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Permit Number: DP17-0095
Parcel: 11620134A


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: GRADING

Permit Number - DP17-0095
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/27/2017 PAUL BAUGHMAN ENGINEERING REVIEW Reqs Change DATE: April 267 2017
DUE DATE: May 24, 2017
SUBJECT: Grading - Caterpillar Office
TO: Regina Beem, PE
LOCATION: SW corner of Cushing Street and Santa Cruz River
REVIEWERS: Paul Baughman, PE, CFM
SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Planning and Development Services Department has received and reviewed the proposed Development Plan Package. The following items need to be addressed:
1) Per AM 2-06.4.3 please add the case number (DP17-0095).
2) Grading note 7 on sheet 1 calls out the need for grading compliance with Development Standard 11-01.10. The current grading standard that governs grading is TSM Section 2. Please update as appropriate.
3) Keynotes 11 and 12 on sheet 2 call out existing retaining walls that appear to be retaining fill from the Cushing Street Roadway. The proposed grades show a grading slope away from the low side of these walls. Please verify that the structural stability of the walls and/or roadway is not adversely impacted by proposed grade changes proposed on the low side of these existing retaining walls.
4) There is a 5:1 slope callout adjacent to the section callout E/3 that shows a 4:1 slope. Please be consistent.
5) There is line work for existing riprap being shown at the southwest corner of an existing shared use path access point that is being impacted by proposed changes in grade. Please evaluate the need to reestablish this rip rap at a new location and/or provide notes regarding the disposition of such.
6) Per UDC 7.14.4, Section 10.3, Item 9 public storm drains shall be RCP. Please clarify the temporary nature of the proposed CMP, including when it will be removed and/or replaced with RCP on this publicly owned site. Section 3.1 of the drainage report states, "A temporary 18" CMP will be installed to outlet flow into the Santa Cruz River to help facilitate a smooth construction Schedule." There is a callout at the outlet of this CMP on sheet 2 that states, "Tie outlet into bank above asphalt path- Remove and replace bank protection as needed." Please clarify that bank protection to be restored to its original or better condition as required when CMP is removed and prior to Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
7) Per AM 2-06.4.8I please show 100 year water surface elevations at intervals not exceeding 200 feet. Please include the line work used to designate the water surface elevation in the legend.
8) Per the last paragraph of Section 3.3 of the drainage report, the existing bank protection has resulted in the erosion hazard setback not affecting the future building. Please verify this is correct or update this section accordingly. See the last paragraph of section 8.5.1 of the City of Tucson Drainage Standards Manual which requires the lining of protected channels to extend to the elevation required to include the freeboard requirement. Spot grades for existing or proposed bank protection should be included when the Development Package is submitted for review with the building shown.
9) Cross Section C/3 is being called out on sheet 2 where the new 2:1 side slope is shown within the 100-year City Floodplain per LOMR. Per the last paragraph of section of the Drainage Standards Manual channel side slopes steeper than 3:1 may not use dumped rip rap. It must be wire tied such that the rip rap will not slip through the wire tied openings. Rock material provided by Caterpillar is acceptable for this bank protections. Please note plans to install bank protection per drainage standards manual prior to issue of certificate of occupancy. Design engineer to verify compliance based on appropriate rock sizing.
10) Add floodplain use permit number to plans.
If you have any comments questions or wish to discuss new information, please call or email me at 520-837-5007 or paul.baughman@tucsonaz.gov.

FROM: Alexandra Hines, AICP
Lead Planner
PROJECT: 875 W Cushing St
Grading Plan (1st Review)
DUE DATE: May 24, 2017
SUMMARY: Zoning and NPPO of Planning and Development Services Department has received and reviewed the proposed grading permit. The following items need to be addressed:

1. The grading plan has been reviewed for Zoning and NPPO but cannot approve the plan until all Engineering, comments, concerns, and appropriate revisions have been addressed.

2. Identify the existing and proposed use of the property as classified per the UDC as 'Administrative and Professional Office' not Mixed Use Industrial/Commercial.

3. The block plat will need to be submitted at the same time or prior to the development package submittal per UDC Section 8.4.1. A block plat may be used to abandon a previously recorded plat and will show the proposed Avenida Del Convento. The disposition of the public right-of-way and utility easements created by the abandoned plat is provided. A pre-application conference is required.

4. The S02-003 plat for Rio Nuevo called for transplants within the project site, specifically Common Area "B" Bosque Area. The Native Plant Preservation Application for Exception needs to state the status of the transplants per AM Section 2-11.4.4. Any deficiencies shall be cured during the development package review.

5. The grading plan needs to include provisions for post grading dust control per UDC Section 7.6.4.E.

6. Per TSM 2-01.2.3 Reseeding, construction shall commence and shall be continuous within 60 days after grubbing. Should construction or grading not commence or be continuous within the required 60-day period, the site shall be native seeded or dust abatement applied within 30 days following the expiration of the required 60-day period.

7. The proposed elevated building pad needs to be compatible with the RND standards in UDC Section 5.12.7 or the IID standards in UDC Section 5.12.

Once approved by Engineering, Zoning and NPPO is willing to provide an over the counter review. Please call or email to schedule this review.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at alexandra.hines@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-6975.
05/05/2017 AHINES2 NPPO REVIEW Reqs Change See Zoning folder comments.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
05/05/2017 KROBLES1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed