Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.
Address Search: 818 E SPEEDWAY BL
Rezoning Cases
Date - 02/24/2025 10:03 p.m.
Total Number Of Rezone Cases - (5)
Case No. | Description | New Zone | Status | Status Date |
C9-12-01 | C9-12-01 Main Gate Dist. (UOD) | UOD | Effectuated | 01/05/2012 |
C9-83-49 | West University Historic District | HR-1 | Effectuated | 09/23/2010 |
C9-83-49 | West University Historic District | HR-2 | Effectuated | 09/23/2010 |
C9-83-49 | West University Historic District | HR-3 | Effectuated | 09/23/2010 |
C9-91-10 | Marshall Foundation - First Street | HO-1 | Effectuated | 10/19/2009 |
Address: 818 E SPEEDWAY BL
Date - 02/24/2025 10:03 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (35)
Permit | Status | Apply Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
TZ-CMP-1224-00188 | Complete | 12/30/2024 | N/A | Zoning Compliance | We are requesting a zoning verification report to assist in completing a Zoning Compliance Report. | |
TC-COM-1224-02369 | Needs Resubmittal | 12/18/2024 | N/A | Commercial Building | Private sewer main construction and two BCS connections. for student housing project | |
TC-DMO-1123-00236 | Issued | 11/22/2023 | 10/19/2024 | Demolition Permit | Demolition of SFR | |
T21BU00508 | Expired | 11/10/2021 | N/A | Demolition Permit | Remove and Relocate Contributing HP Structure | |
T21BU00509 | Expired | 11/10/2021 | N/A | Demolition Permit | Remove and Relocate Contributing HP Structure | |
T21BU00510 | Expired | 11/10/2021 | N/A | Demolition Permit | Remove and Relocate Contributing HP Structure | |
T21BU00511 | Expired | 11/10/2021 | N/A | Demolition Permit | Demolition and Relocation Plan Approval for Contributing HP Structure | |
T21BU00512 | Expired | 11/10/2021 | N/A | Demolition Permit | Remove and Relocate Contributing HP Structure | |
T21BU00513 | Expired | 11/10/2021 | N/A | Demolition Permit | Remove and Relocate Contributing HP Structure | |
TC-COM-1124-02144 | Issued | 11/08/2024 | 07/12/2025 | Commercial Building | SHORING ONLY for Capstone Apartments | |
TD-DEV-0723-00301 | Void | 07/07/2023 | 07/06/2024 | Development Package | *VOID - Customer needs to apply for a building permit instead* Relocation of historic home at 1040-1042 N Euclid to Site | |
TD-DEV-0723-00302 | Void | 07/07/2023 | 07/06/2024 | Development Package | *VOID - TD-DEV-0723-00304 will be the "main" dp* Relocation of historic home at 812 E Speedway to Site | |
TD-DEV-0723-00304 | Issued | 07/07/2023 | 12/11/2027 | Development Package | Revision 1 - Relocation of historic homes at 814 & 818 E Speedway and 1036 N Euclid to Site | |
TC-COM-0624-01172 | Needs Resubmittal | 06/19/2024 | N/A | Commercial Building | Superstructure and TI for Multi-family structure | |
TR-PIA-0624-00008 | Needs Resubmittal | 06/12/2024 | N/A | Private Improvement Agreement (PIA) | Offsite improvement plan for Capstone Apartments | |
TR-ROW-0624-00653 | Complete | 06/04/2024 | 07/24/2024 | Right-of-Way (ROW) | AZTEC Engineering Group, Inc. has been contracted by Buesing Corp. to perform up to 12 utility potholes in the alley east of N. Euclid Ave south of Speedway Blvd. to the south property line of 1018 N Euclid Ave. The purpose of the potholing is to identify all utilities that are potentially in conflict with the soil nails required to shore the excavation of a parking garage / basement on the lot at 800 E. Speedway Blvd. Ten (10) of the pothole locations are in the alley described. Up to two (2) potholes will be performed in the parking are behind 1018 N. Euclid Ave ** potholing work being done on private property but barricades set up in ROW for alley closure*** | |
TC-COM-0524-01058 | Approved | 05/31/2024 | N/A | Commercial Building | Foundation only for Capstone Apartments | |
TR-ROW-0524-00522 | Void | 05/01/2024 | N/A | Right-of-Way (ROW) | ** DUPLICATION OF TR-ROW-0524-00520** Demo Site and Relocate Structure to 928 N 2nd Ave | |
TC-DMO-0424-00065 | Issued | 04/01/2024 | 12/08/2024 | Demolition Permit | Demolish site improvements and existing residential units. Historic structures to be relocated under separate permits as denoted on the plans. | |
TC-RES-0324-01791 | Void | 03/27/2024 | 09/23/2024 | Residential Building - One or Two Family | VOID: Duplicate/Same scope of work as existing application permit number TC-RES-0624-03537. | |
TD-DEV-0324-00107 | Issued | 03/27/2024 | 01/13/2028 | Development Package | Student Apartments With Work Force Units | |
TC-RES-0324-01783 | Void | 03/26/2024 | 09/22/2024 | Residential Building - One or Two Family | VOID: Per customers request, permit will be closed out and customer will submit new application with all proper documents. | |
TC-RES-0324-01784 | Void | 03/26/2024 | 09/22/2024 | Residential Building - One or Two Family | VOID: Duplicate/Same scope of work as existing application permit number TC-RES-0624-03616 | |
TC-RES-0324-01785 | Void | 03/26/2024 | 09/22/2024 | Residential Building - One or Two Family | VOID: Per customers request, permit will be closed out and customer will submit new application with all proper documents. | |
TC-RES-0224-01072 | Void | 02/23/2024 | 08/21/2024 | Residential Building - One or Two Family | Void - Duplicate/Same scope of work as existing application permit number TC-RES-0624-03537 . Please resubmit under existing permit or withdraw existing permit before moving forward with a new application. Step-by-Step instructions on how to resubmit: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/pdsd/documents/tdc-faq/new-pdfs/revisions-and-resubmittals.pdf Foundation Repair | |
TC-DMO-0224-00031 | Issued | 02/19/2024 | 01/13/2025 | Demolition Permit | Demo Site and Relocate Structure to 928 N 2nd Ave | |
TC-DMO-0224-00032 | Issued | 02/19/2024 | 01/13/2025 | Demolition Permit | Demo Site and Relocate Structure to 928 N 2nd Ave | |
TC-DMO-0224-00033 | Issued | 02/19/2024 | 01/13/2025 | Demolition Permit | Demo Site and Relocate Structure to 928 N 2nd Ave | |
TC-DMO-0224-00034 | Issued | 02/19/2024 | 01/13/2025 | Demolition Permit | Demo Site and Relocate Structure to 928 N 2nd Ave | |
TC-DMO-0224-00035 | Issued | 02/19/2024 | 01/13/2025 | Demolition Permit | Demo Site and Relocate Structure to 548 E 1st St | |
TC-DMO-0224-00036 | Issued | 02/19/2024 | 11/16/2024 | Demolition Permit | Demo existing home and prepare lot for future redevelopment. | |
TC-RES-0224-00997 | Issued | 02/19/2024 | 02/18/2025 | Residential Building - One or Two Family | Foundation and Utilities for Relocated Duplex from 1040 N Euclid (see TC-DMO-0024-00035) | |
TR-ROW-0225-00207 | In Review | 02/13/2025 | N/A | Right-of-Way (ROW) | Sidewalk Closure on Euclid associated with TD-DEV-0324-00107 for site access/workzone. Lane Closure, bike/ped detour on Speedway. | |
T18RW01963 | FINAL | 05/01/2018 | 06/01/2018 | ROW | (2) 5X5 bellholes in alley--- to repair/replace gas line COYL Project | |
Code Enforcement
Address: 818 E SPEEDWAY BL
Date - 02/24/2025 10:03 p.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - (1)
Case Number | Case Status | Entered Date | Exp Date | Unit | Type | Description |
CE-VIO0923-05712 | Closed - Resolved | 09/22/2023 | 04/19/2024 | REFS / Household furniture couches and debris onto the sidewalk and east side of property |
Address: 818 E SPEEDWAY BL
Date - 02/24/2025 10:03 p.m.
Total Number Of Plans - (29)
Plan Number | Status | Application Date | Exp Date | Unit | Type | Description |
SD-0324-00018 | Complete | 03/07/2024 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | Demo Site and Relocate Structure to 928 N 2nd Ave | |
SD-0324-00019 | Complete | 03/07/2024 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | Demo Site and Relocate Structure to 548 E 1st St | |
SD-0324-00020 | Complete | 03/07/2024 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | Demo Site and Relocate Structure to 928 N 2nd Ave | |
SD-0324-00021 | Complete | 03/07/2024 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | Demo Site and Relocate Structure to 928 N 2nd Ave | |
SD-0324-00022 | Complete | 03/07/2024 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | Demo Site and Relocate Structure to 928 N 2nd Ave | |
SD-0324-00023 | Complete | 03/07/2024 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | Demo existing home and prepare lot for future redevelopment. | |
SD-0424-00035 | Void | 04/10/2024 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | Demolition of Non-contributing Addition to Historic SFR | |
SD-0424-00037 | Complete | 04/18/2024 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | Relocated Duplex from 1040 N Euclid (see TC-DMO-0224-00035) | |
SD-0424-00038 | Void | 04/19/2024 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | VOID - Applicant will resubmit under correct work class. / Student Apartments With Work Force Units | |
SD-0624-00061 | Complete | 06/27/2024 | N/A | -- Urban Overlay District (UOD) | Student Apartments With Work Force Units | |
SD-0723-00073 | Needs Resubmittal | 07/07/2023 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | Relocation of historic homes from Speedway/Euclid to subject parcels. | |
SD-0723-00074 | Needs Resubmittal | 07/07/2023 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | Relocation of historic home at 1040-1042 N Euclid to Site | |
SD-0723-00075 | Needs Resubmittal | 07/07/2023 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | Relocation of historic home at 812 E Speedway to Site | |
SD-0723-00076 | Complete | 07/07/2023 | N/A | -- Historic Preservation Zone/Historic Landmark | Relocation of historic homes at 814 & 818 E Speedway and 1036 N Euclid to Site | |
TE-BAS-0224-00017 | Approved | 02/15/2024 | N/A | -- Commercial Water Harvesting Ordinance | Relocation of historic homes at 814 & 818 E Speedway and 1036 N Euclid to Site | |
TP-MOD-0723-000021 | In Review | 07/28/2023 | 01/24/2024 | -- Modifications to Previous Zoning Approvals | Main Gate Overlay Amendment | |
TP-PRE-0124-00026 | In Review | 01/29/2024 | N/A | -- Pre-Application Conference | Capstone Speedway/Euclid Mixed Use | |
TP-PRE-0223-00111 | Complete | 02/13/2023 | N/A | -- Pre-Application Conference | New sites for historic homes being moved from the SEC of Speedway and Euclid. Demolition of existing home at 548 E. 1st Street for one home. | |
TP-PRE-0224-00033 | Complete | 02/09/2024 | N/A | -- Pre-Application Conference | Historic review of 1040 Euclid relocation plans. | |
TP-PRE-0224-00034 | Complete | 02/09/2024 | N/A | -- Pre-Application Conference | Historic review for placement of 812, 814, 818 Speedway and 1036 Euclid, and partial demo of 930 N 2nd. | |
TP-PRE-0323-00156 | In Review | 03/29/2023 | N/A | -- Pre-Application Conference | A mixed-use student focused housing development of approximately 147 units (or about 453 beds) with a mix of unit types, to include resident amenities and 4,530 square feet of retail fronting Speedway Boulevard | |
TP-PRE-0323-00157 | Void | 03/29/2023 | N/A | -- Pre-Application Conference | *Void - duplicate* A mixed-use student focused housing development of approximately 147 units (or about 453 beds) with a mix of unit types, to include resident amenities and 4,530 square feet of retail fronting Speedway Boulevard | |
TW-MWP-0424-00021 | Accepted | 04/08/2024 | 04/08/2025 | -- Water Master Plan - Single-Phase | Capstone Apartments | |
TW-WAV-0223-00092 | Approved | 02/15/2023 | 02/14/2025 | -- Water Availability | Preparing water/utility improvements for a new development for an owner | |
TW-WAV-1224-00228 | Approved | 12/12/2024 | 12/12/2026 | -- Water Availability | Updated water availability letter from one issued on 02/17/23 that reflects the single APN (115-04-508C) for the Capstone Collegiate Communities Site. | |
TW-WCP-0724-00052 | In Review | 07/24/2024 | 07/24/2025 | -- Water Design Plan | Capstone Apartments - Ready for Fire sig. | |
T21PRE0155 | APPLIED | 07/16/2021 | N/A | NEIGHBORHOOD NOTIFICATION -- LABELS | Group Dwelling |
Record Requests
Address: 818 E SPEEDWAY BL
Date - 02/24/2025 10:03 p.m.
Total Number Of Requests - (8)
Request Number | Status | Request Date | Completed Date | Type | Description |
REQ-0125-00570 | Complete | 01/27/2025 | 01/27/2025 | Requests | *BUILDING PERMIT RECORDS UPLOADED. FOR NEWER/CURRENT INFORMATION PLEASE CHECK PROPERTY RESEARCH ONLINE.(https://pro.tucsonaz.gov/).* |
REQ-0224-01285 | Complete | 02/14/2024 | 02/27/2024 | Requests | Capstone Speedway/Euclid Mixed Use |
REQ-0524-03705 | Complete | 05/17/2024 | 05/21/2024 | Requests | Demolition of Non-contributing Addition to Historic SFR ROW permit 90 day period, only 1 day per move. Need extension to complete processing of HP reviews (see subrecord). |
REQ-0824-05570 | Complete | 08/19/2024 | 08/19/2024 | Requests | Foundation and Utilities for Relocated Duplex from 1040 N Euclid (see TC-DMO-0024-00035) Need extension for 60 days due to administrative delay on our end. Thank you Joe |
REQ-1024-07326 | Approved | 10/28/2024 | 12/11/2024 | Requests | TC-COM-0524-01058 Foundation only for Capstone Apartments |
REQ-1124-07816 | Canceled | 11/18/2024 | N/A | Requests | Extension not needed, permit has not been issued. TC-COM-0624-01172 Superstructure and TI for Multi-family structure |
REQ-1224-08297 | Denied | 12/06/2024 | N/A | Requests | ** DENIED ORIGINAL PERMIT IS IN RE-SUBMITTAL STATUS **Offsite improvement plan for Capstone Apartments |
REQ-1224-08390 | Submitted - Online | 12/10/2024 | N/A | Requests | Demolish site improvements and existing residential units. Historic structures to be relocated under separate permits as denoted on the plans. |