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Plan Number: S03-026
Parcel: Unknown

Review Status: Completed


Plan Number - S03-026
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
11/21/2003 GLYNDA ROTHWELL UTILITIES TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER Approved From: "Castillo, Liza" <LCastillo@tep.com>
To: 'Craig Gross' <cgross1@ci.tucson.az.us>, 'Ferne Rodriquez' <frodrig2@ci.tucson.az.us>
Date: 11/20/2003 11:19:59 AM

Lots 1-121, Blocks 1-11, Common Areas A & B

Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP) has no objection to the tentative plat
submitted for review dated November 13, 2003.

The preliminary point where TEP will serve this project is from the existing
facilities along Irvington Place and proceeding through the interior of the

As you are aware, there are existing electrical facilities within the
boundaries of this subdivision. All relocation costs will be billable to
the developer.

TEP will provide an electrical design on the Approved Tentative Plat within
fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the plat. at the customer's
request, a design can be provided prior to the Approved Tentative Plat,
however, once a design is provided, any design changes will be billable to
the developer.

Liza Castillo
Land Management
Tucson Electric Power Company
Office: (520) 884-3879
Pager: (520) 218-6565
Fax: (520) 770-2002
11/24/2003 TIM ROWE PIMA COUNTY WASTEWATER Approv-Cond December 03, 2003

TO: Derek Roberts, Arcadis

THRU: Craig Gross, City of Tucson Development Services

FROM: Tim Rowe, P.E., Development Review Engineer
(representing Wastewater and Environmental Quality)
Pima County Development Review Division

SUBJECT: Casitas Del Sol Estates, Lots 1-121, Blocks 1-11 and Common Areas B
Tentative Plat - 1st and 2nd Submittals

The proposed sewers to serve the above-referenced project have been reviewed on behalf of the Pima County Wastewater Management (PCWWM) Department, and the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality (PDEQ). The following comments are offered for your use:

1. This project will be tributary to the Roger Road Wastewater Treatment Facility, via the Southwest Interceptor. Provide a letter from PCWWM Planning Services, written within the past 90 days, stating that treatment and conveyance system capacity for this project is available. Mr. Robert Decker of PCWWM Planning Services may be contacted regarding this matter at 520-740-6625.

The required letter from PCWWM Planning Services must be submitted to this office, before this office can approve a Sewer Service Agreement for this project during the final plat review process.

2. Arcadis elected to make the 2nd submittal of this tentative plat, before this office had reviewed the 1st submittal with the understanding that this did not create any obligation by this office to approve the 2nd submittal, or to expedite any necessary subsequent submittals.

This office reviewed the 2nd submittal in the 1st submittal’s place in our queue of plans to review. As the 1st submittal was not reviewed, no 2nd submittal review fees are due.

The following comments apply to the 2nd submittal:

3. Based on the preliminary sewer layout as shown on the referenced tentative plat, this project would qualify for Non-Participating sewer connection fee rates. However, a final determination of this status cannot be made until approval of the sewer construction plans and/or preparation of the sewer service agreement.

4. Sheet 2: Vehicular access must be provided through the existing fence that parallels the west edge of this portion of the property, where the proposed sewer lines run under this fence. This issue may be addressed during the sewer improvement plan process, however. This doesn’t need to be shown on the tentative plat.

5. Subject to the above, the Pima County Wastewater Management Department, and the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality hereby approve the above-referenced tentative plat as submitted. Please note the following:

Approval of the above project does not authorize the construction of public or private sewer collection lines, or water distribution lines. Prior to the construction of such features, a Construction Authorization (Approval To Construct) may need to be obtained from the Pima County Environmental Quality.

Also, air quality activity permits must be secured by the developer or prime contractor from the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality before constructing, operating or engaging in an activity which may cause or contribute to air pollution.

If you wish to discuss the above comments, please contact me at 740-6563.

Tim Rowe, P.E., Development Review Engineer (Wastewater)
Pima County Development Review Division

Copy: Project
TUCSON, AZ 85701-1207

PH: 740-6480
FAX #: 740-6370

DATE: November 24, 2003

The above referenced project has been reviewed by this Division for all matters pertaining to street naming/addressing, and the following matters must be resolved prior to our approval:

1.) Correct “Oujedo Court” to “Oviedo Court” on Sheet 3.
11/26/2003 DALE KELCH COT NON-DSD TRAFFIC Approved Traffic Engineering recommends APPROVAL of this T.P.

