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Review Status: Approved


Plan Number - TP-PRE-1023-00356
Review Status: Approved
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED TP-PRE-1023-00356 • Pre-Application Conference Review v1 • 9190 E VALENCIA RD TUCSON, AZ 85747:
Based on the information provided, TFD has no comments at this time.
Questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov / 520.837.7082
Site Engineering REVIEW COMPLETED 1. Tentative and Final Plat required for resubdivision.
2. First Flush retention on site - Detention must comply with the Rita Ranch Master Drainage Plan
3. Pedestrian access is required to Nexus and Valencia frontage.
4. ADA pedestrian circulation required – provide ADA circulation path with submittal.
5. Ensure that Non-exclusive easement is valid for this egress use.
Joshua Garcia
ACTIVITY NO. TP-PRE-1023-00356

This plan has been reviewed for compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section for landscape, native plants and water harvesting.
The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Landscape/NPPO to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards.

1. There must be a NPPO or NPPO waiver. An NPPO is required per UDC 7.7.3-B. A Native Plant Preservation Plan, Section 7.7.4, is required to be submitted or approved or a request for an exception from the Native Plant Preservation requirements approved in accordance with Sections 7.7.3.D.3 & .4 of the UDC and Admin. Manual Section 2-11.0.0 prior to Grading Plan approval.
2. A landscape plan is required per 7.6.2.B.1-b. The Unified Development Code (UDC) requires all new development or an expansion of greater than 25% of an existing development to submit a landscape plan, UDC 7.6.2. Preparation of the landscape plan shall adhere to UDC 7.6.4 and Administrative Manual 2-10.
3. Ensure the required number of trees is in all vehicular parking areas (1 tree: 4 parking spaces) per UDC 7.6.4.B.1. Trees are to be distributed evenly throughout the parking area, UDC, UDC Technical Standards Manual 5-01-.3.2 and UDC 7.6.4.B.1.a.
4. There will need to be a street landscape border on S Nexus RD per UDC 7.6.4.C-2 and Table 7.6.4-1. See UDC 7.6.4.C for landscape border requirements.
5. There will need to be a interior landscape border on the east side of the site per UDC 7.6.4.C-2 and Table 7.6.4-1. See UDC 7.6.4.C for landscape border requirements.
6. FLD Requirements
a. Per Table 8.7.3-2 FLD Functional Open Space Standards, if the project size is 5 acres or more the functional open space requirement is 269SF/unit.
b. Per 8.7.3.F-1.d A HOA or management organization shall be established by the developer to be responsible for the ownership, permanent care, and maintenance or functional open space areas.
c. Per 8.7.3.G-1, to the greatest degree practical, detention and retention basins within an FLD shall be designed as Functional Open Space (See UDC 8.7.3-F) by incorporating Multiple Use Concepts and Aesthetic Design Guidelines described in Chapter 4 of the Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual, the floodplain ordinance, and in Accordance with UDC Section 7.6.6.C, Stormwater Runoff, FOS amenities within detention and retention basin may count toward meeting Functional Open Space requirements; and developed in accordance with Section 7.11, Detention and Retention Basins.
d. Per 8.7.3.H-1, FLD projects shall comply with Section 7.6, Landscaping and Screening standards, except as otherwise noted in the FLD section of the UDC.
e. Per Section 8.7.3.H-2, one canopy tree shall be provided every 40 feet of pedestrian circulation systems, if providing canopy trees every 40 feet is not achievable, the applicant shall provide the equivalent number of trees that would be obtained using the 40-foot measurement and distribute the trees withing the FLD project site along pedestrian circulation systems and within functional open space areas.
f. FLD Landscaping Screening and Wall Requirements
1. FLD projects shall comply with Section 7.6, Landscaping and Screening Standards, except as otherwise provided by this section.
2. One canopy tree shall be provided every 40 feet of pedestrian circulation systems, excluding crossings with streets , alleys, and driveways . If providing canopy trees every 40 feet is not achievable, the applicant shall:
a. Provide the equivalent number of trees that would be obtained using the 40-foot increment measure; and,
b Distribute the trees within the FLD project site along pedestrian circulation systems and within functional open space areas.
3. Landscape Plans shall incorporate water-conserving design as defined in Section 7.6.6, Use of Water, and as described in the Technical Standards Manual.
4. Water harvesting techniques shall be incorporated as part of the landscape design based on the Water Harvesting Guidance Manual prepared for the City of Tucson Transportation Department Stormwater Section.
5. Mechanical equipment, utility boxes, irrigation equipment and similar elements shall be screened from adjacent streets exterior to the project and from adjacent existing residential development. Screening shall be architecturally integrated with the overall design of the FLD.
g. Any perimeter walls proposed along an existing public ROW, it shall be constructed of, or painted with, graffiti resistant materials. The walls shall incorporate one or more of the following decorative materials: tile; stone; brick; adobe; a textured material such as stucco or plaster; or metal.
7. See Engineering notes for Retention/Detention.
8. All landscape plans shall incorporate water conserving design as defined in UDC Section 7.6.6, Use of Water, and as described in the Technical Standards Manual 5.01-5.11.
9. The Landscape Plan should match the Commercial Rainwater Harvesting Plan as well as the Grading Plan. Landscape plan should have spot elevations in the detention/retention areas as well as in all water harvesting areas in the Landscape Plan.
10. Maximize the rainwater harvesting across the site into the landscape areas, including but not limited to the street landscape borders as well as the tree wells for the required trees for the parking lot.

