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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: FINAL PLAT - REVIEW
Plan Number - S15-004
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/16/2015 | AROMERO4 | START | PLANS SUBMITTED | Completed | |
01/21/2015 | PGEHLEN1 | TUCSON WATER NEW AREA DEVELOPMENT | REVIEW | Approved | Letter in Tentative Plat records is still valid. |
01/21/2015 | LIZA CASTILLO | UTILITIES | TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER | Reqs Change | SUBJECT: ROBB HILL FINAL PLAT S15-004 Tucson Electric Power Co. (TEP) has reviewed the Final Plat for Robb Hill subdivision submitted January 21, 2015, and is unable to approve the plat at this time. A preliminary electrical design must be completed and easements for TEP facilities shown on the plat for TEP approval. There is an existing overhead electrical line located within the boundary of the subdivision. The developer is responsible for all costs associated with the removal or relocation of the existing facilities. In order for TEP to prepare an electrical design for this subdivision, please email a copy of the Approved Tentative Plat and the subdivision AutoCAD file, including water plans, to fmendez@tep.com If you have any questions, please contact me at 917-8744. Thank you, Mary Burke Right of Way Agent Tucson Electric Power Co. Mail Stop HQW603 PO Box 711, Tucson, AZ 85702 Office - 520-917-8744 Cell - 520-401-9895 mburke@tep.com |
01/21/2015 | PGEHLEN1 | UTILITIES | SOUTHWEST GAS | Approved | See additional documents in PRO January 21, 2015 City of Tucson CDRC Attn: Patricia Gehlen, Manager 201 N. Stone Avenue Tucson, AZ 85701 RE: SWG Plan Review for Robb Hill - Final Plat CDRC No. S15-004 Southwest Gas Corporation (SWG) has no objection to the development of the above-mentioned project. Existing natural gas facilities are located within the area of development and may be affected by construction of this project; specifically, an existing natural gas service is located on the property of 8210 East Speedway Boulevard, an existing 6" high pressure gas main is located within the right-of-way of Speedway Boulevard, and existing natural gas mains are located in the rights-of-way of Speedway Boulevard and the alley immediately south of the development area for future extension into the project. SWG requires a stand-by when the contractor is working within 10 feet of high pressure gas facilities or distribution facilities 6" or greater. The contractor must call (520) 794-6021 to schedule the stand-by a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Information regarding excavator responsibilities when excavating near high pressure or larger-diameter facilities is attached. SWG requests this information be added to the development plans. Blue Stake and potholing are suggested for best accuracy when locating SWG facilities. Please be aware that SWG requires a minimum one-foot separation from distribution facilities and any proposed structures and two-foot separation from high pressure gas facilities. SWG requests the contractor use caution when working in the vicinity of gas facilities and protect and support gas facilities per Blue Stake requirements. All information is provided for reference use only. Please note that it is the responsibility of excavators or those developers planning excavation to verify actual field conditions in advance of construction so that requests for gas service or any potential issues can be addressed in a timely manner. Please include SWG in all future plat and development plan submittals of this project. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact me at (520) 794-6218 or Art.Lason@swgas.com. Sincerely, Arthur Lason Engineering Technician Southern Arizona Division Enc: SWG Contact Information (pdf) |
01/22/2015 | PGEHLEN1 | PIMA COUNTY | WASTEWATER | Reqs Change | REGIONAL WASTEWATER RECLAMATION DEPARTMENT 201 NORTH STONE AVENUE TUCSON, ARIZONA 85701-1207 JACKSON JENKINS PH: (520) 724-6500 DIRECTOR FAX: (520) 724-9365 January 22, 2015 To: Dan Castro, P.E., Project Manager Rick Engineering Thru: Patricia Gehlen, CDRC Manager City of Tucson Development Services Department From: Francisco Galindo, P.E., Civil Engineer Planning and Engineering - DLU Subject: Robb Hill, Lots 1-53 Final Plat - 1st Submittal, S15-004, Review Comments The Final Plat for the proposed project has been reviewed on behalf of Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD). RWRD is requesting additional information for the above referenced submittal of the Final Plat as received on January 16, 2015. 1. RWRD's Development Liaison Unit must receive the Sewer Improvement Plan for the on-site public sewer prior to RWRD's Acceptance of the Final Plat. If you have any questions regarding the above comments, please contact me. Francisco Galindo, P.E. Planning and Engineering - Development Liaison Unit Cc: Lorenzo Hernandez, P.E., RWRD Chad Amateau, P.E., RWRD Debbie Ketchem, CEA - Sr., RWRD Project file |
01/27/2015 | JENNIFER STEPHENS | PIMA COUNTY | ADDRESSING | Approv-Cond | 201 N. STONE AV, 1ST FL TUCSON, AZ 85701-1207 ROBIN FREIMAN ADDRESSING REVIEW PH #: 721-9512 TO: CITY PLANNING FROM: ROBIN FREIMAN, ADDRESSING REVIEW SUBJECT: S15-004 ROBB HILL FINAL PLAT - 1ST REVIEW DATE: JANUARY 27, 2015 The above referenced project has been reviewed by this Division for all matters pertaining to street naming/addressing, and we hereby approve this project with two minor requests for correction: 1) Sheet 1, Key Map: Correct "Robb Hill Avenue" to read "Robb Hill Place". 2) Label all sheets with project number S15-004. 3) Submit a 24 x 36 Reverse Reading Double Matte Photo Mylar of approved Final Plat to City Planning ***PIMA COUNTY ADDRESSING MUST RECEIVE A COPY OF THE RECORDED FINAL PLAT PRIOR TO THE ASSIGNMENT OF ANY ADDRESSES. PLEASE COORDINATE THE DELIVERY AND RECORDATION OF THE MYLAR WITH THE CITY OF TUCSON PLANNING*** 2.) All addresses will need to be displayed per Pima County Address Standards at the time of final inspection. ***The Pima County Addressing Section can use digital CAD drawing files. These CAD files can be e-mailed to: CADsubmittals@pima.gov The digital CAD drawing files expedite the addressing and permitting processes when we are able to insert this digital data into the County's Geographic Information System. Your support is greatly appreciated.*** |
01/28/2015 | ED ABRIGO | PIMA COUNTY | ASSESSOR | Approved | Office of the Pima County Assessor 115 N. Church Ave. Tucson, Arizona 85701 BILL STAPLES ASSESSOR TO: CDRC Office Subdivision Review City of Tucson (FAX# 791-5559) FROM: Susan King GIS Cartographer Pima County Assessor's Office DATE: January 28, 2015 RE: Assessor's Review and Comments Regarding Final Plat S15-004 Robb Hill * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * X Plat meets Assessor's Office requirements. ___ __ _ Plat does not meet Assessor's Office requirements. COMMENTS: Thank you for your submittal. NOTE: THE ASSESSOR'S CURRENT INVOLVEMENT IN PROCESSING ITS MANUAL MAPS TO DIGITAL FORMAT IS EXPEDITED GREATLY BY EXCHANGE OF DIGITAL DATA. IN THE COURSE OF RECORDING THIS SUBDIVISION YOUR ASSISTANCE IN PROVIDING THIS OFFICE WITH AN AUTOCAD COPY WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANK YOU FOR ANY DIGITAL DATA PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED. |
02/13/2015 | JASON GREEN | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | DATE: February 13, 2015 DUE DATE: February 18, 2015 SUBJECT: Robb Hill Final Plat- Engineering Review TO: Ray Schneider LOCATION: 8200 E Pima St; T14S R15E Sec09 REVIEWERS: Jason Green, CFM ACTIVITY: S15-004 SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Planning and Development Services Department has received the proposed Final Plat, Title Report, Draft Assurance Agreement and Draft CC&Rs. Engineering Division has reviewed the submitted Final Plat and does not recommend approval at this time. Refer to this link for further clarification: http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll/Arizona/tucson_az_udc/administrativemanual?f=templates$fn=default.htm$3.0$vid=amlegal:tucson_udc_az The following items need to be addressed: FINAL PLAT COMMENTS: 1) AM Sec.2-07.5.1.B: Revise the Final Plat to include a Sheet Index on the first sheet. Per the referenced section if the plat contains more than 1 sheet, a sheet index should be included representing what is on each sheet. 2) AM Sec.2-07.5.1.H: Revise the Final Plat to place the assigned subdivision case number "S15-004" in the lower right corner of the plat next to the Title Block. 3) AM Sec.2-07.5.3.E: Revise the Final Plat and the Assurance Paragraph to read per the referenced section; "This is to certify that all improvements, such as streets, sidewalks, sewers, water and utility installation, drainage and flood control facilities, and monuments, required by the City of Tucson have been completed or the future completion of such improvements has been assured by a land trust financial assurance agreement, the posting of performance bonds, an escrow account, letter of credit, or other security as the City of Tucson deems necessary and proper. In the event that any such assurance expires, lapses or is otherwise inadequate to assure the completion of assurable infrastructure, the city may suspend the issuance of building permits or certificates of occupancy." 4) AM Sec.2-07.5.6: Revise the CC&Rs to accurately describe the property per the Title Block on the Final Plat, specifically describe the Common Areas in the first paragraph of the CC&Rs to match the Title Block with exact wording. 5) AM Sec.2-07.5.6: Revise the CC&Rs and Article I Section Ff to remove the reference to Book and Page and provide the correct reference to SEQ#___. 6) AM Sec.2-07.5.6: Revise the CC&Rs and Article VII Section 4.a to complete the blanks within the section. 7) AM Sec.2-07.5.6: Revise the CC&Rs and Article X to provide a reference to the City of Tucson instead of the Town of Marana. 8) AM Sec.2-07.5.6: Revise the CC&Rs and Article X to include specific language for the required maintenance responsibility of the retention basins and associated drainage infrastructure. 9) AM Sec.2-07.5.6: Revise the CC&Rs and Article XIV Section 14 to provide the correct reference instead of the XXXXXX's and SEQ# instead of Docket and Page. 10) AM Sec.2-07.5.6: A signed and original notarized copy of the CC&Rs will be required prior to Final Plat Mylar approval. 11) AM Sec.2-07.6.1.B: The final plat cannot be scheduled for Mayor and Council consideration until the financial assurances are approved. Revise the assurance package and address the following comments: I. Trust Agreement: a) Provide a copy of the original, signed, and notarized Trust Agreement. Verify all blanks have been filled in appropriately. II. Amendment to Trust: b) Provide an original, signed, and notarized Amendment to Trust. Verify all blanks have been filled in appropriately. c) Provide the subdivision case number in the appropriate space (including the footer). d) Revise Section 1 and Exhibit "A" to provide a full description of the Common Areas to read per the Title Block on the Final Plat. Provide the wording "FLD Subdivision" in the description. III. Agreement to Construct: a) Provide the new 'Agreement to Construct Subdivision Improvements Third Party Trust' forms dated 02/02/15. The new forms have been prepared by the City Attorney's office and distributed to all Title Agencies. The form has been revised to provide the correct Code reference in Section B and other minor corrections. b) Provide the subdivision case number in the appropriate space on Page 1, the footer of each sheet, and Exhibit "B." c) Revise Section A and Exhibit "A" to provide a full description of the Common Areas to read per the Title Block on the Final Plat. Provide the wording "FLD Subdivision" in the description. d) Revise Item #2 of Assurable Items located in Exhibit "B to state "Paving of public streets…." The word "public" must be within the line item. e) Provide an original, signed, and notarized Agreement to Construct. Verify all blanks have been filled in appropriately. 12) AM Sec.2-07.6.1.E: Submit two copies of an updated title report (current within 30 days) at Mylar submittal. A statement from the title company certifying the title report previously submitted is still valid is acceptable in place of an additional title report. The Title Report submitted has an effective date of August 29, 2014 which does not meet the 30 day requirement. GENERAL COMMENTS: Provide a revised Final Plat, CC&Rs, Title Report, and Assurances at re-submittal addressing the comments provided above. Include a comprehensive response letter addressing in detail responses to all of the above comments. For questions or to schedule a meeting I can be reached at 837-4929. Jason Green, CFM Senior Engineer Associate Engineering Division COT Planning & Development Services |
02/19/2015 | PGEHLEN1 | UTILITIES | CENTURYLINK | Passed | |
02/20/2015 | MICHAEL ST. PAUL | ZONING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Michael St Paul Planning Technician PROJECT: S15-004 (DP14-0187) 8200 East Speedway Boulevard R-1 zone FLD subdivision TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 20, 2015 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Unified Development Code, The Administrative and Technical Manuals were addressed. This plan has been reviewed for compliance with the Subdivision Plat standards listed in section 2-07 of the City of Tucson Administrative Manual. Also compliance with applicable development criteria for the proposed use as listed in the City of Tucson Uniform Development Code (UDC). The review comments include the actual standard first with the applicable Administrative Manual section number and the following paragraph is the actual comment related to the specific item that must be addressed. If you need to review the sections listed below click on the link or copy it in the address bar of your internet program. http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll/Arizona/tucson_az_udc/technicalstandardsmanual?f=templates$fn=default.htm$3.0$vid=amlegal:tucson_udc_az SECTION 2-07.0.0: FINAL PLAT, BLOCK PLAT, MINOR SUBDIVISION, AND CONDOMINIUM PLAT APPLICATIONS Section 2-07.1.0 APPLICABILITY 2-07.2.0 APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 2-07.3.0 SUBMITTAL TIMING 2-07.4.0 FORMAT REQUIREMENTS 2-07.5.0 CONTENT REQUIREMENTS 2-07.6.0 APPROVAL DOCUMENTS AND PROCEDURE 2-07.1.0 APPLICABILITY Final plats, block plats, minor subdivisions, and condominium plats shall be prepared according to the requirements provided below. Hereafter referred to as "plat" or "plats." A final plat serves as a survey document suitable for recordation of all or part of an approved tentative plat, if applicable. The final plat must conform to the approved tentative plat or site plan in lot configuration, design, and required conditions of development. The final plat, once approved, is recorded in the Pima County Recorder's Office. The final plat is kept on file and becomes part of the permanent record for the subject site. (Am. Admin. Directive, 5/14/2013) 2-07.2.0 APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Plat application packets are available from the PDSD Department. Completed applications and accompanying materials are submitted to the PDSD. Incomplete or inaccurate applications will not be accepted, nor will any application in which the pre-application conference or neighborhood meeting requirements have not been met. Should an incomplete submittal be accepted for review, the applicant should be aware that, because of a lack of information, the review will take longer since comments cannot be finalized until after the resubmittal when the required information is provided. The types of documents and the specific number of copies required of each of the documents are on the PDSD website or may be obtained from the CDRC office. The following documents and information shall be submitted upon application: 2.1 Application Form A completed application signed by the property owner or authorized designee; 2.2 Plat A plat must be prepared to the format and content requirements described herein; and, 2.3 Fees Fees in accordance with Section 4-01.0.0, Development Review Fee Schedule. 2-07.3.0 SUBITTAL TIMING Review of final plats is normally initiated after the tentative plat has been approved, unless concurrent tentative and final plat submittal has been approved by the PDSD prior to submittal. Final plats may also be submitted for review prior to the approval of a tentative if a minimum of one review of the tentative plat have occurred. In any case, submittal of the final plat prior to approval of the tentative plat is done at the applicant's risk since changes could be required of the tentative that may affect the final plat. 2-07.4.0 FORMAT REQUIREMENTS 2-07.5.0 CONTENT REQUIREMENTS 5.1 General 2-07.5.1.A. A project-location map must be drawn in the upper right corner of the first sheet of the plat at a scale of three inches equals one mile and include the following information: 2-07.5.1.A.2. Label the section, township, and range; section corners; north arrow; and the scale; 1) COMMENT: Label the section corners. B. If the plat contains more than one sheet, a small index drawing of the site showing the area represented on each sheet is to be placed on the first sheet. Exception: The project-location may be used as the index map on plats having only two or three sheets. 2) COMMENT: Provide the sheet index. H. The S(Year)-___ subdivision case number assigned to the approved tentative plat must be placed in the lower right corner of the plat next to the title block. If the property is subject to a rezoning case, the C9-__-__ rezoning case number is to be noted also. 3) COMMENT: Provide the subdivision case number (S15-004), as described, on each sheet. 5.2 General Notes The plat must include the following general notes. Additional notes specific to each project are required when pertinent. Fill in the blanks with the project-specific information. 5.3 Standard Paragraphs The plat must include the following statements, as applicable. All signatures must be in permanent, black, India ink and be accompanied by a notary signature and seal. B. Dedications The following statements are required on the first page of the plat. These statements indicate that all streets, alleys, easements, and other rights-of-way and any lands for public uses are dedicated by the plat to the public or for private use. The paragraph entitled DEDICATIONS consists of four elements: a statement of certification of title; a dedication statement; a hold harmless clause; and a signature line(s) for the property owner(s). The paragraphs may be amended to fit the applicable situation. 1. Certification of Title. "(I/We), the undersigned, hereby warrant that (I am/we are) the owner(s) and the only (party/parties) having any interest in the land shown on this plat, and (I/we) consent to the subdivision of said land in the manner shown hereon." _________________________________________________ Printed Name Signature 4) COMMENT: Provide the certification of title (see above) on the cover sheet. E. Assurances The following ASSURANCE block must be placed on the plat's first sheet. ASSURANCES ASSURANCES "This is to certify that all improvements, such as streets, sidewalks, sewers, water and utility installation, drainage and flood control facilities, and monuments, required by the City of Tucson have been completed or the future completion of such improvements has been assured by a land trust financial assurance agreement, the posting of performance bonds, an escrow account, letter of credit, or other security as the City of Tucson deems necessary and proper. In the event that any such assurance expires, lapses or is otherwise inadequate to assure the completion of assurable infrastructure, the city may suspend the issuance of building permits or certificates of occupancy." City of Tucson Planning and Development Services Department Director City of Tucson PDSD Engineering Administrator 5) COMMENT: Provide the assurance paragraph exactly as provided above. 5.6 Protective Covenants Protective covenants or Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) establishing responsibility for construction, maintenance, and ownership of any proposed common area, open space, private street, or similar joint use, when needed, will: A. Provide for maintenance of and liability for any proposed commonly-owned areas; and B. Include the various conditions of rezoning or other special situations requiring permanent administration by an owners' association. (Am. Admin. Directive, 5/14/2013) 6) COMMENT: Try to get the CC&Rs to match the subdivision and the plat. 2-07.6.0 APPROVAL DOCUMENTS AND PROCEDURE State law requires that Mayor and Council approval is given for final plats before the original final plat document is recorded. In the event that any changes are made to a plat after Mayor and Council have approved it, the revised plat is resubmitted to Mayor and Council for reapproval. 6.1 Documents Required Applicants must provide the following documents once the CDRC recommends approval of the final plat. The final plat will be scheduled for the Mayor and Council's consideration when PDSD has received the required documents and fees from the applicant. A. Submit the original, double-matt Mylar reverse read of the final plat as approved, with all appropriate original signatures and seals affixed; B. Submit original documents that require recordation in conjunction with the plat, such as CC&Rs, consents to dedicate, and financial assurances, with appropriate signatures affixed; C. Submit all documents on a disk in pdf format; D. All fees per the CDRC approval letter; and, E. Submit two copies of an updated title report (current within 30 days). A statement from the title company certifying the title report previously submitted is still valid is acceptable in place of an additional title report. Approval of the tentative plat (DP14-0187) is required. |
02/20/2015 | PATRICIA GEHLEN | ZONING-DECISION LETTER | REVIEW | Reqs Change | This review has been completed and resubmittal is required. Please resubmit the following items: 1) 4 rolled sets of the plans 2) All items requested by review staff 3) All items needed to approved these plans. Resubmittal to RWRD is also required. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
03/13/2015 | CPIERCE1 | REJECT SHELF | Completed |