The consultant should note however that the General Notes on sheet 10 of 10 1. note 1a "...buffering from the linear park...", the is misspelled
2. note 3 "...existing median openings between Mission Road and Irvington..." road is misspelled
3. note 9, missing a space between the words park and on

D. Dale Kelch, EIT
Senior Engineering Associate
Traffic Engineering Division
(520)791-5526 (fax)
12/01/2003 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: December 1, 2003
TO: Craig Gross; CDRC Coordinator
SUBJECT: Casitas Del Sol Estates Plat Second Engineering Review
REVIEWER: Loren Makus

SUMMARY: The Tentative Plat, Drainage Report, and Conceptual Grading Plan have been reviewed by Development Services Department Engineering Division. The Drainage Report and Grading Plan were reviewed for Tentative Plat purposes only. We do not recommend approval of the Tentative Plat until the following comments have been addressed.

Tentative Plat Comments
1. Provide water surface elevations and floodplain limits for existing flows of 100 cfs or greater including the flows along and crossing Irvington Place and within the West Branch of the Santa Cruz River. (DS 2-03.2.4.L.7)
2. As commented previously, after delineating existing floodplain limits and if any proposed lots are within the limits add a note stating "Floodplain use permits and/or finished floor elevation certificates are required for the following lots:" List the lots affected by lot number. (DS 2-03.2.2.C.2.b)
3. Add a note to the Tentative Plat indicating that all lots affected by the erosion hazard setback will be protected with an approved erosion protection structure.
4. Revise the street label on page 2 to remove the description "Common Area A".
5. Revise the details for Irvington Place to reflect acceptable dimensions and standards per figure 5 in the development standard. (DS 3-01.10 Figure 5)
6. Show drainage easement and recordation information for drainage structures in neighboring property.

Drainage Report
7. The scour depth discussion provided by Clinton Glass does not appear to be consistent with the drainage exhibits and the Tentative Plat. The stated bank width and radius of curvature do not appear to match the scaled drawings. The anti dune trough depth is described as 0.5 feet on page 26 of the drainage report and this should be incorporated into the scour depth calculations. Discuss the discrepancy between the discussion on page 26 and Mr. Glass's discussion of cohesive soils.
8. Mr. Glass also indicates that the upstream end of the erosion protection will be connected to existing bank protection. Revise the Tentative Plat to be consistent with the drainage report. Specifically show that the erosion protection including any spaces is designed to be protective of the lots within the erosion hazard setback. (DS 10-02.7)
9. Provide a notarized letter from the owner of the adjacent properties for permission for offsite drainage solutions. (DS 2-03.2.4.L.5)

Other Comments
10. Submit copy of letters from the City of Tucson Department of Transportation,Permits and Codes Section accepting the public right-of-way within the erosion hazard setback.
11. Submit copy of letter from the City of Tucson Department of Transportation,Permits and Codes Section accepting the design for the erosion control structures.

Submit a revised Tentative Plat, revised Drainage Report and supporting documentation.. The next submittal should address all the above items. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan submittal will be required with the grading permit application submittal. To set up a meeting, call me at 791-5550, extension 1161.

Loren Makus
Senior Engineering Associate
Engineering Division
Development Services
12/01/2003 GLENN HICKS COT NON-DSD PARKS & RECREATION Denied DATE: December 19, 2003

TO: Ferne Rodriguez, Development Services

FROM: Glenn Hicks, Parks and Recreation

SUBJECT: CDRC Transmittal, Project S03-026 Casitas del Sol Estates: RTP

CC: Craig Gross, Development Services

Staff has reviewed the resubmitted tentative plat and has the following comments:

An insufficient number of trees are shown on the plan. Add trees along and between both the paved path and trail. The goal is to provide a consistent canopy of trees along the paths for shade and aesthetic purposes.

Identify the trail connection and type of trail or path connecting Mission Road to the West Branch Santa Cruz Linear Park along the southwest boundary of project.

Show paved path and trail details(see attached example details).
Indicate paved pathway and trail will be constructed to the following specifications:
Asphalt path: 2" asphalt with 6" thickened edges. Asphalt path is over 4" compacted ABC.
Decomposed granite trail: two(2) inch thickness, stabilized decomposed granite(1/4" minus) compacted to 95% over native subgrade compacted to 95%.

Show easement requested by Pima County Flood Control District for future pipeline connection between West
Branch Santa Cruz Diversion Channel and Old West Branch Santa Cruz River.

Indicate dedication of exclusive, public, non-motorized recreational trail corridor/easement for West Branch Santa Cruz River Linear Park along West Branch Santa Cruz River Diversion Channel. The corridor shall not be subject to any caveats or limits.

Indicate drainage structures crossing the linear park shall be located at least 18” below ground.

Indicate view walls along linear park that should incorporate one of the following decorative materials: tile, stone, brick, textured brick/block, a coarse-textured material such as stucco or plaster, wrought iron, or a combination of the above materials.

Show transitions and linkages of linear park path and trail with sidewalks, curb ramps, roadways.

Indicate linear park will be completed before 50% of development is occupied.

Please feel free to call me at 791-4873 x 215 if you have any questions.
12/01/2003 JOE LINVILLE LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1) Submit a revised Native Plant Preservation Plan with the correct legal description.

2) Revise the Native Plant Preservation as indicated in the previous review: "Revise general note 5 on sheet N1 to describe proposed transplant procedure. DS 2-15.3.4.A.5"

3) Revise the Landscape and Native Plant Preservation Plans to corresspond with any revisions made to the tentative plat. Include limits of disturbance/grading on the plans.

4) Include the CDRC case number, as well as related case numbers in the lower right corner of all plans, including native plant preservation. DS 2-07.2.1.B.2

5) Revise the landscape plan to clarify compliance with LUC which requires plant cover/dust control for all disturbed, grubbed, graded, or bladed areas not otherwise improved. Revise the plans to include disturbance limits and proposed ground plane treatments for disturbance areas.

6) Revise the landscape plan to include revisions made to the Tentative Plat/Development Plan, such as the changes made for the private drainageway in the NW portion of the site. (L-5)

7) Include provisions for revegetation or dust control for any off-site disturbance, such as drainage, access, or utility easements.

8) Retention/detention basins are required to be landscaped in accordance with DS 10-01.0. Revise the plans include landscaping for basins and as appropriate within or adjacent to drainageways. LUC

TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office
FROM: David Rivera
Senior Planner

FOR: Patricia Gehlen
Principal Planner

PROJECT: S03-026
Casitas Del Sol Estates, Lots 1- 121 and Common Areas "A", "B", an RCP Subdivision
Tentative Plat

TRANSMITTAL: December 1, 2003

DUE DATE: December 1, 2003


1. Section, LUC, permits a maximum of one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a tentative plat. If, at the end of that time, the tentative plat has not been approved, it must be revised to be in compliance with all regulations in effect at that time, and must be resubmitted for a full CDRC review. The one-year expiration date for this tentative plat is September 18, 2004.

2. Per your response to the previous comment, a revision to the conceptual development plan is to be submitted to the DSD Rezoning Section for review by staff and for approval of the change of concept by the Mayor and Council. As a result of a conversation with Glenn Moyer regarding the second submittal of the tentative plat, my understanding is that the C-1 portion of the site is not a change major change of concept and will not be recommended to be sent to Mayor and Council for further review but the C-2 portion of the site on which the residential development is proposed has been considered a major change of use and will require Mayor and Council approval. In addition, the change of use is subject to further conditions of approval and may result in design changes for the residential development. Further submittals of the tentative plat for review should not be made until the Planning Examiners authorization of rezoning conditions has been made. An additional recommendation to rezone the parcel in question to R-1 or R-2 may be made. If the R-1 or R-2 zoning is accepted by Mayor and Council, the site area data for the residential use on the C-2 portion of the site must be revised accordingly. Please keep in mind that further review and comments will be forthcoming. (Previous Comment: Per the online zoning and rezoning maps that are maintained by the Planning Task Force the existing zoning designation for the blocks listed as 1-7 is listed as MH-2. The rezoning case C9-98-01 has been filed and approved for rezoning by the Mayor and Council but the rezoning to C-1 and C-2 has not been effectuated, therefore the existing zoning designation remains as MH-2. Revise general note one (1) and three (3) to list the correct existing zoning designations for blocks 1-7. Also please see the online zoning maps for the correct zoning classifications adjacent to the proposed subdivision and revise the cover sheet as required with the correct zoning designations. DS 2-03.2.2.B.2)

The rezoning case listed as C9-98-01 is for the rezoning of blocks 1-7 from MH-2 to C-1 and C-2. Please contact Glenn Moyer or Aline Torres at 791-4541 and inquire what the ramifications of developing this property as an RCP to effectuate the rezoning. It is my understanding that in cases such as this, a change of concept/use of the development as first proposed for the rezoning will require that Mayor and Council review the revised concept. For verification please verify with the DSD Rezoning Section.

3. I acknowledge that a change of concept plan is to be submitted for review by staff and to be considered for approval by mayor and council. Because the use is changing from a more intense commercial use as first proposed to a residential use, which is less intense, a recommendation will be made to zone the parcel from proposed C-2 to R-1or R-2. See comment 2 for related issues. (Previous Comment: The parcels of land on which this subdivision is to be developed are zoned R-2 and MH-2. The use of single family RCP-6 designator in the R-2 zone is allowed. The use of single family RCP-5 designator in the MH-2 zone is not an allowed use designator for onsite built homes. Under the MH-2 zone the RCP-5 designator is reserved for mobile home development. Please clarify what type of development is intended for the MH-2 zoned parcel, mobile homes or on site built homes. For further information on this determination or if you have any questions regarding the designators under the MH-2 Zoning please contact Walter Tellez at 791-4541. Please revise the proposed uses in general note 3 as required. DS 2-03.2.2.B.5)

4. I acknowledge that a DSMR is to be submitted for review on this issue. It will be advisable to wait on the DSMR submittal until the change of use concept has been approved. New conditions of rezoning may affect the Irvington Place roadway construction such as requirements for sidewalks, bike lanes, landscaping, etc to be provided as part of the approval of the change of concept. A DSMR cannot waive rezoning conditions and may be a waste of money at this time. If needed, the DSMR can be submitted at the same time as the next tentative plat submittal after mayor and council approval. (Previous Comment: In conferring with Patricia Gehlen regarding the development of Irvington Place roadway a determination has been made that the Irvington Place falls under the interior street criteria with and ADT of 1000 plus and the roadway must be developed based on DS 3-01 typical cross section for ADT's of 1001-2500. The street must be designed with parking and sidewalks on both sides of the street. See D.S. 3-01 figure 5 typical cross section (Sup. No. 8). Also please remove from detail B-6 the half-foot dimension which is intended to from back of sidewalk/ROW to PUE. B-6 cross section does not represent a separation from ROW to the PUE. See additional comments by the Engineering Section Reviewer for more information. DS 2-03.2.4.G

5. Please revise keynote 14 on sheets 2, 3, and 4 to state that the perimeter building setback is based on the height of the structure. The perimeter building setback for the RCP is based on the adjacent zoning. The adjacent zoning classifications along the perimeters of the subdivision are RV, O-3, and C-1. All these zoning classifications per the building setback matrix require that the building setback be based on the height of the structure. Revise as required. (Previous Comment: Draw, dimension, and label the applicable subdivision boundary perimeter building setbacks on plan sheets 2, 3, and 4 based on the adjacent zoning classification. This subdivision is surrounded by several zoning classifications and it is important to clearly indicate the required building setbacks. DS 2-10.3.1.A)

6. Per a few conversations with Derek Roberts a few scenarios were proposed for the development of the residential and for the commercial portions of the south parcels. Just for clarification and to be consistent with the meetings that I had with Derek, is this tentative plat going to include the blocks as shown on the tentative plat dated 11/13/03 or will the commercial portion be platted as one block and re-platted in the future. I have seen both scenarios. Additional comments may be forthcoming based on the response. (Previous Comment: Review the site area square footage for both the R-2 and MH-2 sections. The square footages as noted under each zone calculation text block should be revised to accurately state the actual square footage of each site. DS 2-10.3.1.C

7. I acknowledge that per your response to the previous comment the drainageway that is within the 400-foot Scenic Corridor buffer will remain in it's natural state. A portion of lot one is within the 400-foot SCZ buffer and must comply with the SCZ requirements. The maximum building height is 24 feet, and the colors of the screen walls and the building must match the natural or earth tone colors of the surrounding area. Please list colors proposed for the screen wall and the building on lot one. The information can be listed as a general note on sheet one. (Previous Comment: A stated in comment 6, a portion of this development is within the Scenic Corridor Zone overlay and therefore is subject to compliance with the criteria of LUC section 2.8.2. The information for the Scenic Corridor must be incorporated into the tentative plat sheets.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call David Rivera, (520) 791-5608.

DGR C:\planning\cdrc\tentativeplat\S03026tp2.doc

RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised tentative plat, land landscape plans, and additional requested documents