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Permit Number: TC-COM-1023-02382
Parcel: 11105292B

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.2

Permit Number - TC-COM-1023-02382
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
12/06/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
12/06/2023 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt REQUIRES RESUBMIT Structural(S) Reviewer
Madeline Nelson
Date Completed : 12/3/2023 6:02:05 PM
1. S3.0 - BEAM CONNECTION: Second Floor Framing shows a steel HSS Type B6 beam supported by a masonry wall south of Grid 1/B. Please provide a detail for how this beam is being supported, including any fasteners, miscellaneous steel and welding.

2. S6.0 - STAIR PLAN & DETAILS: The structural plans and details for the two steel stairs differ from the architectural drawings in multiple locations. Please revise these drawings to remove any conflicts and state clearly who is taking responsibility for the structural design:

i. A0.1 & A8.10: The architectural stair plan General Notes on Sheet A8.10 read, "stair fabricator to submit complete shop drawings". Details on Sheet AD5.0 further indicate clips and connections to be designed by the stair manufacturer. However, Sheet A0.1 does not indicate that stairs will be completed as a deferred submittal.
Structural connections must be complete prior to issuing a permit unless their design is explicitly stated to be deferred and completed by a specialty engineer.

ii. S2.1 & A8.10: The Enlarged Plans shown in Details 1 & 4/A8.10 indicate that stairs are supported by four steel columns at each corner of the intermediate landing. The Structural Foundation Plan, S2.1, indicates only one column (illustrated in Detail 410) supporting each landing. Neither drawing provides any information on the landing slab itself, including framing, slab thickness or reinforcing. Please revise the drawings to coordinate structural and architectural and provide this missing information with a structural framing plan or additional structural details.

iii. S6.0 & AD5.0: The structural and architectural drawings defer ownership of structural details in multiple locations. For example, in Detail 401, Note 3 states "stair connection per architectural drawings". Detail 1/AD5.0 calls out "galvanized stair support angle per structural drawings" at the same location. In Detail 402,
Note 2, stair connection is "per architectural drawings", while Detail 3/AD5.0 calls for "precast stair tread by stair manufacturer, bolt to stringer" which does not provide complete information on the angle clip or bolt size. Please provide all necessary connection information, unless connection details are being deferred.

iv. S6.0& AD5.0: Architectural Detail 6/AD5.0 is cut at two locations on Sheet A7.0 at what appears to be a CMU wall. However, the detail shows a wood stud wall, and the orientation of the stair stringer is in direct conflict with Structural Detail 409. Please coordinate the structural and architectural drawings as necessary.

3. CALCULATION PACKAGE - Structural Detail 403 calls out handrails and steel posts that do not match the typical handrail sizes supported by the calculation package. Please provide additional calculations to show that 16 gage steel
rails and 10 gage steel posts are sufficient to resist the minimum live loads for handrails called out in ASCE 7-16.

Building(B) Reviewer
Keith Miller
Date Completed : 12/1/2023 8:58:28 AM
1) Resolved - General: Include the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors on the floor plans, reflected ceiling plans, and/or the electrical plans. (2018 IBC sections 907.2.10.2, 915.2)

2) Unresolved - General: Show energy code compliance for the building envelope, windows, and doors or submit a REScheck energy code compliance report. 2018 IECC sections C101.2, C101.5, R101.2, R101.5 specify that residential buildings shall meet the requirements of the Residential Provisions. Please refer to the IECC definition of Residential Buildings Which includes multi-family, Group R-2, R-3, and R-4 buildings 3 stories or less. Please coordinate all details on the plans and revised all affected sheets.

Mechanical(M) Reviewer
Jorge Valido
Date Completed : 10/24/2023 11:27:44 AM

Electrical(E) Reviewer
Ron Ross
Approved with Comments
Date Completed : 10/27/2023 5:43:25 PM
Electrical Review of Ft Lowell Apartments
By: Ron Ross PE
E1.1 ELECTRICAL PLANS: Could not locate Keynote 5.

E2.1 ENLARGED A1 & A2 ELECTRICAL PLANS: Missing Keynote 4.

E2.2 ENLARGED B1 & B2 ELECTRICAL PLANS: Keynote 3 and 4 misused at counter.

Plumbing(P) Reviewer
Perry Hendershott
Date Completed : 12/5/2023 10:40:37 PM
Second Plumbing Review: comment 6 & 8 remain
1). Resolved-Plan Pages A2.3 & Wp2.4 show roof drains, the Plumbing plans need to include the primary & secondary roof drain conductor illustrations. -IPC 106.3.1, 1101.2

2). Resolved-Plumbing plans need to include roof drain conductor sizing calculations -IPC 1106.2

3). Resolved-Plan page P4.0 needs to include the primary & secondary roof drain manufacturer names & Model numbers - IPC 1102.6

4). Resolved-Remove the gas verbiage from plan page P4.0 or provide gas plans -IFGC 106.3.1

5). Resolved-Add note to P4.0 fixture schedule that the owner selected plumbing fixtures will comply with -IPC 402.1

6). Unresolved-Provide Civil site utility piping plan page 4 for continuation water, sanitary & storm -IPC 106.3.1

7). Resolved-Fire main on plan pages P1.0 & P3.0 need a backflow device -IPC 608.17.4

8). How is the remainder of not be routed to the roof drains being discharged on plan page A2.3? -IPC 1101.2
11/30/2023 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED