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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Permit Number - TD-DEV-0924-00273
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
10/15/2024 | Commercial Plumbing | APPROVED | |||
10/22/2024 | NPPO | APPROVED | |||
10/30/2024 | CDRC Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
10/14/2024 | ROW Engineering Review | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | TD-DEV-0924-00273 - 6639 S 12th Ave See relined drawings for comments. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Leigh at 520-403-0970 or email richard.leigh@tucsonaz.gov. |
10/17/2024 | Site Engineering | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | 1. Basin 2 WSE is 0.25ft higher than the basin top according to sheet 8. Please correct the value for the basin top to 2512.00 on this sheet. 2. Add "2% MIN" to the apron on Detail N and ensure the grading plan allows this. 3. Please edit the linework on the SWPPP sheet so the dashed sediment control structure line is clearly shown around the perimeter of the site without overlapping a solid line. 4. Please model Watershed 6P using 90% impervious coverage and update the drainage report numbers using the resulting Q. Mike Ortiz michael.ortiz@tucsonaz.gov |
10/22/2024 | Site Landscape | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | CDRC TRANSMITTAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT REVIEWER: CHAD KELLER, RLA PDSD SITE LANDSCAPE/NATIVE PLANT PRESERVATION SECTION PROJECT: 84-UNIT MULTIFAMILY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY NO: TD-DEV-0924-00273 ADDRESS: 6639 S 12TH AV ZONING: C-1 COMMERCIAL ZONE LAND USE: MULTIFAMILY This plan has been reviewed for compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section for landscape, native plants, and water harvesting. Please resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Landscape/NPPO Review Section comments are addressed. SITE LANDSCAPE/NPPO SECTION COMMENTS: 1. Ensure that Zoning and Engineering comments are addressed prior to landscape section approval. 2. Add a project limits callout to the north boundary of the site on all plans in the set. 3. It appears that some irrigation sleeves are missing from the plan. Add the sleeves where applicable. 4. Are there plans to incorporate Pistache trees to the planting plan? Update the planting legend. 5. Multi-trunk trees don’t require staking. Provide a detail for a multi-trunk tree planting with no stakes. 6. Tree staking notes are included in the tree planting detail. Should a time period advisement for removal of tree stakes be added to the Recommended Landscape Maintenance section notes on sheet 18 of 27 for contractor/owner clarity? This is something I’ve been noticing out on finished project sites. The staking cinch-ties have been constricting and damaging newly planted trees. 7. Denver American Horticulture Standard is stated in the landscape general notes (N). Should this be removed from the note? 8. Some landscape contractors have been overlooking the intent of the tree locations and other plantings within the WHIA’s. I have been recommending the addition of a rainwater harvesting basin schematic detail to the CRWHP for redundant clarity. Not required. If you would like to add the detail and need an example, please reach out and I will send you a copy for reference. 9. Provide the development package case number, TD-DEV-0924-00273, adjacent to the title block on all sheets. 2-06.4.3 If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at chad.keller@tucsonaz.gov |
10/17/2024 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Loran Shamis PDSD Zoning Review Section PROJECT: Rincon Manor Development Package (1st Review) TD-DEV-0924-00273 – 6639 S 12TH AV TRANSMITTAL DATE: October 17, 2024 DUE DATE: October 18, 2024 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. Section 3.3.3.G.5.c UDC, An applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One year Expiration date is September 29, 2025. SECTION 2-06.0.0: DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE (TENTATIVE PLATS AND SITE PLANS) 1. COMMENT: 2-06.4.3 - Provide the development package case number, TD-DEV-0924-00273, adjacent to the title block on each sheet. 2. COMMENT: 2-06.4.8.B – If applicable, demonstrate any existing or proposed easements with the recordation information, location, width, and purpose of all easements on the site. Blanket easements should be listed in the notes together with recordation data and their proposed status. 3. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.A – Clarify if the project proposes to divide the lot from the existing building to the north. 4. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.F – Label the site’s Zoning classification on the site plan as C-1. 5. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.5 – Dimension the distance between the single trash enclosure wall (keynote 11) to the edge of the parking space to the south of the enclosure. Per UDC 7.4.6.F.4.c, a minimum distance of three feet (3’) must be provided between the back spur and any wall, screen or other obstruction over six inches high. 6. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.5.a – Indicate on the site plan which parking spaces will have access to Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) and which level (EV-ready, EV-capable). Per UDC Table 7.4.11-1, 10% of required parking shall be EV-ready and 20% of required parking shall be EV-Capable. The proposed development requires 63 parking spaces, resulting in 6 EV-ready parking spaces, and 13 EV-capable spaces. 7. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.5.a – Indicate which space meets the EVSE accessible space per UDC 7.4.11.B.2 on the site plan. Per UDC 7.4.11.B.2, four percent but not less than 1 EVSE dedicated space must be accessible, separate from the required ADA accessible spaces; therefore, one of the 19 required EVSE parking spaces must meet accessibility requirements. 8. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.O – Correct the minimum setback requirement to the east on the site plan. The minimum required setback is 1.5 times the height of the proposed building wall (UDC, Table 6.3-4.A), according to the site data, the setback to the east shall be 45’ from the property line to the exterior of the structure. If the project proposes detached accessory structure within the setback requirement, the applicant may reduce the setback to 0’ with the consent of the adjacent property owner. To demonstrate consent, please copy the following language on the site plan along with the property owners’ signatures” “My name is ______ and I am the owner of the property at _____. I have reviewed the site plan and I have no objection to structure being located or constructed ____ feet from the property line as depicted on the site plan. Signature: _____ Date: _____” If you are unable to obtain consent from the adjacent property owners, a Design Development Option (DDO) may be applicable to reduce the setback. 9. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.Q – Include the square footage and height of each building within the footprint of the building. 10. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.R – Dimension the pedestrian circulation path to demonstrate the path is a minimum of 4’ wide throughout the site (TSM 7-01.4.3). ***For additional information on the any standard presented in this memo, please refer to the City of Tucson “Unified Development Code” – Administrative Manual Section 2-06 or Technical Standards noted in the comments. https://www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd/all-codes-plans-determinations If you have any questions about this transmittal, Contact Loran Shamis by email Loran.Shamis@tucsonaz.gov RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised development package and comment response letter. To resubmit visit Tucson Development Center at https://tdc-online.tucsonaz.gov/#/home. Instructions for resubmittal - https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/website/Resubmittals.pdf. |
09/30/2024 | CDRC Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
10/09/2024 | CDRC Review Coordinator Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | CDRC added Adot, Addressing, TAA and TEP PAG, USPS, SWG to the workflow. Review request email sent to ADOT, TAA, Addressing and TEP. FYI email sent to PAG, USPS, SWG. | ||
10/17/2024 | External Reviewers - Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) | REVIEW COMPLETED | Good Afternoon, ADOT has no comments regarding this DEV. Thank you for the opportunity to review. -- Respectfully, James Gomes, Jr., PE SOUTHERN REGION TRAFFIC ENGINEERING MANAGER ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1221 S. 2nd Ave. Tucson, Az, 85713 520.388.4231 azdot.gov [azdot.gov] |
10/09/2024 | External Reviewers - Pima Association of Governments | REVIEW COMPLETED | CDRC sent FYI email sent to PAG, USPS, SWG. No further action is required. | ||
10/18/2024 | External Reviewers - Pima County Addressing | REVIEW COMPLETED | Good morning, Pima County Addressing approves TD-DEV-0924-00273. Nicholas Jordan Site Review Project Manager II – Addressing Official Pima County Development Services Department 201 N Stone AV – 1st Floor Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 724-9623 |
10/09/2024 | External Reviewers - Southwest Gas | REVIEW COMPLETED | CDRC sent FYI email sent to PAG, USPS, SWG. No further action is required. | ||
10/11/2024 | External Reviewers - Tucson Airport Authority | REVIEW COMPLETED | October 10, 2024 Planning and Development Services City of Tucson 201 North Stone Avenue Tucson, AZ. 85701 RE: TD-DEV-0924-00273, 84-Unit Multifamily Development / 6639 S 12TH AV TUCSON, AZ 85756, Received October 9, 2024 To whom this may concern, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on TD-DEV-0924-00273, the development plan for an 84-unit multifamily development at 6639 South 12th Avenue. This development is located in the N.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter of Section 13, Township 15S, Range 13E, of the Gila and Salt River Meridian. The development site occupies parcel numbers 138-15-015C, covers approximately 2.48 ± acres, and is zoned as Commercial Zone 1 (C-1). The nearest major roadway intersection is South 12th Avenue and West Medina Road, approximately 75 feet to the southwest of the subject development. This site does lie within the Tucson International Airport avigation easement requirements and public disclosure area, FAA traffic pattern airspace, and FAA Part 77 airspace. The Tucson Airport Authority approves the proposed project and is not requiring a resubmittal. Although this project does not propose a change in plan designation or zoning the Tucson Airport Authority highly recommends the applicant add the following notes into the general notes of the revised development plan. This project is located approximately 1 mile northwest of Tucson International Airport and is within FAA traffic pattern airspace, an area which would be subject to aircraft overflight and noise due to being in close proximity to Tucson International Airport. The proposed notes would provide a means of assuring that future owners and tenants of the property are aware they are in proximity an airport and further assures the continued right of the City of Tucson, Tucson Airport Authority, and all persons lawfully utilizing the Tucson International Airport the right to utilize the airspace above or near the property. This would be accomplished through the property owner recording the Avigation Easement and providing the Airport Disclosure Statement to the new residents of all residential uses. The Tucson Airport Authority believes the proposed note helps to support the City of Tucson Airport Environs Overlay Zone and supports Plan Tucson – Regional and Global Positioning policy 4 (RG-4). 1. "That prior to the City's approval of the proposed development, the property owner must record the Avigation Easement that discloses the existence and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property. The Avigation Easement shall be recorded in a manner with the Pima County recorder which shall document it as having title liability. The content of such documents shall be according to the form and instructions provided.” The current property owner or person authorized to sign on behalf of the current property owner must complete, sign, and record the Avigation Easement. Please record the Avigation Easement with the Pima County Recorder’s Office. Then send a complete copy of the recorded easement document to Tucson Airport Authority by either email (send to srobidoux@flytucson.com) or to the mailing address provided below. Scott Robidoux Manager of Planning Tucson Airport Authority 7250 South Tucson Blvd, Suite 300 Tucson, AZ 85756” 2. Applicable to residential uses only “The property owner/developer/applicant must provide the Airport Disclosure Statement form, at time of sale, to the new property owners with all new unit purchases. In the event the development of any residential uses does not involve the sale of new units but is instead offering rental residential units to the public, the new tenant of the rental unit must be provided a copy of the Airport Disclosure Statement form. The intent of the Airport Disclosure Statement form is to educate and notify the new residents that they are living near an airport. The content of such documents shall be according to the form and instructions provided.” The property owner (for itself or its tenants) shall forward a signed copy of the Airport Disclosure Statement form to the Tucson Airport Authority within ten (10) days of signature, using the Scott Robidoux mailing address provided above. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this comment letter. I can be reached by email at srobidoux@flytucson.com or by telephone at 520- 573-4811. Respectfully, Scott Robidoux, C.M. Manager of Planning |
10/30/2024 | External Reviewers - Tucson Electric Power (TEP) | REVIEW COMPLETED | October 29, 2024 WO#T131011 City of Tucson Planning and Development Services Attn: CDRC Admin Team Dear CDRC Admin Team Subject: Rincon Manor Apartments TD-DEV-0924-00273 Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP) has reviewed and approved the development plan submitted 10/9/2024. There are existing facilities within the development which are depicted upon the plan; TEP poles 267. 333 and anchor are near the new development area. There is a potential for conflict with new development and a potential for conflict if the grade changes. Further, recorded instrument existing facilities attached for reference, see Book 5471 Page 848. Enclosed is a copy of a TEP facilities map showing the approximate location of the existing facilities. Any relocation costs will be billable to the customer. To apply for electric service, please call the New Construction department at (520) 918- 8300. Please submit a final set of plans including approved site, electric load, paving off-site improvements and irrigation plans. If available, include a PDF version of the plans. If easements are required, they will be secured by separate instrument. Should you have any easement questions, please contact our Land Resources Department, LandReviews@tep.com. Should you have any technical questions, please contact the area designer, Cruz Vega (520) 349-9850 cruzvega@tep.com Sincerely, Design Admins Design Admins Tucson Electric Power |
10/09/2024 | External Reviewers - United States Postal Service (USPS) | REVIEW COMPLETED | CDRC sent FYI email sent to PAG, USPS, SWG. No further action is required. | ||
10/15/2024 | Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
10/09/2024 | OK to Submit - Engineering Fast | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
09/30/2024 | OK to Submit - Zoning Fast | REVIEW COMPLETED |