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Permit Number: T18CM08719
Parcel: 13304003A

Review Status: Active

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - NEW

Permit Number - T18CM08719
Review Status: Active
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
01/03/2019 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Provide a detail showing how the wall-mounted water closets (P-2k) are supported. Reference: Section 303.2, IPC 2012.
2. Provide water closet and urinal partitions in the restrooms. Reference: Sections 405.3.4 and 405.3.5, IPC 2012.
3. Keynote 2/P.1.2, details H/P.3.0 and E/P.3.0 show a 3" waste dropping down to the first floor but keynote 1/P.1.1 calls out a 2" waste. Coordinate the size of this waste stack. In either case, horizontal branches shall connect no closer than ten diameters downstream of the bases of vertical stacks. Reference: Section 704.3, IPC 2012.
4. Explain the geometry of the subsoil drain piping. Keynote 14/P.1.0 states that the rain pipe is located at the "base of the footer" but detail 214 shows the subsoil drainpipe located above the footer with the floor of the sump located even with the top of the footer. At a 0.5% slope, the subsoil drainpipe will have a total drop of about 12". (Note that penetration of the stem wall will require the use of a pipe sleeve.) Reference: Section 1114, IPC 2012.
5. Provide detail 217. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.
01/04/2019 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Demonstrate energy code compliance for the building envelope using calculations based on the current code, not the 2009 IECC. Reference: Sections C101.3, C101.5, C103.2, C303, and C401.2, International Energy Conservation Code 2012.
2. Show how one of the "Additional Efficiency Package Options" (C406, IECC 2012) is to be accomplished. Hint: both the mechanical and electrical designs are based on Section C406.3.1, Reduced interior lighting power. Reference: Section C401.2, IECC 2012.
3. Coordinate the wall and roof insulation descriptions on the Envelope Compliance Certificate with those shown on the wall sections (A.10.3). Reference: Section C103.2, IECC 2012.
4. The basement wall is listed as "other" on the Envelope Compliance Certificate; provide supporting documentation for the proposed U-value (see footnote b on the Envelope Compliance Certificate).
5. Fenestration elements (e.g. glazed doors and windows) must be NFRC-certified and supporting documentation is required (see footnote c on the Envelope Compliance Certificate).
6. Provide a seal for sheet M.4.0 by an Arizona Registrant. Reference: Arizona Revised Statutes 32-125, Board of Technical Registration Rules R4-30-304.
01/11/2019 DAN SANTA CRUZ ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Please address the following electrical plan review comments. Also provide a written response.
1. Provide a lighting timer with a minimum 6hrs of standby power for the unshielded exterior lighting control. OLC sec 403.5.1.
2. Ref; Plan Sheet E.0.3.
(a) The site plan shows 6- X2 fixtures and the Fixture Schedule shows 5.
(b) The site plan shows 6- Z2 fixtures and the Fixture Schedule shows 9. Please clarify.
3. The luminaire in the elevator pit could not be identified.
Ref: 2012 IBC sec 107.2.1. 2011 NEC
01/16/2019 DAVID RIVERA ZONING REVIEW Reqs Change FROM: David Rivera
PDSD Zoning Review Section

PROJECT: T18CM08719 - New Building for Elementary School
Building Plan Review (1st Review) - No DP as of this review date
9415 E. Wrightstown Road - SR Zoning

TRANSMITTAL DATE: January 16, 2018

DUE DATE: January 16, 2018

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

1. COMMENT: Zoning has done a cursory review of the building plans and has done a comparison with DP sheets included in the building package. While zoning could not confirm as of this building plan review that a development package has been submitted to PDSD for review, the DP sheets were used as a base for the building review. (Additional zoning review comments could be forthcoming on the next building plan review based on the review of the DP documents.)

While the building footprint and the site revisions are consistent with the included site plan sheets as it relates to the zoning review purview (Building footprint, Height, square footage, site conditions etc.) zoning cannot approve the building plans until the PDSD Commercial Plans reviewers have approved the building plans.

2. COMMENT: The unapproved version of the DP must be removed from the building package set or they must be stamped as "For reference only, see the PDSD approved and signed DPXX-XXXX. (List the DP case number, when assigned)

3. COMMENT: Zoning will review the building plans on the next submittal to assure that any changes made to the building plans do not affect zoning requirements and that all PDSD commercial plans reviewers have also approved the building plans. In addition a comparison will be made to the approved version of the DP for consistency and compliance with the zoning regulations for the use.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, Contact David Rivera on Tuesday or Wednesday at (520) 837-4957 or by email David.Rivera@tucsonaz.gov or contact Steve Shields, (520) 837-4956 or Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov


1) A separate Development Plan must be submitted for review and approval prior to approval of the building plans
2) It looks like the erosion hazard setback for the Tanque Verde Creek touches the proposed building. Shift the proposed building away from the erosion hazard set back so it is clear that the building is outside. This also includes any foundation elements
3) Engineering will review the building plans for compliance against the DP once the DP is approved
4) 12) Ensure that roof drains scupper underneath sidewalks. Reference COT Technical Standards Manual (TSM) section 7-01.4.1.E

John Van Winkle, P.E.
12/27/2018 ERIC NEWCOMB BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Sheet G.2; Occupant Loads Table: On the First Floor Level, the load factor for the Lobby 100 indicates 100 SF/occupant (Business). Since this area could possibly be more likely to have an assembly-type area, would using a 20 SF/occupant Educational factor better depict that space? Please verify and revise the Occupant Load/Plumbing Fixtures as required.
2. Sheet G.2; Occupant Loads Table: Per Comment 1, would the First Floor Break Room 108 occupant load factor of 20 SF/occupant be more appropriate? Please verify.
3. Sheet G.2; Occupant Loads Table: On Level Two, the load factor for the Food Preparation (Kitchen) 210 could follow the IBC Table 1004.1.2 and use an occupant load factor of 200 SF/occupant. Please verify.
4. Sheet G.2; Occupant Loads Table: On Level Two, should the Conference Room 207 occupant load factor be 20 SF/occupant (Educational) rather than the office factor? Please verify.
5. Sheet G.2; Basement Egress Plan: The total occupant load indicates 224, but the actual occupant load shows 223 (112 at north stair, 111 at south stair). Please coordinate.
6. Sheet G.2; First Floor Egress Plan: The occupants from the two offices (101 and 110) and from the lobby (100) are not indicated on the plan. Please add those occupants (10 total) to the interior occupant load.
7. Sheet G.2; First Floor Egress Plan: The total number of occupants indicated in the corridor is 132, which results in the 66 actual occupants at the corridor exits. The corridor occupants should total 118 (59 at each exit) since this number plus the 107 total occupants at the classroom exits would equal 225 occupants for the floor. Please verify.
8. Sheet G.2; First Floor Egress Plan: Please indicate the occupant load at each stair is from the Basement egress.
9. Sheet G.2; Egress Plans: Please indicate on the plans the common path of egress travel for each plan meets the requirements of the IBC Table 1014.3.
10. Sheet G.2; Level Two Egress Plan: Per the IBC Section 1016.3.1, the travel distance on the stairs shall be included in the exit access travel distance measurement. Please verify that total distance meets the requirements of the IBC Table 1016.2.
11. Sheet G.2; Occupant Loads Table: The total occupant load for the Level Two should be 146. That would change the actual occupant load at each stair to 73. Please verify.
12. Sheet G.2: All discussion concerning occupant loads are subject to changes per the previous comments.
13. Sheet G.2; Occupant Loads; Plumbing Fixtures: Using the IBC Section 2902.1.1, round all fractional numbers up to the next whole number. Please revise the fixture counts.
14. Sheet G.2; Occupant Loads; Plumbing Fixtures: The Basement calculation for the required drinking fountains did not include the occupants in the Music Room 003. Please revise.
15. Sheet G.2; Occupant Loads; Plumbing Fixtures: The First Floor calculation for the required drinking fountains did not include the occupants in Classrooms 111 and 115. Please revise.
16. Sheet G.2; Occupant Loads; Plumbing Fixtures: The Level Two calculation for the required drinking fountains did not include the occupants in any rooms. Please revise.
17. Sheet G.2; Occupant Loads: Per the IBC Section 2902.1.1, the number of required plumbing fixtures is determined for each sex according to the total occupant load (half of each fixture to each sex). The total table calculations indicate 16 adult water closets, 3 children water closets, and 6 urinals are provided, along with 18 lavatories. Please break the total water closets, urinals, and lavatories into adult male, adult female, child male, and child female on this sheet.
