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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1
Permit Number - TC-COM-1024-01962
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
11/14/2024 | Site Engineering | APPROVED | Approved by Site Engineering. Address Building comments and resubmit for approval. Joshua Garcia joshua.garcia@tucsonaz.gov |
11/21/2024 | Site Zoning | APPROVED | |||
11/21/2024 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
10/29/2024 | Commercial Electrical | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Structural(S) Reviewer Madeline Nelson mnelson@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/24/2024 10:39:31 PM 1. GENERAL - UPDATES: For project updates, please submit sheets with all changes clearly marked in revision clouds. Please provide a written response to each comment; updates without a clear response to all comments may not be reviewed. If you have any questions regarding the comments, you may contact me directly. Updates may result in additional comments. 2. GENERAL - GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: Please provide a copy of the site-specific geotechnical report referenced in the structural general notes, Sheet S001. The report should support the appropriateness of the selected foundation system for the project site. All submitted geotechnical reports must be dated no later than three years from the submittal date. Outdated reports must be accompanied by a letter from a qualified geotechnical engineer stating that the report requirements are still valid, or stating what items may have changed. All building code references must be updated to the current code adopted by the City. 3. S001 - SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA: The seismic design criteria listed in the structural general notes does not reflect the spectral ground accelerations published by the 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers, Manual 7 (ASCE 7-16). As a result, this project falls under Seismic Design Category C. Please verify the design of all lateral components for the larger seismic loads and update the general notes accordingly. Refer to the free Online Hazard Tool offered by the ASCE for more information: https://ascehazardtool.org/ 4. GENERAL - MISSING STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENT: This project is located in a Seismic Design Category C. Per ASCE 7-16 manual, Section 13.1.4, under Seismic Design Category C, all MEP components and permanently fastened-in-place appliances must be positively anchored to the building (with the exception of components weighing 20 lbs or less). Please confirm that the design of the Medical Light Boom restraints shown on S202 have been designed for seismic loads. Further, please revise the drawings to indicate how the proposed AHU rooftop unit will be positively anchored. to the structure. 5. S201 - MISSING BEAM SIZES: The Roof Framing Plan calls out four new beams framing out openings below the proposed AHU rooftop unit. These beams are not sized on plan, but Detail 5/S402 suggests that they are wide-flange beams. Please confirm if the typical opening framing members of Detail 1/S402 (L3x3x1/4) are sufficient at this location or if wide-flange beams are required. Building(B) Reviewer Kimiyoshi Shimabukuro kshimabukuro@safebuilt.com Approved Reason: Date Completed : 10/22/2024 6:27:54 AM Mechanical(M) Reviewer Jake Doub jdoub@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/28/2024 10:05:17 AM 1. Sheet GI001 / Deferred Submittals / missing submittal. The deferred submittals does not include the alarm system for the medical gas alarm system. Revise the deferred submittal notes to include the medical gas alarm system as a deferred submittal; or, if the medical gas alarm system is integrated with the fire alarm system, revise the notes to include the deferred fire alarm system is integral to the medical gas alarm system. (2018 NFPA 99 - 2. Sheet AC111 / Code Analysis / missing description of treatment provided. The "General Building Limitations" table references an I-2 use and occupancy classification; however, there is no description of the medical services provided. The floor plans indicate rooms that are considered "sensory" and "observation" and "isolation" type rooms, which indicates the treatment of mental health and would possibly be an I-3 use and occupancy classification. The differing use and occupancy classifications may affect the use of smoke partitions vs. smoke barriers. Revise the code analysis sheet to include a description of the proposed types of treatments and revise the use and occupancy classification if necessary. (2018 IBC - Chapter 3). 