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Permit Number: T08CM00634
Parcel: 13502134H

7090 E 22ND ST

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T08CM00634
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
02/26/2008 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Denied Per C.O.T. amendments to the 2006 IFC (Section 508), additional fire hydrant or fire sprinklers required.

FROM: Terry Stevens
Lead Planner

7090 E. 22nd Street
Site Plan


COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. The closing of the access from 22nd St. and Kolb Rd. makes this property part of the surrounding shopping center as it cannot be separated as a stand alone project.

Provide a copy of the last approved site plan for the shopping center.

Provide a copy of the cross vehicular and pedestrian circulation access agreement and provide recordation information on the site plan (docket and page) for the agreement. A cross parking agreement may also be required based on revised parking calculations.

Provide a complete revised parking calculation for the entire shopping center. The parking ratio for a shopping center with more than 50% retail is 1:200 GFA. This may assist in the design of the new project.

Provide expansion calculations for the entire shopping center which must include any previous expansions as well as this expansion.

Provide Floor Area Ratio (FAR) calculations for the entire shopping center including this new project.

2. DS 2- Provide on the site plan the legal description of the property.

3. DS 2- Provide dimensions of the building on the footprint portion of the site plan.

4. DS 2- The indicated street perimeter setbacks are shown incorrectly. The required setbacks are 21' or the height of the structure from the back of future curb. Provide dimensions from the building to the back of future curb for both 22nd St. and Kolb Rd.

5. DS 2- Indicate on the detail for the handicap parking space the maximum slope of the parking space and the access aisle. Per ANSI 117.1-2003 Sec. 502.5 the max slope is 1:48 in all directions.

Provide a detail of and location of the required handicap parking sign. The minimum height above grade to the bottom of the handicap parking sign is seven (7) feet per City of Tucson standards. A copy of the required verbiage for the handicap sign can be obtained at the front counter at DSD.

In the provided parking calculations the ratio used is 1:1000; the correct ratio is 1:100. Revise.

Clearly indicate the location of the provided wheel stops, on the detail for the handicap and standard parking spaces, as being located a minimum 2'-6" from the front of the parking space. Indicate on the site plan the location of all proposed wheel stops.

6. DS 2- The provided bicycle parking calculations are incorrect. Per LUC Sec. 3.3.4 the number of required bicycle parking spaces is 8% of the total parking spaces provided with 50% being class one and 50% being class two type bicycle parking spaces. Only class 2 spaces have been provided on the site plan. Revise.

Indicate the location of the required class one bicycle parking spaces on the site plan.

Please provide a plan view detail of the proposed class 1 and class 2 bicycle parking spaces A five (5) foot wide access aisle measured from the front or rear of the seventy-two (72) inch long parking space will be provided beside each row. Lighting will be provided such that all facilities are thoroughly illuminated and visible from adjacent sidewalks, parking lots, or buildings, during working hours. The surface of the facility can be surfaced the same as for motor vehicle parking or with a minimum of one (1) inch thickness of one-fourth (1/4) inch aggregate material. See DS 2-09 for additional requirements.

7. DS 2- Provide the location of the existing and future sight visibility triangles for the entrances from 22nd St. and Kolb Rd. adjacent to this project. See engineering comments.

8. DS 2- Per DS 3-05.2.1.C.2.c The minimum number of stacking spaces required of any drive-through facility with one drive through lane is six (6) vehicle spaces, including the space at the window. Clearly indicate the location of the drive-through window and the location of the required stacking spaces on the site plan.

9. DS 2- Per DS 2-08.3.1 a pedestrian circulation path must connect to all buildings within a development. As this project is not a stand alone project the pedestrian circulation path within this project must connect to the pedestrian circulation path for the shopping center.

Per DS 2-08.3.1 the pedestrian circulation path must be an accessible route from both adjacent streets. The indicated existing steps connecting to the sidewalk along Kolb Rd. do not provide an accessible route.

The crosswalk indicated within the PAAL connecting to 22nd St. is not allowed. Crosswalks are allowed to cross a PAAL at as close to 90 degrees as possible only.

Provide a detail of all handicap ramps indicating slope, width, landings, and truncated domes.

Access ramps at crosswalks connecting to sidewalks must be provided. In addition Truncated Dome (early warning systems) must be added to all access ramps where transitioning from the pedestrian area to the vehicular use area or at HC access aisles transitioning to the sidewalk area. Indicate location of truncated domes on the site plan also.

10. DS 2- Indicate the locations and types of proposed signs (wall, freestanding, pedestal) to assure there are no conflicts with other requirements and that minimal locational requirements can be met. Also indicate if there are existing billboards on site. Billboards will be required to meet all LUC requirements as stated in LUC Sec. If none exists please state so.

11. DS 2- Clearly indicate the location of the future curb along 22nd St. and Kolb Rd.. See engineering comments.

12. DS 2- The trash enclosure appears to be proposed to be built over an electric and gas easement. Provide documentation that the affected utility companies have approved this construction within the easement. If the easement is to be abandoned provide recordation information (docket and page) of the abandonment on the site plan

13. DS 2- If applicable, provide the location and type of proposed lighting.

14. DS 2- Provide on the site plan the zoning of the adjacent properties.

15. DS 2- List the proposed use as follows: Food Service "30", subject to: Sec. and Sec.

16. DS 2-02.2.2.A.3 Provide the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) calculations, allowed and proposed for this project.

Lot coverage calculations are not required for this site. Remove from plans.

17. Additional comments may be forth coming based on changes to this plan and responses to the above comments.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 837-4961

03/06/2008 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied Submit an Application for Exception; include acceptable documentation, which clearly indicates that the project will not impact Protected Native Plants.
03/06/2008 ANDREW CONNOR LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1. All planting and irrigation that is proposed within the ROW must receive a permit prior to construction. Plans should be submitted to the City of Tucson Permits and Code section at 201 N. Stone, 4th floor. Once the permit has been approved, the applicant must call for a "Blue Stake " prior to the required pre-construction meeting with the City Landscape Architect, and prior to starting any work.

§ It is the property owner's responsibility to keep the Sight Visibility Triangles (SVT), and the pedestrian access area clear of vegetation at all times, per Land Use Code (LUC) section Final plant locations must be in compliance with all utility setback requirements. The owner understands that if the City of Tucson Transportation Department or any utility company needs to work within the ROW in the landscaped area, plants and irrigation may be destroyed without replacement or repair. The property owner assumes full liability for this landscape and irrigation, and any damage to roadway, sidewalk and utilities.

§ The only private irrigation equipment that is allowed within the ROW is polyethylene type tubing and emitters that are not under constant pressure. All other equipment except for the water meter must be on Standard Notes for Planting in ROW.

2. Show required sight visibility triangles on the landscape plan. Plant materials located within SVT's should consist of ground cover or low-growing vegetation of a species that will not grow higher than (30) inches. However, trees may be planted within SVT's provided that: A) The trunk caliper, at maturity, will not exceed twelve (12) inches in diameter; B) The lowest branch of any tree is at least six (6) feet above the grade of the street, and C) Trees are not planted in a line that could result in a solid wall effect when viewed from an angle. LUC & DS 2-06

3. Vegetation, such as those with spines, thorns, or needles, that may present hazards to pedestrians, bicycles, or vehicles are to be planted a safe distance from the outer branch tips to the edge of a walkway, bike lane or path, roadway, or parking area access lane (PAAL). The growing characteristics of the vegetation are to be taken into consideration when determining this distance; Daylirion wheelerii may not be appropriate for pedestrians adjacent to sidewalk.

4. A 30" continuous screen along street frontages for vehicle use area must be provided per LUC Table 3.7.2-I. Identify screening element on landscape plan. Plants used for screening purposes may not be smaller than a five (5) gallon can size when planted. The plants may be aligned, or unevenly spaced, but must provide a continuous screen at maturity within two (2) years.

5. Within a vehicular use area, one (1) canopy tree is required for each 10 motor vehicle parking spaces and every parking space shall be located within forty (40) feet of the trunk of a canopy tree (as measured from the center of the tree trunk) per LUC

6. The area between the right-of-way line and sidewalk and the area between the sidewalk and the curb, if not covered with vegetation, shall be covered with an appropriate inorganic ground cover, such as decomposed granite. Revise the plans to clarify compliance. LUC

7. Landscape plan shall include irrigation specification design and layout per DS 2-06.5.4.A & DS 2-06.5.4.B including source of irrigation, sleeves for driveways and sidewalks, locations of valves, low-flow bubblers or drip irrigation.

8. Grading, hydrology, and landscape structural plans are to be integrated to make maximum use of sitestorm water runoff for supplemental on-site irrigation purposes. The landscape plan shall indicate use of all runoff, from individual catch basins around single trees to basins accepting flow from an entire vehicular use area or roof area. LUC

9. Submit an Application for Exception; include acceptable documentation, which clearly indicates that the project will not impact Protected Native Plants.

10. The site plan and landscape plan must show identical site layout to avoid conflict between the two plans. Ensure that all changes to the site plan are reflected on the landscape plan.

11. Additional comments may apply.
03/06/2008 TERRY STEVENS ZONING HC SITE REVIEW Denied see zoning comments.
SUBJECT: Site Plan
TO: Anthony Herrera
LOCATION: 7090 E 22nd, T14S, R15E, Section 19, Ward 4
REVIEWERS: Bianca Ramirez, CFM
ACTIVITY: T08CM00634 (First Review)

RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Site Plan and Drainage Statement

SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Development Services Department has received and reviewed the proposed site plan and drainage statement for the above referenced property. Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the site plan at this time. Please address the following review comments prior to the next submittal.

Please include a response letter to the comments along with the corrected copies of the site plan.

Site Plan:

1. The most recent aerial photo of the building does not match what is depicted on the site plan. Please modify site plan to represent actual footprint of building and/or clarify. If building is to be demolished, permit will be required. Provide demolition permit number in the lower right hand corner of the site plan.
2. As per the Federal ADA requirements, all wheel chair ramps shall be constructed in accordance with COT SD 207. Verify that most recent detail is being utilized (truncated domes).
3. Provide property description per D.S. 2-
4. Provide project address per D.S. 2-
5. Provide all existing and proposed buildings and structures, including location, size, height, overhangs, canopies, and use per D.S. 2- Label as either new or existing building.
6. DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.10: Provide existing and future site visibility triangles (SVT). Refer to DS Sec.3-01.5.3 for line of site matrix for SVT on 22nd Street.
7. Show all points of egress and ingress including locations and width of driveways and parking area access lanes (P.A.A.L.) per D.S. 2- Dimension PAAL(s). The 2005 aerial shows that there are curb opening(s) one along 22nd Ave and the other along Kolb Road. Per the site plan new vertical curbing will require a permit to do so. Add note referring to ROW permits for performing such work in the right of way.
8. DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.12: Indicate on the site plan and in details that all handicap access ramps at crosswalks or at the transition of a pedestrian circulation area to a vehicular use area have required detectable warning devices (truncated domes) per ANSI Standards A117.1-2003 Section 406.13.
9. Fully dimensioned maneuvering area(s) for loading spaces per D.S. 2- Provide (label and dimension) the required onsite maneuvering area for the loading zone that is shown on the site plan. The maneuvering area has to be provided onsite for the loading zone. If onsite maneuverability can not be achieved then a variance must be submitted and approved for offsite maneuvering within the public right-of-way. The site plan and grading plan can not be approved until such variance is approved. Refer to AASHTO for the national standards for turning radii.
10. Provide finished grades so that slope for handicap ramps can be determined per D.S. 2- In addition, provide additional spot elevations to verify that sidewalks area a minimum of 6" in height.
11. DS Sec. Provide drainage arrows and locations of all concentration points. Specifically show roof down spout locations proposed buildings at pedestrian circulation areas. A detail for the dimension of the proposed scuppers that are used for collecting onsite roof drainage at all pedestrian sidewalk is required; refer to City of Tucson details. Any scuppers proposed under the sidewalk will be designed and constructed to convey the 10-year flood flow. Provide a drainage statement showing scupper calculations that demonstrate that the 10-year flood flow is contained under the sidewalk.
12. Label right of way existing or future right of way. If the right of way is both existing and future label accordingly per D.S. Sec 2-
13. DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.18: Revise the site plan to call out 22nd Street and Kolb Road as a Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) and Arterial.
14. DS Sec. 2-05.2.4.H.2: Provide the right-of-way (ROW) recordation information for 22nd Street and Kolb Road.
15. Verify that all easements of record must be graphically shown on the plan together with recording docket and page per DS Sec.2-
16. Label dimensions from street monument lines to existing and proposed curbs, sidewalks, driveways and utility lines per D.S. Sec 2-
17. Provide site plan activity number in the lower right hand corner of all sheets per D.S. 2-
18. Add note: A permit or a private improvement agreement will be necessary for any work performed within the Right-of-way. Contact Permits and Codes at (520) 791-5100 for permit information.
19. Show a typical cross section of the P.A.A.L. or call out the percentage of slopes. Call out the grade break at the driveway, if applicable.
20. List the owner/developer on the plans with the pertinent information.
21. Revise site plane general note (8) to read: "Depress all landscaped areas 6" maximum for water harvesting" and label water harvesting areas on site plan.
22. Provide depressed curbing or some type of opening to permit the flow of onsite drainage to enter into the designated water harvesting areas.
23. Verify that all symbols have been indicated in legend. Specifically indicate drainage arrows and contour lines.
24. In parking detail, verify that truncated domes are installed at the bottom of handicap ramp.
25. Verify that section numbers within location map are correctly labeled.
26. Verify that 5' landing area is provided at the top of each wheel chair ramp. Specifically located within the northeast portion of proposed development.
27. Label the curb at the northern portion of parcel.
28. Label radaii in appropriate locations and provide cubs with radii in all the appropriate locations.
29. Additional comments may be forthcoming.

Drainage Statement:

1. Add grading plan activity number to the cover of the drainage statement.
2. Revise location map to call out the correct section numbers.
3. Add location of the off site basins that are referenced in the drainage statement on the site plan.
4. Provide scupper calculations for any required scuppers.
5. Additional comments may be forthcoming.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 837-4928 or Bianca.Ramirez@tucsonaz.gov

Bianca C. Ramirez
Engineering Associate
City of Tucson/Development Services Department
201 N. Stone Avenue
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, Arizona 85726-7210
(520) 837-4928 office
(520) 879-8010 fax

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
04/11/2008 CPIERCE1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed