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Permit Number: T06BU01321
Parcel: 11202003D

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T06BU01321
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/15/2006 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied Submit a copy of the approved development plans including landscape and native plant preservation plans for reference. The grading application will be reviewed for compliance only when the approved documents are included in the submittal.
08/22/2006 JOSE ORTIZ ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied Date: August 24, 2006
To: Preston Godfrey
ABA Architects
1001 N Alvernon Way
Tucson, Arizona 85711

FROM: Jose E. Ortiz, PE
Engineering Division

SUBJECT: Ronald McDonald House
Grading Plan T04BU01321 (Second Review)
T13S, R14E, Section 29


The Grading Plan (GP) cannot be approved as submitted. Please address the following review comments prior to the next submittal.

Grading Plan:

1. Please include a response letter to the comments along with the corrected copies of the GP.
2. Provide a legend for the grading plan.
3. In the last response letter (the response to comment 5) it states "COMPLY, SEE KEYNOTE 45 ON SHEET 3/5". This submittal contained only 2 sheets. Was it intended that 5 sheets be submitted? Please verify.
4. No SWPPP report was provided. This report is required and below are the items that need to be included in the report. Some items may have already been addressed so simply add to the report.
a) Address the following comments for the SWPPP report:
i) Provide copy of completely filled-out NOI that has been sent to ADEQ.
ii) Provide a form for the NOT.
iii) Provide a copy of the AzPDES general permit (#AZG2003-001) as part of the SWPPP. (Part IV.F) See the weblink: http://www.azdeq.gov/environ/water/permits/download/constgp.pdf
iv) Provide copies of compliance evaluation report forms for use by onsite operators.
v) Provide list of contractors and subcontractors to be filled out and updated on site and kept with the SWPP.
vi) Indicate in the SWPPP the name(s) of the party(ies) with day-to-day operational control of those activities necessary to ensure compliance with the SWPPP or other permit conditions. Provide a table for recording the names and responsibilities for each party responsible for activities necessary to ensure compliance with the SWPPP or other permit conditions. (Part IV.B.1.d)
vii) For the Certification Statements provide name and signature for the Owner/Operator Certification Statement. All operators shall be identified and have separate certification statements. At minimum, one operator, such as the owner as listed on the bottom of the second page of the NOI shall sign one of the forms. Please note that the remaining signatures from the operators must be on the SWPPP on the site copy of the SWPPP (exhibit or report) at or before commencement of construction. (Part IV.C.1)
viii) Provide sequential list of activities for this project. The sequence of major activities should state whether establishment of erosion and stormwater controls are to occur prior to clearing and rough grading of this site.
ix) Specify that all erosion and sediment control measures must be properly selected, installed, and maintained per the manufacturers' specifications and good engineering practices. If periodic inspections or other information is discovered that indicates a control has been used inappropriately, or installed incorrectly, the operator must replace or modify the control for site situations as soon as practicable and before the next anticipated storm event. (Part IV.D.2.b)
x) Describe good housekeeping procedures to prevent litter, construction debris, and construction chemicals exposed to stormwater from becoming a pollutant source for stormwater discharges. List specific waste disposal methods and practices, such as dumpsters. (Part IV.D.3)
xi) For inspection purposes, please fill out the enclosed "AZPDES - Posting Requirements" green sheet, and post at construction entrance of the site at beginning of construction activities and maintain this posted document throughout project construction.
xii) See submittal package for a SWPP handout package with sample forms and other reference material, including the green sheet.

Due to the minimal comments generated by the Engineering review DSD Engineering will accept an over the counter review at the next submittal for final approval to the grading plan. Please coordinate with the over reviewer (s) to determine their willingness to conduct an over the counter review. For final approval Engineering needs 4 copies of the Grading Plans and 4 copies of the SWPPP.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550 x1191 or Jose.Ortiz@tucsonaz.gov
Jose E. Ortiz, PE
Civil Engineer
City of Tucson/Development Services Department
201 N. Stone Avenue
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, Arizona 85726-7210
(520) 791-5550 x1191 office
(520) 879-8010 fax
09/14/2006 KAROL ARAGONEZ ZONING REVIEW Denied 09/14/06

Development Services Department
Zoning Review Section

Karol Aragonez


1. The grading plan has been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until it has been approved by the Engineering, and Landscape Review Sections and until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed.

2. Zoning could not verify that the grading plan was in compliance with the approved development plan. Please submit two copies of the approved and stamped development, landscape, and NPPO plans with the next grading plan submittal.

3. Zoning will re-review the grading plan on the next submittal to ensure compliance with the approved site/development plan. Additional comments may be forthcoming.

4. A site card with DSD approvals by Fire, Zoning, Handi-cap, Engineering, and Landscape/NPPO including the approved development plan stamped for site plan approval and signatures is required before the grading plan can be approved by Zoning. Two copies of the approved development plan, landscape and NPPO plans are to be submitted with the grading plans packet for processing and approval as a site plan. No fees are involved in re-stamping the development/tentative plat plans as an approved site plan. The development plan may be walked through for stamps and site card sign off. Submit the following: two copies of the stamped development plan, landscape and NPPO plans must be included with the grading plans packet processed together for site approval.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
12/05/2006 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed