Code Enforcement

Address: 8450 E OLD SPANISH TR
Date - 12/27/2024 7:21 a.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - (2)
Case Number Case Status Entered Date Exp Date Unit Type Description
CE-VIO1122-00637 Closed - Resolved 11/23/2022 11/29/2022 HIGH PRIORITY - TFD - UNIT 111 small fire reported in interior circuit breaker panel, breaker removed and power turned off at meter. If power to exterior breaker is turned on a fire could ignite in unit due to exposed wires and damage from previous fire.
CE-VIO0424-01482 Active 04/23/2024 RMIN / Referred from TFD / Rusted sheet metal and structural members supporting the concrete stairs and landing outside of multiple units

Record Requests

Address: 8450 E OLD SPANISH TR
Date - 12/27/2024 7:21 a.m.
Total Number Of Requests - (14)
Request Number Status Request Date Completed Date Type Description
REQ-0824-05304 Canceled 08/05/2024 N/A Requests Minor repair & remodel of an existing condo residential unit. Requesting 90 days extension as the condo owner continues to seek bank funding for the remodeling.
REQ-0824-05445 Complete 08/12/2024 08/16/2024 Requests Minor repair & remodel of an existing condo residential unit. The owner is seeking bank funding to complete the project. Please provide 90 days extension. Thank you.
REQ-0824-05568 Complete 08/18/2024 08/21/2024 Requests A minor interior remodeling & repair of an existing condo in an existing condo complex with 2-story buildings. The owners are trying to retrieve a loan to complete the work. Request 90 days extensions for condo 252 please.
REQ-0924-06014 Complete 09/06/2024 09/06/2024 Requests Minor remodel & repair of existing condo main level unit in an existing 2-story building in a condo complex of several buildings. L of C
REQ-0924-06015 Denied 09/06/2024 N/A Requests This Project is not complete, all/any open inspections need to be passed. Please re-request once all items are in completed/approved status. A minor interior remodeling & repair of an existing condo in an existing condo complex with 2-story buildings. L of C
REQ-0924-06016 Denied 09/06/2024 N/A Requests This Project is not complete, all/any open inspections need to be passed,. Please re-request once all items are in completed/approved status. Minor repair & remodel of an existing condo residential unit. L of C
REQ-1024-07219 Submitted - Online 10/22/2024 N/A Requests 109-A minor remodeling & repair of an existing condo unit located in a 2-story building in a condo complex at the main level. Prior projects have been submitted with permit review completed & approved. Request an extension of the approved permit for 90 days as the owner seeks funding for the construction. Thank you, Joseph Maher Jr Architect
REQ-1024-07220 Submitted - Online 10/22/2024 N/A Requests 209-A minor remodeling & repair to existing condo residential unit at the upper level of a 2-story condo building in a condo complex of several 2-story buildings. Request an extension of the approved permit as the owner seeks funding for the construction of the improvements. Thank you, Joseph Maher Jr architect
REQ-1024-07250 Canceled 10/24/2024 N/A Requests Extension not needed, permit has not been issued. 225-Minor interior remodel & repair of an existing condo in an existing 2-story building in a condo complete. Request a 90 days extension to allow the owner to obtain funding for the construction. Thank you, Joseph Maher Archiect
REQ-1124-07471 Canceled 11/04/2024 N/A Requests Extension not needed, permit has not been issued. Minor interior remodel & repair of an existing condo in an existing 2-story building in a condo complete. Condo 225: request 90 days extension to allow time for the owner to obtain a loan for the construction of these repairs. Joseph Maher Jr archtiect
REQ-1124-07527 Void 11/06/2024 N/A Requests DUPLICATE REQ - Condo 209--A minor remodeling & repair to existing condo residential unit at the upper level of a 2-story condo building in a condo complex of several 2-story buildings. Requesting a 90 day extension for this project to allow for further construction to be completed by the GC. Thank you, Joseph Maher Architect
REQ-1124-07548 Void 11/06/2024 N/A Requests DUPLICATE REQ - Condo 109.A minor remodeling & repair of an existing condo unit located in a 2-story building in a condo complex at the main level. Prior projects have been submitted with permit review completed & approved. Request 90 day extension to allow for the owner to obtain funding for the new construction. Thank you, Joseph Maher architect
REQ-1124-07801 Void 11/17/2024 N/A Requests DUPLICATE REQ - Condo 209 -A minor remodeling & repair to existing condo residential unit at the upper level of a 2-story condo building in a condo complex of several 2-story buildings. Request a 90 day permit request extension to allow for more time for contractor to mobilize and owner to secure funding for the construction. Joseph Maher architect
REQ-1124-07802 Void 11/17/2024 N/A Requests DUPLICATE REQ - Condo 109. A minor remodeling & repair of an existing condo unit located in a 2-story building in a condo complex at the main level. Prior projects have been submitted with permit review completed & approved. Request a 90 day permit extension for owner to secure financing for the construction. Joseph Maher architect