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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1
Permit Number - TC-COM-1023-02382
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
10/30/2023 | Site Engineering | APPROVED | |||
10/26/2023 | Site Zoning | APPROVED | |||
11/02/2023 | Water - PDSD | APPROVED | |||
11/02/2023 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
11/01/2023 | External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Structural(S) Reviewer Madeline Nelson mnelson@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/31/2023 9:15:54 PM 1. GENERAL - UPDATES: For project updates, please submit sheets with all changes clearly marked in revision clouds. Please provide a written response to each comment; updates without a clear response to all comments may not be reviewed. If you have any questions regarding the comments, you may contact me directly. Updates may result in additional comments. 2. GENERAL - SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: Please have the Registered Design Professional in Responsible Charge of this project complete and return the City of Tucson Special Inspections Certificate with signatures. The form can be downloaded at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/city-services/planning-developmentservices/documents/special_inspection_certificate.pdf 3. S1.0 - GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: Please provide a copy of the site-specific geotechnical report for this project referenced on Sheet S1.0. The report should support the appropriateness of the selected foundation system for the project site. All building code references must be updated to the current code adopted by the City. 4. S1.1 - SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: Sheet S1.1 does not call for any special inspections for steel construction. Since there is steel present on this project, please specify the minimum required inspections for steel buildings per the 2018 IBC, Chapter 17. 5. S1.2 - TYPICAL DETAILS: Details 14, 15 & 16 refer to a post-tensioned slab on grade in Note 4. Reviewer was unable to locate any post-tensioned slabs within the project scope. Please confirm that no post-tensioning is being used or provide additional information. 6. S1.3 - TYPICAL DETAILS: Please confirm when it is appropriate to use Detail 27 in lieu of the more robust Detail 28. Both details are approved for openings up to 4'-0" wide. If this is correct, please state that Detail 27 may be use as an alternate at the contractor's discretion. 7. S2.1 - COLUMN CALLOUT: On the Foundation Plan, Grid B, there are multiple wood columns shown without a callout. Columns occur at approximately Grids B/4, B/5 and B/6 and all occur directly next to a Type C2 column. Please either confirm that the C2 column called out is the only column required at these locations and no second column is needed OR provide a second column size. 8. S2.1 - SHEARWALL HOLD DOWNS: Currently, no hold downs, as specified in the Holdown (H) Schedule on S1.5, are shown on Foundation Plan. Please confirm if hold downs are required at any location and specify the revise plan sheet accordingly. 9. S3.0 - JOIST SIZE: Second Floor Framing Plan calls out joist size "J2" on plan in multiple locations. However, no such joist designation exists in the Joist Schedule on Sheet S1.5. Please provide an entry for joist type J2 in the schedule or revise the callout. 10. S3.0 - BEAM CONNECTION: Second Floor Framing shows a steel HSS Type B6 beam supported by a masonry wall south of Grid 1/B. Please provide a detail for how this beam is being supported, including any fasteners, miscellaneous steel and welding. 11. S3.0/S3.1 - SUSPENDED COLUMNS: Plan notes on Sheets S3.0 and S3.1 call for (2) 4x4 suspended posts at Grids B/1. However, Details 225 and 310 call out a 6x6 stub column. Please confirm which size controls and provide calculations that show that a Simpson CC column cap, loaded in uplift (Cd = 0.9 for dead load) is sufficient to support the hanging loads. 12. S5.0 - RAILING DETAIL: In Railing Detail 219, please specify a maximum spacing for the vertical steel columns (Note 3) and the supporting steel face plates (Note 10). 13. S5.1 - CMU DETAIL: Detail 227 appears to show a 2x nailer mounted on top of the CMU wall for fastening plywood and hanging top-mounted joist hangers. Please specify how this wood nailer is anchored to the CMU. 14. S6.0 - STAIR DETAILS: Stair and hand rail design is not currently listed as a deferred submittal. Therefore, some additional information is needed. Details 408 and 409 refer to the Structural Framing Plan for information on stair treads, risers and landings. Further, Sheet S3.0, Plan Note 3 references, "Steel Framed Stairs. See Architectural and stair plans for more information." Reviewer was unable to find any stair plans showing beam sizes for landing framing. Lastly, please remove any references to connections "per manufacturer" as called out in Details 401, 403, 404 and 405. 15. CALCULATION PACKAGE - Structural Detail 403 calls out handrails and steel posts that are significantly smaller than the handrails called out in Details 219 and 228. Please provide additional calculations to show that 16 gage steel rails and 10 gage steel posts are sufficient to resist the minimum live loads for handrails called out in ASCE 7-16. Building(B) Reviewer Keith Miller kmiller@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/17/2023 4:21:15 PM 1) General: Include the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors on the floor plans, reflected ceiling plans, and/or the electrical plans. (2018 IBC sections 907.2.10.2, 915.2) 2) General: Show energy code compliance for the building envelope, windows, and doors or submit a REScheck energy code compliance report. Mechanical(M) Reviewer Jorge Valido jvalido@safebuilt.com Approved Reason: Date Completed : 10/24/2023 11:27:44 AM Electrical(E) Reviewer Ron Ross rross@safebuilt.com Approved with Comments Reason: Date Completed : 10/27/2023 5:43:25 PM Electrical Review of Ft Lowell Apartments By: Ron Ross PE E1.1 ELECTRICAL PLANS: Could not locate Keynote 5. E2.1 ENLARGED A1 & A2 ELECTRICAL PLANS: Missing Keynote 4. E2.2 ENLARGED B1 & B2 ELECTRICAL PLANS: Keynote 3 and 4 misused at counter. Plumbing(P) Reviewer Perry Hendershott phendershott@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/31/2023 9:59:17 PM First Plumbing Review: 1). Plan Pages A2.3 & Wp2.4 show roof drains, the Plumbing plans need to include the primary & secondary roof drain conductor illustrations. -IPC 106.3.1, 1101.2 2). Plumbing plans need to include roof drain conductor sizing calculations -IPC 1106.2 3). Plan page P4.0 needs to include the primary & secondary roof drain manufacturer names & Model numbers -IPC 1102.6 4). Remove the gas verbiage from plan page P4.0 or provide gas plans -IFGC 106.3.1 5). Add note to P4.0 fixture schedule that the owner selected plumbing fixtures will comply with -IPC 402.1 6). Provide Civil site utility piping plans for continuation water, sanitary & storm -IPC 106.3.1 7). Fire main on plan pages P1.0 & P3.0 need a backflow device -IPC 608.17.4 |
11/02/2023 | Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
10/11/2023 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |