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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: COMMERCIAL TI
Permit Number - T05CM05879
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
11/25/2005 | JIM EGAN | FIRE | REVIEW | Approv-Cond | Separate plan submittals and permits required for fire sprinkler system modifications and installation of Kitchen Exhaust Hood Fire Suppression Systems. |
11/28/2005 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Approved | |
11/28/2005 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Clarify the design of the new fixtures served by the building drain that appears to run north from C-2 and then east along column line A. It is not clear from the drawing which direction the drain is flowing. Does this building drain connect to the building drain running between columns E-2 and J-2? Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 1994. 2. Clarify the plumbing and gas equipment schedules shown on sheet P1.3. It is unclear what items are to be included in this project, especially since several pieces of gas-fired equipment shown on the plans appear to be deleted from the schedule. Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 1994. 3. Show the locations of the cleanouts in the building drain running east along column line A. Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 1994. 4. Numerous symbols for new floor sink are scattered about the north half of the store without any drain lines connected to them. Also, notes appear to be missing near column B-7. Please clarify. Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 1994. 5. Provide access and working space for water heater WH-1. Reference Section 511.0, UPC 1994. 6. Equipment BA-194 is referred to as both a water meter (P1.3) and as a water heater (P1.2). Please clarify. 7. The field-assembled 2-way cleanouts shown in details 12/P1.3 and 17/P1.3 are in violation of Section 707.6, UPC 1994. The 2-way fitting referenced in Section 707.4 (4), UPC 1994 is a single, approved fitting. 8. Show the size and location of the vents for the combination waste and vent systems being modified. Note that any branch greater than 15 feet must be separately vented. Reference Section 910.3, UPC 1994. 9. Show all of the pipe sizes on the gas piping diagram. Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 1994. 10. Indirect waste receptors (e.g. floor sink located near F-7) shall be installed in readily accessible locations. Reference Section 804.1, UPC 1994. 11. Terminate condensate drains in accordance with Section 307.2.1, IMC as amended by the City of Tucson. Note that while Section 807.2, UPC 1994 allows the condensate to terminate at the tailpiece of a lavatory, the local interpretation is that the condensate may not terminate at any other type of sink. |
11/30/2005 | ROBERT SHERRY | MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Provide information to show that the make up air for the kitchen hoods (MUA-1 and MUA-2) complies with Section 508.1.1, IMC 2000. 2. Provide structural calculations and details to show that the hoods are supported from the building structure in accordance with Section 507.6, IMC 2000. 3. Coordinate the scheduled exhaust requirements for H-1 and H-4 with the hood listing information as shown on sheet M1.3. 4. Provide justification for using occupancy loads of 8 people pre 1000 square feet for the ventilation requirements of the bakery, the pharmacy, and the deli which appear to be more appropriately described as either kitchen (cooking) or pharmacy, all having occupant loads of 20 people per 1000 square feet. 5. Provide duct insulation per Section 804, IECC 2003. |
12/01/2005 | GERRY KOZIOL | WWM | REVIEW | Approved | |
12/06/2005 | BOB SUBA | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Approved | |
12/14/2005 | CHRISTY FOREMAN | BUILDING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | CITY OF TUCSON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STRUCTURAL REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 12/15/05 ACTIVITY NUMBER: T05CM05879 PROJECT NAME: SAFEWAY PROJECT ADDRESS:.9050 E. VALENCIA ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: ELLERMANN, SCHICK, & BRUNO PROJECT REVIEWER: CHRISTY FOREMAN TRANSMIT ORIGINAL DRAWINGS WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. PLEASE CALL AT 791-5550 X1108 OR EMAIL AT CFOREMA1@CI.TUCSON.AZ.US IF YOU CARE TO DISCUSS. 1) 1997 Uniform Administrative Code - section 302.5 Inspection and Observation Program. When special inspection is required by Section 306, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. The inspection program shall designate the portions of the work to have special inspection, the name or names of the individuals or firms who are to perform the special inspections and indicate the duties of the special inspectors. The special inspector shall be employed by the owner , the engineer or architect of record, or an agent of the owner, but not the contractor or any other person responsible for the work. When structural observation is required by Section 307, the inspection program shall name the individuals or firms who are to perform structural observation and describe the stages of construction at which structural observation is to occur. The inspection program shall include samples of inspection reports and provide time limits for submission of reports. 2) Provide justification / clarification of accessible seating per note 53 page A2.1. 3) Note 63 page A2.1 provides dimensions / clarifications that check out aisle is per ANSI A117.1 2003. 4) Note 64 page A2.1 provides dimensions / clarifications that check out aisle signage is per ANSI A117.1 2003. 5) Clarify site and all interior is fully compliant per ANSI A117.1 2003 and place statement on cover sheet or justify per IBC 2003 3409.6. 6) Provide structural calculations and details to show that the hoods are supported from the building structure and the existing structure |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
01/30/2006 | DELMA ROBEY | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
01/30/2006 | SUE REEVES | REJECT SHELF | Completed |