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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: COMMERCIAL NEW
Permit Number - T05CM00872
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
03/01/2005 | JIM EGAN | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
03/02/2005 | BLANCA ESPINO | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | Approved Site Plan Required. |
03/08/2005 | LINDA BUCZYNSKI | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | TRANSMIT ORIGINAL DRAWINGS WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. PLEASE CALL AT 791-5550 X1106 OR EMAIL AT Linda.Buczynski@tucsonaz.gov IF YOU CARE TO DISCUSS. 1. For all poles greater than 30' in height, calculations sealed by a Registered Structural Engineer for both pole and foundation shall be submitted. 2. Reference Keynote 10 Sheet E1: please justify why a non-shielded lamp may be used to replace the existing. 3. Please show locations on plans for Keynotes 12 and 13. Could not spot them. |
03/23/2005 | CHRISTY FOREMAN | BUILDING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | CITY OF TUCSON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STRUCTURAL REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 3/23/05 ACTIVITY NUMBER: T05CM00872 PROJECT NAME: Parking lot improvements - Wildcat House PROJECT ADDRESS: 1801 N. Stone Ave. ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: ADG PROJECT REVIEWER: Christy Foreman TRANSMIT ORIGINAL DRAWINGS WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. PLEASE CALL AT 791-5550 X1108 OR EMAIL AT CFOREMA1@CI.TUCSON.AZ.US IF YOU CARE TO DISCUSS. 1) Provide structural calculations and details for light pole bases. 2) Provide structural calculations and details for retaining / site wall. 3) Accessibility from parking lot into building. 4) Dimension accessible parking and ramps. 5) Rise and run of stairs, clarify where handrails and guardrails are required. Provide details. 6) Per table 1106.1 for 206 parking spaces provide 7 accessible spaces. 7) Keynote 11 detail per ANSI a117.1 2003, ramps - slope etc. |
04/06/2005 | PETER MCLAUGHLIN | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | Site plan approval required. See site review comments. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
04/07/2005 | DELMA ROBEY | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |