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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.4
Permit Number - TC-COM-0724-01340
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
09/26/2024 | Site Engineering | APPROVED | MASTER SET OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS ARE LOCATED AT TC-COM-0724-01340/BLDG A WITH PERMIT with reviews to be performed for permit TC-COM-0824-01642/BLDG B AND TC-COM-0824-01643/BLDG C | ||
09/24/2024 | Water - PDSD | APPROVED | MASTER SET OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS ARE LOCATED AT TC-COM-0724-01340/BLDG A WITH PERMIT with reviews to be performed for permit TC-COM-0824-01642/BLDG B AND TC-COM-0824-01643/BLDG C | ||
09/26/2024 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | MASTER SET OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS ARE LOCATED AT TC-COM-0724-01340/BLDG A WITH PERMIT with reviews to be performed for permit TC-COM-0824-01642/BLDG B AND TC-COM-0824-01643/BLDG C | ||
09/10/2024 | External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | MASTER SET OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS ARE LOCATED AT TC-COM-0724-01340/BLDG A WITH PERMIT with reviews to be performed for permit TC-COM-0824-01642/BLDG B AND TC-COM-0824-01643/BLDG C Structural(S) Reviewer Madeline Nelson mnelson@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 9/3/2024 10:26:14 PM 1. GENERAL - UPDATES: For project updates, please submit sheets with all changes clearly marked in revision clouds. Please provide a written response to each comment; updates without a clear response to all comments may not be reviewed. If you have any questions regarding the comments, you may contact me directly. Updates may result in additional comments. 2. S0.0 - DESIGN LOADS, ROOF LIVE LOAD: The structural general notes, Sheet S0.0, indicate that the prefabricated roof trusses shall be designed for the code-minimum live load for roofs (20 psf). The architectural roof plans, Sheet A.8, A.10 and A.12 indicate solar arrays shall be installed on the roof at multiple locations. Please confirm the weight of these panels and determine if roof trusses will require additional capacity to support them. 3. S2.0/S2.2/S2.3/S2.4 - SLAB ON GRADE REINFORCEMENT: The Foundation Plans for Buildings A, B, C and the Ramada call for a 4" concrete slab-on-grade but do not indicate how the slab has been reinforced. Typical details on Sheet S1.0 refer to the Foundation Plans for information on concrete slab reinforcement. Please indicate where this information has been provided. 4. S2.2/S2.3/S2.4 - MISSING INFORMATION: The Foundation Plans for Buildings B and C are missing any callouts to indicate the wall footing sizes at all locations. Please provide callouts for the minimum size and reinforcement of foundation elements at all locations. 5. S2.1 - MISSING SHEET: The Floor Framing Plan for Building A on Sheet S2.1 includes section cuts at multiple locations for Details 213, 214 & 215/S4.1. Sheet S4.1 does not exist in the construction document package provided. Please provide the missing sheet or revise the section cuts on Sheet S2.1. i. Please note: Detail 214 appears to be a detail of the connection between the steel stair stringers and the elevated framing. No landing beam is currently called out on plan to support the stair stringer. Please verify if a beam is required when the detail is provided. 6. S5.0 - VERIFY DESIGN: Detail 310/S5.0 shows a typical framing condition for roof trusses parallel to an exterior wall. Detail indicates that 2x4 kickers are required to brace the framing. Please indicate the maximum spacing of braces required. Building(B) Reviewer Kimiyoshi Shimabukuro kshimabukuro@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 8/29/2024 6:21:03 AM 1. Structural calculation design parameter states wind speed of 101 mph for risk category ll but City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 International Building Code section 1609.1.1 Determination of wind loads revise as “105 mph” for risk category ll. Calculations should use City of Tucson amendment. Coordinate with wind loads shown in sheet S0.0. 2. Sheet A.1 – Project information doesn’t contain fire sprinkler and fire alarm scope of work. 2018 IBC section 907.2.9 fire alarm systems and smoke alarms shall be installed in Group R-2 occupancies when applicable. 3. Sheet A.1 - Provide building code analysis of allowed and provided building height and area accordance with 2018 IBC section 503, section 504.4 number of stories, and section 506 building area. 4. Sheet A.1 – Show the occupancy classification designation per 2018 IBC section 302. Section 310.3 residential group R-2 includes apartment houses and section 310.4 include all detached one and two family dwellings. Clarify if it’s townhouse or an apartment as both stated in this sheet code information and project information. 5. Missing means of egress code analysis document per Chapter 10. 6. Sheet A.1 – Missing accessibility code compliance and details. City of Tucson adopts ICC A117.1 – 2009 Accessible and usable buildings and facilities. 7. Existing and demolition scope of work and plans are missing. 8. Missing dwelling units and sleeping units information and details per ICC A117.1 – 2009 accessible and usable buildings and facilities chapter 10. 9. Sheet A.1 – Show how total number of required accessible units and parking spaces were determined. For example, 2018 IBC table 1107.6.1.1 if applicable. 10. Sheet A.1 – Show fair housing act assessment. U.S. Department of Justice states “The Act requires all newly constructed multi-family dwellings of four or more units intended for first occupancy after March 13, 1991, to have certain features: an accessible entrance on an accessible route, accessible common and public use areas, doors sufficiently wide to accommodate wheelchairs, accessible routes into and through each dwelling, light switches, electrical outlets, and thermostats in accessible location, reinforcements in bathroom walls to accommodate grab bar installations, and usable kitchens and bathrooms configured so that a wheelchair can maneuver about the space.” Project information states “new 12-unit multi-family residences.” 11. Sheet A.2 – Wall type 3 shows interior party wall between units however without any fire rating. Provide building code analysis of the fire protection system including party wall type. When fire rated assemblies such as party wall are applied, then provide the UL assembly number and specification. 2018 IBC table 706.4 fire wall fire resistance ratings if applicable. Reiterating that the occupancy group classification is not clearly defined. 12. Sheet A.3 – Provide building code analysis of exterior walls fire protection capabilities and conditions per 2018 IBC section 705. Show the fire separation distance between building A and building B and building B and C. Show also the projection distance and compliance with 2018 IBC table 705.2. Opening protection should show compliance with such table as 2018 IBC section 705.8. Show opening percentage calculation required and provided area. Exterior walls assembly requirement is also in 2018 IBC table 716.1(2). Fire Separation Distance and projection distance can be shown in sheet A.5 elevations for clarity. 13. Sheet A.1 – Accessible route of travel from parking spaces are not defined into the units. 14. Sheet A.1 - Show accessible dwelling units and sleeping units scope analysis that how many units are required and provided in the project. 15. In contrary to sheet A.1 describing the project as multi-family residences, 2018 International Residential Code sections are referenced like for smoke and carbon monoxide detections in sheet A.7. 2018 IRC applies to one and two family dwellings and townhouses per section R101.2. 16. Sheet A.9 – section A-02 missing guard rail and handrail protections. 17. Sheet 13 of 18 and 18 of 18 development package shows 3 accessible parking spaces which contradicts with 2 spaces on sheet A.1 and A.3. Missing details of stairs, guardrail and handrail. 18. Sheet A.4 – Show the fire apparatus access roads per 2018 International Fire Code section 503.1.1. 19. Sheet A.4 – Show the locations of fire hydrants per 2018 International Fire Code appendix C fire hydrant locations and distribution. 20. Missing geotechnical investigations accordance with 2018 IBC section 1803 geotechnical investigations. Sheet S0.0 – 2. Foundations & slabs of grade recommending that the project owner retain the design services of a geotechnical engineer in an effort to better understand the soil properties present at this site. Explain. 21. Provide design professional comment response, explanation and identify correction/modifications made in sheets and calculations for each item. Mechanical(M) Reviewer Jorge Valido jvalido@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 9/10/2024 11:38:49 AM 1. General - Provide Heat Load Calculations - 2018 IECC Section C403.1.1 Calculation of heating and cooling loads. 2. General - Provide Roof plans. Show all termination points for exhaust and O/A intakes. Show clear dimensions form each. - 2018 IECC Section C103.2Information on construction documents. - 2018 IBC – Section [A]107.2.1Information on construction documents. Electrical(E) Reviewer Ron Ross rross@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 9/5/2024 12:44:53 PM 1. E0 ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND NOTES Wire Size Note #6 has 9600 Watt Range/Oven as 3#8, 1#10 Grnd. However, this is undersized per Note #8 as the CB in the power panel for this circuit is 50 amps. Correct/clarify as required. 2. E2 ELECTRICAL PLANS - BUILDING B has smoke detectors switched with CO/smoke detectors per Keyed Notes. Should Revise/correct. 3. E3 ELECTRICAL PLANS - BUILDING C has smoke detectors switched with CO/smoke detectors per Keyed Notes. Should Revise/correct. 4. E4 ELECTRICAL ONE LINE DIAGRAM: SES-A Load calculations are wrong. Panel loads are at 28,339 VA-118 amps. However, since Load calculations are high, the result is an acceptable design. If the Engineer of Record (EOR) wants to resize/reduce SES-A, a resubmittal will be required. 5. E5 ELECTRICAL ONE LINE DIAGRAM: SES-B Load calculations are wrong. Panel loads are at 27,750 VA-116 amps. However, since Load calculations are high, the result is an acceptable design. If the Engineer of Record (EOR) wants to resize/reduce SES-B, a resubmittal will be required. 6. E5 ELECTRICAL ONE LINE DIAGRAM: One Line Keynotes 5 & 6 are in error. Should revise/correct. 7. E6 ELECTRICAL ONE LINE DIAGRAM: SES-C Load calculations are wrong. Panel loads are at 27,750 VA-116 amps. Panel HPS1 is also calculated high (estimate for panel PL could be reduced). However, since Load calculations are high, the result is an acceptable design. If the Engineer of Record (EOR) wants to resize/reduce SES-C, a resubmittal will be required. Plumbing(P) Reviewer Perry Hendershott phendershott@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 9/8/2024 12:00:49 PM First Plumbing Review: 1). Roof Plan Pages A.8, A.10 & A.12: Missing gutter size. Add gutter sizes along with sizing calculations. -2018 IPB 1106.6 2). Roof Plan Page A.8 & Floor plan A.7: these plan pages don't correlate A.7 shows roof drains conductors within building envelope on both sides of building, plan page A.8 shows roof drains on one side gutters on the other, also see plumbing pages. Update all plan pages to correlate. -2018 IPC 106.3.1 3). Roof Plan Page A.10 & Floor plan A.10: these details don't correlate one shows roof drains conductors within building envelope on both sides of building, the other shows roof drains on one side gutters on the other, also see plumbing pages. Update all plan pages to correlate. -2018 IPC 106.3.1 4). Roof Plan Page A.12 & Floor plan A.12: these details don't correlate one shows roof drains conductors within building envelope on both sides of building, the other shows roof drains on one side gutters on the other, also see plumbing pages. Update all plan pages to correlate. -2018 IPC 106.3.1 5). Plan page P.2 upper floor detail : missing sanitary/venting illustrations for the second upstairs bathroom. Add the the illustrations for the second upstairs bathroom. - 2018 IPC 106.3.1, 901.2.1 6). Plan page P.6 san riser A: missing sanitary/venting illustrations for the second upstairs bathroom. Add the the illustrations for the second upstairs bathroom. - 2018 IPC 106.3.1, 901.2.1 7). Plan page P.5: Gas system note #11 , Armaflex isn't an acceptable underground gas piping protection method. Update keynote with piping materials or protection methods that derive from -2018 IFGC section 404.11 8). Plan page P.7: Gas system note #6 , Armaflex isn't an acceptable underground gas piping protection method. Update keynote with piping materials or protection methods that derive from -2018 IFGC section 404.11 8). Plan page P.8: Missing fixture schedule. Add a fixture schedule with manufacture names model numbers for the plumbing fixtures, shower valves drains & water heaters & gas appliances. -2018 IPC 303, 402.1, IFGC 301.3 9). Utility plan page 8 & Plbg plan P1 & P.3: These page's water service tie in locations don't correlate. Update plan pages to match tie in locations. -2018 IPC 106.3.1 10). General: Provide plan page with fixture spacing measurements. -2018 IPC 405.3.1 11). Plumbing Plans: Missing primary & secondary roof drain piping conductor illustrations, & sizing calculations. Add roof drain piping conductor illustrations, & sizing calculations. -2018 IPC 1106.1, 1106.2, 1106.3, 1106.6, 1108 |
08/29/2024 | Fire New Construction | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | -Determine if you are using the IRC or IBC. It appears you are using the IBC and this will have an occupancy classification of R2 (apartments). Please list the occupancy classification in the code analysis (project information). -R2 apartments per the IBC require fire sprinklers per IFC 903.2.8. Make a note in the project information/code analysis that fire sprinklers will be installed and will be a deferred submittal. The DP shows a fire line which indicates the buildings will have fire sprinklers. -Fire sprinklers for this project will require sprinkler monitoring which requires a fire panel. You do not have a clubhouse so verify where the fire panel will be located. john.vincent@tucsonaz.gov 5203495581 MASTER SET OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS ARE LOCATED AT TC-COM-0724-01340/BLDG A WITH PERMIT with reviews to be performed for permit TC-COM-0824-01642/BLDG B AND TC-COM-0824-01643/BLDG C |
09/24/2024 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | MASTER SET OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS ARE LOCATED AT TC-COM-0724-01340/BLDG A WITH PERMIT with reviews to be performed for permit TC-COM-0824-01642/BLDG B AND TC-COM-0824-01643/BLDG C ZONING REVIEW TRANSMITTAL FROM: PDSD Zoning Review PROJECT: TC-COM-0724-01340 Bldg A, TC-COM-0824-01642 Bldg B & TC-COM-0824-01643/Bjdg C - TD-DEV-0324-00073 630 N ALVERNON WY. – R-2 Multifamily (1st Review) TRANSMITTAL: September 24, 2024 This site is located in the R-2 zone (UDC 4.7.9). Multifamily is a permitted use in this zone (Table 4.8-2). See Use-Specific Standards 4.9.7.B.6, .9, & .10. 1. Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with Development Package (DP) TD-DEV-0324-00073, and or the most part the building plans appear to match the DP. But until the comments below are addressed Zoning cannot approve this plan. 2. Perimeter yard setbacks are based on a wall height measurement from design grade to the highest point of the exterior wall UDC Article 6.4.5.B & Figure 6.4.5-A. Provide height dimension from design grade to the highest point of the wall on all elevations so that perimeter yard setback requirements can be determined. 3. The DP sheets provided in the building plan set either need to be the stamped approved plans, marked for reference only, or removed from the building set. If you elect to mark for reference only do not mark the utility plans and if you elect to remove the plans leave the utility plans in the so Plumbing can review. 4. Provide a break down of each unit type and square footage so that impact fee requirements can be determined. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov. |
08/27/2024 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |