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Permit Number: T06CM04167
Parcel: 110034830

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: OTHER

Permit Number - T06CM04167
Review Name: OTHER
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments

PLEASE CALL AT 791-5550 X1106 OR EMAIL AT Linda.Buczynski@tucsonaz.gov

1. For the photovoltaic systems installed on remote canopies, please call for the bonding of the Equipment Grounding Conductor to the building Grounding Electrode System. Reference NEC 250.4 (2).
2. For the photovoltaic systems installed on remote canopies, specify a local disconnecting switch for the source circuits. Reference NEC 230.70.
3. For the photovoltaic systems installed on remote canopies, specify the placards required by NEC 690.56. Provide such placards at the photovoltaic disconnecting means per Comment #2 above, and at the disconnecting means to these very buildings. Provide the exact wording for both placards.
4. At the photovoltaic system disconnects adjacent to the inverters, specify the placards required by NEC 690.56. Provide such placards at these photovlotaic disconnecting means, at the remote buildings' photovoltaic disconnecting means, and at the disconnecting means to these very buildings. Provide the exact wording for all placards.
5. Specify the conduit runs between the remote PV systems and the inverter location. If underground, note the depth of burial. Detail attachment to building, how the conduit from the most remote building terminates, if it does terminate, at the second structure, before going to the building with the inverters.
6. ½" EMT comes from overhead to the gutter in the Equipment Layout on Sheet A4.2. Since the conduit is specified as 2" on Sheet A4.1, specify the transition.
7. ½" EMT comes from overhead to the gutter in the Equipment Layout on Sheet A4.2. Since the conduit from the remote PV systems is shown as being stubbed UP into the Electrical Room, please clarify.
8. 1" EMT comes from underground to the gutter in the Equipment Layout on Sheet A4.2. Since the conduit is specified as 2" on Sheet A4.1, specify the transition.
9. Only one conduit run is indicated between the remote buildings and the inverter location. However, three runs from the three separate PV arrays are shown going into the gutter on the Equipment Layout. Please clarify.
10. Note that the conductors of the PV Source Circuits going unprotected through the building as they are routed through the gutter and over to the inverters consists of a violation of NEC 690.14 (C) (1). However, the 2005 NEC permits an Exception if these conductors are installed in metallic raceways and enclosures. Electrical Plans Examiner would consider this option.
11. Provide overcurrent protection for the conductor from the sub-panel to the AC main.
12. Provide the location of the Main Service Panel on the plans.
13. Provide the Available Fault Current at the sub-panel.
14. Provide the Fault Current Rating of the sub-panel.
15. Provide load calculations sufficient to demonstrate that the electrical load connected to the AC Main does not exceed 140A.
16. Provide a large-font sized note on the plans citing reference to the TEP model drawings.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
01/29/2007 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed