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Permit Number: T03BU00077
Parcel: 140430130

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: REVISION

Permit Number - T03BU00077
Review Name: REVISION
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
05/21/2003 ELIZABETH EBERBACH ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied Revised Grading Plan can be approved once SWPPP revisions are submitted and accepted.
05/21/2003 LOREN MAKUS NPDES REVIEW Denied 1) IBC Chapter 36, Section 8: The revised grading permit is for grading only within the approved revised grading limits as shown on the approved revised grading plans.
2) Revise the general location map to show receiving waters within one mile. Include unnamed ephemeral washes. (Part IV.C.2.e)
3) Describe stormdrain sediment inlet protection for all stormdrain inlets and provide details.
4) List numbers for ADEQ's spill report lines (602) 771-4466 or Fax (602) 771-4505 along with instructions for notification in case of a spill. (Part VI.L.5.a) We recommend that this information be on the site map for ready reference.
5) Revise the stabilization practices section (Section 4.1.1) to show that the listed schedule applies to temporary stabilization and specify a stabilization practice that will be used.
6) Revise the temporary stabilization description in Section 4.1.1 to indicate that stabilization practices will be initiated as soon as practicable, "if vegetative stabilization measures are used."
7) Revise the structural practices section (Section 4.1.2) to give specific implementation timelines. Revise the second paragraph of this section to call the controls listed "Sediment control measures" instead of "Erosion control measures."
8) Revise the narrative to describe the BMPs that will be used for each item in the sequence of soil disturbing activities. (Part IV.D.1)
9) Revise the plan to provide an implementation schedule for each BMP and to provide a list of the parties responsible for installing and maintaining each BMP. (Part IV.D.1)
10) Describe the controls to be used for preventing concrete truck, mixer, stucco, drywall, and paint washout from becoming pollutant sources. (Part IV.D.7) Show location of designated washout area or equivalent control on site map. (Part IV.C.3.c)
11) Revise section 4.3.2 to specify an installation schedule for the stabilized construction entrance.
12) Revise plan to provide for use and maintenance of portable sanitary waste units.
13) Explain why plated and galvanized metals would require plastic sheeting for protection from weather.
14) Considering the size of the project site, explain how paving equipment is likely to cause pollutant problems. Will the paving equipment be parked on site for longer than a day or two?
15) In the appendices, provide only details of controls that are applicable to this site.
16) Revise Section 5 on page 17 to clearly specify location and BMPs for non-stormwater discharges.
17) Most, if not all, pesticides used on construction sites are applied by commercial applicators. Revise the pesticide section to address this procedure in the SWPPP.
18) Revise the Nutrient Application and Control section to reflect local conditions and practices.
19) Revise the site map to show the locations of all structural and non-structural controls. (Part IV.C.3.c) The narrative specifies the following controls. Revise the site plan to show their locations.
a. Designated area for equipment maintenance and repair.
b. Equipment washdown area.
c. Protected storage area for chemicals, paints, solvents, fertilizers and other potentially toxic materials. Provide a detail of the storage area.
d. Contractor/Subcontractor storage yard.
e. Designated storage area for construction materials.
f. Petroleum products storage area. Provide detail.
g. Staging area for vehicle maintenance activities.
h. Hazardous substance storage area. Provide detail. Make sure that the drain does not lead to a storm drain.
i. Locked, weather-resistant pesticide storage area.
20) Revise the site map to show where existing vegetation will be preserved in place. (Part IV.C.3.b)
21) Revise the site map to indicate that the sediment controls are structural controls and not stabilization structures.
22) Provide silt fence detail on site plan.
23) Specify which of the alternate inspection schedules in section 6 will be followed. (Part IV.H.1)
24) Revise Section 4.2 to reflect the grading plan for post-construction stormwater management as described in the general permit (Part IV.D.6)
Provide three copies of the revised SWPPP for review.
Zoning may not review and approve grading plans until Engineering has approved.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description