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Activity Search: T18RW03858
Parcel Attributes
Parcel | 117110880 |
Jurisdiction | Tucson |
City of Tucson Zoning | OCR-2 |
Tucson Ward | Ward 6 |
Tucson Downtown Incentive Zone | Downtown Core, Downtown Infill Incentive District |
Rio Nuevo Downtown | Rio Nuevo - Downtown |
Rio Nuevo Multipurpose Facilities District | Yes |
Tucson Registered Neighborhood | Downtown |
Redevelopment | Downtown Redevelopment District |
National Register Historic District | Downtown Tucson Historic District |
Pima County Data | Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ... |
Parcel Map | Map |
Address |
Date - 03/03/2025 11:06 p.m.
Number Of Permits - (1)
Permit | Status | Apply Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T18RW03858 | Final | 08/28/2018 | 10/27/2018 | ROW | N.416762 - Job will access Manhole in rear alley at Address for addl fibers in UG facilities. From MH in alley to customers 2nd floor Mpop there is 1-4” CBO oocupied with 2 copper cables. One 400pr copper cable must be removed to make room for 24Plenum fiber cable in Corrugated\ plenum innerduct. After removal and entrance fiber in place, take fibers down into 1st floor Customer Apop. CLEAR PATH btwn MPOE and DEMARC required; approx.110 feet, w/ a 200 foot Fiber drop. |