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Plan Number: TD-DIV-1122-00015
Parcel: 141010130

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Plan Number - TD-DIV-1122-00015
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Commercial Plumbing APPROVED
Commercial Building NOT REQUIRED
Commercial Structural NOT REQUIRED
Final Plat Package Fast PENDING ASSIGNMENT
New Services/JOC REQUIRES RESUBMIT 1. The subdivision boundaries shown on this final plat do not match those shown on the accepted Overall Water Master Plan for this project, or the most recent submittal of the La Escalera Phase 1, Lots 1-219 water design plan.
2. The most recent submittal of the La Escalera Phase 1 water design plan shows water lines being installed in a public street named Paseo Gran Escalera. This public street is not shown within the boundaries of the final plat.
3. Either the final plat, or the water plans, may be revised, but they must match.
4. Any questions, comments or concerns about these comments may be directed to:

Tim Rowe, P.E., Civil Engineer
Tucson Water, New Development Section
201 N. Stone Avenue, #2-220
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, AZ 85726-7210
(520) 837-2106
Site Engineering REQUIRES RESUBMIT 1. The locations for Common areas A and B are not matching what was shown in the tentative plat. Revise as necessary.
2. Label and provide more information as to what the common areas are.
3. Include the recordation reference in the existing easements shown on the plat and insure all applicable easements from the title report are shown on the plat.
4. Include the CC&Rs and assurance agreement in the next submittal.

Stephen Blood
(520) 837-4958

FROM: PDSD Zoning Review

PROJECT: La Escalera Phase 1, Lots 1-219
FINAL PLAT (1st Review)

TRANSMITTAL DATE: January 6, 2023

DUE DATE: January 20, 2023

The Zoning Review Section conditionally approves the final for this project. However, should there be any changes requested by other CDRC members, the Zoning Review Section approval is void, and we request copies of the revised final plat to verify that those changes do not affect any zoning requirements.
Final plats, block plats, minor subdivisions, and condominium plats shall be prepared according to the requirements provided below. Hereafter referred to as “plat” or “plats.”
A final plat serves as a survey document suitable for recordation of all or part of an approved tentative plat, if applicable. The final plat must conform to the approved tentative plat or site plan in lot configuration, design, and required conditions of development. The final plat, once approved, is recorded in the Pima County Recorder’s Office. The final plat is kept on file and becomes part of the permanent record for the subject site.
COMMENTS: Resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.
Final plats, block plats, minor subdivisions, and condominium plats shall be prepared according to the requirements provided below. Hereafter referred to as “plat” or “plats.”
A final plat serves as a survey document suitable for recordation of all or part of an approved tentative plat, if applicable. The final plat must conform to the approved tentative plat or site plan in lot configuration, design, and required conditions of development. The final plat, once approved, is recorded in the Pima County Recorder’s Office. The final plat is kept on file and becomes part of the permanent record for the subject site.
1. 2-07.4.3 – The plat documents shall have a two-inch margin on the left side and one-half inch margins on the remaining sides to comply with standardization requirements of state law for recorded plats.


2. COMMENT: 2-07.5.1.A.3 - Label all subdivisions on the location map.

3. COMMENT: 2-07.5.1.D - Place the words “SEQ#________” in both the upper and lower right corners outside the margin line. The blanks will be completed by the Pima County Recorder’s Office at the time of recordation.

4. COMMENT: 2-07.5.1.H – Provide the subdivision case number, TD-DEV-1122-00015, along with the tentative plat number DP22-0032, and the PAD rezoning case number C9-19-13, in the lower right corner of the plat next to the title block on all sheets.

2-07.5.6 Protective Covenants
Protective covenants or Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) establishing responsibility for construction, maintenance, and ownership of any proposed common area, open space, private street, or similar joint use, when needed, will:
5. COMMENT: 2-07.5.6 - Provide a copy of the required Protective Covenants with the next submittal.

6. COMMENT: Remove the following “GENERALNOTES” from the plat as they are not applicable: 8 – 20.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Nicholas Martell at Nocholas.Martell@tucsonaz.gov.
CDRC Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED
CDRC Review Coordinator Express REVIEW COMPLETED
Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
OK to Submit - Engineering Fast REVIEW COMPLETED
OK to Submit - Zoning Fast REVIEW COMPLETED
Residential Building REVIEW COMPLETED