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Permit Number: T11CM03269
Parcel: 14022003K

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T11CM03269
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/17/2011 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved
10/18/2011 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Provide equipment data for the water heater. Reference: Section 103.2.3, UPC 2006.
2. Provide the minimum plumbing facilities required by Table 2902.1, IBC 2006, for educational occupancy (e.g. drinking fountain and service sink). See also: Section 1109.5, IBC 2006.
3. The minimum residual water pressure is 15 PSI unless it can be shown that no specified fixtures or appliances require minimum residual pressures greater than 8 PSI. Note that some water closets and some fixtures and appliances (e.g. drinking fountains, dishwashers and clothes washers) require minimum residual pressures greater than 15 PSI. Reference: Section 608.1, UPC 2006.
4. Show size, route and termination of T&P relief piping. Reference: Section 608.5, UPC 2006.
5. Specify which sterilization method will be used for the PEX water distribution system and verify that the manufacturer of the PEX approves of the chosen method. Reference: Sections 310.4 and 609.9, UPC 2006.
6. Provide sizing information for the roof scupper. Reference: Section 1101.11.2.1 and Table 11-1, UPC 2006.
10/19/2011 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Revise the font size used on sheet M-1 to a minimum height of 3/32-inch. Reference: Section 106.1.1, IBC 2006.
2. Clarify the design of the condensate drains for the new heat pumps; the drain, waste, and vent plan on sheet P-2 does not clearly show if the two drains are connected at some point and it is also not clear where the drains terminate. Reference: Section 307.2.1, IMC 2006, as amended by the City of Tucson.
3. Provide information on the sequence of operation for the restroom exhaust fans to show that all of the air supplied to the restrooms will be exhausted (i.e. the exhaust fan shall run whenever air is supplied to the room). Reference: Section 403.2.1 (4), IMC 2006.
4. Show how the vent for the water heater has been sized, including the total vent height, offset dimensions, and the size of the draft hood on the appliance. Reference: Sections 503.6.9 and 504.2.2, IFGC 2006.
10/27/2011 GERRY KOZIOL WWM REVIEW Denied need 5th floor credit evaluation- Please clairify WW plumbing fixtures. (are the 2 clothes exsisting or new)
Is this building being converted into a Day Care Center?
6280 S Campbell Ave
Multi Purpose Center

1. The Plumbing Plans Examiner has indicated as per Mechanical Code an interconnection is required showing exhaust fan in bathrooms to run when supply air is provided, show how this is to be accomplished electrically.
2. Sheet E.5, all text is to be minimum 3/32" for clearification and recording.
3. Regarding Sheet E.4, indicate on plan Photovoltaic work to be under a different permit.

Ray T Majuta
Elect Plan Review

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
11/02/2011 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed