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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: COMMERCIAL NEW
Permit Number - T06CM03151
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
05/26/2006 | DAVE MANN | FIRE | REVIEW | Denied | 1) No reference on plans regarding method of fire protection for kitchen exhaust hood. 2) Indicate on plans why portions of building show no fire protection. (non-combustible exterior walkways, inaccessable concealed spaces, etc.) 3) Indicate ceiling elevations for grid and sheetrock portions of community room. 4) Northeast corner of room 230A lacks coverage. 5) Sidewall sprinkler in room 231A appears to be incorrectly located. 6) Cover sheets of hydraulic calculations for areas 2, 3, 4, & 5 indicate "K" factors for sprinklers of 4.2 and 4.9. Should be 5.6. 7) Calc area 3 - dimension for Pipe 22 should be 13'-1" dimension for Pipe 18 should be 14'-0" Calc area 4 - dimension for Pipe 36 should be 9'-2". Node M18 missing from plans. Sequence incorrect form this point on. Two node 36s on plans. One not included in calcs. Renumber and flow one more head. Adjust calc data plate. Calc area 5 - Pipe 27 should include 2 elbows. Remove random dimension between M22 and S53. Seperate plans and permit applications shall be submitted to the Fire Department for fire sprinklers, fire protection underground piping, fire alarm system, and kitchen exhaust hood fire suppression system. |
05/31/2006 | RBABBIT1 | LANDFILL | REVIEW | Approved | |
06/05/2006 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Revise the font size used on the drawings to a minimum of 1/8-inch (all upper case). Reference Section 302.3, Uniform Administrative Code, 1997. 2. Provide information on the pipe hanging provisions for use with the Hambro system. Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 2003. 3. Coordinate the plumbing schedule and plans (e.g. where are FD-1 and FS-2 located?). Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 2003. 4. Complete the waste and vent isometrics (e.g. first floor drainage, label all sections of waste and vent pipes, and clarify the title on detail C8/P302). Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 2003. 5. Tucson Water will no longer allow water meters and backflow preventers to be manifolded to achieve additional capacity. (Note: 249-flush tank fixture units are not equivalent to a demand of 101 gpm per Chart A3, UPC 2003.) 6. A note on sheet P102 describes a future connection for a water softener. What is the maximum pressure drop associated with the future water softener that can be accommodated without adversely affecting the water pipe sizing calculations? Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 2003. 7. The maximum flow rates for plumbing fixtures (e.g. public lavatories) shall be consistent with ARS Title 45, Chapter 1, Article 12. See text at: (http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ArizonaRevisedStatutes.asp). Reference Section 402.1, UPC 2003, as amended by the State of Arizona. 8. Provide shower control valves that comply with the requirements of Section 420.0, UPC 2003. (Note: the division 15 specification section "Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment" is not in the project manual.) 9. The fixture connection sizes called out for the urinal flush valve will result in a water velocity greater than 8 FPS. Limit the water velocity to less than 8 FPS for the copper piping. Reference Section A 6.1, UPC 2003 and IAPMO IS 3-2000, Section 610.0. 10. The 2-way cleanout shown in Detail 2/P301 is in violation of Section 707.6, UPC 2003. 11. The use of Proset Systems' "Trap Guard" to provide trap seal protection in lieu of the accepted methods for trap seal protection will require an appeal to the Building Official. Reference Sections 301.2 and 1007.0, UPC 2003, as modified by the City of Tucson. 12. Footnote #1 in detail 3/P301 states that the dishwashers do not drain through the grease interceptor. Show how they do drain. Reference Sections 103.2.3 and 304.0, UPC 2003. 13. Provide upper terminal cleanouts on horizontal drainage pipe over 5 feet in length for the fixtures on the second floor (sinks require a cleanout if they have any horizontal drainage pipes). Reference Section 707.4, UPC 2003, as amended by the City of Tucson. 14. Provide information from the Pima County Health Department that states that food preparation sinks will not require an indirect waste connection. Reference Sections 103.2.3 and 801.2, UPC 2003. 15. Common vertical and horizontal drainage pipes serving banks of three or more clothes washers shall be sized based on 6 fixture units each. Revise the waste piping shown in details C2/P302 and C8/P302 as required. Reference Table 7-3, footnote 5, UPC 2003. 16. If the clothes washers are not equipped with integral lint traps, provide a lint interceptor. Reference Section 1012.0, UPC 2003 17. Provide roof drainage calculations to support the size of the scuppers shown on the plans. Include the amount of overflow head used to calculate the required scupper size. Reference Sections 1101.11.1, 1101.11.2.4, and 1106.0, UPC 2003. |
06/05/2006 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Approved | |
06/06/2006 | ROBERT SHERRY | MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Revise the font size used on the drawings to a minimum of 1/8-inch (all upper case). Reference Section 302.3, Uniform Administrative Code, 1997. 2. Provide calculations to show that the common ventilation systems for FC 1-1 and AC 2-1 are sized in accordance with Section 403.3.2, IMC 2003. 3. Materials exposed in plenums shall conform to Section 602.2.1, IMC 2003. 4. Provide information to show how the condensate drain system has been sized. Reference Section 307.2.2, IMC 2003, as amended by the City of Tucson. 5. Show the locations of the cleanouts for the grease ducts. Reference Sections 506.3.8 and 506.3.9, IMC 2003. 6. Revise the installation of the hood to provide 18" of clearance between the hood and combustible construction (e.g. cabinets). Reference Section 507.9, IMC 2003. 7. Provide structural calculations and details to show that the Type I hoods are supported from the building structure in accordance with Section 507.6, IMC 2003. |
06/16/2006 | LINDA BUCZYNSKI | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | TRANSMIT ORIGINAL DRAWINGS WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. PLEASE CALL AT 791-5550 X1106 OR EMAIL AT Linda.Buczynski@tucsonaz.gov IF YOU CARE TO DISCUSS. 1. Keynote 3 (Panel 1C) is used 2X on Sheet E101. Could not locate Keynote 5 (Panel ELE). 2. Ckt ID-12 is used 2X on Sheet E101. Ckts ID-14 and ID have loads on Sheet E101, but are listed as spares on the panel schedule. 3. IEF 1-1 is on Ckt 1C-33 per Sheet E101A. At the panel schedule this is a 2/P CB feeding the Range. 4. It appears that Ckt 1C-1,3, as referenced on Sheet E101A, should read "1C-39,41." 5. On Sheet E102, Ckts 2C-38,40,42 power Corridor loads. They are spares on the panel schedule. 6. On Sheet E102, Ckts 2C-9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27 power electrical loads, probably Dryers and Washers. They are spares on the panel schedule. 7. On Sheet E104, please re-label Ckt 1C-33,35 to read "1C-31,33." 8. Specify that the disconnecting means referenced in Keynote 6 Sheet E104 be capable of being locked in the open position. Reference NEC 620.51 (A). 9. On Sheet E201, Ckts 1D-12, 14, 16 power lighting fixtures. Not indicated on panel schedule. 10. Circuit 1D-16 is used twice on Sheet E102. Total for the two appears to be 18.5A, which, when taken at 125%, will overload a 20A circuit. 11. Provide a circuit for fixture S1 Sheet E201. 12. Please specify pole height for exterior fixtures. 13. On Sheet E201, please identify the lighting fixture type intended for installation under the metal panel roof. Clear that these fixtures were considered in the outdoor lighting code compliance calculations. 14. Fixture Z1 does not appear to be included in the outdoor lighting code compliance calculations. Please clarify. 15. Please submit cut sheets for Fixture W. 16. It appears that there are 18 Fixtures W, not 12. 17. On Sheet E202, there is exterior lighting on Ckt 1A-16. Please enter load on panel schedule. 18. Please submit details about Service Load Calculations. Show any diversity factors which may have been applied to the various HVAC units. It appears that several loads which were captured under the "Receptacle" umbrella were not in fact 180 VA outlet loads per NEC 220.13. 19. Fault calculations for Panel 1D start with an initial value of 16,907A. Since this panel is powered from 1C this value should be 37,706VA. The resulting AFC appears to exceed the value of 22K because 1D is installed right besides 1C. 20. AFC at Panel ELE exceeds its 10K rating. 21. Note on top of Switchgear refers to "series rated listings." There are no series rated OCPD combinations on this project. Please clarify. |
06/20/2006 | JOSE ORTIZ | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | The building permit cannot be approved until the Development Plan (D06-0007) and Grading Plan (T06BU01321) have been approved. Upon approval of the Development Plan the Development Plan must be approved as a Site Plan with all required approval stamps for the Site Plan. Upon final Site Plan approval the Building Permit will be eligible for final approval. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550 x1191 Jose.Ortiz@tucsonaz.gov Jose E. Ortiz, PE Civil Engineer City of Tucson/Development Services Department 201 N. Stone Avenue P.O. Box 27210 Tucson, Arizona 85726-7210 (520) 791-5550 x1191 office (520) 879-8010 fax C:/ 0000 O. Street Address |
06/26/2006 | GERRY KOZIOL | WWM | REVIEW | Denied | 1.Ronald McDonald House- Building #6 232FU @ SFR rate for Transient lodging & 125FU @ Commercial rate for common areas. 2. Needs wastewater 8th floor review of abandonment of portion of on-site public sewer M-142. 3. Needs wastewater 8th floor review of 20ft off-site private sewer easement for 6" private sewer for building #6. 4. Needs wastewater 8th floor review of manhole tap (740-6500) & manhole tap permit from 5th floor wastewater (740-6602) 5. Needs wastewater 8th floor credit evaluation if applicable |
07/19/2006 | DOUG LAAKSO | BUILDING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | .. T06CM03151 .. 3838 NORTH CAMPBELL AVENUE, BUILDING #6 .. RONALD McDONALD HOUSE .. BOARDING HOUSE (TRANSIENT) W/BEDROOMS, OFFICES, KITCHEN, DINING, LOBBY, LIVING, ASSEMBLY AND STORAGE ROOM/S .. DGL .. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS .. 7/19/06 .. TRANSMIT PRIOR SUBMITTAL/S WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. S1. Provide completed Code Review Checklist, as required by 1997 Uniform Administrative Code Section 302.1, including: Allowable Area Calculation addressing the tabular area based on the lesser of A-2 and A-3 of 1 story and 6000 sf vs R-1 of 2 story and 7000 sf per Table 503 and IBC Section 302.3.1. See DSD website : www.tucsonaz.gov/dsd, for form. S2. Verify/Revise the font size used on the drawings to a minimum of 1/8 inch (all upper case). Reference Section 302.3, Uniform Administrative Code, 1997. S3. Provide Fire Barriers, with fire listing and construction details on drawings, per IBC Section 706. S4. Provide Shaft Enclosures, with fire listing and construction details on drawings, per IBC Section 707. S5. Provide Fire Partitions, with fire listing and construction details on drawings, per IBC Section 708. S6. Provide a minimum of one-hour fire-rated Horizontal Assembly between 2nd floor R-1 sleeping units and remaining 1st floor Occupancies, with fire listing and construction details on drawings, per IBC Section 711. S7. Provide Penetrations per IBC Section 712. S8. Provide Fire-resistant Joint Systems per IBC Section 713. S9. Provide Fire-resistance Rating of Structural Members, with fire listing and construction details on drawings, per IBC Section 714. S10. Provide Opening Protectives per IBC Section 715. S11. Provide Ducts and Air Transfer Openings per IBC Section 716. S12. Provide fireblocking and draftstopping per Concealed Spaces IBC Section 717. S13. Provide notes on drawing A201 addressing IBC Section 8 requirements for Wall, Ceiling and Floor Finishes. S14. Clarify exiting from East Exit to the public way on drawing AS101 per IBC Section 10. S15. Swing gate G03 at outdoor patio to the outside of the patio in the direction of egress, ref AS101, 6 of 7, L1, L2, A101, M101, P101, P102, ES01, E101,E101A, E201, E301, and E303, gate G01 and G02 Sim, per IBC Section 1008, provide permissible door hardware per IBC Section 1008. S16. Submit two sets of shop drawings and calculations, stamped and signed by an Arizona Registered engineer, shop drawings shall be reviewed by and bear the approval of the Engineer or Architect of Record prior to submission to the City of Tucson, Development Services Department for approval prior to erection for: 1. Doors and Door Hardware. 2. Signage per IBC Sec 1011 and 1110, including Floor Level Exit Signs in Group R1 Occupancies per IBC Amendments. 3. Handrails and Guards per IBC Sec 1009 and 1012. 4. Hambro System. 5. Roof joists. 6. Steel stairs. 7. Structural steel. S17. Clarify conformance of drawings with requirements of Door, Gates and Turnstiles per IBC Section 1008. S18. Provide one-hour fire-rated separation of Bedroom 29, Room#134 from surrounding Occupancies and maintain fire-rated separation, at the corridor, to the exit from the building, per IBC Sections 1013, 708. S19. Provide Exit and Exit Access Doorways complying with IBC Section 1014. S20. Provide Corridors complying with IBC Section 1016. S21. Provide Exits complying with IBC Section 1017. S22. Provide Vertical Exit Enclosures complying with IBC Section 1019. S23. Provide Exterior Exit Ramps and Stairways complying with IBC Section 1022, one-hour fire-rated wall and opening protectives per IBC Section 1019.1,1019.1.1, 1019.1.2 and 1019.1.4 at the building. S24. Clarify Exit Discharge complying with IBC Section 1023 is provided. S25. Indicate accessible route on drawings AS101, A101 and A121 show conformance to 2003 IBC Section 11 and ANSI A117.1-2003ed. S26. Indicate accessible units on drawings explain type per IBC Section 1107. S27. Explain on drawings accessibility of dining area per IBC Section 1108. S28. Clarify on drawings accessibility of Other Features and Facilities per IBC Section 1109. S29. Provide attic space ventilation per IBC Section 1203. S30. Indicate Sound Transmission on drawings with STC Rating , Listing and construction detail to show compliance with IBC Section 1207. S31. Clarify 3/8"one-coat stucco system called-out on detail K15/A601, H1, H6, L11, L14 by fully detailing and specifying 3/8" one-coat system ref IBC Section 14 or revise the details. S32. Indicate Minimum Roof Covering Classification on Roof Plan A601 per IBC Section 15. S33. Indicate Foam Plastic Insulation flame-spread and smoke-development limits per IBC Section 2603 on drawings or in specifications. S34. Provide a calculation explaining minimum plumbing fixtures on first floor for compliance with IBC Section 29. S35. Show elevator compliance with IBC Section 30. S36. Provide awning design, specifications and details complying with IBC Section 3105. S37. Provide index for Structural Calculations. S38. Coordinate identifiers used in structural calculations with Structural Drawings. S39. Coordinate structural sizes with fire-rating requirements fire-rated construction detailsand fire listings. S40. Provide Inspection Program per 1997 Uniform Administrative Code Section 302.5. S41. Special Inspection required for: 1. Concrete. 2. High Strength Bolting. 3. Structural Masonry. 4. Site Preparation. 5. Foundation/Excavation. 6. Field Welding. 7. Shop Welding. 8. Special Grading , Excavation and Filling. 9. Epoxy Anchors. 10. Expansion Anchors. 11. Soil Surface Drainage. S42. Clarify ledger splice strap size Structural Calculations sheet #142 requires Simpson MSTI36 vs Simpson MSTI26 called out on Detail 301/S5.0. S43. Coordinate Structural Detail on Sheet # 148 of Calculations with Structural Drawings re: location and design. S44. Clarify use of lag screws, sheet #149 of Structural Calculations. S45. Provide copy of Structural Calculation Sheet #153 results on bottom of sheet did not copy. S46. Provide toedown Detail #116/S3.1 with 12" minimum embedment per IBC Section 1805.2 vs 8" minimum shown on Detail. S47. Verify that required ties per IBC Section 1604.8.2 are provided. S48. Specify joist hanger sizes on drawings. S49. Show on Structural Drawings how Hambro System attaches to remainder of structure and provide specifications for the Hambro System. S50. Provide location/s of equipment on roof by dimension from two adjacent walls. S51. Provide addressing per Pima County Addressing Ordinance and IBC section 501.2 on the drawings. Questions? Call Douglas Laakso Structural Plans Examiner for the City of Tucson Development Services Department at (520) 791-5550 x1111, email at <Doug.Laakso@tucsonaz.gov.> or visit City of Tucson , DSD website : www.tucsonaz.gov/dsd. |
08/01/2006 | TERRY STEVENS | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | 08/01/06 Development Services Department Zoning Review Section Terry Stevens Lead Planner Comments for T06CM03151: 1. The building plan has been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until it has been approved by the Engineering, and Landscape Review Sections and until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed. 2. Zoning could not verify that the building plan was in compliance with the approved development plan. Please submit two copies of the approved and stamped development, landscape, and NPPO plans with the next building plan submittal. 3. Zoning will re-review the building plan on the next submittal to insure compliance with the approved site/development plan. Additional comments may be forthcoming. 4. A site card with DSD approvals by Fire, Zoning, Handi-cap, Engineering, and Landscape/NPPO including the approved development plan stamped for site plan approval and signatures is required before the building plan can be approved by Zoning. Two copies of the approved development plan, landscape and NPPO plans are to be submitted with the building plans packet for processing and approval as a site plan. No fees are involved in re-stamping the development/tentative plat plans as an approved site plan. The development plan may be walked through for stamps and site card sign off. Submit the following: two copies of the stamped development plan, landscape and NPPO plans must be included with the building plans packet processed together for site approval |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
08/04/2006 | GERARDO BONILLA | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
08/04/2006 | SUE REEVES | REJECT SHELF | Completed |