If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at Matthew.Carlton@tucsonaz.gov or 520-837-4988
Site Zoning REVIEW COMPLETED CDRC Thursday Pre-Submittal Transmittal
PDSD Zoning Review
FROM: Georgia Pennington, Planner

PROJECT: TP-PRE-1023-00356
Parcel(s): 141-39-0130
Current Zoning: C-2
Existing Use: Vacant
Proposed Use: Flexible Lot Development- Detached residential

1. Development must comply with the Administrative Manual Section 2-06 – Development Package. The Development Package is a separate submittal from the building permits, and the building permits cannot be approved until the Development Package is approved.

2. The existing zone is C-2. A Flexible Lot Development is a permitted use in the C-2 zone, subject to use-specific standard 8.7.3.(4.8.-4)

3. Maximum Height: 40 Feet (Table 8.7.3-1)

4. Maximum Density: 44 Dwelling Units/Acre (Table 8.7.3-1)

5. Site Coverage: 75% (Table 8.7.3-1)

6. Functional Open Space (active recreational, passive recreational, or scenic purpose): 269 SF/Unit =12,912 SF total required (Table 8.7.3-2)

7. Setbacks:
a. Property Lines Adjacent to Nexus: 20’ from existing or future property line (6.4.5.C.1.a)
b. Interior Front/Side Street within proposed development: 5’ (6.4.5.C.1.d)
c. Side/Rear along interior lot lines: The perimeter yard requirements of Section 6.3.4, Dimensional Standards and Exceptions Tables, may be reduced for setbacks along interior lot lines to the extent permitted by the City’s adopted Building Codes. (Table 6.3-4.A)

8. Motor Vehicle Space requirements: 2 spaces per dwelling plus visitor parking required at a ratio of 0.25 space per unit. (48 units = 108.25 spaces) (7.4.4)

9. Parking Area Access Lanes (PAAL) shall be 24 feet wide for 2-way traffic and fire access. (7.4.6)

10. Comply with Section 7-01 Pedestrian Access in the Technical Standards Manual for new construction.

11. The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the review process, a full review will be made by Zoning to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards.

If you have any questions, please contact me at Georgia.Pennington@tucsonaz.gov.
Traffic Engineering Review REVIEW COMPLETED 1. This development is going to require a Private Improvement Agreement-PIA. https://www.tucsonaz.gov/tdot/private-improvement-agreement Call 520-791-4371 for details.
2. A Traffic Impact Analysis-TIA is going to be required for this development.
3. Please provide a PIA number for approval of the DP.

David Stiffey
TW New Area Development REVIEW COMPLETED TP-PRE-1023-00356 - Pre-Application Conference Review v1 – 9190 E VALENCIA RD

Tucson Water has no objections to the proposed development and offers the following comments for your convenience:

1. The owner/developer will need to construct all on-site and any off-site public water mains necessary to serve this development at his or her own expense.
2. The water mains serving this project must be public water mains, and each single-family residence will need to be equipped with its own water meter.
3. The following requirements will apply to the design and construction of the new public water mains:
a. The owner/developer will first need to obtain a Water Availability Letter from Tucson Water via the Tucson Development Center Online website that verifies this project is within Tucson Water’s service area. This document is required for all projects, even though it may be obvious that the project is within Tucson Water’s service area. It is used in many other development processes, most notably the City Council’s final plat approval process.
b. A master water plan showing the proposed water main layout will then need to be prepared for this project.
c. The proposed new on-site water mains will need to connect at least two different points in Tucson Water’s existing water distribution system and form a loop as required by Section 8-06.4.2.A of Tucson Water’s Design Manual to meet water quality and fire flow requirements. If such looping is not legally or technically feasible, a written explanation of what legal and/or technical reasons prevent such looping must accompany the Master Water Plan when it is submitted for review.
d. The new public water mains will also need to be located within public or private streets to the maximum extent practicable. Where this is not practicable, the new water mains will need to be centered within public water easements that are a minimum of 15’ wide and lie on smallest number of private parcels possible.
e. The local fire department’s fire flow requirement for the building type, the fire hydrants and the fire department’s vehicular access also need to be shown on the water master plan.
f. The water master plan must be submitted for review and acceptance via the Tucson Development Center Online website, wherein it will be routed to Tucson Fire Department and Tucson Water reviewers for review.
g. Upon the Fire Department’s and Tucson Water’s acceptance of the water master plan, a detailed water design plan for the new water mains must be prepared
h. The detailed water design plan must also be submitted to Tucson Water’s New Development section for review and acceptance via the Tucson Development Center Online website
i. The owner of the property will need to enter into a Construction Agreement with Tucson Water regarding the construction of the new water mains before Tucson Water will accept the detailed water design plan.
j. Upon Tucson Water’s acceptance of the detailed design plan, the detailed design plan must be submitted to Pima County Development Services Department for an ADEQ Approval To Construct to comply with State of Arizona law.
k. Only after all the above tasks have been completed, may the owner/developer schedule a Pre-Construction Meeting with Tucson Water’s Construction section to schedule the start of the new public water main construction.
4. The new public water mains will not be accepted into Tucson Waters distribution system for use, and no water meters will be issued, until all new public water easements shown on the detailed construction plan have been recorded.
The above comments are based on the limited preliminary information provided by the applicant and should not be construed as a complete review of the proposal. Any questions, comments or concerns about these comments may be directed to:

Tim Rowe, P.E., Civil Engineer
Tucson Water, New Development Section
201 N. Stone Avenue, #2-220
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, AZ 85726-7210
(520) 837-2106