3. Sheet AC111 / Code Analysis / missing I-2 condition type. Revise the code analysis to include whether the renovated area is considered a "Condition 1 or Condition 2" use and occupancy classification sub-category. (2018 IBC - 308.3.1.1, 308.3.1.2). 4. Sheets MG001 - MG201C / Medical Gas Sheets / missing piping support details. Revise the sheets to include a detail showing how the medical gas piping or tubing is supported, including the maximum spacing of supports. (2018 NFPA 99 - 5. Sheets MG001 - MG201C / Medical Gas Sheets / missing installer & verifier information. NFPA 99 has specific requirements for installers, brazers, and verifiers; however, the plans and associated notes do not include any information related to their respective requirements. Revise the plans and notes to provide sufficient information regarding the requirements for the installers, brazers, and verifier certification requirements. (2018 NFPA 99 -,, 5.1.12). 6. Sheet M201C / HVAC Plan - First Floor - Division C / smoke partition conflicts. The floor plans show VAV-8 and the balance damper (36"x30" RA that passes through room 11632 PAT TLT) conflict with the adjacent smoke partitions. The placement of these items as shown do not appear to allow for operation of the equipment or continuity of the partition to the underside of the floor/ceiling above. Revise the plans or provide clarity showing no conflict will occur. (2018 IBC - 708.4). 7. Sheet M201C / HVAC Plan - First Floor - Division C / missing fire damper. The floor plans show a 36"x30" return air duct that penetrates the 1-hr fire barrier for room 11686 - Future CT. The floor plans do not indicate a fire damper is to provided at this penetration. Revise the floor plans to include a fire damper notation in this location. (2018 IBC - 707.7). 8. Sheet M801 & M802 / Mechanical Details / missing seismic details and notes. The structural plans show the project is in a seismic design category C. Mechanical components are required to positively anchored to the structure, and remain operational during a design seismic event. The HVAC units would need to remain operational and listed for the seismic design category. Revise the mechanical or structural plans to show details on how the HVAC components are positively attached to the structure, and provide sufficient documentation indicating the mechanical equipment has been listed for operation in a seismic design category C location. (2016 ASCE-7 - 13.1.4 #5, 13.2.2). 9. Sheet MG001 / Medical Gas Schedules / missing manufacturer & model. Revise the medical gas schedules to include the manufacturer and model for the medical gas alarm panels, zone valve boxes, and gas outlets. (2018 NFPA 99 - 5.1.4). 10. Sheet MG001 / Medical Gas Zone Valve Box Schedule / missing details. Revise the plans to include a graphic detail showing the required labelling of zone valve box with the contained in the provided code section. (2018 NFPA 99 - 11. Sheet MG201 / Medical Gas Plan / missing area alarm information. The floor plans show the routing of the medical gas piping, but do not include the location of the area medical gas area alarm panel. (2018 NFPA 99 - 12. Sheet MG201 / Medical Gas Plan / missing tubing or piping material type. Revise the plans or general notes to include the gas piping or tubing material types. (2018 NFPA 99 - 13. Sheet MG201C / Medical Gas Plan - First Floor / incorrect reference. General note #10 references the 2012 edition of NFPA 99. Revise general note #10 to reflect the 2018 edition of NFPA 99. (2018 IBC - Chapter 35). 14. Sheet MG201C / Medical Gas Plan - First Floor / missing medical gas risk category. Revise the plans to indicate the medical gas risk category. It appears as though this is a risk category I facility and the review comments are based on that assumption. (2018 NFPA 99 - 4.1). Electrical(E) Reviewer Ron Ross rross@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/24/2024 4:18:03 PM 1. E1001 PANELBOARD SCHEDULES TOWER 1: calculated load added to Panel 1NAAH2A is unreasonable (way to high, panel should be upsized if accurate) and should be balanced. Correct and resubmit. Plumbing(P) Reviewer Perry Hendershott phendershott@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/29/2024 9:39:47 PM First Plumbing Review: 1). Plan Page P001: Missing Plumbing Code Summary: Add plumbing Code Summary. -2018 IPC 2). General Med Gas plan pages: Need to address the med gas comments listed in the Mechanical Review- 2018 NFPA99 3). Plan P901 Fixture schedule: Lavatory section missing ASSE 1070 Mixing Valve. List the ASSE1070 mixing valve model to be used- 2018 IPC 419.5 |
10/29/2024 | Commercial Mechanical | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Structural(S) Reviewer Madeline Nelson mnelson@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/24/2024 10:39:31 PM 1. GENERAL - UPDATES: For project updates, please submit sheets with all changes clearly marked in revision clouds. Please provide a written response to each comment; updates without a clear response to all comments may not be reviewed. If you have any questions regarding the comments, you may contact me directly. Updates may result in additional comments. 2. GENERAL - GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: Please provide a copy of the site-specific geotechnical report referenced in the structural general notes, Sheet S001. The report should support the appropriateness of the selected foundation system for the project site. All submitted geotechnical reports must be dated no later than three years from the submittal date. Outdated reports must be accompanied by a letter from a qualified geotechnical engineer stating that the report requirements are still valid, or stating what items may have changed. All building code references must be updated to the current code adopted by the City. 3. S001 - SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA: The seismic design criteria listed in the structural general notes does not reflect the spectral ground accelerations published by the 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers, Manual 7 (ASCE 7-16). As a result, this project falls under Seismic Design Category C. Please verify the design of all lateral components for the larger seismic loads and update the general notes accordingly. Refer to the free Online Hazard Tool offered by the ASCE for more information: https://ascehazardtool.org/ 4. GENERAL - MISSING STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENT: This project is located in a Seismic Design Category C. Per ASCE 7-16 manual, Section 13.1.4, under Seismic Design Category C, all MEP components and permanently fastened-in-place appliances must be positively anchored to the building (with the exception of components weighing 20 lbs or less). Please confirm that the design of the Medical Light Boom restraints shown on S202 have been designed for seismic loads. Further, please revise the drawings to indicate how the proposed AHU rooftop unit will be positively anchored. to the structure. 5. S201 - MISSING BEAM SIZES: The Roof Framing Plan calls out four new beams framing out openings below the proposed AHU rooftop unit. These beams are not sized on plan, but Detail 5/S402 suggests that they are wide-flange beams. Please confirm if the typical opening framing members of Detail 1/S402 (L3x3x1/4) are sufficient at this location or if wide-flange beams are required. Building(B) Reviewer Kimiyoshi Shimabukuro kshimabukuro@safebuilt.com Approved Reason: Date Completed : 10/22/2024 6:27:54 AM Mechanical(M) Reviewer Jake Doub jdoub@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/28/2024 10:05:17 AM 1. Sheet GI001 / Deferred Submittals / missing submittal. The deferred submittals does not include the alarm system for the medical gas alarm system. Revise the deferred submittal notes to include the medical gas alarm system as a deferred submittal; or, if the medical gas alarm system is integrated with the fire alarm system, revise the notes to include the deferred fire alarm system is integral to the medical gas alarm system. (2018 NFPA 99 - 2. Sheet AC111 / Code Analysis / missing description of treatment provided. The "General Building Limitations" table references an I-2 use and occupancy classification; however, there is no description of the medical services provided. The floor plans indicate rooms that are considered "sensory" and "observation" and "isolation" type rooms, which indicates the treatment of mental health and would possibly be an I-3 use and occupancy classification. The differing use and occupancy classifications may affect the use of smoke partitions vs. smoke barriers. Revise the code analysis sheet to include a description of the proposed types of treatments and revise the use and occupancy classification if necessary. (2018 IBC - Chapter 3). 3. Sheet AC111 / Code Analysis / missing I-2 condition type. Revise the code analysis to include whether the renovated area is considered a "Condition 1 or Condition 2" use and occupancy classification sub-category. (2018 IBC - 308.3.1.1, 308.3.1.2). 4. Sheets MG001 - MG201C / Medical Gas Sheets / missing piping support details. Revise the sheets to include a detail showing how the medical gas piping or tubing is supported, including the maximum spacing of supports. (2018 NFPA 99 - 5. Sheets MG001 - MG201C / Medical Gas Sheets / missing installer & verifier information. NFPA 99 has specific requirements for installers, brazers, and verifiers; however, the plans and associated notes do not include any information related to their respective requirements. Revise the plans and notes to provide sufficient information regarding the requirements for the installers, brazers, and verifier certification requirements. (2018 NFPA 99 -,, 5.1.12). 6. Sheet M201C / HVAC Plan - First Floor - Division C / smoke partition conflicts. The floor plans show VAV-8 and the balance damper (36"x30" RA that passes through room 11632 PAT TLT) conflict with the adjacent smoke partitions. The placement of these items as shown do not appear to allow for operation of the equipment or continuity of the partition to the underside of the floor/ceiling above. Revise the plans or provide clarity showing no conflict will occur. (2018 IBC - 708.4). 7. Sheet M201C / HVAC Plan - First Floor - Division C / missing fire damper. The floor plans show a 36"x30" return air duct that penetrates the 1-hr fire barrier for room 11686 - Future CT. The floor plans do not indicate a fire damper is to provided at this penetration. Revise the floor plans to include a fire damper notation in this location. (2018 IBC - 707.7). 8. Sheet M801 & M802 / Mechanical Details / missing seismic details and notes. The structural plans show the project is in a seismic design category C. Mechanical components are required to positively anchored to the structure, and remain operational during a design seismic event. The HVAC units would need to remain operational and listed for the seismic design category. Revise the mechanical or structural plans to show details on how the HVAC components are positively attached to the structure, and provide sufficient documentation indicating the mechanical equipment has been listed for operation in a seismic design category C location. (2016 ASCE-7 - 13.1.4 #5, 13.2.2). 9. Sheet MG001 / Medical Gas Schedules / missing manufacturer & model. Revise the medical gas schedules to include the manufacturer and model for the medical gas alarm panels, zone valve boxes, and gas outlets. (2018 NFPA 99 - 5.1.4). 10. Sheet MG001 / Medical Gas Zone Valve Box Schedule / missing details. Revise the plans to include a graphic detail showing the required labelling of zone valve box with the contained in the provided code section. (2018 NFPA 99 - 11. Sheet MG201 / Medical Gas Plan / missing area alarm information. The floor plans show the routing of the medical gas piping, but do not include the location of the area medical gas area alarm panel. (2018 NFPA 99 - 12. Sheet MG201 / Medical Gas Plan / missing tubing or piping material type. Revise the plans or general notes to include the gas piping or tubing material types. (2018 NFPA 99 - 13. Sheet MG201C / Medical Gas Plan - First Floor / incorrect reference. General note #10 references the 2012 edition of NFPA 99. Revise general note #10 to reflect the 2018 edition of NFPA 99. (2018 IBC - Chapter 35). 14. Sheet MG201C / Medical Gas Plan - First Floor / missing medical gas risk category. Revise the plans to indicate the medical gas risk category. It appears as though this is a risk category I facility and the review comments are based on that assumption. (2018 NFPA 99 - 4.1). Electrical(E) Reviewer Ron Ross rross@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/24/2024 4:18:03 PM 1. E1001 PANELBOARD SCHEDULES TOWER 1: calculated load added to Panel 1NAAH2A is unreasonable (way to high, panel should be upsized if accurate) and should be balanced. Correct and resubmit. Plumbing(P) Reviewer Perry Hendershott phendershott@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/29/2024 9:39:47 PM First Plumbing Review: 1). Plan Page P001: Missing Plumbing Code Summary: Add plumbing Code Summary. -2018 IPC 2). General Med Gas plan pages: Need to address the med gas comments listed in the Mechanical Review- 2018 NFPA99 3). Plan P901 Fixture schedule: Lavatory section missing ASSE 1070 Mixing Valve. List the ASSE1070 mixing valve model to be used- 2018 IPC 419.5 |
10/29/2024 | Commercial Plumbing | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Structural(S) Reviewer Madeline Nelson mnelson@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/24/2024 10:39:31 PM 1. GENERAL - UPDATES: For project updates, please submit sheets with all changes clearly marked in revision clouds. Please provide a written response to each comment; updates without a clear response to all comments may not be reviewed. If you have any questions regarding the comments, you may contact me directly. Updates may result in additional comments. 2. GENERAL - GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: Please provide a copy of the site-specific geotechnical report referenced in the structural general notes, Sheet S001. The report should support the appropriateness of the selected foundation system for the project site. All submitted geotechnical reports must be dated no later than three years from the submittal date. Outdated reports must be accompanied by a letter from a qualified geotechnical engineer stating that the report requirements are still valid, or stating what items may have changed. All building code references must be updated to the current code adopted by the City. 3. S001 - SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA: The seismic design criteria listed in the structural general notes does not reflect the spectral ground accelerations published by the 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers, Manual 7 (ASCE 7-16). As a result, this project falls under Seismic Design Category C. Please verify the design of all lateral components for the larger seismic loads and update the general notes accordingly. Refer to the free Online Hazard Tool offered by the ASCE for more information: https://ascehazardtool.org/ 4. GENERAL - MISSING STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENT: This project is located in a Seismic Design Category C. Per ASCE 7-16 manual, Section 13.1.4, under Seismic Design Category C, all MEP components and permanently fastened-in-place appliances must be positively anchored to the building (with the exception of components weighing 20 lbs or less). Please confirm that the design of the Medical Light Boom restraints shown on S202 have been designed for seismic loads. Further, please revise the drawings to indicate how the proposed AHU rooftop unit will be positively anchored. to the structure. 5. S201 - MISSING BEAM SIZES: The Roof Framing Plan calls out four new beams framing out openings below the proposed AHU rooftop unit. These beams are not sized on plan, but Detail 5/S402 suggests that they are wide-flange beams. Please confirm if the typical opening framing members of Detail 1/S402 (L3x3x1/4) are sufficient at this location or if wide-flange beams are required. Building(B) Reviewer Kimiyoshi Shimabukuro kshimabukuro@safebuilt.com Approved Reason: Date Completed : 10/22/2024 6:27:54 AM Mechanical(M) Reviewer Jake Doub jdoub@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/28/2024 10:05:17 AM 1. Sheet GI001 / Deferred Submittals / missing submittal. The deferred submittals does not include the alarm system for the medical gas alarm system. Revise the deferred submittal notes to include the medical gas alarm system as a deferred submittal; or, if the medical gas alarm system is integrated with the fire alarm system, revise the notes to include the deferred fire alarm system is integral to the medical gas alarm system. (2018 NFPA 99 - 2. Sheet AC111 / Code Analysis / missing description of treatment provided. The "General Building Limitations" table references an I-2 use and occupancy classification; however, there is no description of the medical services provided. The floor plans indicate rooms that are considered "sensory" and "observation" and "isolation" type rooms, which indicates the treatment of mental health and would possibly be an I-3 use and occupancy classification. The differing use and occupancy classifications may affect the use of smoke partitions vs. smoke barriers. Revise the code analysis sheet to include a description of the proposed types of treatments and revise the use and occupancy classification if necessary. (2018 IBC - Chapter 3). 3. Sheet AC111 / Code Analysis / missing I-2 condition type. Revise the code analysis to include whether the renovated area is considered a "Condition 1 or Condition 2" use and occupancy classification sub-category. (2018 IBC - 308.3.1.1, 308.3.1.2). 4. Sheets MG001 - MG201C / Medical Gas Sheets / missing piping support details. Revise the sheets to include a detail showing how the medical gas piping or tubing is supported, including the maximum spacing of supports. (2018 NFPA 99 - 5. Sheets MG001 - MG201C / Medical Gas Sheets / missing installer & verifier information. NFPA 99 has specific requirements for installers, brazers, and verifiers; however, the plans and associated notes do not include any information related to their respective requirements. Revise the plans and notes to provide sufficient information regarding the requirements for the installers, brazers, and verifier certification requirements. (2018 NFPA 99 -,, 5.1.12). 6. Sheet M201C / HVAC Plan - First Floor - Division C / smoke partition conflicts. The floor plans show VAV-8 and the balance damper (36"x30" RA that passes through room 11632 PAT TLT) conflict with the adjacent smoke partitions. The placement of these items as shown do not appear to allow for operation of the equipment or continuity of the partition to the underside of the floor/ceiling above. Revise the plans or provide clarity showing no conflict will occur. (2018 IBC - 708.4). 7. Sheet M201C / HVAC Plan - First Floor - Division C / missing fire damper. The floor plans show a 36"x30" return air duct that penetrates the 1-hr fire barrier for room 11686 - Future CT. The floor plans do not indicate a fire damper is to provided at this penetration. Revise the floor plans to include a fire damper notation in this location. (2018 IBC - 707.7). 8. Sheet M801 & M802 / Mechanical Details / missing seismic details and notes. The structural plans show the project is in a seismic design category C. Mechanical components are required to positively anchored to the structure, and remain operational during a design seismic event. The HVAC units would need to remain operational and listed for the seismic design category. Revise the mechanical or structural plans to show details on how the HVAC components are positively attached to the structure, and provide sufficient documentation indicating the mechanical equipment has been listed for operation in a seismic design category C location. (2016 ASCE-7 - 13.1.4 #5, 13.2.2). 9. Sheet MG001 / Medical Gas Schedules / missing manufacturer & model. Revise the medical gas schedules to include the manufacturer and model for the medical gas alarm panels, zone valve boxes, and gas outlets. (2018 NFPA 99 - 5.1.4). 10. Sheet MG001 / Medical Gas Zone Valve Box Schedule / missing details. Revise the plans to include a graphic detail showing the required labelling of zone valve box with the contained in the provided code section. (2018 NFPA 99 - 11. Sheet MG201 / Medical Gas Plan / missing area alarm information. The floor plans show the routing of the medical gas piping, but do not include the location of the area medical gas area alarm panel. (2018 NFPA 99 - 12. Sheet MG201 / Medical Gas Plan / missing tubing or piping material type. Revise the plans or general notes to include the gas piping or tubing material types. (2018 NFPA 99 - 13. Sheet MG201C / Medical Gas Plan - First Floor / incorrect reference. General note #10 references the 2012 edition of NFPA 99. Revise general note #10 to reflect the 2018 edition of NFPA 99. (2018 IBC - Chapter 35). 14. Sheet MG201C / Medical Gas Plan - First Floor / missing medical gas risk category. Revise the plans to indicate the medical gas risk category. It appears as though this is a risk category I facility and the review comments are based on that assumption. (2018 NFPA 99 - 4.1). Electrical(E) Reviewer Ron Ross rross@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/24/2024 4:18:03 PM 1. E1001 PANELBOARD SCHEDULES TOWER 1: calculated load added to Panel 1NAAH2A is unreasonable (way to high, panel should be upsized if accurate) and should be balanced. Correct and resubmit. Plumbing(P) Reviewer Perry Hendershott phendershott@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/29/2024 9:39:47 PM First Plumbing Review: 1). Plan Page P001: Missing Plumbing Code Summary: Add plumbing Code Summary. -2018 IPC 2). General Med Gas plan pages: Need to address the med gas comments listed in the Mechanical Review- 2018 NFPA99 3). Plan P901 Fixture schedule: Lavatory section missing ASSE 1070 Mixing Valve. List the ASSE1070 mixing valve model to be used- 2018 IPC 419.5 |
10/29/2024 | Commercial Structural | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Structural(S) Reviewer Madeline Nelson mnelson@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/24/2024 10:39:31 PM 1. GENERAL - UPDATES: For project updates, please submit sheets with all changes clearly marked in revision clouds. Please provide a written response to each comment; updates without a clear response to all comments may not be reviewed. If you have any questions regarding the comments, you may contact me directly. Updates may result in additional comments. 2. GENERAL - GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: Please provide a copy of the site-specific geotechnical report referenced in the structural general notes, Sheet S001. The report should support the appropriateness of the selected foundation system for the project site. All submitted geotechnical reports must be dated no later than three years from the submittal date. Outdated reports must be accompanied by a letter from a qualified geotechnical engineer stating that the report requirements are still valid, or stating what items may have changed. All building code references must be updated to the current code adopted by the City. 3. S001 - SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA: The seismic design criteria listed in the structural general notes does not reflect the spectral ground accelerations published by the 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers, Manual 7 (ASCE 7-16). As a result, this project falls under Seismic Design Category C. Please verify the design of all lateral components for the larger seismic loads and update the general notes accordingly. Refer to the free Online Hazard Tool offered by the ASCE for more information: https://ascehazardtool.org/ 4. GENERAL - MISSING STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENT: This project is located in a Seismic Design Category C. Per ASCE 7-16 manual, Section 13.1.4, under Seismic Design Category C, all MEP components and permanently fastened-in-place appliances must be positively anchored to the building (with the exception of components weighing 20 lbs or less). Please confirm that the design of the Medical Light Boom restraints shown on S202 have been designed for seismic loads. Further, please revise the drawings to indicate how the proposed AHU rooftop unit will be positively anchored. to the structure. 5. S201 - MISSING BEAM SIZES: The Roof Framing Plan calls out four new beams framing out openings below the proposed AHU rooftop unit. These beams are not sized on plan, but Detail 5/S402 suggests that they are wide-flange beams. Please confirm if the typical opening framing members of Detail 1/S402 (L3x3x1/4) are sufficient at this location or if wide-flange beams are required. Building(B) Reviewer Kimiyoshi Shimabukuro kshimabukuro@safebuilt.com Approved Reason: Date Completed : 10/22/2024 6:27:54 AM Mechanical(M) Reviewer Jake Doub jdoub@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/28/2024 10:05:17 AM 1. Sheet GI001 / Deferred Submittals / missing submittal. The deferred submittals does not include the alarm system for the medical gas alarm system. Revise the deferred submittal notes to include the medical gas alarm system as a deferred submittal; or, if the medical gas alarm system is integrated with the fire alarm system, revise the notes to include the deferred fire alarm system is integral to the medical gas alarm system. (2018 NFPA 99 - 2. Sheet AC111 / Code Analysis / missing description of treatment provided. The "General Building Limitations" table references an I-2 use and occupancy classification; however, there is no description of the medical services provided. The floor plans indicate rooms that are considered "sensory" and "observation" and "isolation" type rooms, which indicates the treatment of mental health and would possibly be an I-3 use and occupancy classification. The differing use and occupancy classifications may affect the use of smoke partitions vs. smoke barriers. Revise the code analysis sheet to include a description of the proposed types of treatments and revise the use and occupancy classification if necessary. (2018 IBC - Chapter 3). 3. Sheet AC111 / Code Analysis / missing I-2 condition type. Revise the code analysis to include whether the renovated area is considered a "Condition 1 or Condition 2" use and occupancy classification sub-category. (2018 IBC - 308.3.1.1, 308.3.1.2). 