18. Sheet A.3.1; Basement Reflected Ceiling Plan: A Keynote in Classroom 008 is unfinished (mechanical chase). Please revise.
19. Sheets A.4.1, A.4.2, A.4.3, and A.4.4; Elevations: Please verify all Building Elevations are indicated on the Floor Plans.
20. Sheets A.9.1 and A.9.2; Elevations: Please verify the counter and sink heights meet the requirements of the IBC Section 1109 at work surfaces and sinks, and the ICC/ANSI Section 902.5 for work surfaces for children.
21. Sheets A.10.1 and A.10.2; Wall Types: Per the IBC Section 1022.2, interior exit stairways shall be constructed as fire barriers (Section 707) with a one hour fire resistance rating. Per the Basement Floor Plan on Sheet A.1.1, the interior walls at Stairwell 001 indicates a Wall Type 4.3 at the north and west walls (two hour rating), and a Wall Type 4.2 at the east wall (one hour rating). Please verify the ratings, and provide a U.L. Listing Number for these walls on Sheet A.10.1. The exterior wall at that stair indicates a Wall Type 6.1. Please indicate the required fire resistance rating at that wall, and provide a U.L. Listing Number for that wall on Sheet A.10.2.
22. Sheet A.10.1; Wall Types: Per the Basement Floor Plan on Sheet A.1.1, the interior walls at Stairwell 014 indicate a Wall Type 1.2 at the south wall. That Wall Type on Sheet A.10.1 indicates a non-rated wall. Please revise that rating, and indicate a U.L. Listing Number for that wall. The exterior walls at that stair indicate a Wall Type 6.1. Please indicate the required fire resistance rating at that wall, and provide a U.L. Listing Number for that wall on Sheet A.10.2.
23. Sheet A.10.1; Wall Types: Per the IBC Section 713, the elevator shaft (Wall Type 3.1) shall be constructed as a one hour fire barrier unless it complies with all of the items listed in Section 712.1.8. If it is to be rated, please indicate the required fire resistance rating at that wall, and provide a U.L. Listing Number for that wall on Sheet A.10.1.
24. Sheet A.10.1; Wall Types: Please follow the previous comments for rated walls at the Stairwells 001 and 014 for the Stairwells 105 and 121 on Sheet A.1.2. In addition, include the chase openings on the south exterior wall of Stairwell 105, and the north exterior wall of Stairwell 121. These Wall Types 104 indicate a non-rated wall, and should follow the requirements of the IBC Section 713.
25. Sheets A.10.1 and A.10.2; Wall Types: Please verify on the drawings all penetrations (Section 714), joint systems (Section 715), openings (Section 716), and duct/air transfer openings (Section 717) meet the requirements for fire resistant rated wall systems.
26. Sheet S1.0; Structural Notes (Foundations): Please verify a design soil bearing value of 2000 PSF was used in the design of shallow foundations, and 6000 PSF was used for foundations at 12' below finish grade. The notes did not include the 6000 PSF. Please add.
27. Sheet S1.3; Deferred Submittals: The tensile shade canopies are indicated as a deferred submittal, but Sheet S3.0 indicates footing sizes (F4), Sheet S3.1 indicates steel beam sizes, and Detail 108 indicates masonry columns at the canopies. Were all of these elements designed by the structural engineer of record? Please provide structural calculations as required.
28. Sheet S3.0; Framing Plan: Note 5 indicates a mechanical chase (near Grids J and 12), but at the west wall (near Grids P and 12) and the south wall (near Grids M and 14), that note is incorrectly indicated. Please revise.
29. Sheet S3.0; Framing Plan: A column located near Grids F and 10 has a Detail 212 cut on the plan. This should be Detail 212A. Please verify.
30. Sheet S3.0; Framing Plan: Are there braced frames (per Sheet S7.0) between each set of C2 columns indicated on the framing plan? Please clarify on this Sheet.
31. Sheet S3.1; Framing Plan: A direction indicator on Stair "D" shows "Up", but should indicate "Down". Please verify.
32. Sheet S7.0; Details 403 and 404: These details indicate a podium slab at the braced frames. Please clarify the location of the podium slabs. The Basement Level has a 4" concrete slab, and the Ground Floor and Second Floor have 2 ½" concrete slabs on steel deck. Please verify.
33. Structural Calculations (Page 97); Sheet S5.0 (Detail 202): The structural calculation on this page references a CMU wall below a column bearing. Detail 202 indicates a steel column on a steel beam that is supported by a masonry wall, but the wall design does not match the structural calculations. Is there a Detail indicating the wall directly supporting a steel column using the calculation on Page 97? Please verify and provide as required.
34. General: Please provide a Special Inspection Certificate with Parts A and B completed.
35. General: Please provide written responses to all review comments.

Reviewed by Eric Newcomb
Contact at 520-837-4911 or Eric.Newcomb@tucsonaz.gov
12/31/2018 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Reqs Change Please include fire alarms under the list of deferred submittals on sheet G.1
Please clearly indicate on plans all doors that will have panic hardware.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description