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Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Plan Number - TD-DIV-0324-00018
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
External Reviewers - Tucson Electric Power (TEP) REQUIRES RESUBMIT Tucson Electric Power Co. (TEP) has reviewed the plan submitted, and we cannot approve the plan at this time. TEP is in the process of preparing a revised Preliminary Electrical design for this project. A final construction drawing will be prepared when the customer approves the preliminary design, and TEP has received a copy of the Approved Plat. As identified on the Preliminary Construction Drawing, Easements for TEP facilities must be shown on the plat for TEP approval. Easements are required for TEP facilities if not appropriately recorded on the final subdivision plat. They will need to be obtained by a separate instrument.
ROW Engineering Review REQUIRES RESUBMIT See redlines on attached Plat
Site Engineering REQUIRES RESUBMIT 1. All subdivisions, arterial and collector streets, major watercourses, and railroads within the one-mile area shall be labeled on the location map. A separate table can be used.
2. Show the limits of the 100-year floodprone area in a surveyable and readily retraceable manner with frequent ties to intersecting lot lines for all flows of 100 cfs or more
3. Show detention/retention areas in a surveyable and readily retraceable manner
4. Boundary monumentation(s) must be labeled as “found” or “set.”
5. a. Fully describe and show all markings on found monuments.
6. b. A one-half inch iron rod tagged by a registered land surveyor must be set at all corners upon completion of construction.
7. 5. Show the distance and bearing between all monuments used. Indicate whether measured or calculated. Measured is the physical, direct occupation of a point/line by line of sight and not through calculations of other measured distances; and,
8. Basis of Bearing detail on sheet 2 appears incomplete.
9. At least one corner of the subdivision will be tied by course and distance to a section corner, a quarter section corner, or an established city or county survey monument. The plat must include a description of that corner marker and an indication of how the bearings were determined. Corner tie recordation information is to be provided on the plat.
Site Zoning REQUIRES RESUBMIT Until TD-DEV-0324-00095 is approved by all review agencies Zoning cannot approve this plat
Transportation Maps and Records Review REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please see notes on plat.
CDRC Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED
External Reviewers - Pima County Addressing REVIEW COMPLETED Good afternoon,

Pima County Addressing approves TD-DIV-0324-00018 FINAL PLAT FOR LA ESCALERA PHASE 2, LOTS 1 – 163.

Nicholas Jordan

Site Review Project Manager II – Addressing Official

Pima County Development Services Department

201 N Stone AV – 1st Floor

Tucson, AZ 85701

(520) 724-9623
New Services/JOC REVIEW COMPLETED TD-DIV-0324-00018 - Land Division_Subdivision v2 – 7510 S PASEO GRAN ESCALERA