4. Sheets MG001 - MG201C / Medical Gas Sheets / missing piping support details. Revise the sheets to include a detail showing how the medical gas piping or tubing is supported, including the maximum spacing of supports. (2018 NFPA 99 - 5. Sheets MG001 - MG201C / Medical Gas Sheets / missing installer & verifier information. NFPA 99 has specific requirements for installers, brazers, and verifiers; however, the plans and associated notes do not include any information related to their respective requirements. Revise the plans and notes to provide sufficient information regarding the requirements for the installers, brazers, and verifier certification requirements. (2018 NFPA 99 -,, 5.1.12). 6. Sheet M201C / HVAC Plan - First Floor - Division C / smoke partition conflicts. The floor plans show VAV-8 and the balance damper (36"x30" RA that passes through room 11632 PAT TLT) conflict with the adjacent smoke partitions. The placement of these items as shown do not appear to allow for operation of the equipment or continuity of the partition to the underside of the floor/ceiling above. Revise the plans or provide clarity showing no conflict will occur. (2018 IBC - 708.4). 7. Sheet M201C / HVAC Plan - First Floor - Division C / missing fire damper. The floor plans show a 36"x30" return air duct that penetrates the 1-hr fire barrier for room 11686 - Future CT. The floor plans do not indicate a fire damper is to provided at this penetration. Revise the floor plans to include a fire damper notation in this location. (2018 IBC - 707.7). 8. Sheet M801 & M802 / Mechanical Details / missing seismic details and notes. The structural plans show the project is in a seismic design category C. Mechanical components are required to positively anchored to the structure, and remain operational during a design seismic event. The HVAC units would need to remain operational and listed for the seismic design category. Revise the mechanical or structural plans to show details on how the HVAC components are positively attached to the structure, and provide sufficient documentation indicating the mechanical equipment has been listed for operation in a seismic design category C location. (2016 ASCE-7 - 13.1.4 #5, 13.2.2). 9. Sheet MG001 / Medical Gas Schedules / missing manufacturer & model. Revise the medical gas schedules to include the manufacturer and model for the medical gas alarm panels, zone valve boxes, and gas outlets. (2018 NFPA 99 - 5.1.4). 10. Sheet MG001 / Medical Gas Zone Valve Box Schedule / missing details. Revise the plans to include a graphic detail showing the required labelling of zone valve box with the contained in the provided code section. (2018 NFPA 99 - 11. Sheet MG201 / Medical Gas Plan / missing area alarm information. The floor plans show the routing of the medical gas piping, but do not include the location of the area medical gas area alarm panel. (2018 NFPA 99 - 12. Sheet MG201 / Medical Gas Plan / missing tubing or piping material type. Revise the plans or general notes to include the gas piping or tubing material types. (2018 NFPA 99 - 13. Sheet MG201C / Medical Gas Plan - First Floor / incorrect reference. General note #10 references the 2012 edition of NFPA 99. Revise general note #10 to reflect the 2018 edition of NFPA 99. (2018 IBC - Chapter 35). 14. Sheet MG201C / Medical Gas Plan - First Floor / missing medical gas risk category. Revise the plans to indicate the medical gas risk category. It appears as though this is a risk category I facility and the review comments are based on that assumption. (2018 NFPA 99 - 4.1). Electrical(E) Reviewer Ron Ross rross@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/24/2024 4:18:03 PM 1. E1001 PANELBOARD SCHEDULES TOWER 1: calculated load added to Panel 1NAAH2A is unreasonable (way to high, panel should be upsized if accurate) and should be balanced. Correct and resubmit. Plumbing(P) Reviewer Perry Hendershott phendershott@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/29/2024 9:39:47 PM First Plumbing Review: 1). Plan Page P001: Missing Plumbing Code Summary: Add plumbing Code Summary. -2018 IPC 2). General Med Gas plan pages: Need to address the med gas comments listed in the Mechanical Review- 2018 NFPA99 3). Plan P901 Fixture schedule: Lavatory section missing ASSE 1070 Mixing Valve. List the ASSE1070 mixing valve model to be used- 2018 IPC 419.5 |
11/12/2024 | Fire New Construction | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Resolve SAFEbuilt comments. questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov |
10/16/2024 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |