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Permit Number: T15CM01103
Parcel: 13413057X


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - NEW

Permit Number - T15CM01103
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
03/03/2015 KEN BROUILLETTE FIRE REVIEW Reqs Change Please locate fire riser, and approximate location of fire service into building.
Unable to locate plumbing sheet 201. Numbering of sheets appears to be incorrect.
Mechanical sheet M400 (materials and specifications) was not included in submittal.
1. The total number of occupants of 4 for this facility does not seem correct. Please explain the business operation as to number of employees detailing autos and the number of customers waiting completion of their clean autos plus the building calculation numbers.
2. Please delete the mercantile building use classification. This is a "B" type of business as per the 20012 IBC Section 304.1.
3. The square footage analysis needs to be verified.
a. Car Wash: 5646 s.f. shown/5,492 calculation check
b. Restroom Building: ok
c. Vacuum Building: shown 166 s.f./Not shown on site plan nor floor plans
d. 2 Covered Parking: shown 8,092 s.f./8,934 s.f. calculation check
e. Please check all calculations and provide accurate s.f. analysis.
4. At detail 11 and 16 delete all requirements for signage to be mounted on the door. Please comply with signage requirements of the 2009 ICC A117.1, Section 703.
5. Please provide all accessible code requirements as per the 2012 IBC Chapter 12 and the 2009 ICC A117.1 as stated in your governing code analysis on sheet G000
6. At detail 16 change all dimensions shown to the bottom of the main sign to 7'-0".
7. At detail 16:
a. Correct the 2 ramp sections reference to 11/A101.
b. Reference comment 8 below.
c. Indicate a maximum of 2% slope in all directions for the accessible parking and aisle spaces.
8. Detectable warning strips are required at transportation platforms only and may be eliminated from this project with in the boundaries of the property lines.
9. Verify with Zoning the material and elevation separation requirements for the area marked in front of the office and cash room.
10. As required by comment 1, if the new occupant load is 16 or more then provide water dispensers and a service sink.
11. Notes 10-40 and 10-41 (Toilet Signage) refers to detail 10/G100 which is a blank detail box. Please reconcile.
12. If both toilets are intended to be uni-sex toilets, please refer to 2012 IBC, Section 2902.2.1 and revise accordingly.
13. At detail 2 and 4 please analyze the vertical movement of the high end of the canopy to insure clearance from the building gutters and fascia overhangs.
14. The PV/shade structures calculate to be 8,934 s.f. as opposed to 8,092 s.f. as shown on sheet G000. Please reconcile
03/16/2015 ROBERT SHERRY WATER REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Provide a site utility plan showing the location and size of the water meter and reduced pressure backflow assembly. Reference: Chapter XXVII, Article V, Section 27-72, the Tucson Code, http://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/water/docs/backflow-ordinance.pdf
2. Provide the total water demand that will be seen by the water meter (i.e. both plumbing fixtures and process demand). Revise the fixture units used to calculate the total water demand for the plumbing fixtures using the values shown in Table E103.3 (2), IPC. Reference: Section 604.3, IPC 2012.
03/17/2015 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Section R4-30-304 of the Rules of the Arizona State Board of Technical Registration, states that in addition to signing the seal, the registrant shall include the date the document was sealed and that a notation shall be placed beneath the seal, written, typed, or electronically generated, that provides the day, month, and year of the expiration of current registration. (Effective March 8, 2008).
2. Provide the civil plans referenced in sheet P200. An approved development plan is not to be used for construction of on-site utilities (e.g. water service to the building or the building sewer). The construction of the on-site utilities may be included with the permit for constructing the building or as a separate permit.
3. Provide automatic faucets for the lavatories, dispensing a maximum of 0.25 gallons per metering cycle. Reference: Section 416.6, IPC 2012, as amended by the City of Tucson.
4. Provide the number of drinking fountains that complies with the requirements of Section 1109.5.1, IBC 2012 and Section 410.2, IPC 2012.
5. Provide insulation on the circulating hot water piping per Section C404.5, IECC 2012.
6. Provide automatic or manual controls for the circulating hot water system per Section C404.6, IECC 2012.
7. Show the installation of the thermal expansion tank in detail C/P300. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.
8. Revise the water distribution system design criteria to provide a minimum flow pressure of 20 PSI for the specified flushometer-tank water closet. Reference: Section 604.3, IPC 2012, as amended by the City of Tucson.
9. Verify that all of the vents (except for vents serving interceptors located outdoors) rise vertically to at least 6" above the flood rims of the fixtures they protect prior to running horizontally. Reference: Section 905.4, IPC 2012.
03/17/2015 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Section R4-30-304 of the Rules of the Arizona State Board of Technical Registration, states that in addition to signing the seal, the registrant shall include the date the document was sealed and that a notation shall be placed beneath the seal, written, typed, or electronically generated, that provides the day, month, and year of the expiration of current registration. (Effective March 8, 2008).
2. Provide energy code compliance calculations for the carwash building envelope; use the climate zone for Tucson. Provide sufficient detail on the drawings to evaluate the energy compliance of the building envelope. The information shall, as a minimum, include U-factors of the envelope systems and fenestration components, along with the R-values of the insulation and the SHGC for the fenestration. Reference: Sections C103.2 and C401.2, International Energy Conservation Code 2012.
3. Show how the "Additional Efficiency Package Requirements" noted in Section C406, IECC 2012 is to be addressed. Reference: Section C401.2, IECC 2012.
4. Provide NFRC fenestration product ratings for the U-factor and the SHGC values on COMcheck or use the appropriate default U-factor and SHGC values from Tables C303.1.3 (1), C303.1.3 (2) and C303.1.3.(3), IECC 2012 when using COMcheck. Factory-manufactured windows are required to have certificates attesting to their compliance to NFRC Standards 100 and 200 and can be provided by the manufacturer or found at www.nfrc.org. For site assembled commercial products, the NFRC component modeling approach program enables commercial window manufacturers to produce bid reports to prove energy performance prior to being awarded a job and provide finalized label certificates once the product has been installed. Fenestration performance reports based on AAMA 507 are based on energy simulations only (no actual testing) and are not acceptable. Reference: Section C303.1.3, IECC 2012.
5. Provide specifications for the proposed HVAC equipment. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.
6. Provide the installed weight of the rooftop equipment. Reference: Section 302.1, IMC 2012.
7. Show that the mechanical systems for the building comply with the current energy code (e.g. provide the COMcheck Mechanical Compliance Certificate).
8. Provide heating and cooling load calculations that justify the capacities of the heating and cooling equipment specified for the project. Reference: Sections C403.2.1 and C403.2.2, IECC 2012.
9. Provide auxiliary drain pans or secondary drain systems for fan coil units. Reference: Section 307.2.3 IMC 2012.
10. Provide information on the sequence of operation of the restroom exhaust fan for the carwash building to show that all of the air supplied to the restroom will be exhausted. Reference: Section 403.2.1 (4), IMC 2012.
11. Provide calculations to show how ventilation will be provided for the occupied spaces. Reference: Sections 401.2 and 403.3, IMC 2012.
03/18/2015 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DP must be approved first.

FROM: Steve Shields
Lead Planner

PROJECT: Surf Thru Car Wash
T15CM01103 & T15CM01104
Building Plan (1st Review)

TRANSMITTAL DATE: March 20, 2015

1. The building plans have been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed.

2. The building plans cannot be approved until the development package, DP14-0191, has been approved.

3. It does not appear that the proposed PV canopies meet the requirements of UDC Section 7.4.6.F.2.a.(1).

4. Until the above comments have been addressed and all other PDSD review agencies have approved the building plans zoning cannot approve.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-4956
03/31/2015 CPIERCE1 COMMERCIAL IMPACT FEE COMMERCIAL IMPACT FEE PROCESSING Needs Review Impact fees to be reviewed when plans are approved.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
04/30/2015 KROBLES1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed