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Permit Number: T07OT01635
Parcel: 11713069E

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: FLOODPLAIN

Permit Number - T07OT01635
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/20/2007 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied August 31, 2007
T07CM03015, T07OT01635, T07OT01526
FIRE CENTRAL 495 W Cushing Street
Site, Grading and Floodplain Reviews

The plans cannot be approved as submitted. The following comments must be addressed on each plan as applicable.
1. Provide an exhibit in the Drainage Report showing the existing and proposed floodplain boundaries. All areas subject to periodic inundation must be identified.
2. Revise the site plan to delineate the floodprone areas. The site plan should show the areas subject to inundation under existing condition and show the areas that will still be subject to periodic inundation once the improvements have been completed.
3. Provide existing and future water surface contours for all off-site and on-site concentrated flows. (Ensure that the lowest floor of each structure is at least one foot above the adjacent water surface contours.)
4. Provide sufficient spot elevations details to show that the underground parking garage will be kept flood-free.

The floodplain use permit and SWPPP will be approved when the site and grading plans are approved.
If you have any questions or want to set up a meeting contact me at 520.837.4927 or loren.makus@tucsonaz.gov.

Loren Makus
Senior Engineering Associate

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description