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Permit Number: TD-DEV-0523-00249
Parcel: 12620001C

3400 E ZOO CT

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TD-DEV-0523-00249
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/06/2023 External Reviewers - Tucson Airport Authority APPROVED October 5, 2023
Planning and Development Services
City of Tucson
201 North Stone Avenue
Tucson, AZ. 85701
RE: TD-DEV-0523-00249, 2
nd Submittal, New Asia Exhibit, Reid Park Zoo / 3400 E Zoo Court,
Tucson AZ 85716, Received September 11, 2023
To whom this may concern, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on TD-DEV-0523-00249, 2nd Submittal, the
development plan for an expansion of the existing zoo to establish a new Asia exhibit at 3400 E Zoo Court. This development is located in the S.E. corner of the S.W. quarter of Section 16, Township 14S, Range 14E, of the Gila and Salt River Meridian. The development site occupies parcel number 126-20-001C, covers approximately 3.68 ± acres, and is zoned as Residence Zone 1 (R-1). The nearest major roadway intersection is South Randolph Way and East 22nd Street, approximately 750 feet to the southeast of the subject development.
This site does lie within FAA Part 77 airspace.
The Tucson Airport Authority approves the 2nd submittal of this project and is not requiring a resubmittal.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this comment letter. I can be reached by email at srobidoux@flytucson.com or by telephone at 520-573-4811.
Scott Robidoux, C.M.
Manager of Planning
09/22/2023 NPPO APPROVED
09/13/2023 Site Engineering APPROVED
09/22/2023 Site Landscape APPROVED
10/03/2023 Site Zoning APPROVED
10/12/2023 CDRC Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
10/12/2023 Commercial Plumbing REQUIRES RESUBMIT 1. The 6” sewer being replaced requires cleanout locations to be identified (CA5.2). [Initial comment: Building sewers smaller than 8-inches shall have cleanouts located at intervals of not more than 100-feet of developed pipe length. Reference: Section 708.1.2, IPC 2018.]
2. A 2-way cleanout is shown in the 6” sewer being replaced; it is not at the junction of a building sewer and a building drain (CA5.2). [Initial comment: An approved 2-way cleanout fitting is allowed to be used at the junction of a building drain and a building sewer; otherwise, cleanouts shall open to allow cleaning only in the direction of flow. Reference: Section 708.1.8, IPC 2018.]
3. Revise detail 3/CA5.2 to show how access is to be provided to the backwater valve. [Initial comment: Determine the need for a backwater valve for each building per Section 714.1, IPC 2018, as amended by the City of Tucson.]
09/11/2023 CDRC Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED