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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Plan Number - TP-PRE-1124-00265
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | CDRC Rezoning Pre-Submittal Transmittal PDSD Zoning Review FROM: Loran Shamis; Project Manager PROJECT: TP-PRE-1124-00265 Address: 1365 W GRANT RD Parcel(s): 11516019U Existing Zoning: I-1 Proposed Zoning: Unspecified Existing Use: Travelers Accommodation, Lodging Proposed Use: Multifamily Residential TRANSMITTAL DATE: December 11, 2024 COMMENTS: 1. The proposed development must comply with Administrative Manual 2-06 – Development Package. Building permits can be submitted and reviewed concurrently with the development package but the building plans cannot be approved until the development package is approved and the building plans are reviewed for consistency. 2. Provide a Preliminary Development Package that meets the submittal requirements per AM 2-03. The PDP and the development package are separate submittals, but they should be consistent. 3. Include APN 11516019S and 11516019T in the formal development package submittal, as they are a part of the entire site and share access off Grant Road. 4. The site is zoned I-1 and the proposed use multifamily residential which is not a permitted use. Zones that permit multifamily residential can be found in UDC Section 4.8, Use Tables. 5. The project team should consider the following requirements while determining the proposed zone: a. Dimensional Standards – Residential Density, Height, Setbacks (UDC 6.3.4) 6. Motor Vehicle Requirements – UDC 7.4.4 – Required Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces. The parking should meet the minimum requirements for both the existing commercial uses that will remain and for the proposed use. See UDC 7.4.6 for Motor Vehicle Use Area Design Criteria. 7. Bicycle Parking Requirements – UDC 7.4.8 – Required Number of Bicycle Parking Spaces. See UDC 7.4.9 for Bicycle Parking Design Criteria. 8. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment – UDC 7.4.11 – Required Number of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment. See UDC for Electric Vehicle Parking Design Criteria. 9. Provide a pedestrian circulation path that connects all areas of development and to any adjacent street frontage. The path must be ADA accessible and a minimum of 4’ wide (TSM 7-01). 10. More specific information regarding dimensional standards will be provided upon submittal of the Preliminary Development Package. 11. The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Zoning to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards. If you have any questions, please contact me at Loran.Shamis@tucsonaz.gov. |
Entitlements | REVIEW COMPLETED | REZONING/SPECIAL EXCEPTION PRESUBMITTAL PREAPPLICATION REVIEW DATE: 12-11-2024 REVIEWED BY: Gabriel Sleighter, Lead Planner CASE NUMBER: TP-PRE-1124-00265 Hotel Multifamily Conversion – W Grant Rd PROJECT ADDRESSES: 1365 W Grant Rd PARCEL NUMBERS: 115-16-019U EXISTING ZONING: I-1 EXISTING USE: Travelers Accommodation, Lodging PROPOSED ZONING: NONE GIVEN PROPOSED USE: Multifamily Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION & LOCATION: The applicant is requesting to convert the existing hotel at the subject location to a multifamily residential use. APPLICANT NAME: Jeff Farrell E-MAIL: jeff@sageinvestment.group PLAN DIRECTION ADOPTED PLAN (S): PLAN TUCSON PLAN AMENDMENT REQUIRED BASED ON CONCEPT PRESENTED (SEE NOTES BELOW) 0 YES 1 NO _ TO BE CONFIRMED LATER PLAN SUPPORT BASED ON CONCEPT PRESENTED (SEE NOTES BELOW): 0 YES 0 NO X WILL DEPEND ON DESIGN Applicable Plan Policies: Plan Tucson and the Housing Affordability Strategies for Tucson plans encourage the adaptive reuse of underutilized structures into affordable residential units to address the ongoing housing shortage in the City of Tucson. The Santa Cruz Area Plan also guides development at the project location. This Plan encourages the stabilization of older neighborhoods through new development designed and scaled for compatibility with existing development. It encourages integral design to existing neighborhoods, and the construction of street and pedestrian improvements to increase overall accessibility. The proposal is conformant with the above plans, but more information is required for a detailed analysis. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: The site and surrounding area are all zoned I-1 Industrial, with a variety of lodging and industrial uses. Interstate-10 runs north-south immediately east of the subject parcel. The parcel is also on the south side of Grant Road, a major arterial route per the Major Streets and Routes overlay. Analysis: Under existing zoning, a multi-family residential conversion would not be possible, as it is not an allowed use in the I-1 zone. A rezoning would be necessary to permit this conversion. A rezoning application requires a detailed preliminary development plan, and a design compatibility report detailing how the proposal complies with existing general and area plans. As the property is not within the Infill Incentive District, utilizing the IID redevelopment tools is not an option. A rezoning application should also detail the intended use of the restaurant located on the site. The change of use may require other elements of the site to be brought to current code, which would be illustrated on a preliminary development plan. There is a precedent example of a similar conversion with associated rezoning at 665 N Freeway, south of the subject location. More information and documents submitted can be found on Property Research Online below: https://pro.tucsonaz.gov/plandetails/C9-21-24/ Further refinement of the proposal is required to recommend proceeding with the entitlements process. |
Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | TP-PRE-1124-00265 • Pre-Application Conference Review v1 • 1365 W GRANT RD TUCSON, AZ 85745: Based on the information provided, TFD has the following comments: 1. Verify hydrant coverage. IFC 24, 507.5.1 2. Maintain/Provide fire sprinklers. IFC 24, 903.2.8 3. Maintain/Provide fire alarms. IFC 24, 907.2.9 Questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov / 520.837.7082 |
Signs | REVIEW COMPLETED | FROM: Georgia Pennington, Lead Planner DATE: 12/11/2024 COMMENTS: 1. Change of Copy is permitted on the billboard, subject to Exhibit 9 of the City of Tucson vs Clear Channel settlement. 2. Any changes or repairs to the billboard, please contact Cody Rutschman at codyrutshman@clearchannel.com If you have any questions, please contact me at Georgia.Pennington@tucsonaz.gov. |
Site Engineering | REVIEW COMPLETED | 1. A portion of this site is in a local regulatory floodplain. A floodplain use permit will be required for the southern most building (proposed 48 rental units). A PDF cost estimate for materials and labor for the work in this building will be required for the floodplain use permit. 2. First flush retention will be required for the new building (28 future units) compliant with section 2 of the Design Standards for Stormwater Detention and Retention (DSSDR) manual. 3. Ensure the required number of ADA parking spaces are provided per ADA Accessibility Standards 208. 4. Pedestrian circulation is required to connect all buildings, dumpster areas, and the sidewalk on the street frontage per TSM 7-01.3.3. Show a continuous pedestrian path with a 4-ft minimum unobstructed width and maximum 2% cross-slope. 5. Provide waste stream calculations and waste enclosures compliant with TSM 8. 6. Show locations of roof downspouts. Stormwater from roof drains may not pass over ADA sidewalks per TSM 7-01.4.3E. Mike Ortiz michael.ortiz@tucsonaz.gov |
Site Landscape | REVIEW COMPLETED | CDRC TRANSMITTAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT REVIEWER: CHAD KELLER, RLA SITE LANDSCAPE/NATIVE PLANT PRESERVATION SECTION PROJECT: CONVERT THE PROPERTY FROM 148 ROOM MOTEL TO 148 STUDIO APARTMENTS THROUGH INTERNAL CONVERSION ACTIVITY NO: TP-PRE-1124-00265 ADDRESS: 1365 W GRANT RD ZONING: I-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONE CURRENT LAND USE: MOTEL (COMMERCIAL) PROPOSED LAND USE: STUDIO APARTMENTS (COMMERCIAL) SITE LANDSCAPE/NPPO COMMENTS: WITH THIS CHANGE OF USE, FULL LANDSCAPE CODE COMPLIANCE WILL BE REQUIRED. BEING THAT THIS IS AN EXISTING SITE, THERE ARE LIMITATIONS TO WHAT CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED. SOME PORTIONS OF THE LANDSCAPE CODE WILL ONLY NEED TO MEET THE INTENT, IE: (COMMERCIAL RAINWATER HARVESTING, STREET LANDSCAPE BORDERS, PARKING LOT TREES). THE EXISTING SITE WILL NEED THE FOLLOWING LANDSCAPE COMPONENTS TO MEET THE STANDARDS OF THE LANDSCAPE CODE: 1. A landscape plan is required per UDC 7.6.2.B.1-b. The Unified Development Code requires all new development, an expansion of greater than 25% of an existing development, or a change of use to submit a landscape plan, UDC 7.6.2. Preparation of the landscape plan shall adhere to UDC 7.6.4 and Administrative Manual 2-10. 2. All plant material implemented on site shall be chosen from the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) Drought Tolerant Plant List. 3. Provide the required number of trees in all vehicular parking areas (1 tree to 4 parking spaces) per UDC 7.6.4.B.1. Trees are to be distributed evenly throughout the parking area, UDC, UDC Technical Standards Manual 5-01-.3.2 and UDC 7.6.4.B.1.a. - ADDITIONAL TREE PLANTING ISLANDS WILL NEED TO BE IMPLEMENTED FOR SHADE TREES. THE ISLANDS SHALL BE DEPRESSED 6 INCHES FOR WATER HARVESTING. 4. Updated street landscape borders are required along E Grant and the Freeway Frontage Rd per UDC 7.6.4.C-2 and Table 7.6.4-1. See UDC 7.6.4.C for landscape border requirements. - DUE TO PAAL WIDTH CONSTRAINTS, THE REQUIREMENT FOR UPDATING THE TWO STREET LANDSCAPE BORDERS MAY BE ACCOMPLISHED BY PROVIDING ADDITIONAL SHADE TREES AND UNDERSTORY PLANTINGS TO THE ALREADY PROVIDED NARROW STREET LANDSCAPE BORDERS. 5. Supplemental irrigation will need to be provided for the additional plants required for this change of use per UDC Administration Manual 2-10.4.2.C and Technical Standards Manual Section 4-01.4.2, Irrigation Standards. 6. DTM review is required for all planting and irrigation in the ROW prior to the approval of the development package. Reach out to David Marhefka (david.marhefka@tucsonaz.gov) if necessary for this project. 7. All landscape plans shall incorporate water conserving design as defined in UDC Section 7.6.6, Use of Water, and as described in the Technical Standards Manual 5.01-5.11. 8. All new/replaced paving areas will require a Commercial Rainwater Harvesting plan: See Technical Standards Manual 4-01.3.0 RAINWATER HARVESTING PLAN. A Rainwater Harvesting Plan shall be submitted with all applications for commercial developments at which landscaping is required. The Rainwater Harvesting Plan shall consist of two elements: A Site Water Budget Calculation Spreadsheet and a Water Harvesting Implementation Plan. Preparation of the Rainwater Harvesting Plan elements require coordination between project managers, site engineers and landscape architects from the inception of the project. The two elements of the Rainwater Harvesting Plan shall illustrate how water harvesting will meet 50% of annual landscape water demand, as required by the ordinance. If a copy of the Site Water Budget Spreadsheet is needed, please reach out to the contact information at the bottom of these comments. - WITH ELEVATION CONSTRAINTS ON THIS SITE, MEETING THE INTENT WILL CONSIST OF DEPRESSING ALL NEW REQUIRED LANDSCAPE AREAS AND MAKING A CONCERTED EFFORT TO DIRECT RAINWATER TO THESE PLANTING AREAS WHERE NEW IMPERVIOUS PAVING IS PROPOSED. 9. Coordinate the Landscape Planting Plan, Rainwater Harvesting Plan and the Civil Grading Plans to have identical basin size, grades, spot elevations and curb cut locations. If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at chad.keller@tucsonaz.gov direct line: 520.837.4923 |
Traffic Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | Based on data from the ITE Trip Generation Manual, the conversion of 148 motel rooms to 148 studio apartments will result in an increase of around 20 trips in the AM peak hour, and an increase of around 30 trips in the PM peak hour. This increase in traffic can be accommodate for by the existing roadway network. DTM Traffic Engineering does not have any concerns with this project moving forward. Thanks! |