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Permit Number: T20CM01275
Parcel: 11506207B


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T20CM01275
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/03/2020 KEN VAN KARSEN BUILDING-RESIDENTIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Sheet 0.1; Scope of Work: This project must meet the requirements of the 2018 IBC. Please verify and indicate on the drawings.
2. Sheet 0.1; Code Analysis Data: The General Building Summary indicates 350 occupants for the existing building of 10,600 SF (including mezzanine). Where is the occupant load for the covered patio? This must be included in the total occupant load. Please indicate on the drawings.
3. Sheet 0.1; Plumbing Calculations: The Plumbing Fixture Count must include the occupants for the patio addition. Please indicate those calculations on the drawings.
4. Sheet 0.1; Plumbing Calculations: Per the IBC Section 2902.1.1, each sex must be considered separately in determining the plumbing fixture calculations. The water closets required should indicate: Male 2.33 for a total of 3, and the same for female. This would result in 6 water closets required. Please revise the drawing, including the Male/Female occupant load from the patio addition.
5. Sheet 0.1; Tabulations: The Building Data indicates 10,000 SF + 2400 SF. The existing mezzanine should be included in this. Please revise.
6. Sheet 0.1: The Construction Type for the patio addition should indicate VB. Please indicate on the drawings.
7. Sheet 0.1: Is the patio addition sprinklered? Please verify and indicate on the drawings.
8. Sheet 2: Please complete the Sheet Title.
9. Sheet 2: Please provide structural details for framing, foundations, etc. as required.
10. General: Please provide structural calculations for the patio addition.
11. General: Please provide written responses to all review comments.

Review By Eric Newcomb
Contact at Eric.Newcomb@tucsonaz.gov

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
08/20/2020 VLEON1 APPROVAL SHELF Completed
08/20/2020 VLEON1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
08/20/2020 VLEON1 REJECT SHELF Completed