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Permit Number: TC-COM-0124-00090
Parcel: 13812049A


Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1

Permit Number - TC-COM-0124-00090
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
01/29/2024 Commercial Electrical APPROVED
01/18/2024 Site Zoning APPROVED
01/24/2024 Site Engineering NOT REQUIRED
02/02/2024 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
01/25/2024 Commercial Mechanical REQUIRES RESUBMIT Provide general room exhaust for any cooking appliance that does not require the installation of a Type II hood (e.g. hot dog roller, microwave oven). The minimum exhaust rate shall be 0.70 CFM per square foot, using a minimum area of 100 square feet for each individual appliance. Reference: Section 507.1, exception 2 and 507.3, IMC 2018.
01/25/2024 Commercial Plumbing REQUIRES RESUBMIT 1. If the lavatory and faucet are being replaced, the faucet shall be a metering faucet. The metering faucet shall dispense a maximum of 0.25 gallons per metering cycle. Verify that the faucet cycle will last for at least 10-seconds for accessibility. Reference: Section 412.11, IPC 2018, as amended by the City of Tucson and Section 606.4, ICC/ANSI A117.1-09.
2. Verify that the distance from the hot water source (i.e. the recirculating loop) to the hot water termination for the public lavatory complies with the requirements of Section C404.5, IECC 2018. A ½-inch supply from the loop to the lavatory can have a maximum length of 24 inches while a ¾-inch supply can have a maximum length of 6 inches.
02/02/2024 Commercial Structural REQUIRES RESUBMIT Submit your revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Building Review Section comments were addressed. The submitted documents were incomplete and a thorough plan review could not be performed. Please be aware, new comments may arise with the next review.
1. Submit a demolition plan.
2. Locate the bicycle rack on the Site Plan.
3. Provide drawings for the cash counter illustrating the ANSI A117 compliant counter for both customer and employee.
4. Ensure that the facility is accessible complying to the ICC/ANSI A117.1 for both Employees and Customers.
5. You indicate you provided 2 exits. Emergency egress exit through stockroom requires minimum 44 inch wide aisle (you show 39 inches). With this configuration, Egress from a room or space shall not pass through an adjoining or intervening rooms or areas. Please provide a means of egress drawing showing the overall diagonal dimension of the building, show the dimension of the path of egress travel distances and the number of occupants at each exiting point. IBC 1016
6. Provide detail drawings for the new walls being proposed.
7. Please resubmit.
01/19/2024 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
01/17/2024 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED