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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Permit Number - TD-DEV-0223-00157
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
04/17/2023 | Commercial Plumbing | APPROVED | |||
06/09/2023 | Transportation Landscape Review | APPROVED | |||
03/06/2023 | NPPO | NOT REQUIRED | |||
06/09/2023 | CDRC Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
04/06/2023 | Site Engineering | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | 1. Show any proposed points of roof drainage, ensure drainage up to the 10-yr storm is directed under/around adjacent sidewalks through the use of gutters/scuppers Scott Haseman scott.haseman@tucsonaz.gov |
03/21/2023 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Wyatt Berger Lead Planner PROJECT: Islamic Center of Tucson Development Package (1st Review) TD-DEV-0223-00157 TRANSMITTAL DATE: March 21, 2023 DUE DATE: April 12, 2023 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. This plan has been reviewed for compliance with the Unified Development Code (UDC), Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-06, and the Technical Standards Manual (TSM). Per UDC Section 3.3.3.G.5.c, an applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One year expiration date is March 21, 2024. 1. COMMENT: 2-06.3.10 – Provide a legend that shows and describes all symbols on the drawing. 2. COMMENT: 2-06.4.1 – Add the name, mailing and email addresses, and phone number of the property owner, developer, and other person(s), firm(s), or organization(s) that prepared the development package documents. This information shall be provided on the right half of the cover sheet. 3. COMMENT: 2-06.4.2 – Ensure that the title block on each sheet has the proposed name of the project, a brief legal description of the site, and the page number and total number of pages in the development package (i.e., sheet xx of xx). 4. COMMENT: 2-06.4.3 – Provide the development package case number, TD-DEV-0223-00157, adjacent to the title block on all sheets. 5. COMMENT: 2-06.4.7.A.2 – List the gross area of the site by acreage in addition to by square footage. 6. COMMENT: 2-06.4.7.A.6.a – If any additional applications and overlays are pursued, list these processes by case number adjacent to the title block on each sheet. As a general note provide the type of application processed or overlays applicable, a statement that the project meets the criteria/conditions of the additional application or overlay, the case number, date of approval, what was approved, and the conditions of approval, if any. 7. COMMENT: 2-06.4.7.A.8.c – Ensure that the expansion calculation provided includes previous expansions to the building floor area. 8. COMMENT:2-06.4.8.B – Ensure any existing easements are shown on the plan. 9. COMMENT: 2-06.4.8.C – Add the right-of-way width, recordation data, and type and dimensioned width of paving to the plan. The “PRIVATE ROAD” as indicated on the plan is a public right-of-way. 10. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.5.a – Per UDC Table 7.4.4-1: Minimum Number of Motor Vehicle Spaces Required, Religious uses require one space per 100 sq. ft. gross floor area in all combined public assembly areas or areas where religious services are held, whichever is applicable. Provide, as a general note, the ratio used and the number of parking spaces required and proposed. Be aware that the proposed prayer room addition triggers additional on-site parking. However, the Main Gate Urban Overlay District (UOD) allows for greater flexibility with motor vehicle parking requirements. Per Section C-5.1.1.iii of the Main Gate UOD document, non-residential uses other than retail uses require a minimum of one motor vehicle parking space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. The Main Gate UOD is an optional zoning overlay. If motor vehicle parking relief is not sought through the Main Gate UOD, a Board of Adjustment variance may be required to further reduce the required on-site parking for the use. Contact Mark.Castro@tucsonaz.gov should you have questions regarding the variance process. 11. 2-06.4.9.H.5.b - If any of the required parking is located off-site as permitted by the UDC, a drawing of that parking area is to be provided, together with the city's required parking agreement (include a copy of the lease agreement if applicable). If the off-site parking area location is an existing parking lot, the parking spaces utilized for the proposed land use must be non-required parking for the existing use for which the parking area was established. 12. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.5.d – Refer to UDC Table 7.4.8-1: Minimum Required Bicycle Parking Spaces, for short- and long-term bicycle parking requirements. If the Main Gate UOD is pursued, refer to Section C-5.b of the associated overlay document. Show the location of the short- and long-term bicycle parking on the plan. Provide, as a general note, the ratios used and the number of required and proposed short- and long-term bicycle parking spaces. 13. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.O – Provide setback dimensions from the proposed addition to the north and west lot lines. Per UDC 6.4.5.C.1.b, where a lot abuts more than one street, the owner chooses which street lot line is the front lot line. From other than the front lot line, the street perimeter yard is ten feet. The proposed addition does not meet the 10’-0” setback requirement from the west lot line. A Board of Adjustment variance may be utilized to reduce the side street perimeter yard setback if the optional Main Gate UOD is not pursued. 14. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.Q – Provide the height of the proposed addition within the footprint of the building. 15. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.T – Clarify the location of the refuse collection area on the plan. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Wyatt.Berger@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-4951. RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: A revised development package as well as a comment response letter. To resubmit, visit the Tucson Development Center Online at https://tdc-online.tucsonaz.gov/#/home. The instructions for resubmittal can be found at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/website/Resubmittals.pdf. |
03/06/2023 | CDRC Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
03/15/2023 | CDRC Review Coordinator Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | Added external reviewers, sent emails and sent FYI emails per SOP. | ||
04/10/2023 | Design Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | This property is within the boundaries of the Main Gate District (MGD), one of the Urban Overlay Districts available as a tool for redevelopment. Urban Overlay Districts allow flexible development standards and establish design guidelines for the area in which this property is located. Some of the goals of a UOD, as described in Section 5.13 of the Unified Development Code, are to encourage: 1) Comprehensively planned, pedestrian and transit-oriented, urban infill, and mixed use areas; 2) Site planning and architectural solutions consistent with the ambience of Tucson Urban design features that include sustainable solutions and can accommodate both historical and contemporary design. Here's a link to the MGD document, where you will find the requirements that the project will need to comply with, which will need to reflected in a Design Package: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/pdfs/PlannedAreaDevelopmentAndOverlay/MGD_UOD_Document-08.09.16.pdf. If you wish to schedule a virtual informational meeting to discuss the MGD, please send me an email to maria.gayosso@tucsonaz.gov, and let me know the best days and times to meet within the next week or so. Thanks. |
04/07/2023 | External Reviewers - Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) | REVIEW COMPLETED | Good Afternoon, ADOT has no comments on this DP. Thank you for the opportunity to review. |
04/12/2023 | External Reviewers - COT Environmental Services | REVIEW COMPLETED | ES has no objections or adverse comments regarding this proposed development expansion as it relates to solid waste disposal and collection . Thanks, Andy Vera City of Tucson -Environmental Services Accounts Representative Supervisor (520) 837-3798 |
03/17/2023 | External Reviewers - COT Parks & Recreation | REVIEW COMPLETED | Hello CDRC team, On behalf of the City of Tucson Parks and Recreation Department, I have no comments on the above development plan. Tom Fisher Project Manager City of Tucson Parks and Recreation Department 900 S. Randolph Way Tucson, Arizona 85716 (520) 837-8037 |
06/07/2023 | External Reviewers - Pima Association of Governments | REVIEW COMPLETED | Sent FYI emails per SOP | ||
06/07/2023 | External Reviewers - Southwest Gas | REVIEW COMPLETED | Sent FYI emails per SOP | ||
06/07/2023 | External Reviewers - Tucson Electric Power (TEP) | REVIEW COMPLETED | Sent FYI emails per SOP | ||
06/07/2023 | External Reviewers - United States Postal Service (USPS) | REVIEW COMPLETED | Sent FYI emails per SOP | ||
04/07/2023 | Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
03/09/2023 | OK to Submit - Engineering Fast | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
03/06/2023 | OK to Submit - Landscape Fast | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
03/08/2023 | OK to Submit - Zoning Fast | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
03/16/2023 | Real Estate | REVIEW COMPLETED | Real Estate has No Comment. Phil Paige Senior Property Agent Real Estate Division Dept. Transportation and Mobility City of Tucson 520-342-4024 cell philip.paige@tucsonaz.gov |
04/14/2023 | ROW Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments David Stiffey David.Stiffey@tucsonaz.gov |
03/06/2023 | Site Landscape | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
04/14/2023 | Traffic Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments David Stiffey David.Stiffey@tucsonaz.gov |